I had a terrible dream last night.

It was a longer one, involving intrigue and bad guys scheming and good guys scheming back, but the important part happened after I picked my dog up from the vet after a procedure. There was a bit of chaos happening, where it was difficult for me to keep my dog safely in one place to recover. The vet called me and said she'd like to do some followup work and offered to keep him for a day or two for me. I agreed and she even came and picked him up.

When I saw her, I felt uneasy, but I also needed to focus on other things, and wanted my dog safely out of the way.

A little bit after that, it came to my attention that the vet was on the "bad guys side" and was not to be trusted. I also started getting a very sinister feel about the whole thing, almost demonic. I called my sister and we ended up stealing a car to drive to the vet's early in the morning. I got more and more panicked and we started speeding down the roads. The large street leading to the office had construction happening, but I crashed through the cones, through the torn up road, around the construction vehicles until I couldn't drive the car any further.

We jumped out of the car and started running the last bit. A woman came out of a street shop and started harassing us and shoving me, but I ran past her. When we got to the vet's office, it was closed, but I broke the glass door and ran inside where I found those stacked cages where they keep animals.

One was covered with a cloth or old towel and when I pulled it up I saw my dog inside. He slowly stood up, glad to see me but weak and subdued. I opened the cage door and saw dried blood on the handle and on his collar and started to feel sick. On his side was this fresh, long, barely stitched incision that clearly was unnecessary because a) I knew of no reason to do that and b) it was wavy and meandering. It was already showing signs of infection, and I knew that if he didn't die from this it would be a long, painful road to a possibly incomplete recovering. I started to imagine what my sweet dog had gone through and would, and felt a surge of so much grief and rage that I woke up crying.