I had three dreams last night.

In the first one, I had gone over to a new GF’s apartment to pick her up. She invited me in, and while we were talking, her cat asked to go outside. When we opened the door to let it out, there was another cat waiting just outside the door. The two cats immediately attacked each other and rolled into a locked ball under a table.

In the second dream, my GF was an SEI who looked like Taylor Swift.
This was obviously one of those Chased-By-Monsters horror-dreams my subconscious devises to wake me up, which worked.

In the third dream, I was at my ex-wife’s place for some reason (to drop off misdirected mail or something) and she mentioned that she had a date that evening (which will never happen in real life - she will never share again).
But it made me think about why we had managed to marry in the first place. I had thought she was just amazing. Not 100% perfect, but very close, and she had thought I was passionate about my work and about her.
Which was true at the time. Lol.