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  1. #1201
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aster View Post
    maybe it’s both
    Both are something that you can control.

  2. #1202
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    Dreamed I went to a place I already know but don’t visit anymore. I was wearing a traditional dress. Maybe there was an event I would attend to, but then my dream self was so casual about things and wasn’t thinking about time at all. I asked how to get to a certain building. Weirdly someone told me to go for a ride and gave me a burner phone. I went for a ride, but the ride was not a car but a weird old open carriage with wheels. It was just smol that I felt like I just sat on a big skateboard. It was really fun though, could really feel the air and the ride was a bit long enough to enjoy it. After that I went inside the hall, saw an ILE I know irl but I immediately thought to myself “ohh naurrr I hate ppl” so I continued walking and hoped he didn’t notice me. But he did, followed me and at that point I would have to acknowledge his presence. He asked if I have a burner phone and if he can use it. He also was weirdly bald and kinda sadder in my dream. Was he sad bec he has no burner phone? I was about to say “this is so not you” but then I thought it wasn’t time to comment on random things like “omg where’s your hair?” and I don’t even want to even interact that time. We were talking, but suddenly someone interrupted us and was also trying to get my attention- so I said, well who should I entertain first between the two of you?? I figured ILE might say something long, so I chose this slightly taller stranger girl. (Thought it’s important that ILE was on my left and this girl was on my right.) She asked if I have a burner phone and if I can let her borrow it. What’s up with my burner phone??? But anyway I think I said no since I was inclined to give it to the ILE, but then I woke up while I was about to do that.

  3. #1203
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    Given the recent bad weather in the area I had a dream I thought I was in the eye of the tornado and “safe” as long as I followed it but actually wasn’t and got taken by the tornado, which was almost thrilling

    someone else in the eye tried to stop me from being taken but couldn’t

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    *eye of hurricane maybe

    apparently what I said is not a thing

    not that dreams make sense

  5. #1205
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    I dreamed of an alternate life with someone I know. He is a ruler and I guess I’m something of that sort too. I’m basically from an enemy country and he plotted us to be married. My guess is it was something political but idk exactly why, my dream self was just overthinking while he seemed sure and happy he “figured it out”. I got scared by the end because I was being told I have to act the part, that I should get to the boat with soldiers prepared to die and the plan is that we will be ambushed.

  6. #1206
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    I was an enchanted wooden, lifesized female doll who used magic to disguise myself as a human. I worked and lived in a city that seemed medieval both in technology and culture. I was sociable at my work, which was something like a bakery, but kept to myself otherwise and lived alone. As a doll, I didn't have emotions, but faking them came naturally to me. Eventually an accident caused a brief slip in my disguise. I thought maybe it wasn't noticed, but I was pressured by an acquaintance to attend a slave auction, where I was apprehended, stripped, my disguise removed, and put up for auction myself. Nonhuman intelligences in this world were feared and hated, and required to be either enslaved or destroyed. People who had known and been friendly to me formerly now jeered at me. Some rich man bought me and the human women I was displayed with, as sex slaves. We were bound in a way that seemed more related to his desire to see us so than to prevent escape, and began a long journey to his city of origin. He inserted a crude dildo, plugged at the end, in what passed for my vagina and instructed me to keep it there as we walked, which wasn't difficult given that it wasn't lubricated. He was experienced with women, and seemed to expect that I would be aroused by him or my situation. Of course I wasn't, and I wasn't able to pretend to be, only managing formal and detached politeness and obedience. On our stops he groped, fondled, and teased the other women; he mostly ignored me, except to try teasing me the same way. I understood that I wasn't able to respond in the way he desired, and wondered why he had bought me, given that he knew I was made of wood, felt nothing, and likely wasn't pleasant to fuck; I thought his dick might get splinters if he tried to penetrate me. I thought that once he realized this completely, he would destroy me. I had no real thoughts of escaping. I had tried to live my life independently, but without feelings, it hadn't meant anything to myself, and it obviously hadn't meant anything to others in my life, so I didn't see a reason to avoid what was coming. What I was doing now seemed the same as what I had done before: pointless effort and pointless acting that would be unappreciated and result in my destruction all the same. I sometimes compared the women's situation to mine. They were upset about their fates, but were somewhat aroused and would try to make the best of their circumstances, which would entail denying their past suffering and any hope for a different life. Was that the same pointlessness I faced, or was it better if they could come to be satisfied eventually?

    Starting to think too much, I woke up.

  7. #1207
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    OK, first, some background about me in the real world.

    I'm divorced and I've lived alone for about eight years. I have lots of acquaintances but I don't have pets. I have lots of ex-girlfriends but I don't have one currently. My business is flywheeling along, doing fine, whether I put any work into it or not. A customer just GAVE me 5% of his startup, now worth about $10M, just to get me on board and to get my divided attention. I have what I would once have considered to be a ridiculous amount of money and I don't expect to run out of it, ever, no matter how long I live, because it is growing faster than I choose to spend it. I've solved most of the interesting intellectual problems that I had in my twenties.
    I'm not saying this to brag; rather, I'm trying to give you a sense of where I'm coming from.
    Also, I'm getting older, which means that all my previously bright colors are fading to gray. My whole life now seems pointless, because I've always used "reaching the next destination" as a motivator, and I'm running low on both desirable destinations and motivation.

    OK. So much for me and my situation.

    Last night I dreamed that some hillbillies had discovered that a female city employee had embezzled $250k of the city’s money, and in retribution, they lured her into a pickup truck, along with me, and were taking her into a junkyard to murder her. And murder me, too, probably. And everyone was acting like nothing was wrong and everything is normal, we were just going for a ride into the junkyard for no particular reason, and I realized that this situation was crazy, and they didn’t have obvious weapons and I needed to goddam do something to save my life. Then I woke up.

    I’m interpreting this passive ride into the junkyard of death as a metaphor for my life at this point. I’m pretending that everything is just fine and I’m not doing anything to avoid this fate.

    God damn.

    Somehow, I need to get back to this:

    Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog:

    Last edited by Adam Strange; 07-06-2024 at 12:45 PM.

  8. #1208
    You mustn't think thought control Distance's Avatar
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    The Earth received a judgement blow from other worldly visitors.

    Yes, I had the '' priveledge'' of conversing with the two executioners, a woman & man together in this team, i was somehow picked out.

    They were smug & self confident in the extreme, and the decree was extermination of the planet.
    She was the leader.

    It was a death by asphyxiation via a sowing of green iridescence crystals on the surface of the earth.
    Everywhere there were pockets of these deposits.

    They gave the time of when these would react to do the killing: ''4 hours from now'' in countdown.

    Funny, someone decided to take a match & lit them on fire, it was a kid standing over one of the pockets, & they self consumed in a combustion & I said to myself, '' that was it, and it took this long to figure this out?'' lol.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

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  9. #1209
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    @Distance, this sounds like the "Great Oxidation Event", in which the green Cyanobacteria spread across the planet, generating poisonous oxygen which killed most of the existing aerobic bacteria. Eventually, the plants built up so much oxygen that the earth burned.

  10. #1210
    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post

    I was an enchanted wooden, lifesized female doll who used magic to disguise myself as a human. I worked and lived in a city that seemed medieval both in technology and culture. I was sociable at my work, which was something like a bakery, but kept to myself otherwise and lived alone. As a doll, I didn't have emotions, but faking them came naturally to me. Eventually an accident caused a brief slip in my disguise. I thought maybe it wasn't noticed, but I was pressured by an acquaintance to attend a slave auction, where I was apprehended, stripped, my disguise removed, and put up for auction myself. Nonhuman intelligences in this world were feared and hated, and required to be either enslaved or destroyed. People who had known and been friendly to me formerly now jeered at me. Some rich man bought me and the human women I was displayed with, as sex slaves. We were bound in a way that seemed more related to his desire to see us so than to prevent escape, and began a long journey to his city of origin. He inserted a crude dildo, plugged at the end, in what passed for my vagina and instructed me to keep it there as we walked, which wasn't difficult given that it wasn't lubricated. He was experienced with women, and seemed to expect that I would be aroused by him or my situation. Of course I wasn't, and I wasn't able to pretend to be, only managing formal and detached politeness and obedience. On our stops he groped, fondled, and teased the other women; he mostly ignored me, except to try teasing me the same way. I understood that I wasn't able to respond in the way he desired, and wondered why he had bought me, given that he knew I was made of wood, felt nothing, and likely wasn't pleasant to fuck; I thought his dick might get splinters if he tried to penetrate me. I thought that once he realized this completely, he would destroy me. I had no real thoughts of escaping. I had tried to live my life independently, but without feelings, it hadn't meant anything to myself, and it obviously hadn't meant anything to others in my life, so I didn't see a reason to avoid what was coming. What I was doing now seemed the same as what I had done before: pointless effort and pointless acting that would be unappreciated and result in my destruction all the same. I sometimes compared the women's situation to mine. They were upset about their fates, but were somewhat aroused and would try to make the best of their circumstances, which would entail denying their past suffering and any hope for a different life. Was that the same pointlessness I faced, or was it better if they could come to be satisfied eventually?

    Starting to think too much, I woke up.
    This is one of the most "Freudian" dream I ever read in the thread. I've never read the dream of a man in real life about incarnating a female "Pinocchio" in a steampunk like world. For some reason, that dream reminds me of the Droid condition in Star Wars. As you know, the Droids are basically treated like slaves, discriminated and abused in every way possible. The Droid condition has never been really (properly) addressed in neither live action nor animation in Star Wars.

    Anyway, I don't know if you want a deeper interpretation but let me tell you that reading this is more entertaining and way better written that any Disney Star Wars nonsense.
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    @godslave I wouldn't be posting dreams in a "dream interpretation thread" if I minded people interpreting what I post. シ

    Thanks though! I personally feel my dreams are pretty corny. They feel very immersive and important while I'm in them, but when I wake up and think about them they seem like angsty YA stories. Maybe my subconscious is a teenage girl.

  12. #1212
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    @godslave I wouldn't be posting dreams in a "dream interpretation thread" if I minded people interpreting what I post. シ

    Thanks though! I personally feel my dreams are pretty corny. They feel very immersive and important while I'm in them, but when I wake up and think about them they seem like angsty YA stories. Maybe my subconscious is a teenage girl.
    Personally, I like YA stories. I’ve read some which were better than most “classic” literature.

  13. #1213
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    Had a more vague dream than normal. Difficult to remember and put into words.

    My sister and I were led (by whom?) to a building. I don't know if it was my real sister or not. We were led to an understand that we would have to stay there a while before we would be able to take a trip of some kind. Inside, we were greeted by a cat, who took us to a brightly decorated room for children. There were two children, a male and female. I sat on the bench by the girl, who looked at me; I tried to smile at her, but it suddenly seemed difficult to interact with her -- usually I get along well with kids, especially girls. I didn't know what to do in there. The cat was giving a kind of preschool lesson. I found this hard to take. My sister didn't seem to mind. Eventually we went to a room for eating and then one for sleeping, and met a few other figures who worked or lived (?) at this building. I remember especially a female police officer. I wondered if this was the afterlife, and the trip was dying. But I couldn't take the boredom of being treated like a child. I found a book which allowed me to speak and breathe a new reality, and enter it. As I left, I felt an immense anger from the breather of the reality I was leaving. I was frightened and spent weeks in hiding. I was in a misty city; I lived in unused buildings, or office spaces after dark, trying to avoid being noticed easily. The people of this city felt real and solid, but it felt like there were limits to this reality. I was dissatisfied and wanted to break free; my paranoia also affected me, since I was concerned the cat or breather would follow me. I would return sometimes return and scout the reality I had left, and I tried to abduct someone, or leave messages demanding a hostage unless I could escape. But I realized gradually that no one seemed interested in me. My sister was gone. The cat found me once and explained it had no interest in fighting me; it had just been concerned I would waste myself and work myself up in a futile struggle. There was nothing except death; I realized there was nothing I could do or had ever done that made any difference.

  14. #1214
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    I took a relatively long nap prior to dinner today and had a vivid dream.

    First, I saw two sisters standing side by side—a ten year-old brunette named Bella and a ninteen year-old blonde named Helen. I identified with Helen—was Helen—in the dream.

    Then, I began to view the world through Helen's perspective. My brain told me that I was living in the prehistoric era, but the setting and clothes looked contemporary. I was inside a house, lying on the hallway floor and kissing a blonde guy. For some reason, this kiss was forbidden. Someone found out about it and announced it to the whole community at a public assembly. I became a social pariah. The guy left town without so much as saying goodbye.

    The dream skipped forward in time, just past Bella's eighteenth birthday. The guy from earlier returned to town, not to marry me (as I had hoped) but to apologize to my younger sister Bella. I discovered that, prior to his departure, he had been romancing both of us at the same time. Now, he wanted to apologize to Bella for breaking her heart at ten years old. (What the heck, why were you dating a ten-year-old, dude??) This made me, Helen, feel furious and betrayed. I thought that he had ruined my life, not hers. I thought that he had caused me more suffering than her and that he owed me an apology, not her. I saw them both chatting on the sidewalk by the local college and realized they were falling in love. Suddenly, he looked like Robert Pattison and she looked like Kristen Stewart. Bitterness festered.

    The next thing I know, I am back inside the small house where it all started. The place is now a tourist attraction because he became a moderately famous vampire after abandoning me. The entire first floor has become an office space for the company that owns the property. I find it confusing that there are tons of workers bustling about but no actual visitors/tourists in sight. One of the employees shows me a shelf of large green binders in the foyer, each one stuffed full of papers. He says that I can become an unofficial member and have my name written in one of the binders, but I decline the offer.

    That night, I sit on top of a car parked in the middle of a grassy field. I stare up at the dark sky and sing my heart out, using whatever words come to mind to express myself. I think that my lyrics make no sense but sound beautiful. My singing voice verges upon screaming or yelling, and I briefly wonder if my family can hear me singing in my sleep. That moment of semi-lucidity passes as quickly as it arrived. The emotional power of my song magically causes golden starlight to streak across the night sky, and this makes me sob with a combination of awe and despair. I keep singing through the tears, louder and louder.

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    I mentioned to someone the other day that I think my listening/watching/reading habits influence my dreams far more than my waking-life concerns. I decided to note some examples of that today. When I recall my dreams, I'm more likely to associate the different parts with memories of media than memories of personal experience.

    In my dream last night, an indie video-game creator was streaming a playthrough of his own game. It wasn't entirely complete, but he liked to release one story arc at a time. (This aspect of the dream reminds me of EPIC: The Musical, which I've been listening to lately. Its creator releases a 3-5 songs at a time in short albums called "sagas.")

    I vividly remember seeing a progress-mapping page filled with characters' faces. If you'd already encountered the NPC, their face appeared on the page in full detail and color. If the character remained unknown to you, you could only see a greyed-out silhouette of their face. (This visual reminds me of the pet diary on Dappervolk.) The character faces were sorted into rows based on type—for example, ally or minor antagonist or major villain. I can only recall a few of the faces. All of the visible villains were black blob-heads with glowing butterfly glasses of various shapes, sizes, and colors. In the allies row, there was a slim-faced young man with a smug smile and red hair that fell to his chin in a straight sheet. I thought to myself that I'd seen this character in the creator's previous streams, and I felt fond of him.

    Most of the details are lost to me, but I recall watching the main character making his way through the game world. He was a young man with fluffy, slightly wavy white hair. (His appearance reminds me of this character that I've seen online.) Even though I was watching him in the third person, I was privy to his internal thoughts and feelings. He started out in a small hut, a bare and cramped space that he was sharing with a giant green ogre. He was a slave and knew that the ogre would kill him if he was caught trying to escape. He snuck outside, careful to not make noise and disturb the slaver's slumber.

    After fleeing through grassy hills, he was somehow captured by another group, humans this time. He sat at the back of their small boat, which they were rowing through the air. They sailed into the main hallway of a magical tavern. The walls were constantly spinning (a bit like the stairs in Hogwarts), which was very confusing, disorienting, and chaotic. However, the main character used this to his advantage. When a particular wall spun to reveal an adjoining room, he jumped through the temporary opening. Before his captors could notice his absence and pursue him, the wall spun back into place, putting a barrier between himself and the floating boat. (The rowboat might also be related to EPIC: The Musical. The characters spend most of the narrative on a boat, and Odysseus says "Row for your lives!" when the crew is trying to escape Syclla.)

    The last thing I remember was playing the game myself. I was not interacting with a computer screen; it felt as though I was physically inside the body of the main character and directly controlling his movements from a first-person perspective. (Reminds me of the virtual world in the movie Belle. Or Ready Player One, though I've only seen trailers for that.) A horde of monsters were coming at me, and I was slashing blindly at them with a sword. The blade cut through the bodies like butter, and there was blood everywhere. In my ear, a real-life friend of mine was laughing at my inept gaming skills and saying I was going to die. He was right; the monstrous horde overwhelmed me, and I died.
    Last edited by Brynhild; 07-22-2024 at 05:41 PM. Reason: Added the parenthetical note about Syclla

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    Last night, I had a dream in which I was a homeless teenager wandering from place to place with my little sister. She did not resemble either of my real-life sisters, and we were both filipina girls.

    I became separated from my sister and began to frantically search for her. I eventually found her in a dingy trailer park, which flooded me with relief. I felt very protective of her, perhaps because we were living without parents and I had adopted a maternal role in relation to her.

    Suddenly, a long-lost older brother appeared out of nowhere. I felt too elated to accuse him of abandoning us. Instead, I simply asked why he'd been gone so long. He told me something along the lines of needing to leave for a divine calling. A while after my brother's return, he grabbed me by the arm and began to lead me away from our makeshift camp in the trailer park. Nothing actually happened in the interim, but my brain informed me that a few days had passed between his arrival and this moment.

    As my brother guided me through a foresty area, I noticed something was "off" about him. Although he seemed to care for me to some extent, his affection had cooled. Compared to his younger self, I thought he seemed indifferent—inhuman even. At this point, I panicked a bit and said I wanted to go back. If I looked over my shoulder, I could still see the trailer park in the distance. He told me it was too late for that and continued to tug me forward.

    Then, we came upon a grassy meadow with a single tree. This place felt weighty, sacred. Even though the trailer park remained in sight, I implicitly understood that we were no longer in the same world and that I would be expected to live here for all of eternity. I asked my brother why he had chosen me for this duty rather our younger sister. He said that, after spending a few days with both of us, he was sure that I was the right choice.

    I felt resigned to my fate, sensing that I didn't have any real option but to stay. I tried to use what little bargaining power I had. I told my brother that I would voluntarily remain with the tree on the condition that he kept my boredom at bay and protected our sister. Pleased by my cooperative attitude, he agreed to bring me entertaining stuff like coloring books and promised to watch out for our sister. This reassured me somewhat, but I dreaded the future that loomed before me.

    After that, the dream randomly transitioned to a nightmare about forgetting to complete my math homework. I'm not going to bother with recounting that part.
    Last edited by Brynhild; 07-23-2024 at 11:57 PM. Reason: Bit more detail about the emotions that I experienced

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    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    @Brynhild I've noticed that you often incarnate a different person in your dreams. It's as if in your dreams you were like Sam Beckett in Quantum Leap...

    Although it might have happened, I don't remember any dream in which I was someone other than myself.

    Do you have any idea as to what that could mean ?
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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    @Brynhild I've noticed that you often incarnate a different person in your dreams. It's as if in your dreams you were like Sam Beckett in Quantum Leap...

    Although it might have happened, I don't remember any dream in which I was someone other than myself.

    Do you have any idea as to what that could mean ?
    I have also noticed this and have discussed it with a couple people in the past. I have a few hypotheses:
    1) Perhaps it's relatively common to incarnate different people in dreams? I'm not sure how prevalent this tendency is.
    2) In many cases, it is my body—such as my sex or my ethnicity—that changes most noticeably. Maybe I do not identity with my body to the same extent as most people? (Se Polr symptom?)
    3) In waking life, I often daydream about being different people or at least different versions of myself. This tendency might overflow into my dream world?
    4) When I disagree with others, I often imagine myself in their shoes and try to understand how they view the situation/topic. Similarly to #3, maybe this perspective-taking tendency bleeds into my dreams?
    5) I would rather be someone other than myself, and that's only possible in my dreams. In this regard, my dreams might be a form of wish fulfillment?
    6) Growing up, I read quite a bit of fiction and engaged in quite a bit of role-play (both the written and acted-out variety). That might've trained my brain to imagine being other people, even when asleep?

    If I had been born in ancient times, maybe I'd think I was magical and traveling to other worlds in my sleep or having visions of the past/future lol.
    Last edited by Brynhild; 07-24-2024 at 12:31 AM. Reason: Added #5 & #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brynhild View Post
    I have also noticed this and have discussed it with a couple people in the past. I have a few hypotheses:
    1) Perhaps it's relatively common to incarnate different people in dreams? I'm not sure how prevalent this tendency is.
    2) In many cases, it is my body—such as my sex or my ethnicity—that changes most noticeably. Maybe I do not identity with my body to the same extent as most people? (Se Polr symptom?)
    3) In waking life, I often daydream about being different people or at least different versions of myself. This tendency might overflow into my dream world?
    4) When I disagree with others, I often imagine myself in their shoes and try to understand how they view the situation/topic. Similarly to #3, maybe this perspective-taking tendency bleeds into my dreams?
    5) I would rather be someone other than myself, and that's only possible in my dreams. In this regard, my dreams might be a form of wish fulfillment?
    6) Growing up, I read quite a bit of fiction and engaged in quite a bit of role-play (both the written and acted-out variety). That might've trained my brain to imagine being other people, even when asleep?

    If I had been born in ancient times, maybe I'd think I was magical and traveling to other worlds in my sleep or having visions of the past/future lol.
    Fascinating ! Thank you very much for your time and suggestions.

    If I may ask you another question, do you have an Idea or preconception about the very nature of Dreams and what purpose they may serve ?
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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    Fascinating ! Thank you very much for your time and suggestions.

    If I may ask you another question, do you have an Idea or preconception about the very nature of Dreams and what purpose they may serve ?
    No problem! And I mean, genuinely no problem—I love opportunities to talk about myself and my silly dreams lmao. I'm way too self-centered. I should be thanking you for asking the questions, honestly.

    Hmm, I've read various theories about the purpose of dreams, but I'm unsure of which one is correct—assuming dreams serve any purpose at all. As much as I want to believe that dreams have deeper meanings and convey important messages to us, I'm not convinced. I'm more inclined to think that dreams are simply the mind-wandering adventures of our sleeping brains, the nighttime counterparts of our daydreams. Without the inhibitions that restrain our waking thoughts, they end up far more bizarre. That's my take, anyways. Do you have an opinion on the matter?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brynhild View Post
    I mentioned to someone the other day that I think my listening/watching/reading habits influence my dreams far more than my waking-life concerns. I decided to note some examples of that today. When I recall my dreams, I'm more likely to associate the different parts with memories of media than memories of personal experience.

    In my dream last night, an indie video-game creator was streaming a playthrough of his own game. It wasn't entirely complete, but he liked to release one story arc at a time. (This aspect of the dream reminds me of EPIC: The Musical, which I've been listening to lately. Its creator releases a 3-5 songs at a time in short albums called "sagas.")

    I vividly remember seeing a progress-mapping page filled with characters' faces. If you'd already encountered the NPC, their face appeared on the page in full detail and color. If the character remained unknown to you, you could only see a greyed-out silhouette of their face. (This visual reminds me of the pet diary on Dappervolk.) The character faces were sorted into rows based on type—for example, ally or minor antagonist or major villain. I can only recall a few of the faces. All of the visible villains were black blob-heads with glowing butterfly glasses of various shapes, sizes, and colors. In the allies row, there was a slim-faced young man with a smug smile and red hair that fell to his chin in a straight sheet. I thought to myself that I'd seen this character in the creator's previous streams, and I felt fond of him.

    Most of the details are lost to me, but I recall watching the main character making his way through the game world. He was a young man with fluffy, slightly wavy white hair. (His appearance reminds me of this character that I've seen online.) Even though I was watching him in the third person, I was privy to his internal thoughts and feelings. He started out in a small hut, a bare and cramped space that he was sharing with a giant green ogre. He was a slave and knew that the ogre would kill him if he was caught trying to escape. He snuck outside, careful to not make noise and disturb the slaver's slumber.

    After fleeing through grassy hills, he was somehow captured by another group, humans this time. He sat at the back of their small boat, which they were rowing through the air. They sailed into the main hallway of a magical tavern. The walls were constantly spinning (a bit like the stairs in Hogwarts), which was very confusing, disorienting, and chaotic. However, the main character used this to his advantage. When a particular wall spun to reveal an adjoining room, he jumped through the temporary opening. Before his captors could notice his absence and pursue him, the wall spun back into place, putting a barrier between himself and the floating boat. (The rowboat might also be related to EPIC: The Musical. The characters spend most of the narrative on a boat, and Odysseus says "Row for your lives!" when the crew is trying to escape Syclla.)

    The last thing I remember was playing the game myself. I was not interacting with a computer screen; it felt as though I was physically inside the body of the main character and directly controlling his movements from a first-person perspective. (Reminds me of the virtual world in the movie Belle. Or Ready Player One, though I've only seen trailers for that.) A horde of monsters were coming at me, and I was slashing blindly at them with a sword. The blade cut through the bodies like butter, and there was blood everywhere. In my ear, a real-life friend of mine was laughing at my inept gaming skills and saying I was going to die. He was right; the monstrous horde overwhelmed me, and I died.
    You seem to have a lot of dreams involving escape. You really don't think your dreams relate to your life at all?

    I ask since I usually have a strong sense of how my dreams relate to something going on in my life, and I think we have similar kinds of dreams.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brynhild View Post
    No problem! And I mean, genuinely no problem—I love opportunities to talk about myself and my silly dreams lmao. I'm way too self-centered. I should be thanking you for asking the questions, honestly.

    Hmm, I've read various theories about the purpose of dreams, but I'm unsure of which one is correct—assuming dreams serve any purpose at all. As much as I want to believe that dreams have deeper meanings and convey important messages to us, I'm not convinced. I'm more inclined to think that dreams are simply the mind-wandering adventures of our sleeping brains, the nighttime counterparts of our daydreams. Without the inhibitions that restrain our waking thoughts, they end up far more bizarre. That's my take, anyways. Do you have an opinion on the matter?
    Indeed, that's probably close to the truth.

    Personally, I see dreams as a very interesting reflexion of people's inner world. Obviously there are all sorts of dreams and we all have a certain number of them each time with sleep. Some are more relevant than others. There are however people who claim that they don't dream at all, the truth is they do but they don't remember them for some reason. Perhaps we (consciously or unconsciously (?)) select the ones we want to remember for a reason.

    I also tend to somewhat agree with Freud in the sense that our dreams sometimes (not in a systematic way) are revelators of our own anxieties and traumas even. Indeed, Freud has alluded that the unconscious is trying to find a solution to resolve or find "solutions" to our anxiety and deepest desires in a sort of more or less archaic way. I don't think that it is their main function though. I'm not even sure that Dreams have a main function to begin with.

    Most psychologists agree to say that in our dreams the "unconscious" speaks to us in its own language i.e. through symbolic representation. Of course this psychoanalytic idea implies the acceptance of a certain number of theories about the nature of the psyche. But again, even today in our modern age, science still struggles to understand the very nature of unconsciousness, consciousness, everything in between and the subject of dreams. There seem to be a focus in lucid dreams in the field of researches, maybe the day of solving the mystery is not that far away. Who knows ?

    Finally I would say that our dreams speaks mostly about us, there is a liberty in their expression devoid of any superego influence. In that sense they constitute a tremendous material source to work on/with in order to further understand ourselves and maybe overcome the difficulties life might have thrown in our path to growth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    You seem to have a lot of dreams involving escape. You really don't think your dreams relate to your life at all?

    I ask since I usually have a strong sense of how my dreams relate to something going on in my life, and I think we have similar kinds of dreams.
    They might relate to my life, but I'm not sure how. The only thing I need "escape" from is my own cycle of self-destructive behaviors and self-defeating thought processes. Interpreting my dreams through that lens might be a stretch.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brynhild View Post
    They might relate to my life, but I'm not sure how. The only thing I need "escape" from is my own cycle of self-destructive behaviors and self-defeating thought processes. Interpreting my dreams through that lens might be a stretch.
    I don't think people really engage in self-destructive behavior without a reason. A reason beyond "we all have a sinful nature that hates everything good," I mean. I don't want to try to convince you there's something wrong if there isn't, but certain things you've said bother me, for whatever it's worth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I don't think people really engage in self-destructive behavior without a reason. A reason beyond "we all have a sinful nature that hates everything good," I mean.
    Wow you really anticipated my response there. I'm that predictable, huh.

    "As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly." -Proverbs

    Well, sinful nature and folly aside, I have tried to uncover the psychological roots of my self-destructive behaviors—skin picking, for example. I can't figure out any rational explanation for it. I hate to unnecessarily pathologize myself (or anyone), but I wonder if there's something wrong with my brain.

    Then again, maybe not. I've read online that popping a pimple gives your brain a dopamine hit and causes the reward centers to light up, thereby reinforcing the behavior with instant gratification. My skin picking is worse than simply popping a pimple (because I target healthy skin, cause sores, etc.), but I suppose the same principle applies.

    So, if there are legitimate reasons for my self-destructive behavior, I think they're to be found at the neurological level. I want some scientists to monitor my brain for a few days and tell me what in the world is going on. I wonder if that'll be feasible someday, for future generations... That would be really cool.

    Edit: My spiritual mentor (with whom I frequently discuss my bad habits) once suggested that I might have an executive functioning disorder that impedes my self-control and makes it difficult for me to reject/postpone opportunities for instant gratification. But if I accept that, then I'm pathologizing my problems again. In reality, my brain might be completely normal....
    Last edited by Brynhild; 07-24-2024 at 02:55 AM. Reason: The "edit" portion

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brynhild View Post
    Wow you really anticipated my response there. I'm that predictable, huh.

    "As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly." -Proverbs

    Well, sinful nature and folly aside, I have tried to uncover the psychological roots of my self-destructive behaviors—skin picking, for example. I can't figure out any rational explanation for it. I hate to unnecessarily pathologize myself (or anyone), but I wonder if there's something wrong with my brain.

    Then again, maybe not. I've read online that popping a pimple gives your brain a dopamine hit and causes the reward centers to light up, thereby reinforcing the behavior with instant gratification. My skin picking is worse than simply popping a pimple (because I target healthy skin, cause sores, etc.), but I suppose the same principle applies.

    So, if there are legitimate reasons for my self-destructive behavior, I think they're to be found at the neurological level. I want some scientists to monitor my brain for a few days and tell me what in the world is going on. I wonder if that'll be feasible someday, for future generations... That would be really cool.

    Edit: My spiritual mentor (with whom I frequently discuss my bad habits) once suggested that I might have an executive functioning disorder that impedes my self-control and makes it difficult for me to reject/postpone opportunities for instant gratification. But if I accept that, then I'm pathologizing my problems again. In reality, my brain might be completely normal....
    I think that using neurology to talk about human behavior is generally a bad idea. It's like explaining a computer virus as an "electrical disorder." It's true in a certain way, but you need a much higher degree of abstraction to be able to say anything meaningful. Computers use electricity and people run on chemicals, but you can't really describe complex behavior in terms of electric patterns or chemicals. It works for some simple things, maybe.

    If I were in your shoes, the next time my "spiritual counselor" talked about an "executive functioning disorder" I'd start calling her a "brain counselor" instead. If a "spiritual counselor" is going to give up the spirit for the "brain" then there's nothing more to say. Where is the spirit supposed to be located, anyway?

    Again, I don't want to push you to any conclusions, but I wonder if there are certain things you don't allow yourself to think about. Some ways you think and certain things you've said remind me of myself, and that's been the case with me and the cause of similar problems in the past.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 07-24-2024 at 06:48 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I think that using neurology to talk about human behavior is generally a bad idea. It's like explaining a computer virus as an "electrical disorder." It's true in a certain way, but you need a much higher degree of abstraction to be able to say anything meaningful. Computers use electricity and people run on chemicals, but you can't really describe complex behavior in terms of electric patterns or chemicals. It works for some simple things, maybe.

    If I were in your shoes, the next time my "spiritual counselor" talked about an "executive functioning disorder" I'd start calling her a "brain counselor" instead. If a "spiritual counselor" is going to give up the spirit for the "brain" then there's nothing more to say. Where is the spirit supposed to be located, anyway?

    Again, I don't want to push you to any conclusions, but I wonder if there are certain things you don't allow yourself to think about. Some ways you think and certain things you've said remind me of myself, and that's been the case with me and the cause of similar problems in the past.
    Well, she hasn't "given up" on the spirit. It was one (very tentative) possibility she mentioned in the course of a much longer Zoom conversation that covered a lot of ground. (To address your tangential question, I think the spirit is located in/with the body? At least in this life.)

    Dw, I don't feel pushed in any direction. I appreciate your thoughts! I think you're right about neurology not being sufficient to meaningfully explain complex human behavior.

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    You know how two people can look at the same series of events, and one will see a shining record of success and happiness, and another will see a small and mundane and disappointing series of disconnected and pointless activities?

    I just has a long dream which I interpreted as being a recapitulation of my entire adult life, and it was the latter.

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    dreamt i told smth to my SLI cousin that upset his worldview or smth and he started making weird loud sounds with his mouth popping his eyes and like holding his hands up and moving them like a crazy person right u get the idea. not sure if my projeciton but SLIs may be jsut crazy ppl who never integrated it. faked their were normal and behaved superficially so, mb all S types are like that, i recall smth similar from all of them. unintegrated intution and Fe. but they also look down on it maybe hence reject it and dont develop. is that his idea of what Fe is? maybe smth like that is what babies do when they learn and his parents were disapproving or weirded out, cold or whatever, or didnt work wiht his personal Fe to develop more sophisticated ideas.
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