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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

  1. #241
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    I just woke up screaming, "that's not a doll" and pointing at my ceiling. I haven't remembered much of my dreams lately but I do remember the last thing I was doing in the dream was pointing to a ceiling and screaming the same thing. I saw myself hanging from a noose. I was looking up over my own head. I knew it was me up there. My whole body, including head and hair was dripping in silver paint. *shivers* It is a bit cold here this morning and I only slept 4 hours. I am nervous to go back to sleep. :/

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Last night I dreamed I was reading both Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams and Jung's The Analysis of Dreams and didn't know what to believe, because their ideas were divergent. I was holding Freud's book in my left hand and Jung's in my right one, avidly reading one page after another - alternatively. Eventually I threw them both away and started devouring Robert Rogers and Jeremy Hawthorn, since multiple personality is one of my more or less amateur current interests. Strangely enough it all felt fresh, as if I was reading those pages for the first time.
    That was just the beginning. In the latter half of the night I dreamed I was having non-homoerotic sex (pc) with two guys - one after the other, but in separate sequences. Again. This time they knew each other from a distance, although they weren't exactly friends.

  3. #243
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    I've recently realised that I have had frequent dreams where I move by hovering slightly above the ground. I think I must have gone through an extensive period of time where I subconsciously thought that I was actually able to do this and that I hadn't merely dreamt was only when I actually consciously thought about it that I realised that of course, I am not able to do this.

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    Last night I dreamed I was back in school studying homonymy. I looked through old or new books, but I could find nothing. Instead I ended up on Wikipedia and read aloud:

    "In linguistics, a homonym is, in the strict sense, one of a group of words that share the same spelling and pronunciation but have different meanings.[1] Thus homonyms are simultaneouslyhomographs (words that share the same spelling, regardless of their pronunciation) andhomophones (words that share the same pronunciation, regardless of their spelling). The state of being a homonym is called homonymy. Examples of homonyms are the pair stalk (part of a plant) and stalk (follow/harass a person) and the pair left (past tense of leave) and left(opposite of right). "

    Looking forward to your help and interpretations.
    Last edited by Amber; 11-11-2014 at 08:47 PM.

  5. #245
    huiheiwufhawriuhg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agni View Post
    Last night I dreamed I was back in school studying homonymy. I looked through old or new books, but I could find nothing. Instead I ended up on Wikipedia and read aloud:

    "In linguistics, a homonym is, in the strict sense, one of a group of words that share the same spelling and pronunciation but have different meanings.[1] Thus homonyms are simultaneouslyhomographs (words that share the same spelling, regardless of their pronunciation) andhomophones (words that share the same pronunciation, regardless of their spelling). The state of being a homonym is called homonymy. Examples of homonyms are the pair stalk (part of a plant) and stalk (follow/harass a person) and the pair left (past tense of leave) and left(opposite of right). "

    Looking forward to your help and interpretations.
    Maybe you have trauma from school for putting off the work you should've done
    or maybe you lost a close friend when you were younger, you were disappointed by the person's true nature and decided to leave him/her and now you miss him/her and you should call that old friend

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vain View Post
    Maybe you have trauma from school for putting off the work you should've done
    or maybe you lost a close friend when you were younger, you were disappointed by the person's true nature and decided to leave him/her and now you miss him/her and you should call that old friend

    oh according to my life experience I think I have a boner for teaching students the right way when it comes to languages, literature, and cultural studies.

    lousy Beta NF interpretation, sorry. I'm striving to find something valuable in your contribution, but nope.
    there are some new duals for you around there's hope for you doing beneficial community work.

  7. #247
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    I was in a railway station trying to catch a train. It was my train to a destination. I lost my way several times and got caught in a something like a passage. Something like an arcade building. The place was a little elegant , more so than you find around railways. There was no way out of it easy to find. I just moved right and left , and back and forth searching for an exit I once saw. I knew that was "the" exit I had to follow to take my train. I had to take a second train , my connection to the destination. The exit was difficult. You had to make a huge jump from above to get on the pavement. Like from the first floor. There was a man that was like a guardian or "assistant" that had to help you make it through that jump out. I dreamed everything in slow motion , how the man held his arms out and caught me from up above . But then I liked how our bodies touched in that movement . I went back in to the passage only to feel that again. Except that there was no way to find the same exit again. I searched and searched and from a window I could see the man waiting for people at the same place but there way no way I could find the track I have once taken.
    Last edited by Amber; 01-06-2015 at 10:29 PM.

  8. #248
    fka noki, zap, ath kopyk's Avatar
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    had a dream the other day. I & a bunch of other ppl, some kids, some friends, some famous scientists were on one of the upper floors of some science-oriented skyscraper. For whatever reason there was this chainsaw-wielding psycho mass-murderer on the loose (kinda like in the evil within) & she had disabled some mechanisms which would've allowed the elevators to go downwards... teh stairs going downwards was blocked by some purple energy barrier or sth.

    so ppl were getting chainsaw-bifurcated from the crotch to the head, chemical & electrical fires were breaking out all over the place, sprinkler systems were turned on, alarms were going off like crazy, lighting was inconsistently available (like blinking on & off).... this was caused by the panic in ppl & the chainsaw psycho taking her time to destroy the environment too.

    She & her chainsaw were somehow invincible & the chainsaw more destructive then any normal chainsaw. ppl were running into rooms, finding earlier bifurcated bodies + dead ends only to turn around & see the psycho having followed them into the room thru the only entrance... then trying to run around the psycho to escape but ofc they mostly got splattered. some tried taking the stairs towards the upper floors but often it was blocked by debris. besides, the psycho was steadily working her way towards the roof, so going upwards only bought time.

    most elevators going upwards either didn't work or only took u a floor or two up anyway. some tried hiding in enclosed space which the psycho w/ her size couldnt get into but she just responded by throwing molotovs thru the entrance, leaving them to burn or escape to where she was.

    so I & a bunch of others somehow made it all the way to the roof. it was cold, windy, slightly snowy/rainy weather, some snow & ice on the floor. as we got out of one of the two elevators going up there we were a bit paranoid the psycho had already reached the top & was waiting for us or was just about to arrive thru the other elevator. but it turned out to be okay for now.

    we began discussing among ourselves what to do cuz we knew it was a matter of time before the psycho arrived; the helpless victims of the lower floors could only keep the psycho entertained for so long. also, the purple energy barrier was slowly moving upwards, crushing anyone who didnt move further upward.

    we set our eyes on the slippery slope side of another skyscraper.... it sorta protrude from the skyscraper & had lots of snow & ice on it so we were scared to jump onto it cuz we could slide off & fall to our deaths. it was about 3 or 4m down too, so we'd hurt our legs badly if we jumped. a few of us dared & made it just fine. & then I woke up.
    Last edited by kopyk; 01-07-2015 at 09:36 PM.

  9. #249
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Damn, @zap your dreams are starting to sound like mine...

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  10. #250
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    I dreamt of two girls. I was in a lesbian (I'm not a lesbian for those curious) relationship with one and flirting with the other on the side. Somehow we all three ended up at some open house kind of event and they came face to face. All of a sudden I was in the middle of them and I was trying to introduce them but I could not remember either of their names. It was awkward and they were upset with me. I finally just walked away and left them both standing there glaring at each other. I do not know either of these women irl.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  11. #251
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    I was about to leave on a bus trip with a group of people, but I forgot my suitcase(no surprise there). I had to haul ass to some other bus filled with another group of people to retrieve it(why, I don't know), which looked like a two story restaurant inside(it was spacious as hell) but I suppose it was supposed to be a double decker bus. I couldn't find my suitcase, but I found a wool coat that was about 10 sizes too small with a note attached. I instantly appeared somewhere else(I obviously teleported) and a lady told me that my uncle had a coat just like it.

    I also got to do some fancy electrical work that defied physics(yay dreams). I was able to freeze an electrical current! I also had to climb down a pipe to get to a dirt basement and entered a crawl space to do this electical work, which was flooded by rain, so I just repaired the wires while being threatened to be drowned and electrocuted at the same time! Awesome!
    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

  12. #252
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    "Hit rock-bottom
    End of the line
    Outhouse of life
    Where the sun don't shine
    Down and out
    Straddling demise
    Get a grip on yourself
    Pick up and rise "

    Last night I dreamt that I was living in some dystopian society. I was locked away in a dirty overcrowded institution with a bf. He got sick and they took him away and I was running around trying to find him. I decided to make my way back to the room I was sharing with a few people and him. I thought I would just wait there for him.I had to pass something that looked kind of like a nurse's station to get back to the room and I saw them passing out methadone or something similar to people waiting in lines. Lots of messed up violent stuff happened along the way back and I had to use my wits to get out of some bad situations.

    I finally made it back to my room and Queen Latifah (really, wtf?) was there, lying on a mattress on the floor. She said, "what are you waiting for honey? sit down." Then my bf and some other guys returned and they had weed in little cups. They passed it around to the people sitting on the mattresses. I didn't smoke weed but I asked for a cig. My bf traded or took some from another person then handed them to me. Then he started acting real cold toward me cause I wouldn't smoke and he thought I took opiates or something, which I didn't.

    Anyway, they were dividing up what was in the cups between them. All of a sudden the police broke down the doors and started tazing people. He grabbed my arm and told me we needed to escape. Somehow he and I got seperated and I saw the police coming toward me. They were shoving people out the door. I fell to my knees and put my head down so they wouldn't see me. I didn't want to be tazed! Once they passed me I ran out the door and there I saw a line of cars trying to leave the place but there were police shooting people with lasers as their cars passed.

    I stepped into the crowd that was standing around and I saw a man. He looked like a viking and had a long wild red beard. He was saying something and holding a laser sword running past the crowd in slow motion. I heard him say one word, "you", which was really low and slow. Then he was behind me. I felt the laser sword slice through my neck and it felt like all the atoms in my neck collapsed and my neck sort of melted away. It didn't hurt but I definitely felt it as a sensation of losing my head. Then everything just turned gray as his sword finished separating me from my head. All of this happened in slow motion.

    I waited to lose consciousness and die but I was still very much aware and not sure what was coming next. I became lucid in that moment and opened my eyes and realized I was in my bed but when I looked at my closet door I saw hundreds of black beetles crawling all over it. I knew it was because I had not fully woke up so I literally jumped out of bed and got some water and rubbed my eyes. I went back to my room and the bugs were gone. I told myself not to go back into that dream and I didn't. It was awful.
    Last edited by Aylen; 01-25-2015 at 04:35 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  13. #253
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    I dreamt I was at a funeral in the Orthodox church. At the end of the funeral there was a little boy with blonde hair/sparkly blue eyes, and he was standing by a table handing out some kind of desserts. I kept looking them over but nothing was appealing. He pulled one from underneath the table and handed it to me and said it was special. Then my sister was calling for me because we were going to miss our flight. I quickly kissed the boy on the cheek, as I was leaving, and he said, his mom was going to get mad 'cause he wan't allowed to kiss girls. I started laughing and told him he would be fine, that it wasn't a real kiss. He looked upset that I laughed and didn't call it a real kiss. hahah

    Then I had to walk up a high hill to get to the airport. My sister was at the top trying to hurry me up but it felt like I was trying to walk through quicksand and there was this huge troll coming up on me and I wanted to get away from it. I got to the top then made it to the airport where I end up having one of my usual airport dreams. I can't find my gate and all kinds of weird Escher-ish stuff takes place and there are people lying on the floor and they looked so tired. I asked a woman if she was sleeping and she said she couldn't sleep during the day but she looked listless and half dead. There is a child and he starts rolling on the floor like a chimp. The airport is a circus of weird.

    Then there is a guy there and he is following me around but when I turn to look at him he turns away and it starts to annoy me. This goes on for a while so I finally go to confront him just to find out why he is watching me. He looks at me all wide eyed, when I speak to him, and turns away from me and starts beating up a vending machine like it took his money. I shake my head and walk away. lol

    Last edited by Aylen; 02-22-2015 at 01:57 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  14. #254
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    Default Lucid Dream

    Knee bent and head held low.
    Eyes closed against my foe.
    In prayer I sing on low.
    Answers to my lost call.
    Oh, sacred father come.
    For it is you who's done.
    In blindness you will run.
    And be sure not to fall.

    Oh, christ, what have I done?
    Ill fortune now will come.
    Fire raining from the sun.
    All virtues swept away.
    In floods of blackest death.
    The ghost will take my breath.
    My sins I will forget.
    I am nothing again.

    Exit the Ghost Lake.
    The waters silent.
    What now has risen?
    No man stands alone.

    This morning I dreamt of my ex and at first it was a typical dream. Then I became lucid and realized I was dreaming and that my ex died so I was not awake. We started having a conversation about his death. I told him I was upset that he left so suddenly and that there were things I needed to tell him. He told me he could hear me while in his coma. I asked him if the shoulder movements he made while he was unconscious were what I suspected. He said that was his way of telling me to let him go and to stop trying to talk him back to life. In real life he did shrug while I sat by his hospital bed but they told me that it was involuntary. I didn't believe them though. I knew he was trying to communicate something to me.

    Then he told me that he has been with me since he died but it was time for him to move on or something like that. He told me some of the things I did right after his death bothered him (not in the traditional sense). He knew I was acting out over his death, and my best female friend's death, happening within a month of each other. He told me he had a different perspective of what we went through the couple years before that ultimately led to his death. He reminded me that he had always told me he would die young (he did this while alive). He told me that he had prepared me and that is why I handled it better than I would have (two weeks before he died he said he would be dead in six months if...) I am not going to talk about the things he told me I mishandled because I have already posted that I had gotten over his death in a blog. Obviously he and I still had things to sort out since he came to me in a dream last night. I felt like I was experiencing a miracle but the fear hit me and I thought it was some kind of demonic trick and then he turned into a demon. I told myself that it is a dream and to wake up, which I did.

    I really do believe that he talked to me last night and I woke up lighter, and less burdened by the guilt of his death, today. I really thought I had achieved that months ago but he showed me I hadn't. He gave me a gift by talking to me last night. I can close that chapter and start a new one. I believe that anyone can talk to dead people. You just have to be open to it and only then you will get whatever kind of interaction that you need to move on. If you don't believe it can happen it won't.

    He was an ILI and as usual Ni had perfect timing. We spoke Ni to Ni last night. I just had to add a little socionics speak here. hahah

    It is raining outside today and I love the rain. I draw strength and energy from it. Sunny days drain me. :/ Today I feel like I can get so much done.

    I know some people will just believe that this was my subconscious sorting things out and I agree to a point but I also KNOW it was really him. He told me to finish letting go...

    It just occured to me that the sky is crying, and so am I, but not in a sad way.
    Last edited by Aylen; 05-16-2016 at 04:24 PM. Reason: replaced the deleted video

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  15. #255
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    Just woke up from an other-dimensional dream adventure. There were faeries, little trolls, a quest (with a map), dark woods and open terrain, full of danger, that we had to cross without being killed. My sister and I got trapped in this dimension 'cause one of us managed to collapse the portal that let us travel freely between earth and there.

    Oh and there were ogres but they were nice and were helping us! At the end a young (19 or so) angelic looking, guy, with long blonde hair, pulled us both out of there and brought us back to earth. We landed in a service station and I was looking at a big screen tv and commented that the screen looked nice. There was a mechanic there and he started saying it wasn't that nice, told me to look closely cause it was pixelated. I looked closer and started to see the image distort. The angelic guy put his hand on my shoulder and said, "don't look unless you want to be sucked back into the other world." . Then he looked upset at me for talking to the mechanic.

    The three of us left there and started walking toward a foggy open road, where people were just standing and waiting. I asked angel boy if we were looking for the lights of the school bus. He didn't answer but he gave me some food and I managed to knock his over while taking it. I offered him mine but he didn't want it. He sat lotus style on the ground. I was looking for "the bus" and I saw one bright light coming out of the darkness. That's when I woke up. Sometimes I hate not knowing how the dream story ends. I think I give myself story ideas in dreams but leave it for my waking self to finish. *sighs*.

    @McBain I think your post in Darya's thread may have inspired the dream. hahah

    Edit: I have talked about this angelic guy with long blonde hair before. He has appeared in my dreams since childhood. I almost drowned when I was 8 irl and a boy matching his description pulled me out of the water and set me on the side of the pool. Then he dove back under the water and disappeared into the sea of people swimming. I never got to thank him or anything but since then he has shown up in my dreams over and over. He is like a guardian spirit of my dream world. The mind works in funny ways and I can see how I may have made him my hero that day, at the public pool, and that is why he has stayed with me. Probably will be the rest of my life. He helps pull me out of so many bad situations in my dreams that I don't know if I could do it without him.
    Last edited by Aylen; 03-07-2015 at 04:09 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  16. #256
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    A childhood dog that has been dead for over 10 years was in a very vivid dream I had last night.
    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

  17. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmers View Post
    A childhood dog that has been dead for over 10 years was in a very vivid dream I had last night.
    I had a dream yesterday afternoon where my dead aunt, my dead best friend and mercutio all showed up. It was one of those waking up in dreams type of dreams. Sort of exhausting. A few months ago I would have been all excited to tell you that maybe it was the energy of your dog visiting you but this forum sucks. It is making me rethink all the magic and mystery of my dream world. Is it just my brain working things out through symbolism? grrrr

    See my previous post about angel boy. I spent years believing the guy who saved me was like some guardian spirit and thanks to this forum and probably my new obsession, noortropics and binaural beats,I am starting to believe that all it is in associations I made in childhood that I felt safe with and I use the imagery to get me through. I find I am miserable without the element of magic. Yet I still like to be able to see things from various perspectives as well. Maybe he was my guardian spirit AND I use him as my hero imagery. Even when it happened I felt like he wasn't real and since no one else saw him that day I also wonder if I somehow saved myself just before losing consciousness I created the boy to save me. I will never know and that bugs me. Sorry for my rambling.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I had a dream yesterday afternoon where my dead aunt, my dead best friend and mercutio all showed up. It was one of those waking up in dreams type of dreams. Sort of exhausting. A few months ago I would have been all excited to tell you that maybe it was the energy of your dog visiting you but this forum sucks. It is making me rethink all the magic and mystery of my dream world. Is it just my brain working things out through symbolism? grrrr

    See my previous post about angel boy. I spent years believing the guy who saved me was like some guardian spirit and thanks to this forum and probably my new obsession, noortropics and binaural beats,I am starting to believe that all it is in associations I made in childhood that I felt safe with and I use the imagery to get me through. I find I am miserable without the element of magic. Yet I still like to be able to see things from various perspectives as well. Maybe he was my guardian spirit AND I use him as my hero imagery. Even when it happened I felt like he wasn't real and since no one else saw him that day I also wonder if I somehow saved myself just before losing consciousness I created the boy to save me. I will never know and that bugs me. Sorry for my rambling.
    No problem he is who you think he is. No one else would know. I have numerous relatives who claim to see ghosts. Do they exist? Who am I do say. Is reality reducible to materialsim? Is reality dualistic, pluralistic? I have no clue. I have my own worldview, but who says that your worldview or those of others is incorrect? How do we prove or disprove such a view?

    Keep the magic alive. It is all you can do in this short life.
    Last edited by Skepsis; 03-08-2015 at 04:38 AM. Reason: I have no magic; it has been eviscerated
    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

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    So as you know I'm an ardent believer in the metaphysical power of dreams ...

    I was at a large party (possibly a wedding party, but only the feast and musical aspects were there, nothing truly ceremonial and no protagonists). We were basically there to eat lots of awesome stuff and attend various shows (musical numbers, short plays etc.). I was part of the crowd/guests. We were supposed to find our own seats depending on our diet (wtf.). There were special rows for many differences.
    The interesting thing was that each of us also received a pill (before actually getting to the culinary part). That pill was theoretically meant to make us feel better during the evening&night, something like an endorphin booster, for instance. BUT I was the only one who knew the truth: after we took that pill (at pretty much the same time, as the "rules" of the evening went), the only thing that was bound to happen was the end of the world through some sort of generalized explosion (think meteor hit).
    I woke up right before that moment, when I was trying to prepare for it&kind of anxious about what would happen.
    Last edited by Amber; 03-08-2015 at 01:12 PM.

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    I dreamed I was in front of the building where I spent my late teenage years. On the 9th-10th floor there was a woman who was worried about a small child playing outside in front of the building and she tried to talk to "it" (dunno if him or her). However when she tried to speak a bit louder and wave her hands from her balcony to signal she wanted to communicate something, she actually fell from that 9th/10th floor. She was wearing a long lavender dress ..very stylish, with a '20s feel. Some folks on the 3rd floor or smth. who were on their own balcony tried to catch her arm during the fall and save her. They kind of did, but later she slipped away. The rest of the night was only about her smashed dead body and people placing flowers in front of the building where she fell. Also lots of "crushed bloody heads" flying swiftly in the skies like kites afterwards. Now that was kind of creepy, but it had such a colorful surrealistic feel to it. Something between a kite and a fly swing chair in an amusement part (that was the speed).

    Needless to say at some point after I moved out my parents told me that a dude fell from the 4th floor during a birthday party. He was kind of smoking at the window and probably tried to sit there in a comfortable position or something.
    That was such an indirect memory.
    Last edited by Amber; 03-09-2015 at 03:25 PM.

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    last night I dreamed the mother of one of my exes who died due to pancreatic cancer while we were together. She was supposed to undergo some surgery and I had to watch her in the hospital. I was walking from one room to another. I wasn't supposed to stay where she was lying only. There were lots of sick people I was walking by. At some point I retreated in a room on a different floor and somebody called on me to tell me her infusion line was torn. She was on intravenous therapy. Apparently the substances were spilling and spreading from one room to another (dunno what I had to do with it). It was ofc kind of unrealistic because nothing bad can happen if one container is broken.

    ... which reminds me that before ppl found out about that woman's severe illness I kept dreaming I was wearing thick opaque black stockings with a white dress. And strange rooms full of feces. It was kind of horrible.

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    Old Witch Dream

    A close friend of mine kept telling me she dreams about old witches who only wanna bang younger dudes. Apparently she has a history of fucking lots (and I mean lots) of younger dudes. She usually writes her dreams in diaries, as in the good old psychoanalytical tradition. Not only does she keep her youth intact through the writing about those younger dudes who allegedly wanna have her babies while she doesn't, but also she keeps having very, very close relationships with clearly brighter-and younger-looking women. Probably an act of introjection. She has lots of love to give and she openly projects her sexual energy in the social arena. Her writing is full of passion and verve no matter what statement she makes and with whom she communicates. She also has a blog that keeps her alive when she openly projects her sexual energy outside and hopes someone may read her posts.

    Now I felt a gust of empathy like hot steam for her today due to her recurrent dreams. Why? She doesn't know how to interpret that old witch figure. I passed her some books by Jung, Freud, Otto Rank, and Lou Andreas Salome and told her it was an easy Shadow feat. Too transparent to be stimulating. But she was my close friend and I did feel for her. I cried when she told me she was paralyzed due to intense emotion. I refrained from explaining the difference between emotion and sentiment, coz we were very close friends and I knew sentiments were running deep in still waters between us.

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    OMG, so weird since my friend just told me she dreamt that I practiced a form of voodoo that sent all negativity back to the person who sent it to me! She said that in the dream I was performing these rituals, lighting candles and burning certain things. Then negativity was sent back to the people and within weeks their lives were plagued by by one misfortune after another.

    One person lost their job and their lover. Another woman of mid thirties was plagued by terrible skin conditions that required her to put a horrible medication on her face every day with the hope that she could save her quickly fading face. She was constantly comparing herself to other women of similar age that did not have to deal with such issues. She had a deep sense of dissatisfaction in her life. She tried to lash out at others but every time she did it came back to her times 3, 10, or 100. My friend woke up shaking. She asked if I was some kind of priestess and used magical rituals...she said it felt so real.

    What a nightmare. Good thing I don't practice that kind of magicks. whew...

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I also dreamed about a very smart and fascinating chick who boasted about how cool she was in processing energy. I told her to go fuck her imaginary E6 boyfriend she introduced us to one year ago .... a bf whom strangely she never talks about ...she usually fills all the social room with discourses about her ILI ex, her LSI mom, her awesome dance-me-to-the-end-of-love like Shakira when I was 4 years old. I guess working as a stripper comes in a 10-year package. It's as in research or the academia -- contracts corresponding to various stages. I told her to go read some extra books on anti-aging power-food and substances and use her energy for sexual purposes instead.
    Last edited by Amber; 04-08-2015 at 06:32 PM.

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    Wow, we are really synching up in dreams. I dreamt I had a bf who went to jail and in the process damaged our relationship. The relationship started to fade away... The dreamstate is very strange indeed.

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    such magical dreams

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dolphin View Post
    I like these dreams they are sharing. I don't even have dreams anymore.
    I go through periods of time not remembering anything and then all of a sudden they are vivid and I wake up with a lot of detail. Way more than I even write about. I have been using binaural beats for lucid dreaming and it is really helping me become aware that I am dreaming. Then I can literally change my dreamscape on demand. I binaurals. These days I am working on balancing chakras and increasing my cognition skills while awake and asleep. I am back in a spirituality phase too.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dolphin View Post
    That sounds awesome. I've looked into binaural beats but only briefly, do you have a good link for them? Do they help your regular sleep at all?
    I am putting together a playlist of the ones I like best. I will add a couple more and pm them to you. If I fall asleep listening to them I will sleep well the whole time they are on. Sometimes on the short 1 hour videos I fall asleep and keep waking and restarting just so I can fall back to sleep. for the whole night I usually look for 8 hour version. They are better than sleeping pills. I have been off sleeping pills for months now. Well, took them a couple times when I knew I had to sleep early or I was just feeling like knocking myself out quickly. I prefer the binaurals though I fall asleep pretty fast after turning them on. You need good soft earbuds, that stay in your ears, to listen all night. You can use isochronic tones without earbuds, I believe. I will add a couple of those too.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Last night I dreamed I was still in love with my LSI-Ti ex. Unbelievable. His face (and physical person) was hardly represented in the dream though .... it was a matter of abstract presence with strong emotional overtones. It wasn't about anything passionate ...more smth. like soulful longing.
    Amazingly weird ...because I know for sure I don´t have any bond with the dude anymore beyond a purely friendship/"brotherhood" level.

    I have to add that the atmosphere of the dream about my LSI ex was more something like the vibe you can find in a song ... only the feeling tone was there ... nothing physical. Too odd. I should probably find a reason to call him and see if I'm turned on and stuff. Too bad his teaching contract with the cultural institute in germany is way over and he ain't here all the time anymore.


    mmm I have to add he's the ex with the dead mother ...strange that I'm dreaming all that stuff related to him now ..I should prolly give a sign.

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    I am taking some supplements meant to induce lucid and vivid dreams.

    I, Ghost Whisperer

    I had such an intensely vivid dream and I was lucid through much of it. It felt so real!

    First I dreamt I got a phone call from xxx, and that she was trying to tell me something important, but I could not understand what she said because her voice was so low and the line was full of static. She talked for several minutes before hanging up, but I never figured out what she was saying.

    Right after that I dreamt I was riding in a car with two women that may have been my close friends. There was some kind of tension between us because we had some kind of argument and were driving in silence. The car was an old car like from the 1950s.

    All three of us were sitting in the front seat, but I turned around to look in the back seat for some reason and saw a blond woman there. She had three very young blond haired children between the ages of 2-4 with her. I knew that they were "ghosts" and that no one else in the car could see them. I asked my friend who the blond lady with the three young children in her backseat was, and she started freaking out. She said they were her family members. Then she called her aunt and had me talk to her. The aunt was an older woman in her 80s or 90s, and I started to tell her what the ghost woman and her children were doing and saying. The ghost woman looked to be in complete shock most of the time and staring straight ahead almost as if she was not aware of the energetic children who were bouncing all over the backseat. The aunt told me they died many years earlier in a car accident.

    As I was talking to the aunt I realized that they did not know they were dead, and something told me to talk to the ghost lady so she would realize that she needed to go into the "light". Only then would her children follow her. By that time we had arrived at a house and the ghost family followed us inside because I was the only one who could see and talk to them in all those years. The children ran off to play around the house, and I sat on the couch next to the woman who was almost comatose at that point. My friend who had been driving was now on the phone and was getting information from the aunt while I told the ghost woman what happened to her and her children. I asked her name but she was silent so my friend got it from her aunt. When I was able to talk to her using her name she finally started to pay attention to me again. I told her that her children could not move on because they wanted to stay with her and that she needed to start looking for a light so that it would appear for her. This went on for some time until I noticed the woman fall down to the floor. I asked her if she saw the light. She indicated that she did and then I told her to go into it and merge with it. Then she started to slowly fade away.

    I told my friends that she was gone, but I still had to go deal with the children. I walked around the house and finally found them in my friend's child's playroom. I called them over to me and told them that their mother had finally gone to the light and it was ok for them to go too. At first I was not sure if they could see it, or if they understood what I meant, but they crowded around me and hugged me, then walked over to a small child's table and chair set and sat down. I asked them if they could see the light because I could not see it, and they all smiled at me and nodded. I told them to go into it. Then all the children slowly started to fade from my vision until they were gone.

    I went back into the living room and dropped down on the couch exhausted. My friends asked me what had happened with the children, and I told them when a very large wooden clock on the wall chimed once. It was huge and the sound was loud. After that each time that a minute passed the big hand would move with a loud swooshing sound. This happened two or three times before I told my friends that interacting with the ghost woman had been stressful and that I never wanted to experience that again. They both thought I should continue talking to the dead but agreed they would not want to deal with it themselves.

    Then I woke up.

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    I dreamt of my dead ex bf again last night. This time we were sitting in this really beautiful, futuristic, black sports car. The car had mirrored symbols on both side running the length of the car. I was trying to make out the symbols but I really couldn't. I think they were something like superhero hieroglyphics. :/

    We were just sitting there talking in the parking lot of a club. I am not sure if we were discussing whether or not we would go in the club. I could hear loud rock music coming from it. A tall, thin man with long blonde hair (my ex also had long blonde hair) started walking toward our car with a baseball bat in his hands. He broke the left headlight which made me angry. I wanted my ex to get out of the car, take the bat and break the guys headlight. My ex did not seem set on revenge though but I think I may have been pushing him to do it. Not something I would probably be instigating, irl. In the dream I felt so vengeful.

    Then I have a blank section of the dream and it feels like I was somewhere else but then I am back standing outside our car and the other guys car. My ex is holding a bat in his hands and there is total destruction of the other guys car and everything around it. All of a sudden I become lucid. I realize my ex has been dead two years and now I am scared of him. I think he might be a zombie. I tell him we have to get away before he is caught. I am not sure who I thought would catch him but I don't think it was the police. I want to run away and protect my ex from the consequences of destroying the car because I believe I caused it by urging him to retaliate. I created a monster. eeek, For some reason I feel like I should also go with the guy that broke the one headlight too. Total conflict. I wake up feeling very weirded out by my ex coming to me in a dream like this. I blame @bg and all his zombie talk. hahahah

    I really want to shake this weird feeling from the dream.

    Edit: While in the car I was in the passenger's seat. I said left headlight which was my perception inside the car. It was the driver's seat headlight which is the right one when looking from at it outside the car. I remember the headlight being broken so clearly and the guy did it with a lot of force and anger.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    90% of my dreams in a nutshell:

    Running from some monstrous creature and hiding in an abandoned house.

    Flashbacks of old places I lived in and dead family members.

    Tornadoes, Tsunamis, and falling into deep dark cold water.

    Defending against zombies/infected people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    90% of my dreams in a nutshell:

    Running from some monstrous creature and hiding in an abandoned house.

    Flashbacks of old places I lived in and dead family members.

    Tornadoes, Tsunamis, and falling into deep dark cold water.

    Defending against zombies/infected people.
    A lot of mine are too except for the zombies. Mine are usually demons or psychos. I have been hit by so many tsunamis in my dreams and every time I am surprised I am still alive but in a different place.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    In one dream I was on small island and a tsunami was coming. I ran to the other side and another was coming from behind.

    All my dreams have a dark theme to them lol.

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    Last week I got it in my head that I needed to buy a new floor lamp that day and it could not wait any longer. I have felt the urge, for a little while, to buy one so I finally did it. It is beautiful.

    A few days ago I had a precognitive dream. Right after I bought the lamp I dreamt I was trying to turn the switch on the mica floor lamp, that is in my bedroom. I kept turning and turning it but it would not come on.

    When I woke up I jumped out of bed and tested the lamp. I was relieved that it worked. Today I went to turn the switch and it would not turn on. I just kept turning and turning it like I did in my dream. I checked the light bulb and the light socket. My favorite lamp is probably dead but I got a new one. it doesn't feel the same though. I did not choose it for my bedroom so it has a different vibe to it. I may just have to find someone to fix my mica lamp.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    A cute little squirrel came running up to me. At first I wss like "aww" then I got this feeling of dread in my stomach. Few seconds later it attacked me and I had to strangle it so I wouldnt get mauled. My sister was pissed at me and I was shaking after the whole ordeal. I woke up a little disgusted at myself, I mean I know I cant control my dreams buuut.

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    It's been awhile since I had an epic dream and remembered in such great detail. I started typing it out when I woke up and didn't stop until I was done. I think it is important so this one goes in my dream diary and will be the longest one I have added to it in months.

    This one is a psychologist's dream, to discuss, in session. I woke up knowing exactly what the symbolism meant and what each part referred to. I also woke up with childhood memories that were long forgotten.

    What I remember is that the dream starts with me in the basement of a research center with a madman and a nurse. They are creating a baby out of energy but I am not sure how as I am paying attention to the large TV in the corner and the sounds of multiple large fans around the room. I think to myself this is an underground place for gamers. The walls are steel and there are no windows. The room is huge and rectangular.

    The man calls me over and tells me he has done it. In his hand is a tiny little baby and she is wrapped, head to toe, in a pink blanket. He asks me to hold it but I am afraid because it is so small and looks like a little cute creature all bundled up in that blanket. He tells me it is my spirit baby. Then he proceeds to put her on an operating table. The nurse is trying to turn off the TV because he asked for silence. She kept pushing a button of a TV that wasn't on. I told her it wasn't on and said that the sound was coming from that (as I pointed) to a very huge fan in the corner. I walked over and turned it off then went back to see what the man would do.

    He told me it was time to feed her and in his hand was a pair of tweezers holding a tiny bug, of unknown type. He slowly started to lower it over the baby's mouth. Up to then she had only squirmed around a little but made no sound. I heard her make cooing noises right as the bug got closer. As she opened her mouth, I saw that there were two, very tiny, baby vampire teeth. It was adorable and I fell in love with her right then. He placed the first of two bugs into her mouth, which made me uneasy but I went with it when he explained she would not be like normal babies. Then her fed her the second bug.

    A man burst into the basement intending to take the baby from us so I jumped between him and the madman scientist. I told him he would have to fight me for her. He started laughing at my size but agreed to my challenge to fight. The winner got the baby. I think he thought it was his baby too. We went outside into a field of green grass and short flowers and started to fight. I managed to get him on the ground but I was struggling. We rolled over twice, I think, and landed next to some plant I had never seen before. It was like two inches next to his head and it seemed alive in a way most plants aren't. He looked up and told me all about the plant but he called it a weed.

    I was sitting on his stomach at this point and he said, "let's have sex instead of fight". I was not surprised really and I considered it until I looked up and noticed that there had been a glass house there all along and a man was sitting on a couch watching us. I asked if I could keep the baby and he said yes. I told him maybe another time we could have sex. I went back in the building and he never reappeared in the dream.

    I told the other guy I was ready to hold her. I picked her up and held her in my left arm. I was really loving her but I noticed she was growing larger as I held her. At this point she was the size of a small newborn. I was looking into her eyes and she opened her little mouth in way that showed the vampire baby teeth, which made me smile and love her more. Then she looked me right in the eyes and spoke the name of one of my "alters" . It was haunting and I looked at the man and asked, "what is this?!" in a choked voice.

    I looked back down at the baby and I was instantly incinerated to ash. I watched myself burn like red hot embers, and crumble, from outside myself. Next thing I remember was waking up (still in the dream) fine. I said, "she killed me!" and the man told me not to be afraid. I asked how she knew the name of the alter ego and he said she was a part of me. He asked me if I wanted to see her again but I was reluctant. When I agreed he took me to her. The baby told me, "it is time to switch places. Your time is over, "xxxx" (real name not alter). I said I didn't want to. She then started showing me her teeth again but this time it was not cute. She grew into a full size woman, with piercing eyes and sharp teeth, right in front of me. Her hair was long and wild. I ran around the other side of the table. We were in a standoff and she was saying she needed my body now. I was refusing.

    The dream switched scenes and I am now standing in a long cold gray hallway with a group of fully naked people. We are all facing toward a wall and no one is looking around but me. The people look almost perfect and the women looked the same as each other, as did the men. They each stepped into a room in front of them and pulled curtains behind them. I did the same. It was like a dressing room but colder and more sterile. There was a sink. I wasn't sure what they wanted us to do in there and I was afraid I was being watch. I took a washcloth and started washing my face and body. I think that is when I heard a bell or something and everyone came out of the rooms. I didn't want to but finally did.

    The hall was empty and I thought it was a good time to escape. I went in another room and put on some clothes. A woman "guard" spotted me and said, calmly, "you have blood on your hands". I looked down and my hands were covered in blood. I pushed my hands against a wall and when I pulled them back, there was one bloody hand print. I started running and checking doors until I found the exit. It led to a gift shop that had easter and christmas candy, decorations, and toys. On a top shelf, that I couldn't reach, I saw something marked "creme eggs" and "egg creme". I wanted them. hahah I asked someone to get them down for me but instead she took me in a backroom where there was a bowl of candy. She picked out 6 small egg-shaped pieces and put them in my hand, then left me there. A well dressed, attractive, man was in a room off that room. He was sitting at a desk doing paperwork or something. I put two of the small eggs in my mouth and they tasted like chocolate but I still wanted the others. They reminded me of a candy I liked when I was a child.

    A guy with long wavy, wind blown, hair walked in the room. He was wearing a dark olive green jacket. He grabbed me and asked for sex. I said, "no!" and pushed him back into a chair. I walked back into the gift shop to get what I wanted, those creme eggs. He stepped behind me and grabbed my hand and pushed a wad of paper into it and said, "You will do it. You have for everyone else." I was feeling shocked and wondering who he was confusing me for.

    I looked in my hand and there was a bunch of hundred dollar bills. I stepped into the back room thinking, "wtf, I am going to give this back as soon as I read the pieces of paper surrounding them". I threw it down on the table next to the bowl of candy. I was surprised to find the money gone but there were deeds to property and bank statements. I didn't know what was happening. The man who had been sitting in the office room, off of that room, walked up to me and said, "Come with me back to my office. You don't want to go back out there anymore." I remember him leading me by the hand to the room while I looked behind me. I was still wanting those damn creme eggs. grrr

    Then I woke up.
    Last edited by Aylen; 03-08-2016 at 05:07 PM.

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    I've never really interpreted dreams. I always thought they were subconscious fears that were manifesting in weird ways.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    I took a nap and had another dream. My dose of chantrix doubled today. They were not kidding that this stuff effects dreams. I am just pasting a summary I wrote to someone earlier. It is not the full dream and this one also had a vampire in it that kept shifting back and forth between male and female which was confusing.

    I dreamt Donald Trump showed up at my house with 7 police cars because I asked him to hold up a sheet at a party when my zipper broke and I never came back. He told the police I was going to commit suicide. He stood on my lawn giving a speech that he saved my life by writing a letter to the electric company and finding out who I was. The police were rude and started opening up my medication. I was standing there in my underwear and realized I was holding a bag of pills. I told them they were my meds and they could check my bottle. Donald got louder and louder. I convinced the cops I was fine. Xxxxx pulled up to the house in a limo full of Mexicans and I thought to myself I am going to be stuck with xxxxx forever. Donald Trump was still going on about how great he is. I woke up and he was on TV.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I was standing in front of a bar in lower Manhattan with some acquaintances from my highschool years, when we noticed a crew of 7 or 8 loutish Hasidic Jews wearing shtreimels and dark-colored slacks with matching vests over white dress shirts standing in orderly fashion, stretched across the edge of the broad low-set roof of a building across the street from us, staring intently in our direction. The fattest one formed a finger gun with his left hand and gestured at us slowly and menacingly. We walked into the bar and once we were inside, one of my acquaintances, who was Muslim, took a seat by the window directly facing them, and started shouting "Allahu Akbar!" facetiously. The Hasidim retaliated, firing multiple rounds at us. He and I managed to escape through the backdoor, and found a crowd of yuppies running for their lives.

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