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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

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    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I’ve had a recurring dream in which I’m middle-aged and still in college, getting a useless degree. Like, still in college for over twenty years, not four or six. At some point I realize with terrible dismay that I’ve wasted my entire life.

    I have no idea what this means, since I left school at 24 and my degree isn’t entirely useless. Maybe the part about wasting my life....
    Dreams are extremely dependent on the context of the person. But I read this and I wanted to offer an idea of what it could mean.

    It sounds to me that you might be stuck on this decision you had made in college to choose this degree, it may be disconnected to what you feel fulfilled by. Or even a choice that you had made in that stage of your life. Or there could be someone who doesn't see your life choices as amounting to much, like I said there are many factors that I have no idea about.

    Do you frequently have feelings that you have wasted a large portion of your life? You said that your degree isn't entirely useless, that itself is an indication that you don't have that much faith in what you chose.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ImOutThere View Post
    Dreams are extremely dependent on the context of the person. But I read this and I wanted to offer an idea of what it could mean.

    It sounds to me that you might be stuck on this decision you had made in college to choose this degree, it may be disconnected to what you feel fulfilled by. Or even a choice that you had made in that stage of your life. Or there could be someone who doesn't see your life choices as amounting to much, like I said there are many factors that I have no idea about.

    Do you frequently have feelings that you have wasted a large portion of your life? You said that your degree isn't entirely useless, that itself is an indication that you don't have that much faith in what you chose.
    You are very perceptive, @ImOutThere.

    I chose to take a degree in Astrophysics because it was both interesting and hard. Same reason I took a lot of high level math courses. Most things, I can learn easily, but some things I learn better in a teaching environment, and complex number spaces and quantum mechanics are in that category. And regarding the degree's usefulness, it actually is very useful in my daily work, which involves designing laser weapons and doing space surveillance. The degree was much better than an engineering degree. I learned all the engineering I need to know just by researching and doing it.

    I do often think that I've wasted large parts of my life. I can't tell if this is just a natural subjective feeling, or if I could have done a lot better by doing something else. Most recently, I resent the fact that I wasted years of my life by staying married to my ex-wife after she moved out, entirely because I was loyal and I thought I could convince her to return. This, I now know, is a part of the LIE character which disregards things which are obvious to others in order to accomplish the impossible. I mean, that's why LIE's ignore advice sometimes which is obvious to everyone else, and why I now have a number of advisors who will do reality checks with me. An ESI might more naturally fill that role, but I don't have any ESI's in whom I can confide, in my life right now.

    As for there being someone who doesn't see my life choices as amounting to much, Yes, my SLI Supervisor father thinks exactly that. Probably my SLI ex-wife and my SLI son do, too. Lol. However, I've stopped caring what they think and have moved on to caring about what I think.

    As for what I really like to do, well. I like to buy and move machine tools. I also like to make telescopes. Both activities have been lifelong passions, and neither one will make me any money, so I do both as hobbies. Oh, wait. Another thing I discovered that I like to do is to have sex with introverted aggressor women who aren't that demanding of my time.

    I also like to sing and get drunk with friends of both sexes playing guitars around a campfire on a beach at night, but I can't make money doing that, either. Those activities are definitely not time wasted. Work, on the other hand, seems pointless most of the time, even though it pays the bills. I try to hide that fact from the people I work with, but I think most of them suspect. They accept it because they benefit from my presence, and because I don't ask them to fake it, either.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 11-10-2019 at 03:54 PM.

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