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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

  1. #121

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    So I had another dream. Go figure.

    It was of me and one of my best friends that i have been considering getting together with lately. (An ENFp) I'm unsure as to the meaning of the dream, but it was really odd. . .

    I was running down the beach with him all happy holding hands, and then he sinks down into the sand. . . (head still above). I reach in and pull him out, but it keeps happening over and over again. Finally, I decide to go into the water, thinking that he won't sink then. but he sinks again. . . this time I wrap him in my arms and say "I'm never going to let you go. I'll always be here for you." And he doesn't sink anymore. . . . we stay there wrapped in each others arms and I feel like we are one. So close that you can't tell the difference between us. No more sinking we enjoy the peaceful water. . . and then the dream ends.

    So I'm a bit confused as to what the whole "sinking" thing means. . . Could anyone help me out here?

  2. #122

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    It's strange our dreams were so similar but different.

    I read over your last two dreams again just now and was struck by how you said, at the start of the first one, that you drank the water because you were thirsty. If water is linked to spirituality maybe you need to get in touch with your spirit?

    A strange coincidence but my daughter showed me this song last night. I was struck by how similar it was to your dream. It annoyed her because she didn't know what it meant. It must mean something, but what?

    Last edited by Eye of the Potato; 08-14-2011 at 02:39 PM.

  3. #123

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    Whoops, posted twice.

  4. #124

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    I just had a really cool and strange dream.

    I was in a holiday home. I met an old estj aquaintance of mine. She used to intimidate me before, but in the dream I was chatting easily to her, about cooking. I was cracking jokes and she was laughing. Then I was in a fast food restaurant, my friend was working in, and I was cracking jokes there too. It was as if I was drunk, but I wasn't. Everyone was falling around the place laughing.

    I was back at the holiday home and there was a mini party going on. I was dancing to Stevie Wonder, and I can remember feeling really free and in the moment, like I was drunk, but it was more like I had found this incredible feeling without drink and I was conscious of how good it felt. Then my istp boyfriend was due to turn up, and I was dreading it,because I knew he would think I was drunk and start giving out to me. My behaviour immediately changed and I became quiet. We got into an argument when he turned up and accused me of being drunk. My intj sister told me to go and wash the windows and I refused, because it was so late, 1 o' clock in the morning. My istp started lecturing me about it and I got mad.

    There was something about my infj daughter and her being scared of something. My entj friend got really spooked out by a message but I can't remember what the message was.

    We were back at the holiday village and a spirit medium was going around the house telling us what she could see. I can't remember what she said for me but the dream ended where she was showing my istp his room. He chose a stone as his symbol. The spirit medium was holding the stone and she walked us over to a corner. She said there was a spirit present. She showed us what the spirit could see and it was a frightening feeling. It all looked very bad for my istp, like there had been this bad spirit following him around all these years. Then we went over to another corner of the room and I knew my istp felt bad,so I put my arm around him. I thought that, by being his dual, I might be able to protect him from harm. I then had an epiphany and said ok I will listen to you. Everything seemed really clear to me, like I saw things from a new spiritual standpoint. I wondered why I had not thought of that before, it seemed so simple. We kissed and everything seemed to be good. He was actually a heavy black woman when I kissed him? Then he/she suggested we go look at a new house that was up for sale across the road from our holiday home, not to buy it, but just to look around, and I said that I loved to look around houses and wondered why I didn't do it more often. It was a beautiful Florida holiday home.

    And that's where I woke up.

    Before I went to bed I was thinking about/ really feeling this quote:

    "When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs help. That's the message he is sending."
    — Thich Nhat Hanh

    Last night I also came across old posts I had made, in another forum, and tears were running down my face, laughing at them. I remember thinking how hilarious I was, not in a big headed way, but in a kind of surprised kind of way. I know it's not polite to think you are funny but those posts seriously had me in stiches. I had completely forgotten about them.
    It was like reading someone elses words.
    Last edited by Eye of the Potato; 08-14-2011 at 03:13 PM.

  5. #125

    Default Two Strange Dreams

    So these are just some strange dreams I had last night, so I thought I'd share:

    First one I was at an apartment complex and things were feeling a little empty. My sleep schedule in real life has been a little crazy so I've been waking up at nights. I was at an apartment complex and I was up at night, I went outside and the surrounding terrain felt like a desert and no one was out and seeing all the car's lined up was a bit depressing or something. I was walking around the complex just feeling lonely and empty but regardless I had to pay rent or take care of some paperwork task. So I walked down to the central office where the pool was. I went to the office and low and behold no one was around and I tried to get in somewhere but I didn't have a key. However there was like an open mailroom and people were sorting letters. There was this 40 yr old chick there that works at the job I have and she was sorting mail. She asked me if I need anything. This 40 yr old chick in particular has never talked to me but she has like given me flirty looks or something, I think mainly for attention because shes old and thinks it reflects well on her youth if she can be interesting to a younger man. Anyways when she was asking me for mail she loaded all her questions with innuendos and I responded while at the same time asking about my mail. She said it should have already been at my apartment so I was annoyed and decided to walk back to my apartment. On the way I entered in through the pool gate and had some items with me. Then a fat lady that was part of the management staff, a chubby annoying rule-oriented type stopped me and started to tell me its night and they have rules and I couldn't enter in that way and she needed to inspect all my items first to make sure I wasn't breaking in. I paused for a second, and remember at this point in the dream I was so annoyed the lonely empty mood and the fact I needlessly walked out to the office to find my mail which annoyingly was elsewhere that at this point I could have cared less. So I just told her no and started to walk in the gate anyways she tried to physically grab my stuff, so I grabbed it back. Eventually there was like a family with a group of boys that were watching and they started to cheer for me that the lady should let me in. She still persisted and then the boys started to circle her and annoy her, I then grabbed my stuff and jumped into the pool. At this point the lady freaked out and jumped into the pool after me and things got all weird. The boys jumped into the pool after her and she got all crazy and got on a jet ski and rammed one of the boys against the wall, effectively killing him, but in the dream he didn't bleed by faded away and evaporated. She then went after me so I swam under the surface since the jet ski couldn't dive. I didn't run out of air, but eventually she realized this and her jet ski could like dive after me. So I kept dodging her, eventually the single jet ski became multiple jet skis so in the dream I would time it and grab one jet ski and divert its direction to ram into another, they kept splitting up and coming after me so I kept hurling them at each other and knocking jet skis together. It makes little sense but that was the first dream.

    The second dream I woke up on Sunday and drove down to get food in the morning, I was feeling a little bored and depressed because it was Sunday and also I was unenthused about eating (same food as always) and driving around (all the parking lots and malls seemed very boring and all the same). There was a kite festival and the day was overcast, but instead of being a grand spectacle it was a bunch of people lined up on the sidewalks with shitty kites, mainly kids with their parents and was more annoying than anything. I made a kite out of a street sign and when I was driving by transferred it to some kid on the side without a kite lol? Idk makes no sense. I then returned to my apartment. I was eating salt and vinegar chips which tasted awful and thought they were old so I threw them in the garbage disposal and started to think about how I should buy some more. Then for some reason there was this chick in my place that was a blonde and I was watching her have sex or something, she was a whore, and I was just sitting there and I didn't really feel like fucking, I was just in a meh mood. My friend which resides in new orleans then came into the door. He was all excited and the single chick became two and I told him he could have both, he then started to fuck both and then tried to encourage me to have sex with one of them. I went up to one of the chicks and she disappeared lol. I then proceeded to air fuck one of the chicks for like 30 seconds before finally admitting to my friend that she wasn't real. He told me he could see her but I couldn't so I just gave up and I felt shitty. He then told me what about that one girl I originally had in my place (the blonde or something). I know details are fuzzy it was a dream, he said she was a good chick for me and we should find her at the apartment and talk to her. So we left, we walked around the complex but eventually my friend got ahead of me and in the distance I could hear dogs or hounds, and my friend shout something only slightly worried. So I went back to my place, then around the doorway three wolf like looking dogs bolted into my room. The started to bark, and I climbed up the door and smeared my feet on the door and hung from it. The dogs started to knip at my heels and I would have to like kick them in the snouts to prevent them from grabbing me and pulled me down. I started to rock the door as I hung from it and it started to hit the dogs. They frantically moved in and out and I timed it to shut out them out. Eventually my doors then became these massive double doors. Eventually I was able to manipulate them to move outward from my place with a giant shield around me. I could see a bunch of dogs all around the door ready to strike but they couldn't get me, when I would manipulate the doors wrong there were gaps and the dogs would charge and I'd quickly have to seal it. Then a giant horse came running around the corner and charged the door it then became a fence like door and it got tangled up in it and started to violently kick around. I stood back only opportunistically jumping in to try to tame it, and eventually the horse meshed with the fence magically and then my friend came back I remember commenting on it. Then not knowing what to do with the door I remember commenting about giving it to a great white shark because they could eat metal. I then morphed to some aquarium and remember dropping the door with the horse on it in the tank and seeing the great white devour it. I woke up.

    Both are strange dreams.....

    I had another a day before where I was at some bar/cafe and I was sleeping and this guy from high school that knew this one girl I only faintly knew (I don't remember who, I just remember in the dream I apparently faintly recalled the person) came up and he told me she had sex with this guy recently. I remember shrugging and thinking "I don't care" or finding it strange he told me. I then went back to sleep. I then got woke up again and told again by another friend of this friend about it. Once again, strange but I went back to sleep. Then I remember an old trumpet teacher of mine waking me up, he told me something like "I don't think you understand" and he explained the conditions of them having sex as her being forced or something and kind of was being subtle and hinting in his tone. I remember waking up and being put into action, although immediately after I was thinking what was I supposed to do? This happened a while back. I walked outside and I was in some city, and the guy that originally contacted me was walking around the city lost and asking people. I came up to him and offered to helped, he seemed to like it. We then set out to find this guy and I took the lead. I remember feeling a bit odd like "what was the point, I don't know these people, I didn't really even know the girl beyond her name, and I can't really change what happened, and so forth" but oddly the guy seemed to be really happy I was helping so I kept walking around the city completely lost. I then remember this plane landing down and all these people gathered around and the plane had a school bus as its core. A football team got off and they guy who raped the girl was apparently a major celebrity and was a lot more likeable than I was and I remember thinking "fuck this is going to be next to impossible". He walked out and we were awkwardly standing there so instead of directly confronted him for some reason we pretended to be the luggage persons to afford us the opportunity to talk to him in a more private venue. The dream then changed to a montage of the football team leaving the plane and getting cheered at while we started to unpack the luggage from the plane. I remember feeling like really weak, in dreams were you feel like you are moving so slow and its a lot of effort to walk. There were all these cameras and the athletes were like stretching and drinking gatorade and promoting it, and the head quarterback which apparently raped the girl looked like biff tannen from back to the future. Then I remember waking up in the middle of the luggage montage.

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    Your dreams signify changes in your life. Your first dream says you're leaving your former life as you know it. I'm going to comment on rest some other time.

  7. #127


    So I had another series of dreams last night that I briefly recall;

    One I was at some house and we, me and my family, since I saw them yesterday, were fixing a house up (my sister is actually moving into a house with her husband and they are fixing it up). In specific there were four pool at the house that needed to be cleared and cleaned. The mood of the dream was pretty dark, it was at night, and felt almost manor-ish and gothicy/vampiry or something, pretty lonely and empty. The pools themselves were relaxing and moon-like, with lights and fluctuations. Also at some other point in the dream I ran across some magazines that were marketed toward young people, they added sections with sexually explicit pictures of women and talking about sex, there were all these adds for porn sites on those pages though so I remember thinking it was just a scam to exhort money. The rest of the details are fuzzy.

    I think the pools are supposed to represent the subconscious emotions, the fact they are not especially deep as compared to a vast deep dark ocean suggests that these subconscious emotions I'm facing are relatively manageable. The fact I was cleaning and revealing the pools suggest that I may be currently undergoing changes associated to purging negativity and revealing feelings. The fact they are pools for recreation suggest relaxation which I've been doing lately, I've been tired at work and sleeping a lot. I think my brain may be in a cycle of rest and reordering, also recently I've been feeling very vertigo like and I've been training really hard at things. I think these dreams represent changes, relaxation, and restructuring.

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    Ahh, the famous ****** table talks, monologues, I mean.

  9. #129
    Mermaid with Stellar views SyrupDeGem's Avatar
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    Ahhh, well I think cars are supposed to represent our decision making. If we are driving ourselves it means we are in control and doing our own decision making. Specific people in dreams are usually irrelevant, often the faces do not match up to how we perceive them to be personality/action wise irl. So I think it's a good point to separate the action/feeling from the person. I'm not entirely sure on what is going on with the person you are not allowed to mention, but there does seem to be a hint of a suggestion of deceit? I wonder if the vintage clothes shopping is taking you back to a time or point of reference in the past... Idk... all guesswork.
    Last edited by SyrupDeGem; 10-27-2013 at 10:12 PM.

    Now this is a story all about how, my type got changed, turned upside down. Just wait for a minute and watch chatbox right there, & I'll tell how Gem became the moderator with blue hair.

    In typology central friended and praised, on the picture thread was where she spent most her days. Chilling out, selfies, relaxing all cool, And all typing some people and getting them schooled.

    When a couple of girls who were up to no good, Started annoying her & her friends in the forumhood, She got in one little flame war & got pissed off & said 'I'm moving in with that exboyfriend in the forum with the socionics toffs.

    So Gem pulls up to the forum for a year without being a hater, And yells to typocentral 'Yo creeps! Smell Ya later', Became a mod in her kingdom she was finally there, To sit on her throne as the mod with blue hair.


  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jadae16t View Post
    The first and only other ever Socioncs-people I dream was solely that person interrupting/stalking my date with some Australian surfer girl, that was set in this space age bungalow, which was ALSO in a downtown location. However, this was my own downtown here in Oregon, and it was on the 2nd floor above a salon/art gallery business setting. Go figure. My dreams are very surreal.

    My dreams (and prob most dreams) are usually surreal. However the rare type of boring dream is quite *meh... I feel like i have been cheated out of my fun wierd dreamtime.... I think i dreamt once i went to the shop to buy milk, bought it and walked back home and made coffee.... that was it... in it's entirety...DULL.

    Now this is a story all about how, my type got changed, turned upside down. Just wait for a minute and watch chatbox right there, & I'll tell how Gem became the moderator with blue hair.

    In typology central friended and praised, on the picture thread was where she spent most her days. Chilling out, selfies, relaxing all cool, And all typing some people and getting them schooled.

    When a couple of girls who were up to no good, Started annoying her & her friends in the forumhood, She got in one little flame war & got pissed off & said 'I'm moving in with that exboyfriend in the forum with the socionics toffs.

    So Gem pulls up to the forum for a year without being a hater, And yells to typocentral 'Yo creeps! Smell Ya later', Became a mod in her kingdom she was finally there, To sit on her throne as the mod with blue hair.


  11. #131
    A dusty and dreadful charade. Scapegrace's Avatar
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    I'm sorry, Hitta.
    "[Scapegrace,] I don't know how anyone can stand such a sinister and mean individual as you." - Maritsa Darmandzhyan

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  12. #132
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    I heard from a reliable source that people only dream about guys they want to have sex with

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    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    I heard from a reliable source that people only dream about guys they want to have sex with

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    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    I heard from a reliable source that people only dream about guys they want to have sex with
    That's very plausible in my case, minus the guys part.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    The dream means you're a closeted hipster homosexual and you want to make love to hitta.

    That will be $5
    I always thought you were a bit cheap, Starfall, but even this is a new low for you.

    Surely that was worth at least $10.
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  16. #136
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    So, dream hitta felt the need to lie to you about who he was with.
    And he and the-person-who-must-not-be-named were very happy together.

    So, either your subconscious is trying to inform you that Hitta is cheating on you,
    Or that the PWMNBN is cheating on you.
    Or that Hitta has been wanting you to think he's been Gay for Rob, while actually being gay with PWMNBN.
    Or that you are such a loser that even Hitta and PWMNBN can be in gay relationships but you can't yet.
    Or that Hitta was trying to give Rob an alibi as a favor for Rob...but then, why would Rob need to give You an alibi?? Maybe Rob is cheating on you?? Or maybe Rob is so sick of you coming on to him that he's trying to get you to think he's already taken by Hitta.

    Dude, you have some messed up dreams! Who needs soaps when we can just analyze your dreams??
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  17. #137
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    I guess.. you subconscious judges that
    ideally, in ideal state - likely meaning of environment
    the said people
    are fluffy and gay(in non sexual meaning) - in a way that is alien to you which could fit with soconic stereotype of EIE's ideal being edgy and dramatic.
    Just your subconscious processing realized/perceived difference.

    Disclaimer - Don't know or care to portray the people involved one way or another.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jadae16t View Post
    I want to know where Rob went. My theory was that he got murdered, hipster-style :[
    Noooo!! Not Rob!!
    Damn you Dream Hitta and PWMNBN!!

    I really dont like dreams that have someone i know being harmed somehow. As in I wake up worrying about the person and have to call them immediately to make sure they are ok, but still feel worried even days later.
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    That will be $5
    Oh Starfall u overly nice person you. Charge him at least 25, I don't know any psychic service that's still 5 bucks a session!

  20. #140
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    You probably just are repressed in the male friendship department and want some bromance, not necessarily full on pig sex male homosexuality - of course that's what gay dudes in our perverted minds will turn it into 2. (correction: that's what i will turn it into. tee hee)

    anyways now analyze my dream:

    I have this frequent recurring dream that I've been having for about... 3-4 months now. I dream that I'm in a familiar-ish place that I visit with semi-regularity, like my grandmother's or maybe my old house that I grew up in. Anyways I dream that I can... walk through the window. (usually living room or kitchen window but its on rare cases been the bathroom, any window in the house really)

    Like my body will turn incorporeal and I'll literally.. go through the window. The feeling of doing this is both terrifying and unique/cool/exciting. This is when I realize that I'm dreaming. But it's not a full on lucid dream like... it will have bits of lucidity then it will go back to thinking that I'm in reality now. I often have these patterns where I keep 'waking up' but I'm really just in a different dream I think I'd stop dreaming but really I'm still dreaming. And then the dream usually ends with me soaring off in the sky and flying. I've been having dreams of me flying a lot more than usual. and i keep getting better and better at flying too, even though that raises my self confidence some it sorta feels... idk somber like I'm flying but there's nowhere to go.

  21. #141
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    Default Analyze my dream

    Analyze my dream:

    So I'm a native american running through the fall forest with my loin cloth and tomahawk, running alongside my tribe friend. Then at one point we are running through the forest and he finds a metal hatch in the ground and says, "come check this out!"

    so he opens the hatch and we climb down inside.

    next thing I know I wake up in this buddhist/shinto shrine. I sit up out of bed, rice walls, rice mats on the floor, in a robe, sandals on the wardrobe at the foot of the bed. I put on the sandals and I walk out the door into the building's main hallway. Accompanying me is that awkward feeling you get when you are sleeping over at a friend's house, but you're the only one awake.

    its a spa, of some sort. Wooden floor, just at the end of the hallway is the entrance to a wooden sauna/hottub room kinda thing. In the middle of the hallway is this large skeleton creature who is slow moving, and looks like yoshimitsu's face (from tekken 2), except his rice hat was a lot bigger.

    He slowly looks up at me, looking unthreatening, and then out of nowhere his eyes start glowing and I just get scared, so I start running. Behind me are these flaming faces that are screaming and chasing me.

    So I run back into my room and sprint up and see a light blue stain glass window that is glowing. I pause for a minute as it fills me with peace. Then I resume running the fuck away. I kneel down, go into the crawl space. It takes me to this dark midnight blue stone hallway, with the light blue stain glass windows along the right edge. I'm running down the hallway, but at the same time this hallway is underneath a boardwalk, and i'm running along the beach. Just outside the boarwalk, are a bunch of old men on crosses, who are burning alive as i can hear them sizzling. One of them says, "it is neither good nor life" as he begins to have a near death experience. He was regretting his involvement with the cult. These men belonged to the cult inside of the building I just escaped from.

    Last edited by Azure Flame; 12-13-2013 at 12:22 AM.
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    Wanting to become a new person? Chasing away from old patterns (the cult) I don't know...
    Never make a promise when your happy, a decision when your angry

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    Analyze my dream:

    So I'm a native american running through the fall forest with my loin cloth and tomahawk, running alongside my tribe friend. Then at one point we are running through the forest and he finds a metal hatch in the ground and says, "come check this out!"

    so he opens the hatch and we climb down inside.

    next thing I know I wake up in this buddhist/shinto shrine. I sit up out of bed, rice walls, rice mats on the floor, in a robe, sandals on the wardrobe at the foot of the bed. I put on the sandals and I walk out the door into the building's main hallway. Accompanying me is that awkward feeling you get when you are sleeping over at a friend's house, but you're the only one awake.

    its a spa, of some sort. Wooden floor, just at the end of the hallway is the entrance to a wooden sauna/hottub room kinda thing. In the middle of the hallway is this large skeleton creature who is slow moving, and looks like yoshimitsu's face (from tekken 2), except his rice hat was a lot bigger.

    He slowly looks up at me, looking unthreatening, and then out of nowhere his eyes start glowing and I just get scared, so I start running. Behind me are these flaming faces that are screaming and chasing me.

    So I run back into my room and sprint up and see a light blue stain glass window that is glowing. I pause for a minute as it fills me with peace. Then I resume running the fuck away. I kneel down, go into the crawl space. It takes me to this dark midnight blue stone hallway, with the light blue stain glass windows along the right edge. I'm running down the hallway, but at the same time this hallway is underneath a boardwalk, and i'm running along the beach. Just outside the boarwalk, are a bunch of old men on crosses, who are burning alive as i can hear them sizzling. One of them says, "it is neither good nor life" as he begins to have a near death experience. He was regretting his involvement with the cult. These men belonged to the cult inside of the building I just escaped from.

    I think, the best way to analyze a dream is to do it yourself.
    Whenever I have an extremely vivid dream I write it down in a journal and while writing I get some ideas what it could mean.

    I don't know in what kind of life situation you dreamed this dream. You are the only one who knows that and so you are the only one who has the ability to fully understand your dream.
    I also don't know whether all those details like the appearance of the shrine play a big role. Emotions in dreams play a bigger part and what I can see here is: curiosity => "awkward feeling you get when you are sleeping over at a friend's house, but you're the only one awake" (Feeling strange? Like you want do something, but cannot because it would be a disturbance? Is that it?) => fear/panic => a moment of peace => again fear? (What have you felt when you ran away for the second time?)

    As you are Christian yourself, I can tell you the following: There are nightmares and nightmares... Some are caused by your subconscious and some are caused by something different, namely the invisible realm. They can come from God or from demons. Those kind of dreams are often the ones you can remember the best, even after years have passed.
    I have developed a certain awareness for demons in my dreams. I know when they are there. It feels like someone else is manipulating the dream and someone else is also part of the dream. Usually all people in my dreams are either people I know in real life, so they are created from my memories, or people are parts of me, which means I can switch between point of views. But sometimes there is another creature in my dream I have no influence on. It's chasing me or searching for me and my emotions turn into horror and desperation. I don't run away from monsters in my dreams anymore. I face them and start praying or even singing a worship song and usually I wake up then. Sometimes I can't get myself to that point though and it gets really dark and scary. I had this dream about a girl who was eating needles and pins (strange, that reminds me of the last verse of a song by Genesis called "Fly on a Windshield": As the song and dance begins, the children play at home with needles, needles and pins There was also a blindfolded child and another gagged child in that dream and a haggard old woman who was scaring me to death. After having this dream I felt depressed for a few days. Usually dreams shouldn't have such an impact on emotions, I think. :/

  24. #144
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    Geez even your dreams are filled with so many sensory experiences. Mine are just about family and friends
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post

    So I run back into my room and sprint up and see a light blue stain glass window that is glowing.
    sx/so imagery ftw

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
    Analyze my dream:

    So I'm a native american running through the fall forest with my loin cloth and tomahawk, running alongside my tribe friend. Then at one point we are running through the forest and he finds a metal hatch in the ground and says, "come check this out!"

    so he opens the hatch and we climb down inside.

    next thing I know I wake up in this buddhist/shinto shrine. I sit up out of bed, rice walls, rice mats on the floor, in a robe, sandals on the wardrobe at the foot of the bed. I put on the sandals and I walk out the door into the building's main hallway. Accompanying me is that awkward feeling you get when you are sleeping over at a friend's house, but you're the only one awake.

    its a spa, of some sort. Wooden floor, just at the end of the hallway is the entrance to a wooden sauna/hottub room kinda thing. In the middle of the hallway is this large skeleton creature who is slow moving, and looks like yoshimitsu's face (from tekken 2), except his rice hat was a lot bigger.

    He slowly looks up at me, looking unthreatening, and then out of nowhere his eyes start glowing and I just get scared, so I start running. Behind me are these flaming faces that are screaming and chasing me.

    So I run back into my room and sprint up and see a light blue stain glass window that is glowing. I pause for a minute as it fills me with peace. Then I resume running the fuck away. I kneel down, go into the crawl space. It takes me to this dark midnight blue stone hallway, with the light blue stain glass windows along the right edge. I'm running down the hallway, but at the same time this hallway is underneath a boardwalk, and i'm running along the beach. Just outside the boarwalk, are a bunch of old men on crosses, who are burning alive as i can hear them sizzling. One of them says, "it is neither good nor life" as he begins to have a near death experience. He was regretting his involvement with the cult. These men belonged to the cult inside of the building I just escaped from.

    Evaluation of your recent spirituality themed interactions by subconscious.
    Going down the "rabbit hole".
    Evaluating it as people "not having anyone home" - not being conscious, being scary demons and heathens that are going to regret their ways...

    Run mothafucka...

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    It was pretty abstract...

    The was a huge bridge made of red, yellow, white and blue legos. The bridge spanned a large body of water and connected two cities. It was the prize possession of the man who built it but he wanted to blow it up and leave the past behind. He told me if the bridge was gone he would not be able to return to the past again. I was trying to talk him out of destroying it because it was amazing to look at.

    We were all sitting at a bar and the man's mother and ex-gf were there, but in the background. The ex kept shooting me dirty looks and I could tell she was jealous even though she had no reason to be. She was also making snide remarks under her breath so I finally told her to say what was on her mind or leave us alone. I said I wasn't going to try and read her mind because I didn't have the energy for that, nor did I want to.

    The mother looked like an old actress from the 70s I think.


    She told the girl to leave with her and let me continue talking to her son. She was concerned about him and thought I could help. When they were leaving the mother gave me one of the warmest hugs I have ever felt and then they left.

    Next I am in a huge old car with the guy and another couple and someone walks over to the car. We were suspicious of them..thought they were cops. It turned out they thought the same about us but finally we were sure that everything was ok, so they gave us some molly in capsules. Everybody took one but I took three and they started asking if I could handle it. I said of course I can. Then my sister was standing there upset with me for taking so much. I didn't want to be bothered with her so I "poofed" her away in a cloud of smoke. Then I spent the rest of the dream rollin'.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I had a nightmare of this board in which everyone kept attacking me with super mean things ;_; Does this mean I should stop coming here again?
    "Use every ounce of potential you have, raise revolution against what people expect of you, and tell the world this is not a rehearsal. This is the real me. And listen up, ‘cause it could be the most honest incarnation yet."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aivonaima View Post
    I had a nightmare of this board in which everyone kept attacking me with super mean things ;_; Does this mean I should stop coming here again?
    I'd like to comfort you, but that dream is actually within the realm of possibilities ^^

    That said; maybe it means that to grow your personal understanding of socionics you need to be attacked by all different types from the socion! It's your spirit-guide telling you need to behave like AzureFlame and attain "enlightned wisdom" at the expense of your reputation and mental soundness.

    Are you rather a happy pig or a unhappy socrates?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aivonaima View Post
    I had a nightmare of this board in which everyone kept attacking me with super mean things ;_; Does this mean I should stop coming here again?
    Do you want to stop coming here? If not, then no!

    K, I got an app for that

    This is in the dream dictionary:

    "To dream that you are being attacked by someone indicates your character is being questioned. You feel the need to defend yourself. You are feeling stressed, vulnerable and helpless. You may also be facing difficult changes in your waking life. Dreaming of an attack provides a way for you to confront these situations that you may be avoiding in real life."
    Last edited by Aylen; 01-13-2014 at 03:50 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I am the chick, Freya, from "Witches of East End" and I am about to be honored for something and it is also an engagement party. While waiting to accept an award, my future sister in-law asks about my religion and makes a comment about where I will go when I die. I announce that I believe in reincarnation so it doesn't matter.

    She gets so angry and starts bombarding me "you will go to hell for that." I leave her and go to change and prepare to accept the award. While I am gone she rallies the old people against me and starts shuffling them out the door. My step-dad (he's dead) say's "looks like you annoyed a few people." He asks if need help packing up so we could leave now. I tell him, "no I got this. You go on."

    I am getting my stuff together to leave and I see my "fiance" (no clue who he is in real life) He is walking toward me and he is carrying his suit. He looks angry and I think, here it comes... I go all preemptive on him and say, "yeah I know. You can leave too" then I turn my back on him. I feel him grab me from behind and wrap his arms around me. He says, "why would I fucking go anywhere?"

    End of dream. Now I am going to look it up...
    Last edited by Aylen; 01-13-2014 at 04:09 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    I'd like to comfort you, but that dream is actually within the realm of possibilities ^^

    That said; maybe it means that to grow your personal understanding of socionics you need to be attacked by all different types from the socion! It's your spirit-guide telling you need to behave like AzureFlame and attain "enlightned wisdom" at the expense of your reputation and mental soundness.

    Are you rather a happy pig or a unhappy socrates?
    I don't care about my rep, I'm just permanently traumatized by k0rpsy.
    "Use every ounce of potential you have, raise revolution against what people expect of you, and tell the world this is not a rehearsal. This is the real me. And listen up, ‘cause it could be the most honest incarnation yet."

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    It means you found the right guy, the one who doesnt care about Anything but you!

    also quite possible your sister is a backstabbing serpent

    now just find out who he is irl!

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    Who's k0rpsy and why care about a dead man?!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    Who's k0rpsy and why care about a dead man?!

    *fearful shudder*
    "Use every ounce of potential you have, raise revolution against what people expect of you, and tell the world this is not a rehearsal. This is the real me. And listen up, ‘cause it could be the most honest incarnation yet."

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    I dreamt that I was lying in Waka Flocka's lap and he was stroking my hair and all I could think about was if I had shaved my legs. My mom walked in and she gave him a dirty look. He jumped up and started to waltz her around the room. She started smiling and let him lead her. Then I woke up.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I had a dream recently... I was walking outside in a destroyed city... it looked like something from fallout; with a large group of disillusioned meth addicts. I was the only non meth addict. They were all deciding which of eachother they wanted to fuck. A few of us split off and we came to this playground. There was some prostitute who had hung herself from a swing, and she was too dark to see her face. Then another prostitute was chained to the ground by her wrists and she was thirsty. There was a big black bird on her head. Nearby some drug lord was cutting up an unknown person with a large sickle. The prostitute was a prostitute who I had known recently in real life. I just looked at her in the eye and then I woke up. I didn't want to save her or let her die...
    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I dreamt that I was lying in Waka Flocka's lap and he was stroking my hair and all I could think about was if I had shaved my legs. My mom walked in and she gave him a dirty look. He jumped up and started to waltz her around the room. She started smiling and let him lead her. Then I woke up.
    I'm never having inlaws.

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    I think you have discovered the tenth circle of hell.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I had a dream, I wrote a poem. I think it was my dead ex but not sure. The lawyer from his estate left me a message. I have to call.

    In a dream, last night he came to me.
    He showed me the reasons, it could never be.
    He showed me the source of all my confusion.
    Told me I’m glamoured by another illusion.
    Still don’t lose your strength, he said to me.
    That’s the only solution you’ll ever need.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Yesterday I had a dream some people put me in jail. Help me out forum.

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