Today's dream: I was trying to board a plane with my cat, which is an adult cat, but she was a tiny kitten the size of my palm in this case. She was in the suitcase and my mother was with me when I was just about to go through the scanner. The suitcase was one of those old-fashioned ones, brown with clasps on the top and very rectangular. I was aware my cat was rummaging through my stuff but didn't feel alarmed that she'd suffocate, and neither did my mother, so I suppose in my dream world it's possible for kittens to survive in suitcases while on a plane. I was trying to pass through the scanner, and hoping they wouldn't call me out on the live cat inside my baggage, but they did. Surprisingly, it was allowed to carry cats in your suitcase, as long as they had a special cage and a bowl of food with an electrical scanner/button that alerted you of their state... We didn't have the cage, and the bowl was expensive to buy at the airport, and I was thinking, damn it, I don't even have a cat passport... So I decided to leave the cat/kitten with my mom, and boarded the plane. That's when it ended.

I told my mom about this and she said, "What if it's prophetic? Maybe you'll be moving out of the country, and I'm sure you'll want to take the cat with you. But you know you can't." Which is very true, at least in terms of how I'd feel about leaving my cat, lol. Dunno if it's actually prophetic tho. That comment made me think my mom isn't ESE.