I don't normally remember dreams so the vivid nature of this one was weird and there's probably some pretty easy interpretation.

So I was in a coffee shop that I used to work in and as I walk to the bathroom, my high school best friend and her brother walk out in the other direction. We exchange an awkward hello but that's it. [Real life context: This is a friend who I'm not in contact with anymore because I kept having to call her up to arrange catch ups and I realised all the effort was all on my side so I decided to wait until she contacted me to meet up again and she never did - been 4-5 years since our last catch up] I go to the bathroom and one of my coworkers is there and she's dishing out sweets so I take one - and I realise that my friend's brother had had one in his hand as well. Almost immediately the room starts spinning and I realise the sweets are spiked and even though my orientation is completely off I run out to find my friend and her brother. Sure enough, she's crouching over him as he's freaking out on the floor, obviously also having a bad trip. I join them and start cradling him and talking him through it, telling him I'm experiencing the same thing and he isn't crazy. At this point he calms down and we all sit on the floor whilst I catch up with my friend. By the end of this, she's really thankful and calls up all my friends I've had throughout my life and they all come to a party to celebrate. The dream basically ends with people applauding me and fighting over who has been my friend the longest / who is my best friend (even though many of them are people I haven't spoken to in years).

So lost friends and rampant narcissism ~
Craving attention from people who have forgotten about me, maybe? Anxiety over the short lived nature of so many friendships?