In a hospital, across from a grandma in a wheelchair, her mid-30s daughter looking at her with concern. Daughter doesn't know she is slowly dying, but I do. When she realizes she is gone, right there, in the hallway, she exclaims in disbelief. Other things start happening, noises and behaviors around you that when added up quickly result in the subconscious realization that something is very wrong, whispers, twitches, a sudden gravity over the whole building. Suddenly you feel pulled and you know others feel it too, pulled towards a location, and some of them run, the ones that are weaker, less willing to disbelieve, they instantly run and fling themselves into it.
You go to it too, telling yourself you are there to save the people, but knowing that you are going there because you are pulled, like everybody else. Your family, who was nearby, comes with you. You eventually reach a bathroom. Outside the bathroom, there is toilet paper and random debris from in the bathroom everywhere.
Your coworker tells you he is going to go in and see what's going on, try to make some sense of this. You know he's not coming back out. After waiting some time, but not too long, you gather up your family, inciting your brother to bravery and your mother to concern, and you walk in, mother ahead of you, brother charging in to the last stall, where you somehow know your coworker went.

Along the way you see more disarray and mess, awkwardly sharp body parts, elbows, feet, legs, poking over and below stall dividers that look vaguely human.
When you get near where your coworker is dying, you see an effigy and something written on the walls in dark and ephemeral black ink.

When you approach, your coworker is cursing you, twisted under the force twisting everything else, but his massive, disfigured body is unable to harm you since it has already contorted itself to be hung with whatever the nearest implements are, by whatever way possible.

And then you know that your family will start turning, and you scream for them to leave, but your mother is already turned. You throw herself to her, and scream for your brother to flee. He is still in the stall door and not yet changed. Your mother turns around, now 9 feet tall and with a half-formed deer's skull with a slight covering of fur, with the area around the nose full of holes going all the way through the jaw. She has ripped something off the wall and beats you to death with it. Your brother hasn't moved, he won't flee. You know what will happen to them.

Don't know where the decision to write second person came from, but I just had this dream and wanted to make sure I got it down.

I think it means there's something I'm doing wrong in my life and I'm taking everybody else around me down with it.