Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
I was a tourist in Germany. I came by train to a city, maybe it was Düsseldorff (just some name that popped up in my mlnd). I was in downtown and I was impressed by how compact the city was. Big buildings.

I walked through a park and there were lots of muslim immigrants. (as there is supposed to be in germany). But also germans in the park and they spoke german.

I wanted to go somewhere. To the left i saw an old castle on a hill. From there one could see the sea. I liked that idea.

As i started walking a woman went by and she said hello as if she knew me. Asked me something like what i have been doing lately. She looked asian. I was supposed to know her but i didnt. I didnt ask her who she was.

I walked towards the castle. The road was now in the countryside although still very near the city center. There were trees by the road. A guy on a bike passed by me from behind. I think he drove very fast. At some point i changed to walk on the other side of the road.

Dream ended i think it was the arm clock. Damn i would have liked to go to the castle.
Wow I didn't know we have castles in Düsseldorf. For real.