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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

  1. #521
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    I dreamt I was exploring a series of branching passageways. Their shape was what you would have if you took a wide door, dropped it into the ground, and swept it through the earth, excavating a trench as you went, but the trench had a glass roof that was level with the ground. The glass let in light, but it was partially covered with underbrush, because the passageways had been there for a long time.

    The passageways were part of a large maze in a much larger field behind a house, and as I wandered through them closer to the house, the path suddenly branched into the dark basement of the house, with stairs leading up to the main floor, and I recognized the basement as being that of my grandfather’s house, and the passages that I was in as being a part of a basement maze that had terrified me as a small child. I had been afraid that I would wander into it and get lost, but now I was approaching the passages from a different perspective.

    I realized that the maze that I was in was much larger than I had thought it was as a child, and potentially easier to really get lost in, but at this point in my life, I had more knowledge and greater resources, and so I felt confident I could follow that passage, associated with such terror in my childhood, out of the basement to see where it led.

    I walked through the maze for quite a while, sometimes taking a left branch, sometimes a right, looking for the place it would exit into the air. But as I walked, it got later and later in the afternoon, and the light overhead got dimmer, and I felt heavier and heavier, as if a weight were growing in my chest. I came to understand that I owned this property and it was my responsibility to either extend the maze or abandon it. As my pace slowed and I felt I needed to stop and rest, I turned a corner and found my grandmother waiting for me, with her arms out to comfort me.

    And then I woke up.

  2. #522
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    I dreamt I had magical powers, which didn't seem to have any practical limit. I used them liberally -- when I wished to talk with someone on a balcony above me, I'd levitate up to them. When someone told me I stunk because I hadn't showered, I erased their memory of noticing it and saying it, then made myself clean. I had a sense that these abilities made life easy for me, and I was unconsciously resented for it. I lived in something like a castle, I think, except there was no king or ruler that I was aware of -- everyone who lived there lived with the ease of a courtier, but also was involved in caring for the castle and grounds. Anyway, we were all to attend a feast outside in the courtyard, under a pavilion. Before the feast began, I was walking there, perhaps helping prepare it, and I noticed that beside every seat for the attendees was another seat -- which I knew would be there to hold an apparition of one of the seven deadly sins most applicable to the person seated beside it. Though I took pride in my magical abilities/near omnipotence, I suspected that my real sin was envy or greed, I think, but that nevertheless, since the conjuration of the apparitions did not actually have to do with the genuine personality of the person involved, but rather the conjurer's impression of them, I would be given pride. This supposition was proven correct; at the feast there appeared a monster that represented pride. Anyway, I was seated beside an attractive girl, and I flirted with her. It was difficult to read her; she had a clever look, and I felt that she could see through my attempts to seem natural in the social environment, and perhaps also that she was able to tell when I used magic to cover/redo small mistakes I had made.

    After the event, I realized I had a responsibility I needed to take care of. There was an alternative dimension where resided a vampiric monster that reminded me of the villain in Coraline -- though I think mine just abducted people and drank their blood. I entered this dimension, and felt my powers muted. I think the resemblance from Coraline came from that the vampire resembled somehow an enormous spider, she recognized when you entered the dimension, and she at first tried to make the place more appealing to lure you toward her. Anyway, I was treated to a giant parade in a sunny, wide dirt road -- in my honor: an attempt, as I said, to lure me toward her; she didn't know precisely who or where I was yet. The people in the parade appeared to me as insubstantial; my abilities and experience here allowed me to perceive them for the illusions they were. I was on guard when I met the vampire. She (due to past experience) saw me as a "friend" (she undoubtedly would have consumed me if she felt able to, but treated me hospitably in the meantime). She was weakened, having been unable to feed freely for too long. She guided me to a bunk bed, where she had two naked older teenage girls (17-19, I'd say) restrained. They were her only prisoners; she'd been unable to trap more for some reason. I felt I was unable to free the magically restrained girls, or kill the vampire by force, and that my only option was to starve her -- trapping her in this dimension, and evading her long enough for her to die. Anyway, even though she tried to treat me hospitably, her hunger kept overcoming her, and she kept attempting to bite my arm, and I had to swat her aside.

    So the vampire was trying to string out these girls to last, and keep her alive as long as possible. I watched her beat the girl on the top bunk with her spider leg, drawing blood and then drinking. When she finished, the girl, who had a hand free, masturbated -- apparently enjoying being beaten. Since I perceived that the vampire would kill these girls either way, I suggested that the vampire drink all the blood of the girl on the bottom to replenish her strength, while I'd eat the girl on top, then I'd help the vampire attract more victims. I suspected the vampire knew I didn't eat people to survive, but she agreed, not having many options, being wary of me, and wishing to remain in my good graces. More importantly, I knew that after she drank the blood of an entire person, she'd go to sleep a while -- and while I wouldn't be able to kill her then, it would give me time to think of a plan. After the spider-vampire killed the girl on the bottom and lumbered off to sleep, I climbed to the top bunk, and told the girl I would be killing her (I had to, since I couldn't free her, and the vampire would just become stronger by eating her). She was aroused, and asked me to torture her before I did so. So I beat her and bit her and was thinking about fucking her before strangling her. That's when I woke up.

  3. #523
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    I dreamed that I was in a large room in a house with many other people. Everyone was speaking a different language, but we could all understand each other. I remembered that, in the past, I had been a two-dimensional stick figure among many other two dimensional stick figures, each of us having a differently shaped head, drawn in different colors.

    As human men and women, we were gathered around a large table in the house, drinking and joking, but outside it was growing dark, and we started discussing the enemy armies which were approaching the house. I climbed out an upper story window into a tree to see if I could see them, and in a flash I was transformed into an elephant on the ground, and I marched off to do battle with the oncoming hordes.

    So, kids, when someone suggests the sardine and pineapple pizza at 11PM, just say No.

  4. #524
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    I dreamed that my LII younger sister had opted to get an operation that turned her into a centaur, back when it was popular to do such things, but unlike her friends, she had chosen to remain a human-animal hybrid after the fad lost its novelty. Her condition seemed pretty normal to me, and her BF didn't have a problem with it, but I thought it must be inconvenient for her to drive a car and I wondered how she ate enough to maintain her body weight.

    I'm not sure, but I think this dream might have something to do with my having been stood up by an LII female on a blind date recently. When it became obvious that she was a no-show, I was surprised to find that I felt a sense of relief, since I actually found the ESI restaurant hostess to be much more appealing.

    My subconscious might be telling me that it's better to be single than to be paired with a human-animal hybrid, I guess.

    Yesterday I spent seven hours working one-on-one with an ESI customer on nailing down their requirements for putting a camera on a car, and I liked the guy more and more as time went by. I was making leaps of intuition about what the system should look like, and he was saying, "Have you considered this? Have you considered that?" He wanted to have every detail explained to him, while I had just leaped over a lot of those steps to arrive at a conclusion I knew instinctively was right. It was kind of tedious, but it was a very enjoyable and productive experience and I appreciated his approach, because he discovered that one of my leaps had completely overlooked something that would affect the outcome by about 10%.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 09-04-2019 at 12:10 PM.

  5. #525
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    Last night I tried active imagination (close enough to this thread), so I'll post my notes on imagery that may or may not mean anything:

    Focused on the image of digging.
    Walking through underground caverns.
    Holding a torch.
    Needing to find a way in.
    Sliding down a hole into a dirt-walled room (Alice in Wonderland)
    Opening a door, bright colors shown.
    Spirits leaving my chest/back/stomach and reentering through the head.

    Flat shadow figures carrying me out of my room, through a door, into the heavens. Night sky, golden pathways. I am put in golden armor and crowned while sat on a throne.
    Knight of Pentacles (or Swords or something else)
    I am the Prince of Light (?)

    These are rough notes and it was my first real attempt, so I can't guarantee that any of it has any truth in it. Really, I can't guarantee the whole practiced has any benefit in general, but I suppose it's best not to think that way while experimenting with it.

  6. #526
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    I recently designed a new infrared optical system and we bid on a contract to build it and send it into space, and we won the bid.

    I dreamed I was in a stranger’s huge barn. The inside was probably five stories high and proportionally wide and was painted black. The stranger had a series of aluminum ladders scattered about, each reaching straight up from the floor to nearly the ceiling. There were boards laid between the ladders at various heights, and the stranger invited me to do gymnastics on the boards. I’m afraid of heights, but I climbed up anyway. Then I discovered that nothing was bolted together and it all moved around.

    This contract could be very, very good or very, very bad.

  7. #527
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    i dreamt that i traveled through time and there was multiple clones of me being created constantly.
    first dream i was hanging out with friends or something then i realised they were bad (can’t remember how but something seemed off?) my friend went out to party with them, later she called me crying and terrified in the middle of the night and asked me to call her an uber because her phone was dying. i did and she came home to my place-. the uber was this really cool expensive looking old car. we changed our identities for the bad guys to not find us but they still knew where we lived.
    so i fled to another time period. i met a girl who became my girlfriend and we had sex on the roof of a house. she had a penis by the way. i got pregnant and we lived in her tiny apartment and i had the baby. on day there were knocks on the door. 3 clones of me came in wanting to talk. my girlfriends mom happened to come visit at the same time so it was awkward but we managed to not make it weird since the clones was on our side because they were us. bunch of other stuff i can’t remember now.
    whenever a clone found me they were always happy to see me but i was reluctant to talk to them.

  8. #528
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    I’ve had a recurring dream in which I’m middle-aged and still in college, getting a useless degree. Like, still in college for over twenty years, not four or six. At some point I realize with terrible dismay that I’ve wasted my entire life.

    I have no idea what this means, since I left school at 24 and my degree isn’t entirely useless. Maybe the part about wasting my life....

  9. #529
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I’ve had a recurring dream in which I’m middle-aged and still in college, getting a useless degree. Like, still in college for over twenty years, not four or six. At some point I realize with terrible dismay that I’ve wasted my entire life.

    I have no idea what this means, since I left school at 24 and my degree isn’t entirely useless. Maybe the part about wasting my life....
    yeah I would say the school part just represents feeling of lagging behind or something that is undeveloped in life. It's just a fitting symbol for that state of mind. Interesting dream, feels almost archetypal, can definitely relate on some level.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  10. #530
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I’ve had a recurring dream in which I’m middle-aged and still in college, getting a useless degree. Like, still in college for over twenty years, not four or six. At some point I realize with terrible dismay that I’ve wasted my entire life.

    I have no idea what this means, since I left school at 24 and my degree isn’t entirely useless. Maybe the part about wasting my life....
    Dreams are extremely dependent on the context of the person. But I read this and I wanted to offer an idea of what it could mean.

    It sounds to me that you might be stuck on this decision you had made in college to choose this degree, it may be disconnected to what you feel fulfilled by. Or even a choice that you had made in that stage of your life. Or there could be someone who doesn't see your life choices as amounting to much, like I said there are many factors that I have no idea about.

    Do you frequently have feelings that you have wasted a large portion of your life? You said that your degree isn't entirely useless, that itself is an indication that you don't have that much faith in what you chose.

  11. #531
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImOutThere View Post
    Dreams are extremely dependent on the context of the person. But I read this and I wanted to offer an idea of what it could mean.

    It sounds to me that you might be stuck on this decision you had made in college to choose this degree, it may be disconnected to what you feel fulfilled by. Or even a choice that you had made in that stage of your life. Or there could be someone who doesn't see your life choices as amounting to much, like I said there are many factors that I have no idea about.

    Do you frequently have feelings that you have wasted a large portion of your life? You said that your degree isn't entirely useless, that itself is an indication that you don't have that much faith in what you chose.
    You are very perceptive, @ImOutThere.

    I chose to take a degree in Astrophysics because it was both interesting and hard. Same reason I took a lot of high level math courses. Most things, I can learn easily, but some things I learn better in a teaching environment, and complex number spaces and quantum mechanics are in that category. And regarding the degree's usefulness, it actually is very useful in my daily work, which involves designing laser weapons and doing space surveillance. The degree was much better than an engineering degree. I learned all the engineering I need to know just by researching and doing it.

    I do often think that I've wasted large parts of my life. I can't tell if this is just a natural subjective feeling, or if I could have done a lot better by doing something else. Most recently, I resent the fact that I wasted years of my life by staying married to my ex-wife after she moved out, entirely because I was loyal and I thought I could convince her to return. This, I now know, is a part of the LIE character which disregards things which are obvious to others in order to accomplish the impossible. I mean, that's why LIE's ignore advice sometimes which is obvious to everyone else, and why I now have a number of advisors who will do reality checks with me. An ESI might more naturally fill that role, but I don't have any ESI's in whom I can confide, in my life right now.

    As for there being someone who doesn't see my life choices as amounting to much, Yes, my SLI Supervisor father thinks exactly that. Probably my SLI ex-wife and my SLI son do, too. Lol. However, I've stopped caring what they think and have moved on to caring about what I think.

    As for what I really like to do, well. I like to buy and move machine tools. I also like to make telescopes. Both activities have been lifelong passions, and neither one will make me any money, so I do both as hobbies. Oh, wait. Another thing I discovered that I like to do is to have sex with introverted aggressor women who aren't that demanding of my time.

    I also like to sing and get drunk with friends of both sexes playing guitars around a campfire on a beach at night, but I can't make money doing that, either. Those activities are definitely not time wasted. Work, on the other hand, seems pointless most of the time, even though it pays the bills. I try to hide that fact from the people I work with, but I think most of them suspect. They accept it because they benefit from my presence, and because I don't ask them to fake it, either.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 11-10-2019 at 03:54 PM.

  12. #532
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    I dreamt that I was working at my job last night. Obvious interpretation is that I work too much. Maybe I'll have a more interesting dream tonight.

  13. #533
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    Dream last night:

    There was a deep cave or spring going straight down into the ground. Filled with water. The water was pretty clear and I could see deep down in the cave when I looked down. maybe 10 meters or so. I was waiting for someone. Then when I looked into the water I could see someone deep down in the water swimming upwards. I got exited, the person was diving towards the surface and as soon as he hit the surface I grabbed him and pulled him out of the water. It was a friend of mine, I think, who had done some kind of mission in the cave. I don't know exactly what. It was free diving without equipment, and I remember a fascination for the deep water and seeing him diving through the tight cave.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  14. #534
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    For the past few years, I get sudden flashes from dreams from over the past years during random moments throughout my day. They are dreams I would have thought were long forgotten and then they just suddenly spring up. Today I had it happen, although this time I saw the trigger, which was an image on a tv screen at a doctors office (often times though, I couldn't really say what the trigger was, just seemed to happen). Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

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    A quick curiosity of mine that's relevant here. How many of you can "lucid" dream? I mean, if you can influence your dreams somehow for any reason that surely will affect how one may seek to interpret them. After all, if you truly can influence/steer your dreams in a certain direction than that's a variable that must be taken into consideration. Why did you steer in that direction? Did you negate the darker paths so as to avoid experiencing a "nightmare" consciously and, if you succeeded, how were you able to?

    Or did you try and fail for some reason? Succumb to despair because you hadn't enough faith or something? I really want more data on this front folks, it's a seldom even known about field. I mean, ask some rando on the street what "lucid dreaming" is. If you land an accurate hit within ten instances of you posing the question without them resorting to their smartphones I'll be legitimately surprised. Note: it's gotta be total randos, go downtown and ask that random person crossing the street or sitting next to you on the subway. Buy a bottle of mace beforehand though, I don't want anyone getting hurt gathering data on my behalf if they aren't able to give as good as they get .

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    @End have *you* gone around gathering data about the statistical probability of a person knowing what lucid dreaming is? Isn't that a thing most people know?

  17. #537
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    A quick curiosity of mine that's relevant here. How many of you can "lucid" dream? I mean, if you can influence your dreams somehow for any reason that surely will affect how one may seek to interpret them. After all, if you truly can influence/steer your dreams in a certain direction than that's a variable that must be taken into consideration. Why did you steer in that direction? Did you negate the darker paths so as to avoid experiencing a "nightmare" consciously and, if you succeeded, how were you able to?
    It has happened, but not very often. Sometimes I've tried to do things like flying, but it doesn't always succeed. I don't have absolute control over the dream just because I become conscious in the dream. Often what happens is that I become excited by realizing that I'm dreaming and the dream "falls apart". As if my being conscious destroys the story line and the landscape. I start hearing strange sounds etc. Unpleasant feeling can increase, I might try to wake myself up.

    Sometimes I've looked at objects in the dream and being able to see very clear details, and thinking to myself how amazing it is that I can see things this way even though I am inside a dream.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  18. #538
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    Quote Originally Posted by voider View Post
    @End have *you* gone around gathering data about the statistical probability of a person knowing what lucid dreaming is? Isn't that a thing most people know?
    A thing we often forget is that like seeks, and often finds, like. We of the upper bounds of IQ make the mistake of assuming that pretty much everyone we have not met are just like us by and large. Sadly, this is not the case. I had to explain what lucid dreaming is to my own mother for instance. They may understand once you spell it out for them, but they didn't know what it meant just because. I have a memory of a public school teacher when I was but a freshman in high school. He posed several questions to me. What's a Lycanthrope? A Bovine? A Lupine? A Feline? I answered flawlessly, and I shocked him in doing so. This, by the way, in an era before smartphones and broadband internet. I just knew the correct answer long before I conceived of the why. This kind of thing is why I believe I'm an subtype ILI. I had no way of knowing what he was talking about from a logical/concrete standpoint yet I somehow knew the correct answer regardless.

    A key thing I almost forgot to mention here, do not fall into the trap of looking down upon those who are "dumber" than you. The "village idiot" can and often will notice something your "big brain' missed and you'd best be able to realize when that happens. I may top my entire family on the IQ front, but I also know that Pride is the deadliest sin. I listen intently to their perspectives, because smart as I may be, I am but a fool before the true lord of all. I may have the biggest brain in the room, but that will only benefit me if I likewise have the smallest ego to compliment it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    It has happened, but not very often. Sometimes I've tried to do things like flying, but it doesn't always succeed. I don't have absolute control over the dream just because I become conscious in the dream. Often what happens is that I become excited by realizing that I'm dreaming and the dream "falls apart". As if my being conscious destroys the story line and the landscape. I start hearing strange sounds etc. Unpleasant feeling can increase, I might try to wake myself up.

    Sometimes I've looked at objects in the dream and being able to see very clear details, and thinking to myself how amazing it is that I can see things this way even though I am inside a dream.
    For me, it's more concrete. Outright delete the nightmare and you will wake up. You know that fact though, and you wish to continue dreaming. Thus, you simply negate the thing about it that is inspiring fear. Can't kill you if it can't even reach you and even if it can if it can only give you a small jolt of pain by cutting your skin in a way that you've experienced countless times before than it is likewise a negated threat. Dreams occur within the mind, thus whatever happens within that space is only what your mind will allow to happen provided you can lucid dream. Might not want to "max out" that skill though. Fun is to be had in the chaos of merely steering the dream rather than outright dictating it .
    Last edited by End; 11-17-2019 at 04:53 AM.

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    I don't remember dreams often, but their frequency increases the more I write them down, so I'll write this one down.

    Two guys from my year, whom I'd been partnered with in Friday for lab, and I, were running and hiding from an unseen force. The environment was dark and gritty, and we were in what seemed to be dark alleys in a completely concrete jungle. At one point I got separated from the blond guy and was left with the brown haired guy. I like that one a little bit so I suppose that's why. Anyway, we were in a dead end and talked about how best to get to the place we were aiming for without being seen, and kept checking behind the corner to see if the Unseen Thing was coming. I have the vague sense that some man was dressed in feminine clothing? Then we arrived at the place. It was filled with people and there were a whole lot of easels and painting materials. My friends were there too. I felt safer. Everyone was painting. I wanted to paint something to impress others, so I started drawing blue and green scales on my easel.

    The end.

  20. #540
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    My dream world is pretty insane. A lot of symbolism, wild imagery (both light and dark), fantasy and mythical things. I’m glad I wrote some down and they are in one of my many notebooks somewhere. Large red moons, glowing orbs, golden rooms, underwater wars, fields filled with stars, dragons, frankensteinesque laboratories, sliding down never ending trees in the forest lol, making songs (which I put in my phone to remind me)... actually, I’m sad to say my dreams appear to be more “normal” lately.

    Anyway, one of my strongest was quite simple, but I felt quite awestruck upon awaking:

    I was alone. I was in a short, flowing white dress. I was walking parallel to a villa, I was in Italy. I was in the shade, but the villa was lit by sunlight. The villa has the cutout of a cross in the top of it. There were leaves on the ground. There may have been a tabby cat. I kept walking. It was quiet, it was serene. I came to the edge of what appeared to be a sort of cliff and was overlooking rolling hills of grass. There was just one group of autumn colored trees clustered in the middle. Quite simple, but I felt so at peace.

    In another strong dream, my sister, after her passing, was pulling me into space. I was in outer space. She gave me a glimpse of what it was like to go into the “afterlife”. It was the most amazing feeling I had ever felt in my life. She told me this was what it felt like to die and enter the afterlife. She asked me if I was ready to go with her. I told her I was not because I had to stay on earth for my nephew, her son. I told her that something was telling me I would be much needed in his life.

    I shared these somewhere else, but now that I found the dream thread I wanted to share them again . I guess they are my favorites.

    Something else kind of interesting, my only dreams where I was being killed at the end (and then I woke up) were in black and white. Those are the only black and white ones I’ve had. The dream world is weird.

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    Quote Originally Posted by voider View Post
    I don't remember dreams often, but their frequency increases the more I write them down, so I'll write this one down.

    Two guys from my year, whom I'd been partnered with in Friday for lab, and I, were running and hiding from an unseen force. The environment was dark and gritty, and we were in what seemed to be dark alleys in a completely concrete jungle. At one point I got separated from the blond guy and was left with the brown haired guy. I like that one a little bit so I suppose that's why. Anyway, we were in a dead end and talked about how best to get to the place we were aiming for without being seen, and kept checking behind the corner to see if the Unseen Thing was coming. I have the vague sense that some man was dressed in feminine clothing? Then we arrived at the place. It was filled with people and there were a whole lot of easels and painting materials. My friends were there too. I felt safer. Everyone was painting. I wanted to paint something to impress others, so I started drawing blue and green scales on my easel.

    The end.
    Can you remember the vague shape of what you intended to paint or your intended message in regards to it was? I may not exactly remember my lucid dreams as clearly as I do my real life escapades, but I do remember the intent or at least what I was aiming for vaguely. Starting to think "Gammas" have a style and type of lucid dreaming that may well mark them as such. Spiritual yet also material in all the most relevant ways. Does our quadra form yet also destroy cults on the regular? I'm starting to think we do almost by absolute accident.

  22. #542
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Can you remember the vague shape of what you intended to paint or your intended message in regards to it was? I may not exactly remember my lucid dreams as clearly as I do my real life escapades, but I do remember the intent or at least what I was aiming for vaguely. Starting to think "Gammas" have a style and type of lucid dreaming that may well mark them as such. Spiritual yet also material in all the most relevant ways. Does our quadra form yet also destroy cults on the regular? I'm starting to think we do almost by absolute accident.
    My dreams are always like reality (at least my body behaves as such: I don't fly, I can't run really fast, etc) but they sort of feel like an alternate reality where some parts of it are completely warped. They feel like a Salvador Dali painting.

    I think I was just trying to paint a pattern of fish scales all over the easel. The size of one was about half my palm, and I get the sense that their only point was so everyone could see them and like them, and appreciate me for drawing that. Either that or I was trying to draw the thing that was chasing us, but I think I would have been less calm trying to do that.

    I don't think how I dream would be considered lucid dreaming tho, so I probably can't count towards your mental tally

  23. #543
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    Dreamt of an ex last night. Good times.

    On lucid dreaming, this one is tricky for me. I've been often aware that I'm dreaming within dreams, often times during not the happiest of ones and often ones that do take place in my room where I am actually sleeping. There have been times I've wanted to wake up and it was hard to, I didn't like this. One time, I was aware I was dreaming though, I was inside my parents house, and I started testing out my lucid dreaming by flying in different directions. I would say, "Okay, now let's try flying right" and I would fly right.

    One time I had a sleep paralysis nightmare episode where I was trying to wake up/move and couldn't. It gets really confusing as to when I was actually awake or not. In the dream I started floating out of my bed with my dog in my arms and was being pulled toward 3 tiny lights in the corner of the room which were aliens...

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    I dreamt that I met Marie-Louise von Franz (Jungian analyst, LII). I had been her pupil and she was very happy with my learning. I had cited something from the Bible(?) and she liked that. I was going to go into analysis with her, and I wanted to mention my type. I was not sure on how to bring it up. Socionics type or just say that I'm introverted sensor. There was some confusion about this. She worked in a very large building complex and we went upstairs were there was a large open area with lots of people and from the building you had a good view of the ocean.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    I dreamed that I was riding in a car with friends and when I looked out the rear window, I noticed that the car was leaving a trail of pink drips on the road. When I pointed this out, someone said that they had been at a railroad crossing earlier where several people had been cut in half by a train. Those halves were now in the trunk, and they were evidently leaking.

    I thought, “Good grief, the police could follow this trail right to this car. I need to get away from here.”
    So when my friends saw some police cars on an overpass up ahead, they pulled off the road onto a grassy area and I grabbed my cardboard box and got out of the car and started walking.

    I checked the cardboard box for its contents and yes, the handgun and ammunition were still in there. I fully loaded the handgun and then thought “What the hell? If I’m stopped, I’m going to have a hard time explaining this. I have to get rid of this gun.”
    But where, where it wouldn’t be easily found during a search? I thought of tossing it into the open window of a parked car, but that wouldn’t work for long. Someone would find and report it. Plus, it had my fingerprints all over it and its ammunition. I wondered if wiping the gun on grass would remove the fingerprints and DNA traces?

    And then the alarm went off and I woke up.

    I’ve been rereading this post for a while, and I think this is a fairly good illustration of how I think.
    I encounter a problem, the facts of the matter are contradictory and confusing, people may be lying to me and I might be lying to myself, I make no moral judgements regarding anyone’s actions, and I settle in to solving the problem as I see it.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 11-25-2019 at 12:36 PM.

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    My dreams last night had rather ornate, refined, elegant imagery. Lots of crystal glass with etchings that reflected rainbow colors and such. I had broken into a rich, famous person’s apartment with friends. I went to multiple sort of events, by the end of it I was Charlize Theron and I was dancing at some sort of event. I was trying to ask a woman next to me about this glowing orb she was rolling in small vehicle with some sort of brown “yeti” at the front of the vehicle. Lol

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    Today's dream: I was trying to board a plane with my cat, which is an adult cat, but she was a tiny kitten the size of my palm in this case. She was in the suitcase and my mother was with me when I was just about to go through the scanner. The suitcase was one of those old-fashioned ones, brown with clasps on the top and very rectangular. I was aware my cat was rummaging through my stuff but didn't feel alarmed that she'd suffocate, and neither did my mother, so I suppose in my dream world it's possible for kittens to survive in suitcases while on a plane. I was trying to pass through the scanner, and hoping they wouldn't call me out on the live cat inside my baggage, but they did. Surprisingly, it was allowed to carry cats in your suitcase, as long as they had a special cage and a bowl of food with an electrical scanner/button that alerted you of their state... We didn't have the cage, and the bowl was expensive to buy at the airport, and I was thinking, damn it, I don't even have a cat passport... So I decided to leave the cat/kitten with my mom, and boarded the plane. That's when it ended.

    I told my mom about this and she said, "What if it's prophetic? Maybe you'll be moving out of the country, and I'm sure you'll want to take the cat with you. But you know you can't." Which is very true, at least in terms of how I'd feel about leaving my cat, lol. Dunno if it's actually prophetic tho. That comment made me think my mom isn't ESE.

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    It’s the weekend and I had a rare day when I could sleep in and so I didn’t set my alarm. Instead, I woke up naturally at 8 AM with sunlight streaming through the window. For some reason (maybe the blankets were too warm, IDK) I went back to sleep.

    I don’t do well when I sleep too long, and after two more hours, my unconscious was fashioning a dream that was a nightmare, in order to wake me up. This is its modus operandi, and I’m quite familiar with it. What is interesting is the form of the nightmare that it sends me.

    I’m an e8w7, 3w2, 6w7. Enneagram 8 is fear of being controlled, 3 is fear of being insignificant, and 6 is loss of faith in authority. So, of course, my dream dwelled on these points.

    I found myself stuck in a large building that resembled an embassy. I and members of my team were working long hours in the dark basement, while the rich and elegant people we worked for were having a party in the beautiful rooms above us. The computer guys on the team decided to improve the computers and accidentally put them all out of commission after dinner, so I, feeling tired and frustrated, decided to go home and perhaps they would be fixed in the morning.

    I was dead tired and hit the wrong button on the elevator and was taken to the upper floor of the embassy instead of the street. There, the party with the beautiful, exotic-looking people was in full swing. I was neither dressed for that nor emotionally up for it. The elevator stopped working so I had to find the stairs to go back down.

    As I wandered around looking for the stairs, I found a room that opened onto a balcony over a lake. The children of the rich and famous had found that place to retreat to, similar to what kids do during large family get-togethers during holidays. I struck up a conversation with one boy, about 11, and asked him what he liked to do. He said he had a toy boat he liked to pilot across the lake outside. I asked him some technical questions about the boat; how it worked, how it was designed, and he just looked at me blankly. I realized, with a great deal of resentment, that he was probably richer now than I would ever be, and he’d never have to know anything to get even richer. He was born on the escalator.

    I found my way down to the street level and was confronted with rows and rows of exotic cars, all of which I wanted and none of which I would ever own. My resentment grew larger, because the gap between my life and the lives of the undeserving rich was obviously large and growing larger. “Why work for this system?”, I thought. “I want to destroy it and replace it with a meritocracy.”

    And then I woke up. If you call this waking state different from the dream.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 12-08-2019 at 03:13 PM.

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    Here is the strange thing about the dream I described above.

    I actually live a life that touches on the fraction of society that I described. I have owned exotic cars, I’ve attended large parties with beautiful people, I’ve traveled all over the world and have slept in an embassy, and the people I work for have access to military size money, which is actually far larger than any private or corporate money. And depending on how you measure it, you could say that my income puts me near the top percentile of society. And I still feel resentment against the rich and powerful. I still feel like an 836 Justice Fighter.

    I still feel like a poor kid with immigrant parents, struggling to get ahead and seeing that the game is rigged and being so pissed off about that.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 12-08-2019 at 03:06 PM.

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    I had a dream my friend had acid and said he was too far away to come pick me up. Google maps said it was 15 minutes but really it’s 8 minutes if you take the highway which is what I told him. I kept lying and saying I had money for it because I thought we were doing it for free together.

    I think it means I want acid!
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    I had many dreams last night but the most powerful one stood out to me. I was in bed and felt two people embracing me, one in the back and one in the front. My eyes were closed but I felt them leaving me and got up to see it was just my blankets bundled up by my sides. The meaning is too strong to miss but I think it meant that the intimacy I have received in my life has always been a fleeting fantasy.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    I had a dream I was stuck in Minecraft in St. Louis during a zombie apocalypse with pools of deadly lava all over the place, and I ended up in the southern rural county where there were giant bears roaming. My friend’s mom was driving the car and kept taking the wrong highways and roads.

    I have no clue what any of this means but trazodone is a hell of a drug.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Had a dream in which I and another astronaut landed on Mars and while separately exploring, each encountered alien life in the form of anomalous space-time distortions. It slowly became clear that the distortions were building animal shapes from a native fungus to better interact with us humans, and I discovered a partial human form made of this fungus.

    The alien anomaly was communicating with me by instilling vague impressions in my head, which were gradually becoming closer to my own thoughts as the alien learned more about me.

    My partner radioed to me that she had destroyed the anomaly that she had encountered and the forms it was building with the laser mining unit on her rover, and was returning to base. That is what she said.

    I realized that I was having a hard time distinguishing the alien’s thoughts from my own, and I realized that I was probably not going to be able to return to Earth.

    I know what this dream is about. It is a recurring terror of mine, to have “me” be replaced by an alien creature. Basically, it is a description of my early encounters with my narcissistic mother. Before I was forced to become an e8 or go under before the onslaught.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 12-13-2019 at 12:07 PM.

  34. #554
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    Fascinating, @Adam Strange
    Reads like a basic storyline for a horror sci-fi movie. Makes me wonder if the script of the movie "Event Horizon" is based on a nightmare dream an autor had.

    And it seems to me that you do psychoanalytics on yourself. I value that.

  35. #555
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    I dreamt that mother's family was holding a family reunion. My immediate family and I don’t think were there, but we might have been in Alabama, where my mother’s family lives. Anyway, I dreamed that I had a distant relative who was quiet, introverted — probably ILI, if that paints a clearer picture, though I wasn’t thinking of her type in the dream. I learned that she bombed the family reunion, killing a lot of my family, including my cousins — who I was/am somewhat close with — with the exception of one, who was hospitalized with severe injuries. This more distant cousin had committed the bombing because of environmental concerns, having been convinced by incontrovertible statistics that the world was headed for a complete disaster.

    She was, of course, jailed. None of my immediate or extended family spoke to her. I felt angry that everyone seemed to have abandoned her before her trial. I felt a death penalty was somewhat likely, and even if she didn’t get that, she’d probably spend the rest of her life imprisoned. I heard my mother refer to her once as if she were something completely deplorable, and I began to yell at her. I said that she wasn’t a monster; that she had been following principles, even if they might have been misguided. My mother became angry I was defending her, and reminded me that my cousins were dead. I yelled that was all the more reason not to waste another life. I also yelled that we were still family, and that we were the only ones even capable of caring for her — no one else would. I knew she wouldn’t have any support in jail, and would be treated as she was being treated now by my family — as a monster, that is. And I yelled at her that the death penalty was always wrong. My mother just walked away, probably feeling that I didn’t know what I was talking about. I was getting ready to visit this cousin in jail when the dream ended.

    I wasn’t angry because I sympathized with her purpose of the bombing, and I was upset my cousins had died. But I was angry at the actions of both the justice system and my family. All that needed to happen was for her to be watched for the rest of her life — and possibly just talked to. I felt it was likely that she felt remorse for what she’d done, or, if not, she could at least be reasoned with not to commit a similar action in the future. I was willing to watch her if necessary. There was no reason for her life to be thrown away — either killed or spent in prison — but the judicial system wouldn’t understand that, and would condemn her regardless. And what she did was no excuse not to treat her like a human. She was one of the only surviving members of my family, and so all the more ought to receive that family’s support.

    I can’t describe strong emotion well, but I really did feel upset by this.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 01-12-2020 at 03:06 PM.

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    Last night, I dreamed that I had returned to University for another degree and was building a fiber-optic frequency splitter. (Yes, I definitely dream in color.) One of my lab partners noticed that my arm had scars all over it, and I admitted that it had once had to be surgically reattached, but I didn't say what caused it to become detached. Because that would open a door to a room in my life that I wanted to stay closed.

    So there are many online sites which will interpret dreams for you. Apparently, dreaming of losing an arm means that the dreamer is concerned that they can't care for themselves, or have lost the ability to reach out to others for help.
    It is interesting that in my dream, my arm, which had previously been severed, was now reattached and whole.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 02-10-2020 at 12:12 PM.

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    I had a strangely detailed dream about a situation I don't think I've ever been in (well- there is one parallel).

    I was in northeastern Turkey in a fake city of 1.1 million people. We got to our hotel and then as the large group I was traveling with started to leave the hotel, there was a huge shallow pool at the bottom of the steps, shaped as a semicircle with other circles ringing the edge.

    We all went down to the pool and kind of remarked, oh isn't this cool, nice, interesting, etc. Then I got out of the pool on the edge to position myself to talk to the people around me. My guide (western) was nearby and suddenly shouted "hey! Get back!" I jumped back in the pool wondering what I had done wrong and the guide explained, "You're not allowed to leave the pool or the hotel." I was very confused but decided to shut up until I had had a moment to process. Once we went back inside and began to sit in the lobby, I paired off with the guide and started, in various refrains, saying "I don't think I want to stay here if I can't leave the hotel. It's 14 days!" During this conversation, one of the hotel staff was repeatedly asking if we needed anything (to which we said no). Eventually, me and my guide just sat there in awkward silence after he had tried to convince me it was fine and I wasn't having it. After a while, the guide goes up and starts talking to the hotel guy, and when the guide leaves the conversation, he walks into the opposite room without saying anything to me.The hotel guy then looks at me to catch my eye and starts beckoning me over. I go over to him and he says he'll show me the city and we go outsiden, past the pool to the sidewalk, and get into his car. We drive a while into the next part of town, and then get out onto the sidewalk. I feel really nervous but I trust the guide because presumably he wouldn't take me somewhere unsafe. We talk a little bit and I ask him some basic questions. What's the city called? Badar (made up pretty sure). What is the pop? 1.1 million. Where are we? A small side street off a main road off a main thoroughfare. I spend a little bit more time taking in the sights and getting sly but half-smiling looks from people and then my eastern guide comes up to me again. He says, "So, are you satisfied?" I say that I appreciate the trip, but I'd really like to see the bigger, real city where every one is, not a quiet daytime residential side street. So he takes me downtown, which is a complete maze. Blocks are packed side to side with low, sand buildings that contain winding alleyways to travel from one street to another without having to go around the block. In these alleys I see the worst types: people standing in line for a window that look like mercenaries or people in general that take for a living rather than give. We exit the first alley and there is a small stand with local food, which I buy and set down on a counter seat attached to the small box of a stand. I start getting nervous, thinking I don't want to expose myself for long and try to find somewhere inconspicuous to eat my food. Before I can, a hot Turkish chick comes up and sit on my food. Two reactions: fuck, I'm fucked now, and why is she willing to sit directly on my food? I say to her "Um, can I at least take that out from under you?" to which she says yes and I do so.
    Finally, I'm back at the hotel and in my room, resigned to bear the next 14 days stoically and just get the fuck home.

    Completely random dream, no idea why I was in a fictional town in Turkey near the border with Georgia. I don't know if it means anything either other than that my brain is capable of some insane synthesis of different experiences.

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    Interesting that this thread popped up today, this morning I woke up before my alarm and was instantly fully awake. I don't remember all the details from the preceding dream but it was a fistfight that I started because my ex-gf had gotten herself a new boyfriend she wasn't satisfied with and for that reason I was visiting her. But this new guy had apparently thrown some of my socks (don't know why they were there) in the trash which enraged me and I immediately gave him a beatdown as he entered the apartment. That's when I woke up feeling like in the middle of a workout.
    Fights with monsters are not all that uncommon in my dreams, either I manage to kill the monster or wake up if I lose a limb and bleed out.

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    @ouronis, are you sure this was a dream and not you just remembering a normal workday in Bumfuckistan, TN? Close to, but not in, Georgia?

    I mean, the unsafe surroundings, the derelicts in the maze of the company workplace, the hot hillbilly girl in the lunchroom sitting on your plate and calling it lunch, it all fits.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 03-06-2020 at 11:49 AM.

  40. #560
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @ouronis, are you sure this was a dream and not you just remembering a normal workday in Bumfuckistan, TN? Close to, but not in, Georgia?

    I mean, the unsafe surroundings, the derelicts in the maze of the company workplace, the hot hillbilly girl in the lunchroom sitting on your plate and calling it lunch, it all fits.
    There are a lot of incorrect things in this response

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