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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

  1. #281
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Last night I was trapped in my childhood home surrounded by people who looked like they were straight out of the "Road Warrior" movies. I spent the whole night thwarting their plans to kill my family and me. It was kind of comical in some parts, like when one got through a back door and my EII uncle grabbed him around the neck and pulled him out of the house. As he was about to throw the marauder over a railing, my uncle turned into Santa Claus complete with red suit and white beard. hahah

    I wasn't even scared in the dream. It was basically a battle of wits with morons.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  2. #282
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    Last dream i can remember i woke up several times. I dreamt that i was working in some grocery store, in the highest skyscraper ever. I broke the rules or did something wrong, so me and a friend had to escape. We ran out through a door that was located on one of the walls. We obviously fell down and it felt like we were going to go skydiving (this was like above the clouds), but we realized we didnt have any parachutes. I tried to follow her track in the air because she was the pro. Apparently we were going to land on some spot that wouldnt make us dielol. At first she was like "fuck im on the wrong track" but then later she fixed it, but i was still struggling and ended up dying i guess, and woke up. Had this a couple of times. Then I was at an airport, waiting to board my plane i guess. I just walked around.

  3. #283
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    The dreams you can't remember if they were dreams or reality are my favorite ones. And they're more... logical, too.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

  4. #284
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bled View Post
    The dreams you can't remember if they were dreams or reality are my favorite ones. And they're more... logical, too.

    I remember once having a really personal conversation with a member on TypoC in a dream... felt so emotionally connected in those few minutes. ;w;

    But really the best dreams are the ones based off fantastical universes.... my childhood dreams were the absolute best, I miss imagining the life story of Bowser and Sasuke and Yoshi and all my favourite characters.

    I distinctly remember having odd fetishizing dreams of certain characters when I was only ten years old, but never considered its sexual implications until now. >~<

    (and yes, most of my romantic fantasies involved Sasuke, and yes, I never considered the idea of being gay at the time... maybe because the concept of gay had no negative implications so there was really nothing to consider in the first place, it just was and I enjoyed it?)

  5. #285
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    It's interesting to read through some of these more intense dreams. Mine always take place in real life, and nothing very exciting happens in them. Last night, I dreamed that I was leaning against the railing at the top of a stone quarry, some time after the sun had set, throwing pebbles into the cavern below. A Chinese man wearing an expensive-looking jacket emblazoned with the phrase "N64" was sitting on a bench, watching me, with an expression of boredom mixed with admiration. There was no resolution, it was only a short scene. I don't really know what it meant, but my brain probably just made a fusion of some things that had been on my mind before going to sleep and packaged it as a dream. The quarry was a real place that I've visited before, the jacket might have had to do with the fact that I was reading an article about the Russian Olympics team that evening and I remember admiring the design of the coats that they wore, and "N64" refers the Nintendo video game console, which I haven't played in a long time, but it showed up for whatever reason.

  6. #286


    for some reason i was in a hotel at the same time as the GoT cast and I ended up in a room with them. Jason Momoa's wife with some youngish girls who were supposed to b their daughters were there too. at some point one of them made her mad and she slapped her and jason momoa kinda frowned upon the act like come on baby you know better but i got mad and threw a glass of water on her in slow motion and walked away but in a calculated manner so that it won't seem like i am fleeting although at the same time i was hoping that noone would come after me. then once i got out of the building i kinda started running

  7. #287
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    Just woke up

    Dreamt i was at school
    tension between the seniors and teachers,* alot of them had stopped going to school. It was just 1 week before graduation.

    Sat in cafeteria
    Girl in my class was suicidal, kept trying to kill herself right there
    She had a toilet roll on the table with her
    People went to her table and ate

    We had gym class at the same time(?)

    Fight broke out between* a class mate and a stranger in the cafeteria. Very violent bevause he accidentally touched her (he was my classmate)
    Knife was involved i think
    Was scared

    Somehow it lead to a fire
    I ran out at some point
    It was pouring rain and it was hard to call 911 on my smart phone
    I was struggling and messing it up even if it was just 3 numbers and then one button to call

    In the middle of this disaster some people were just acting normal
    Someone was besides me and were paying bills acting normal

    Was playing tricks on some friends in school, photoshopped the profile pictures of the people that were attacking my class mate (made them uglier) rheir profile pictures changed right away

    we were waiting by the road for an ambulance or fire truck to come
    It missed us
    It was still pouring rain, we tried to wave it back

    We thought it missed us but then It had taken another road

    I looked down at the huge building on fire
    Thay looked like the barn at my work but much bigger
    It felt so real
    I never found out if the people in it survived or if they got out
    Multiple fire trucks arrived when the fire was already out, and i felt embarrassed because i guessed it was because i called so late because i struggled

    Me and some beautiful celebrity woman* was up at a high building or watch tower were taking pictures of the burning building and talking about how beautiful it was
    And I felt happy
    And i tried to get her in the shot

    Dream ended with us staying in that watch tower and watching an Arabic man perform something with a Snake, with some people

    Most vivid dream ive had in a while
    Last edited by maniac; 07-09-2016 at 06:28 AM.

  8. #288
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    Most of the dream is blurry, but I remember some guy having sex with some non human creature and it was the fucking weirdest thing ever. Next thing that I remember I was somewhere in a public place, reading a manual or a book. A man came up to me and tried to rape me but i punched him and maybe killed him. After that I reported him to the police. Weird dream
    Last edited by maniac; 07-24-2016 at 06:58 AM.

  9. #289
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    Writing down dreams after you wake up helps a lot with recall and vividness. Also vitamin B6.

    Most of my dreams involve me breaking into a building and attempting to steal something, when things go wrong these dreams tend to get violent during my escape. Although sometimes everything goes according to plan. I've been trying to figure out what these dreams mean, I have some ideas but it's pretty cryptic.

    I've also noticed recurring places in my dreams, these places aren't real but they are always very familiar.

  10. #290
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    i was following this man whose mission was to pick up men that were a certain type (too much socionics), he literally picked them up in his airplane by a rope

    was at a bands concert that doesnt exist, neither do their songs but they were great in my mind

  11. #291
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    Quote Originally Posted by universe View Post
    i was following this man whose mission was to pick up men that were a certain type (too much socionics), he literally picked them up in his airplane by a rope

    was at a bands concert that doesnt exist, neither do their songs but they were great in my mind
    Well what if they don't exist because you are supposed to create them?

    edit: because you haven't created them yet.

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    I just had one where I was back in my seventh grade classroom. As always, it didn't look like the real thing. The room was smaller, and the walls were a polished wood paneling, like in an old university. A lot of the kids were the same though. I think there was this really loud cloud of noise from everyone talking loudly, and I might hae been stammering and making a fool of myself trying to get my voice heard (I don't remember exactly). There was this distinct, hanging feeling of darkness around me that I wanted to escape from. Probably oxygen deprivation while I slept.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chakram View Post
    Well what if they don't exist because you are supposed to create them?

    edit: because you haven't created them yet.
    Yeah well now I've forgotten them. They probably sucked but were awesome in my dream, cause dreams are weird. I do want to work with music in the future, though, but I've been skeptical recently. Maybe it's a sign that I should.

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    There was one time when I dreamt of myself as a soldier in a war in ancient times. What does my dream mean?

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    Quote Originally Posted by hag View Post
    i'd advise to try checking some dream dictionaries. it's hard to interpret other people's dreams because they are often so individualized. i can tell you what the symbols mean, but it's up to you to figure out how they apply to your waking life, or the message they may be trying to tell you. also, what period can you estimate this "ancient time" was? medieval, maybe?

    To see or dream that you are a soldier signifies discipline, structure, rigidity and your staunch attitude. You are imposing your opinions and feelings on others. Alternatively, a soldier means that you are preparing yourself to do battle over an issue. You feel the need to defend your beliefs, values and opinions.

    To dream of a war signifies disorder and chaos in your waking life. You are experiencing some internal conflict or emotional struggle which is tearing you up inside. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are either being overly aggressive or that you are not being assertive enough. Perhaps you need to be prepared to put up a fight in some area of your life.

    there are prominent themes of aggression and struggle here. perhaps you're metaphorically fighting a battle, something within yourself, or bigger than yourself. the ancient part could represent an unresolved issue from the past, a current issue paralleling an old one, or alternatively, looking to the past for wisdom. it could also suggest that you need to look towards the future instead of "living in the past"

    also, when interpreting your own dreams, it helps to think about issues going on in your life, as i find dreams are often a symbolic reflection of the waking hours. unresolved emotions are the most common interpretation. for example, somebody who doesn't have much personal freedom in their waking life is going to get a lot of dreams related to that, such as being imprisoned, or stuck without money.

    This interpretation is really accurate for me. Thank you ^^

    And yes, I'm experiencing some chaos in my life at the moment especially in my financial life at the moment, so maybe this is why I have this dream lol. I'm thinking the war represents issues that I struggle in my life while the soldier represents me hoping to develop enough willpower to deal with those issues.

    For "ancient time", I estimate it's a few centuries ago, so yeah, it's medieval I supposed. I also remembered myself inside a house at the time, the house was very very old looking. The wall inside the house looked something similar to this:

    So yeah, this is how I managed to figure out that I was in ancient time. My surroundings are all very ancient looking.

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    I had a dream I was strapped to a chair and these cloaked people were pulling out my finger nails and threatening to pull my eyeballs out.

    Then an army of Meerkat came and attacked the cloaked people, untied me from the chair, and carried me to safety in this massive Meerkat pile.

  17. #297
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    Quote Originally Posted by mintwind View Post
    I had a dream I was strapped to a chair and these cloaked people were pulling out my finger nails and threatening to pull my eyeballs out.

    Then an army of Meerkat came and attacked the cloaked people, untied me from the chair, and carried me to safety in this massive Meerkat pile.
    This obviously means that Hue Jackson's coaching ability will return the Browns to greatness next year.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    This obviously means that Hue Jackson's coaching ability will return the Browns to greatness next year.
    lmfgdao Dream Moods site says Meerkats protect from negativity in dreams.

  19. #299
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Last night I had a dream that I left my body and floated up to the sky. The whole sky was covered in overlapping purple, pink and black vortexes. Each one containing all those colors plus some I have not seen before. I could not make myself go through one though. I thought I could see the whole universe but I could not merge with it. Then I was on the ground with my youngest sister and we were walking through snow.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  20. #300
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    It was one of those light nap semi lucid ones. I woke up in my bed to the sound of someone breaking in. It was a man with a large knife. I ran past him looking for a weapon and in a rush all I found was a steak knife. I waved it at him and realized it wasn't good enough so I stabbed at him as a distraction and knocked his arm to steal his large knife and now had both in each hand (he was kinda slow and clunky...seemed drugged. So it was easy. I think this has to do with the bit of lucidity.) I stabbed him twice in the stomach and he ran out. I picked up my cell phone to call the cops. Somehow the door came unlocked so I locked it again and stayed by the door while I talked to the woman on the phone. She said the cops would be there in 1.5 to 2 minutes. Then I saw a man's feet under my door. And then I saw a child's feet under my door. I said, "the sick fuck has a kid with him!" but it didn't occur to me that the child was in danger. Then I heard a man's voice that I could tell wasn't his (even though he hadn't spoken) say "please help us," and I opened the door and it was a man holding a small child who the man must have stabbed after leaving my apartment. Then my alarm went off.

  21. #301
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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    It was one of those light nap semi lucid ones. I woke up in my bed to the sound of someone breaking in. It was a man with a large knife. I ran past him looking for a weapon and in a rush all I found was a steak knife. I waved it at him and realized it wasn't good enough so I stabbed at him as a distraction and knocked his arm to steal his large knife and now had both in each hand (he was kinda slow and clunky...seemed drugged. So it was easy. I think this has to do with the bit of lucidity.) I stabbed him twice in the stomach and he ran out. I picked up my cell phone to call the cops. Somehow the door came unlocked so I locked it again and stayed by the door while I talked to the woman on the phone. She said the cops would be there in 1.5 to 2 minutes. Then I saw a man's feet under my door. And then I saw a child's feet under my door. I said, "the sick fuck has a kid with him!" but it didn't occur to me that the child was in danger. Then I heard a man's voice that I could tell wasn't his (even though he hadn't spoken) say "please help us," and I opened the door and it was a man holding a small child who the man must have stabbed after leaving my apartment. Then my alarm went off.
    I was lying down thinking about this just now, and I realized I took the man's knife. How did he cut the boy? I remember looking down at the floor and seeing the two knives when the little boy was brought in, but that didn't register as significant until now. Maybe I didn't think the boy was in danger at first because he was the man's inner child

    Idk, I'm not sure what it's about..

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    It was one of those light nap semi lucid ones. I woke up in my bed to the sound of someone breaking in. It was a man with a large knife. I ran past him looking for a weapon and in a rush all I found was a steak knife. I waved it at him and realized it wasn't good enough so I stabbed at him as a distraction and knocked his arm to steal his large knife and now had both in each hand (he was kinda slow and clunky...seemed drugged. So it was easy. I think this has to do with the bit of lucidity.) I stabbed him twice in the stomach and he ran out. I picked up my cell phone to call the cops. Somehow the door came unlocked so I locked it again and stayed by the door while I talked to the woman on the phone. She said the cops would be there in 1.5 to 2 minutes. Then I saw a man's feet under my door. And then I saw a child's feet under my door. I said, "the sick fuck has a kid with him!" but it didn't occur to me that the child was in danger. Then I heard a man's voice that I could tell wasn't his (even though he hadn't spoken) say "please help us," and I opened the door and it was a man holding a small child who the man must have stabbed after leaving my apartment. Then my alarm went off.
    Are you having conflict making an important choice for loved ones in your waking reality? Are you able to see the consequences clearly? I interpret this as confusion of making a critical choice. I also see the knives and breaking in as repressed anger. Do you think the slow and clunky movements of the guy with the knife represents how you feel about someone or something?

  23. #303
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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    It was one of those light nap semi lucid ones. I woke up in my bed to the sound of someone breaking in. It was a man with a large knife. I ran past him looking for a weapon and in a rush all I found was a steak knife. I waved it at him and realized it wasn't good enough so I stabbed at him as a distraction and knocked his arm to steal his large knife and now had both in each hand (he was kinda slow and clunky...seemed drugged. So it was easy. I think this has to do with the bit of lucidity.) I stabbed him twice in the stomach and he ran out. I picked up my cell phone to call the cops. Somehow the door came unlocked so I locked it again and stayed by the door while I talked to the woman on the phone. She said the cops would be there in 1.5 to 2 minutes. Then I saw a man's feet under my door. And then I saw a child's feet under my door. I said, "the sick fuck has a kid with him!" but it didn't occur to me that the child was in danger. Then I heard a man's voice that I could tell wasn't his (even though he hadn't spoken) say "please help us," and I opened the door and it was a man holding a small child who the man must have stabbed after leaving my apartment. Then my alarm went off.
    Hi, @lungs.
    When I've had dreams before, or when other people describe their dreams to me, I look on this site (or one like it) for the interpretation of symbols, because dreams are 100% symbolic.

    I basically looked up "break-in", "knife", "Telephone", "Police", "Feet" (as in, seeing only), "Child" (as in Man holding), "Door" (opened), and "Stab".

    The results were very illuminating.

    As your dual, I flatter myself that I have some insight into your subconscious, and I would say that your dream indicates that you might not have paid your electric bill, and we're going to have an early spring. Plain as day.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Hi, @lungs.
    When I've had dreams before, or when other people describe their dreams to me, I look on this site (or one like it) for the interpretation of symbols, because dreams are 100% symbolic.

    I basically looked up "break-in", "knife", "Telephone", "Police", "Feet" (as in, seeing only), "Child" (as in Man holding), "Door" (opened), and "Stab".

    The results were very illuminating.

    As your dual, I flatter myself that I have some insight into your subconscious, and I would say that your dream indicates that you might not have paid your electric bill, and we're going to have an early spring. Plain as day.
    Not always Adam. Symbols can mean different things in different people because it is a reflection of the subconscious. I don't think you can truly objectify that.

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    I think the only way to truly know would be able to enter the person's dream and feel exactly what they are feeling.

  26. #306
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anemos View Post
    Not always Adam. Symbols can mean different things in different people because it is a reflection of the subconscious. I don't think you can truly objectify that.
    Yes, I completely agree. My links were merely intended to give lungs some suggestions; some food for thought. She's the only one who can really decide what her dreams mean, if anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anemos View Post
    I think the only way to truly know would be able to enter the person's dream and feel exactly what they are feeling.
    And even then, it might not be possible to know what the subconscious is saying. We are really good at misdirection, blocking, ignoring, and suppressing information.
    Personally, that's exactly why I find it useful to read about the interpretation of dream symbols. The interpreter often states things which I have not consciously considered. The suggestions may be completely off-base in many cases, but they at least set out possibilities which I might not have otherwise considered. I can then accept or reject them as I see fit.

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    I used to give dream interpretations, but I'm starting to think that they're mostly just random and don't have much meaning. Maybe some general unconscious feelings that you're feeling.

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    When I got my Reiki Master attunement I fell asleep during the meditation and was riding around on a red dragon with some gold on it. Last night I saw that red/gold dragon, it gave me a Ruby, and then fused with my soul. I saw a lot of fire. Good fire, though, like healing Phoenix fire not going to burn down a village fire.

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    I had one where my mom and dad and I were in this group of refugees. One of them was an eskimo woman. Then I was in this convenience store where her infant son was crawling on the floor, and I kept accidentally kicking him around because I moved so quickly. This pissed her off.

    Then I was in this architecturally Gilded Age-style town at a helicopter landing pad with my dad, and I flew the helicopter around a bit. High in the air above me were these green and cyan-colored jet liners that shared some features with Cambrian sea creatures, and they fired guns at me when I flew too close beneath them. Then I got lost over the ghetto part of town, where all the rooftops looked like they'd taken some fire damage.

    Then I was in the upstairs hallway of my house in my underwear. I ran down to my parents' bedroom to return some money I'd stolen from them and take back the receipt (don't ask, there's no logic in dreams), but I couldn't find it. They came in and caught me, and my mom pulled out this purse that looked like a vagina to look for the receipt for me. Dad pulled out a reference atlas I'd apparently created and turned to a page-sized picture categorizing all these jellyfish, but you could actually reach into the picture and touch the specimens like it was an actual display case and not a picture. Dad began pulling out all the dried-up jellyfish I'd apparently killed in order to make that reference atlas, but some of them were box jellies and I was worried that the tentacles would lash out and hit me, so I ran from the room screaming.
    Last edited by Grendel; 02-21-2017 at 02:54 AM.

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    I was trapped in a cave and these bleeding eyeball creatures started to swarm me. One of them had a mouth and ate me. Then I turned in to a red/gold dragon whelp, and nuked them with fire.

    AKA Breath of Fire III (such a good game ._.). Now I just need to step outside and get knocked out by a giant evil horse man.

  31. #311
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    I had an interesting dream tonight. I had a godlen fish in a bowl and everytime when I looked back at the bowl there was no water in it so I had to refill it. Everytime the water dissapeared the fish seemed to be dead but when I refilled it with water it always came back to life and was really happy until the point when it ran out of water and I couldn't bring it back to life.

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    I dreamed that an interstellar spaceship experienced some disaster near a planet that seemed to be/resemble Earth about 5 million years before the asteroid killed off the dinosaurs, and the humans on board took the landing crafts and tried to land on the surface. Most of the landing crafts crashed while landing (whatever affected the spaceship seemed to have spread to the landing craft), but some people survived. The survivors gathered together and and attempted to establish a safe area, but within a few weeks, everyone had either succumbed to wounds from the crash, been killed and/or eaten by animals, or been poisoned by the plants they ate.

    This seems to be a riff, either on the fact that we all live on top of a very complex system of interdependencies without which we are toast, or on the idea that you can't ripen a field before its time. But I'm wondering why I had this dream now. What does the lizard brain see that the rational brain is ignoring?

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    Dreams are fun. They are like being the lead star in a movie you wrote, but you forgot the script so improvise as you go. I don't ever think they have meaning; they are just cool shit your brain comes up with based on thought, feelings, and experiences. I like trying to figure out the cause of the dream. Turns out there is almost always a rational explanation to the contents of my dreams. They also can make for some awesome ideas for stories or help me solve problems I've been working on.
    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

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    I dreamt that I was able to travel through time with the help of an app on my phone. It was really exciting and bizarre at the same time. You could type in the date and time of where you wanted to go, or you could not even specify and it would bring you to anywhere random. Even though in real life I'd much rather prefer going into the future, in my dream I would only travel back in time.

    Whenever I started to time travel, there'd be a short moment when my body would seem to disappear for the people around me, and then as I am gone, the Self at that particular time would re-materalize and continue on. I had no idea how this app worked, but somehow it did – I didn't expect it to when I first downloaded it. It wasn't a well-known app; I was amazed over the fact no one I knew had tried it out before.

    At first I wouldn't travel far too back in time, maybe one or two days at most. Somehow I felt like I had to go back and do something there. And I was just trying out the app at first.
    There was a moment when I talked with my grandfather who was visiting us at home, and I told him that I was from the future and able to travel through time with an app on my phone. He seemed to almost believe me, which was nice.

    Then I travelled back to the time I was a teenager in High School. I looked like I supposedly (not in IRL) did back then. (You'd travel into your body of each particular time. I suppose that means it would be impossible to travel to a time when you aren't alive. I didn't try that in the dream, but this seems to have been the case.) I had extremely long, (dyed) grey hair with a few strands of pink in them. (This was probably inspired by me having watched several Avril Lavigne vids lately.) When I looked at my hair, I was like "What, pastel [coloured hair]?" (I would never dye my hair in pastel colours IRL.) My body was both very shapely and skinny, I suppose the ideal body type in Western culture. (This was probably inspired by me watching the cultural attractiveness video by @Chae and hearing my sister say she wanted to have a body like that, which I found silly.) Needless to say, I was pretty hot; not perfectly so, but getting there. (My face probably looked a tiny bit better in the dream too, haha, a slight improvement of my natural face.)

    I was also rather popular, girls and boys liked me alike.
    I wasn't popular in the way that everyone worshipped me as if I was a celebrity, but popular in the way that everyone liked and respected me more or less.
    Basically, I was living the So/Sx dream.

    There was one particular guy who had a crush on me and would hit on me almost constantly in an obnoxious way. Despite the fact he was sort of handsome, dressed in a cool edgy way, assertive, and seemingly Aggressor Romance style – qualities I usually claim to find important or attractive in a partner – he wasn't popular nor was I attracted to him. Somehow people were repelled by him, and I was as well. He was the ugly side of Contraflow; going against the grain and being weird about it. Perhaps he was Sp/Sx. He had only one other weird male friend with whom he'd always chat me up.

    One time the situation escalated. He was hitting on me again, this time getting really close physically – he attempted to kiss me. I just turned away, which enraged him – he had wanted me badly for so long and I wouldn't give in. He grabbed me aggressively, and it seemed like he'd try to rape me or at least try to forcefully make out with me against my will. When I was at that age IRL, rape and a guy getting too close were my greatest fears; but in my dream, I was strangely unfazed by it. I had expected him to eventually just "lose it". But I still screamed for help. Just before he could do anything more, other people finally entered the desolated hall we were in and broke us apart. Since then, he never tried to get with me again.

    I was rather careful not to do anything or act out of character so that I wouldn't inadvertently change my future. Though I did consider traveling to other points in time, or live in that time for a while to prevent me from making certain mistakes that I'd end up regretting later in life. (IRL, I did have a moment of "falling from grace", my So/Sx dream ended abruptly and I became pretty unhealthy both physically and mentally. In my dream, I thought about preventing all this from happening.) However, I decided not to do this, and really wanted to travel back to "the present", "my time", again. But I couldn't find a place or moment where or when I'd be undisturbed. My popularity had a downside; that I could never be alone for just a second. Even when I went to the public bathroom, there'd be girls who either knew me and wanted to talk with me, or the stalls were all full, and I wouldn't have enough time to time travel without anyone noticing. So I was stuck.

    It was as if my entire life was at that school – I cannot remember ever going home. It seemed like I was at a boarding school and lived there. (Btw, I never lived in/at a school IRL.) The next scenes I could remember were mostly about me being in class, and/or hanging out with my boyfriend during the breaks who actually was rather similar to the other guy; sort of handsome, with an edgy but a bit more emo-like style, and with black-blue hair (the other guy had dirty blonde hair). This guy was possibly also Contraflow, but he was much better liked by others, and much friendlier and easygoing too. I suppose that Enneagram-wise the only difference was their tritype; the other guy seemed to have had 8 in his tritype, and this one 9. (And no, I wasn't in a relationship with that guy for real. He doesn't exist. But I do tend to prefer 9 in the tritype for guys IRL.) I was pretty happy with him, our interaction and dynamic were effortlessly pleasant. In class he'd often loudly flirt with me, and the teacher would notice and call him out on it, and I'd talk back to her. And then I'd say about myself, addressing myself in third person: "Apparently he's a bad influence for her." And some people would snicker about it. Later, some of my girlfriends were like: "He's like the other rebellious guys [hinting at the first guy], somehow you keep dating guys like that [=troublemakers]." I didn't say anything to that, and as they walked away I couldn't help it and said: "Well, apparently those guys are like her Imago!" One blonde girl looked back with a confused look on her face.

    Intermittently, I'd shortly open my eyes for real and saw my bed and my bedroom, and I believed this meant I had found a way to travel to my "real time" after all, and it was just a matter of time of finding out how I did it... I'd keep dreaming...

    In the dream, I did manage to time travel again at some point; I decided to sit down on the floor somewhere in the halls and just go for it, even though some people might see me "disappear" for a few seconds; they very well could think they didn't see right. Whenever I time travelled, I'd get really intense shivers, which emphasized the impression that all of this was real. (It's incredible how "real" the dream felt, even though several of the facts were off; but the general idea of my past in the dream paralleled my past IRL close enough to give me the impression this wasn't a dream or a vague experience of some kind. )

    But I didn't travel very far, I was still in the same body and at that same school, which however now almost reminded me of Hogwarts but without the magic and the infamous castle. I attended a class where the teacher was somehow attractive to me, even though he wasn't considered to be attractive generally. I was really into his face, which in actuality was pretty close to my Imago's face and/or like a male version of mine. I sat right in front of him, so I just stared right into his face, thinking that would make it more or less clear I was attracted to him. (Btw, I've never been attracted to a teacher before, nor would I like to be; it is not a fantasy of mine IRL.) He seemed a bit perplexed by it. After class, I was as bold as I would never be IRL: outside I planted a quick kiss on his lips, surprised but willing he'd grab my hand, and we'd walk like a couple to the next class room. Mind you, I was still in a relationship with aforementioned boyfriend, and it was not really acceptable to be dating a teacher; but I didn't care. I walked with him over the campus like that, everyone could see us. I was even putting my head on his shoulder sometimes; which was a bit awkward, because he was pretty short, one to two heads shorter than me, but I didn't mind. I was acting like a Social blindspot person through and through, which is entirely out of character for me.

    And........ eventually I did wake up for real.

    All in all, this dream was an exploration and examination of my attitude(s) in the past and present; how they and my life have changed over time... juxtaposed with "contra" attitude(s) that are the opposite to what I'd normally be like, or alternative scenarios to what could have happened...
    Last edited by Olimpia; 03-17-2017 at 12:17 PM.
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    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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    I dreamt that Chris Pine was eating fried eggs off of my body.

    This is probably one of the most random dreams I have had so far.
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    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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    I had a dream that I was laying in a living room with a brown fuzz carpet inside of a large yellow tube. Someone I worked with was at the other end of the tube. We layed there for a second saying nonsense and then he said it looked like I was pickling. Dream logic told me that being in a yellow tube would direct indoor sun rays onto me and pickle my face. I got up and hurried to a mirror, where the lower area of my forehead/between my brows was burnt dark brown. Then my dream vision "shifted" and the burn was metallic silver. I went back and made a joke to the guy, who was walking to the kitchen from the living room. I said something like "So, what the hell is this?" and point at the burn in my smiley, fake persona I use for people at work. He kinda laughed and then got somber and said my face looked like dough. At this point, I freaked out and when I tried to speak, I breathed a big circular wad of doughy batter out of my mouth. I started touching my face and it was coming apart like batter. Every time I would spit (don't ask me why I started spitting), a freakishly big wad of doughy batter would come out of my mouth. I ran to the bathroom again, and noticed that my entire face was shifting with strange doughy batter-like physics. When I frowned, I turned into the frog alien from Star Wars. When I smiled, I turned into a cute girl. Then I got turned on and woke up.

    When I have dreams like this I don't know how to interpret them except as something like my own personal, fucked-up Alice in Wonderland story.

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    In my dream, my left foot had a strange infection. My foot felt squishy when I was walking. I took my sneaker and sock off and there was a large infection. The periphery of the infection consisted of large, purplish blisters that had the appearance and consistency of bubblegum(grape?). I could see them slowly expanding. The middle area of the infection was green with a bumpy, rough texture and was vaginated. Protruding from its center was a series of purple and black sporangium. I researched it in my dream and it was a hoof foot fungus and was contagious. In severe cases, both feet looked like the feet of some sort of monster. I was fortunate as mine erupted(probably going to infect someone else) and when I rechecked the infection, all that was there was a tiny purple mole.
    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

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    These dream interpretation sites are like bad literary interpretation IMO. Like TVTropes but for New Agers and neo-Freudians. Interpreting dreams itself is quite fun though.

    I'm surprised at how tame the average dream here is though. I mean, I've always heard of dreams like "I dreamt that I was late for class" and nothing particularly unusual happens besides that, but I always thought it took particularly boring people to not have completely surreal dreams or "surreal" would mean boring and mundane instead of Salvador Dali paintings and unnatural senses of foreboding.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptikos View Post
    I like trying to figure out the cause of the dream. Turns out there is almost always a rational explanation to the contents of my dreams.
    Do you dream of electric sheep?

  40. #320
    I sacrificed a goat to Zeus and I liked it
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dream dictionary site
    Page 2Detective
    So, basically LSI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Site
    To dream that you are being damned indicates that you need to use caution in a new situation. You are also overly concerned with what others think of you. Alternatively, if someone damns you in your dream, then it means that you need to be more thick skinned and not let others get to you so easily.
    ...Based on how mundane most dreams people here have seem to be, and the excessive focus on random things of most of these entries, I thought this would be a description of what it means for someone to say "Damn!" in a dream. Especially since supposedly you supposedly can't die in a dream. Or they just mean mundane condemnation, but dreams where you're actually damned are much more interesting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Site
    To dream that you have dandruff indicates that you are misusing your energy. You may have been under a lot of stress and tension. You should rethink the way you are approaching any of your current problems. Alternatively, this dream may suggest a lack of self-esteem.

    Quote Originally Posted by Site
    To dream that you and the devil are friends suggests that you are easily influenced and can be persuaded into doing something you do not necessarily want to do. Alternatively, you may be dealing with issues of morality.

    What if I'm friends with God and the Devil?

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