Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
A quick curiosity of mine that's relevant here. How many of you can "lucid" dream? I mean, if you can influence your dreams somehow for any reason that surely will affect how one may seek to interpret them. After all, if you truly can influence/steer your dreams in a certain direction than that's a variable that must be taken into consideration. Why did you steer in that direction? Did you negate the darker paths so as to avoid experiencing a "nightmare" consciously and, if you succeeded, how were you able to?
It has happened, but not very often. Sometimes I've tried to do things like flying, but it doesn't always succeed. I don't have absolute control over the dream just because I become conscious in the dream. Often what happens is that I become excited by realizing that I'm dreaming and the dream "falls apart". As if my being conscious destroys the story line and the landscape. I start hearing strange sounds etc. Unpleasant feeling can increase, I might try to wake myself up.

Sometimes I've looked at objects in the dream and being able to see very clear details, and thinking to myself how amazing it is that I can see things this way even though I am inside a dream.