Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

I just had strange dream about this forum. I was in a huge mansion and many forum members were there. Most clearly I remember my dead ex and everything was chaotic. He and I connected in a loving way at first but he kept following @rat1 and me around. Rat and I got tired and we wanted to take a nap alone but my ex laid down on a mattress next to us. I felt like he was agitated at me for causing drama. I told him I loved him but I really felt weird letting him see rat and I next to each other in bed. I asked him to leave and that I was sorry how it ended. At that point I knew he was a ghost and he became more translucent. I still felt he was agitated and was trying to protect me from something because he stayed in the shadows the rest of the dream.

I was getting ready to hang with some forum members but I didn't know what to wear. @chriscorey pops into the room and makes sarcastic clothing tips and we laugh.She hands me a pair of jeans. @Kim and @bgoat were there, sitting on a couch, on the periphery not wanting to get caught up in the drama. Kill4 is sending me taunting messages throughout and I respond in kind. They grow steadily more aggressive. Rat say's let it go then I am topless trying to keep a pink feather covering myself but @woofwoof and @McBain walk in and start joking and laughing. They are teasing me about not being able to cover completely with the boa. They each grab an end and pull it away telling me to just wear nothing. I know they mean no harm but I pull my hair to the front to cover myself. Oh and McBain is wearing a t-shirt that has, "Ni Dom in huge letters on it.

I walk up some stairs and @lungs is walking down them laughing. She is wearing red lingerie... I ask her what is going on and she says, lingerie party for women only upstairs. I tell her I want to shower. She says have fun, smiles and bounces down the stairs. I reach the top of the stairs and it is all red and there are red satin sheets and it look like a cheesy porn set except for some pink candles burning softly. That gives it an innocent feel. Several forum women are standing around looking at sex toys. Sitting in the middle of the bed is my dead aunt. She tells me to join the Amazon's party. I tell her no I want a shower. She follows me into the bathroom and wants to make my water too hot. We disagree and I push her away and run downstairs.

There is a beautiful black cat with green eyes staring at me. @pumainfp There is a toy on the floor and I swear it looked like @Reficulris giraffe avatar. Chriscorey and Rat tell me the feds are tearing the place apart looking for priceless art they believe is stolen. We walk to the doorway as they start scanning my art to see where it originated. I am about to tell them it isn't stolen; that it was passed down from my family... Chris says," I wouldn't do that if I were you". Rat takes my arm and says come with me I don't want you arrested for this but I tell him that I don't want to lose all my art. He says just create more and laughs. The cat strolls between us on the way into the room where the feds are and stands next to Chris they both motion for me to leave. And then @Absurd is standing there shaking his head like he isn't surprised one bit by all this and I think out loud,"he is such a Cheshire cat". That's when I woke up. There was more to it but memory faded.

Edit I almost forgot, @kadda1212 was there and I remember it was a nice interaction and a brief acknowledgement between us. We showed each other respect. And @InvisibleJim too, same thing, respect.
I remember it differently! The baby-giraffe plushe definately was in the upstairs room with the Amazon lingery party! (that's what I was dreaming tonight! and oh boy did I get cuddled!)