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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

  1. #481
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    This morning I had a dream of hiding in this building, from something I don't remember what or what most of the dream was about. I do remember hiding behind this glass veranda at the entrance of the building, facing this pond in an urban area. I was afraid some kind of giant fish or sea creature would emerge from the pond, so I felt safe in this building. It was nightime, but there were no stars. If I remember there was a slight glimmer of artificial lights reflected in the surface of the pond, which was otherwise pitch black.

    I just remember I was walking through these rooms in the building (later on) and Dwayne Johnson was in one of them. There was some fries and a hamburger there, too (the room was a kind of a kitchen?) big fries and small fries. I ate the small fries, they had no taste, and looked uncooked, then the big fries but not the hamburger as it had already been bitten by someone. Anyways, Dwayne Johnson was there, and I started speaking what I thought was Dutch to him, but upon waking I realize they were just made up words that sounded Dutch.

  2. #482
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    I had three dreams last night.

    In the first one, I had gone over to a new GF’s apartment to pick her up. She invited me in, and while we were talking, her cat asked to go outside. When we opened the door to let it out, there was another cat waiting just outside the door. The two cats immediately attacked each other and rolled into a locked ball under a table.

    In the second dream, my GF was an SEI who looked like Taylor Swift.
    This was obviously one of those Chased-By-Monsters horror-dreams my subconscious devises to wake me up, which worked.

    In the third dream, I was at my ex-wife’s place for some reason (to drop off misdirected mail or something) and she mentioned that she had a date that evening (which will never happen in real life - she will never share again).
    But it made me think about why we had managed to marry in the first place. I had thought she was just amazing. Not 100% perfect, but very close, and she had thought I was passionate about my work and about her.
    Which was true at the time. Lol.

  3. #483
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    I haven't remembered my dreams for a week or more, the moose one was the last one. That's usually a bad sign I'm not going into a deep sleep. Sometimes I only feel half asleep and feel like I'm thinking all night...I wake up at least 3 times a night usually.
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  4. #484
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    The 'big fries' and 'small fries' in my dream. Dwayne Johnson is the 'big fry' and I am the 'small fry', muscle-wise. I think that's what that part means, especially when I spoke to him I was saying what I thought was Dutch for 'fries'.

    Anyways, what it all means: I had been thinking about Dwayne Johnson recently (before the dream) and how he represented something I can't attain physique-wise because he does intense training and probably does roids too. The point is, I've been projecting my expectations too high, especially recently, and I think the dream is telling me, it's ok to be a small fry, at least compared to The Rock since most guys are anyways. So the last part of the dream is not about fitness per se, but about projecting my expectations too high.

  5. #485
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    Quote Originally Posted by crAck View Post
    re: dreams and sleep -

    actually, i think people -remember- their dreams more with bad (light, short or 'interrupted') sleep. theres a years old thread here that linked to some page saying so, saw the thread a ~week ago. all i can say is that's true for me - when i [remember] my dreams, its usually when i sleep/nap for <4 hours.
    ah, I've never been able to take naps. I can't sleep during the day at all. I've read most dreaming occurs in REM, and I don't feel like I get to that point a lot anymore. I'm a very light sleeper and almost anything will wake me up. I only dream when I go into a more deep sleep, which is rare anymore...I suppose there is just differences in people tho
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  6. #486
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    I did read an article abt that and can see what you're saying. I prob enter deep sleep and R.E.M. more than I realize I'm sure, but when I do wake during the night, I rarely remember any dreaming I've had. Maybe this is unusual. When I'm woken by the alarm or other people, I don't either, because I'm focused on the situation immediately at hand or usually in a hurry to get up and get ready and not about what I was dreaming of. It's usually when I have time to wake up on my own and reflect right after I've slept that I can remember. I didn't used to have as much stress and responsibilities and remembered my dreams much better then. Maybe this is unusual, idk. I wouldn't call it 'special', though, more like a pain. It might just be related to stress.
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  7. #487

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    i had a dream i ate tostitos with salsa. i think someone was murdered but i don't remember because distracted by tostitos

    i do remember thinking it was really dumb that we had several mini jars of salsa instead of just one big jar.

  8. #488

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    Quote Originally Posted by wasp View Post
    i had a dream i ate tostitos with salsa.

    i think someone was murdered but i don't remember because distracted by tostitos

    i do remember thinking it was really dumb that we had several mini jars of salsa instead of just one big jar.
    important news and events unfolding in your life but you need to organize it all better. the murder represents the uneasy urgency you are ignorning.

  9. #489
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    dreamt of kissing this girl who had a beard, it was really beautiful, her lips soft

    then my 90 years old granma (who's dead..) was pregnant and we didn't know who the father could be but I was reckoning how long she could still live to take care of a lil baby and I offered to raise him up myself

  10. #490
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    I don't normally remember dreams so the vivid nature of this one was weird and there's probably some pretty easy interpretation.

    So I was in a coffee shop that I used to work in and as I walk to the bathroom, my high school best friend and her brother walk out in the other direction. We exchange an awkward hello but that's it. [Real life context: This is a friend who I'm not in contact with anymore because I kept having to call her up to arrange catch ups and I realised all the effort was all on my side so I decided to wait until she contacted me to meet up again and she never did - been 4-5 years since our last catch up] I go to the bathroom and one of my coworkers is there and she's dishing out sweets so I take one - and I realise that my friend's brother had had one in his hand as well. Almost immediately the room starts spinning and I realise the sweets are spiked and even though my orientation is completely off I run out to find my friend and her brother. Sure enough, she's crouching over him as he's freaking out on the floor, obviously also having a bad trip. I join them and start cradling him and talking him through it, telling him I'm experiencing the same thing and he isn't crazy. At this point he calms down and we all sit on the floor whilst I catch up with my friend. By the end of this, she's really thankful and calls up all my friends I've had throughout my life and they all come to a party to celebrate. The dream basically ends with people applauding me and fighting over who has been my friend the longest / who is my best friend (even though many of them are people I haven't spoken to in years).

    So lost friends and rampant narcissism ~
    Craving attention from people who have forgotten about me, maybe? Anxiety over the short lived nature of so many friendships?
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  11. #491
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    I was was wondering about meaning behind a dream I had a few months ago. I was exhausted and I fell asleep. I slept like normal.. Before I woke up I was a male lion and there was a female lion licking the small of my back. I could smell myself as a lion and my temperature was hot. I felt adrenaline and as I lie there the female lion kept licking the small of my back. It was painful. It was like there was a dick on my back that had been used so many times it was bleeding and raw. She was licking it, but it hurt because of the hooks on her tongue, and the soreness of it.

    It was nails on chalkboard like pain. That's the best I can describe it. I just lay there and let her.

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  12. #492
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    I don't remember dreams much lately and when I do dream I feel like they're mostly pretty straightforward. I dream about having conversations with people or being late for work, stuff like that. I have two main recurring themes that could be symbolic though.

    1. Wandering throughout a very very large public restroom/locker room type of place and getting lost or constantly discovering new parts of the place. I usually see people in there but we never speak to each other or look at each other. And I never know why I'm there. And no one in there is changing or using the restroom usually. Just kinda hanging out not speaking or making eye contact. It's a bit creepy and uncomfortable.

    2. Exploring an old house, usually a house that I am kinda familiar with but never got to see all of it. I usually end up trapped in the walls.
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  13. #493
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    I had a pretty cool dream last night. I went camping with my boyfriend somewhere in the woods with a group of other people. We ran out of food, so we decided to go to the nearest town and buy some junk food and beer. There was a guy with a truck who offered us to take us downtown and told us, he was also missing a friend and he needs to find him, he thought he might've gone to the town as well.

    We did some shopping and on our road back the driver became kind of weird. He told us he saw a ghost of a woman in front of the car on the road. Nobody really believed him and all of sudden there was a man on the road hitch-hiking. I thought it was that friend of his, but it turned out it was some random guy from the camp, so we took him with us.

    We asked him about the driver's missing friend and he said that there's a pub near, (a pub in the middle of the woods) and that we should go ask there. The 4 us got out of the car and entered the pub. There was this big fat bold guy looking kinda' pissed behind serving beer, I went to him and asked about the missing friend. He said, he didn't see anything, but we should ask the ghosts. The bartender explained to us, that every person leaves his ghost at every place he visits.

    I got approached by two blonde twin, they told me they are all ghosts of a woman who comes here really often, that's why it's two of them. The ghosts of their kind have a very short time to live, and only stay at the place for an hour. They apparently knew where the guy had gone, and agreed to show me, but we had to hurry to find him in an hour before they disappear.

    And then I woke up.

  14. #494
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    Another one from my episode of weird dreams:

    I was a in a hotel room taking a shower, when suddenly a woman stepped in. It wasn't weird, her being there even though I didn't know the woman at all. She pulled out a rope made from torn plastic bags and tied it on a ceiling. In that dream I thought she was just being a big attention whore and that there was no way the rope could ever hold her weight. She wanted to hang her self, but the plastic begs torn and she was lying on the ground.

    She left the room and came back with a really weird machine. She plugged it into a socket, sat down in front of a TV watching something lame and injected a needle from that machine into her vein. She told me that it's full of a human blood type A. Injected blood type A into her body would potentially kill her. I told her, she's just messing around and that she wouldn't do it.

    Shortly after the wrong blood type went through her vien, she had something like an epilepsy attack and I actually got worried. I told her to stop, but it was too late and I couldn't save her.

    Injecting a wrong type of blood into your body is really a weird way of dying, not sure how my mind came up with the idea really and I definitely have no idea what the hack it could actually mean and why I was so cold about the woman attempting suicide.
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  15. #495
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    It was a nightmare, and I don't remember much of it, but i was with a woman in a nightgown and her stomach kept exploding, shooting her guts everywhere, and a bunch of (birds? bats? bugs?) would fly out.

    Maybe it's just because ive had a stomach ache

  16. #496
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    I had two fairly common themed dreams in a row a few days ago. One was another expanding house dream where I kept finding rooms I forgot about, and the second I haven't had in a while. I was driving and went to brake, and the brakes wouldn't work. My kids were in the backseat. My whole dream I was trying to figure out how to slow down the momentum of the car so if we did crash, we wouldn't die. My emergency brake was also not working. I kept telling everyone to make sure their seat belts were on, and I read once that if they relaxed their bodies they were less likely to be injured. I finally got the car stopped at a restaurant and was waiting outside in the dark. A very friendly and outgoing waitress came up to me and started talking. At first I thought she was annoying and then I started to like her. Somehow my 6 year old and I ended up in the car again. She was driving and went up to 60mph, with the brakes still not working and I somehow got behind the wheel. We were on the interstate at first, but the surroundings kept shifting. I kept dodging cars going too slow, hoping to god we wouldn't be going down hill...but I can't remember anymore... I think I woke up and then started remembering the time I was in college and my brakes really did go out. That was scary, but luckily I was on a not very busy flat country road with few stop signs!

    I think the first dream was because I'm facing some changes in my life and we are potentially moving. The second dream I think also has to do with these changes, but I feel out of control a bit, and my kids in the backseat, I'm trying to control it all, even how we could crash. Because I'm a control freak. lol
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  17. #497
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    dream note to self: if you see a giant spider with red marks run up the wall and hang from the ceiling, do NOT walk underneath it

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    I was locked up alone in a grocery store and then an otter appeared soon after there was a beaver. Then I looked outside and realized that a huge robot was terrorising the area. Soon I was in a forest and saw a pine cone running at first it looked like a mammal but soon it turned out to be a lizard. I thought it would be scared of me but it followed me soon there was another one following me. I got scared.
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    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

  20. #500
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    Bad, violent nightmares again.

  21. #501
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    I can usually guess why I have dreams, but lately my dreams have been so bizarre and random, I don’t even get it. For instance, I had a dream yesterday about the kids show Lamb Chop that was on tv when I was little. I haven’t thought about that show in ages.

    And here it is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
    Bad, violent nightmares again.
    Wow. The only time I have had an actively violent dream [=threat that became reality in dreams] was when I took some antidepressants [excellent stuff for my headaches]. I still remember the sock when I woke up from it.
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  23. #503
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    My girlfriend and I were vampire cultists on a bus tour around the country, and I was doing a shitty job of being a vampire cause I felt my teeth rotting and decaying and shifting about, while the gradually fell out over the course of the trip. The others on the bus tour were other cultist vampires and they were all either goth or just wore a lot of black (the leader of our cult looked like Morticia Addams).

    So the bus broke down at one point and the band members (yeah we were a band too) had a falling out because this one British vampire that looked like Kurt Cobain had some relationship drama with Morticia's younger, edgier, more reckless sister. I was just sitting in the back pulling my teeth out one by one and occasionally glancing out the window watching Morticia's sister pull Cobain's hair and slap him; being on good terms with both of them meant I didn't want to take a side here, and to be honest I didn't care about their struggle.

    Our plan was to take over Osaka (in midwest USA for some reason) and cut off their trade routes, stripping them of their morale and freedom. When the bus broke down and Cobain left we had to basically go on foot; I sped ahead, ashamed that they would see my lack of teeth and deem me a failure. Eventually we reached a sort of school/supermarket/radio tower hybrid and I instinctually knew what to do, as I had been through a song and dance in multiple dreams beforehand. I removed the sacred tiger from the divine ambulance in the building's basement and killed it in front of a large crowd, then retreated into said ambulance while chaos unfolded and the other cultists would take care of the rest.

    I don't remember what the rest of the story was after that. I remember meteor craters and a coral reef but it was on land, but nothing concrete. I think I was betrayed at some point.

  24. #504
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Wow. The only time I have had an actively violent dream [=threat that became reality in dreams] was when I took some antidepressants [excellent stuff for my headaches]. I still remember the sock when I woke up from it.
    I have been having them somewhat frequently over the last year or so...
    Tbis last one was bizarre like almost something out of Hannibal, but not quite so ‘serious.’
    I don’t know, maybe I should just leave since it seems that that may be what’s...igniting these.
    It feels really horrible and I wake up with my heart beating fast.

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    Usually I don't remember my dreams but this one woke me up last night.
    I am back in school and I have one hour break. My friend (I don't know this person IRL, it was just a random tall guy with curly blonde hair) decides that we should go home and maybe eat something. Suddenly we're at my grandma's and he's frying some eggs. I ask him:
    "What time is it?"
    He tells me the time.
    "And how much time do we have?"
    "Ten minutes."
    "Are you kidding me, we're going to be late!" I scream. "What do we have now?" I check on my schedule, "Oh no, it's P.E.! We have to go right now!"
    He puts his fried eggs with the pan into my bag. "Okay, let's go."
    We make the 20 meters distance from my grandma's home to the school in 4 minutes and I decide that we're pretty good with time, but suddenly I'm stressed because I don't know where is my group and I'm not sure if I took clothes for change.
    That's when I woke up all nervous and stressed.
    Last edited by Irime; 01-06-2019 at 12:21 PM.

  26. #506
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    I don't remember in stark detail.. but Earth was invaded by some alien force? Disease? It turned you into another person. At first I thought the transformation was brief before it killed you but after I found out I might remain stuck with another brain for a prolonged period of time I became even more afraid due to the possibility of hurting people i loved because the new brain controlling me wouldn't care about them.

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    Dreams are beautiful and fucked up. They reveal so much about ourselves and absolutely nothing at all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    I don't remember in stark detail.. but Earth was invaded by some alien force? Disease? It turned you into another person. At first I thought the transformation was brief before it killed you but after I found out I might remain stuck with another brain for a prolonged period of time I became even more afraid due to the possibility of hurting people i loved because the new brain controlling me wouldn't care about them.
    That's why there should be a prolonged dating period for new brains.

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    A few months ago I had the most vivid dream ever. I was in a fortress that I visited while in Italy and I walked into the gift shop where there was a mummy with a big chunk of gold in its mouth. Somehow a wizard's staff materialized in my hand and I tapped the gold which opened a portal in the wall. So I walked through and there was a path between two forests. I walked through and picked up a book and it showed pictures of dragons and what sorts of jewels they kept. So I put the book down and started walking down the path and saw various supernatural entities along the way. There were ghosts who looked like people's shadows running around everywhere, there were giant demons in black/purple cloaks and venetian masks flying above me, and there were these other creatures running around in the forest but I can't remember what they looked like. I woke up before getting very far, unfortunately...
    Last edited by Cheebs; 01-18-2019 at 05:30 PM.

  30. #510
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    Powerful, emotional dream, which told me it is okay to move on. I looked into her eyes, kissed her and there was no guilt. It felt warm, embracing, and merging.

  31. #511
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Analyze this one:

    I dreamed that an 80 foot snake was eating a bunch of young adult men. (in early twenties/late teens) The snake almost ate me but I dodged it. Before he came down to try and ate me I knew I would make it. (It's not so much I dodged it just like the snake purposefully missed me almost like he didn't want to eat me) Still, I was terrified as hell. One time when the snake scooped up a bunch of people, one of the guys pushed his bro down to save him. But he died anyway from the height of the fall.

    Oh the snake was in a field, just a large open green field. there was also a tree. I knew somehow if I went around the tree, that the snake would not eat me.
    This dream might indicate trying to gain control of one's sexuality and fear of being overwhelmed by uncontrollable urges. It seems like a dream not too unusual so don't feel strange about the interpretation. It is merely suggestive of unconscious energies at work to grapple with matters of sexual discipline and not let the id ruin ones life either.
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    Post types & fully individuated before 2012 ...

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    The night before last I had a dream and at the end of it I saw this holographic image of two guys being dragged by demons. The guys were literally holding onto emptiness and it's hard to describe what emptiness looks like because it's nothing. But anyway, the spooky part is that underneath the image there was the word "Folorum". And as soon as I woke up I went to look at what the word meant and I think it's the Latin word that means "of fools". I don't know a lick of Latin.
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    I was in a college dorm with my newly acquaintanced roommate and we were playing board games. I remember that I wanted to seduce her but I needed to pee. So she went to sleep and I went searching for a toilet. I was in every part of the building but all the toilets were either broken, incredibly dirty, dangerous to use or lacked privacy. Finally I met a guy who told me where to go. For some reason he was speaking Italian. So I went to the deepest parts of the building I didn't even knew existed. I was descending and it was becoming tighter and darker but then I found a way up. The foul smell was replaced by a fresh scent of hay and indeed, I found myself in a haystack. I came into a dry, sunny meadow. Then I found a slit in the earth through which I had to walk. It was very narrow, about an inch wide but I just had to stick my toes into it, wriggle a bit and it would eventually absorb me. Then I found myself in the room that was oddly similar to my dorm. I asked a girl that was here if I could use a toilet but she said that it's broken. So I went back to the meadow through the slit only to find out that there is no haystack and I don't know how to come back.
    That was when I woke up with a full bladder. So the most plausible interpretation is that dream was just my brain's creative imagery about me needing to pee.

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    What might pink iridescent glitter mean in a dream?
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    I dreamt that I was jailed but I didn't know what for. At first I panicked and felt helpless, but there was nothing I could do but accept it. A woman tried to get into my cell but I didn't want to get involved in any more trouble, so I blocked the door while I could hear the guards shooting her down, killing her, from the other side.

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    dream note to self: if you see a giant spider with red marks run up the wall and hang from the ceiling, do NOT walk underneath it

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    Been having a lot of subconscious feelings making themselves known with their time in the spot light these past few nights. My parents disappointments in me, caring for my Mom like she were a small to toddler, my brothers separation from me, you know, the usual 4 AM wake up bullshit. Gotta love Lucid dreaming. Defrag the machine, erm brain.

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    What senses are active in your dreams?

    The most common by far for me is sight. Then probably physical touch / sensation - texture and sense of movement mainly. Hearing tends to be more of an impression usually. Like when people talk it's more I know what they are saying than that I actually hear it.

    I realized this morning that smell and taste are very rare.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    What senses are active in your dreams?

    The most common by far for me is sight. Then probably physical touch / sensation - texture and sense of movement mainly. Hearing tends to be more of an impression usually. Like when people talk it's more I know what they are saying than that I actually hear it.

    I realized this morning that smell and taste are very rare.
    Yes it's interesting. And what does that tell about sight? is it the oldest and most developed sense? In everyday life sight seems to be the most important, it is "the world" and the other senses accompany it.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    My most memorable dreams are... well, I could almost call them symbiotic. It's as if I am a part of them. I know they are not me, yet I feel as if we are one and the same. Like, if there was a halfway point between being the player and the character in a video game. It's both you in point of fact yet it also is not in your mind. Even so, you're leaning hard towards the "it's you" possibility despite the fact you have a distinct sense of separation from that obvious fantasy that must have occurred in a dream...

    Problem is, how, exactly, can we distinguish the most realistic and vivid dreams from reality?

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