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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

  1. #1001
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    I had a dream where I and other people who knew how could walk on air by walking quickly enough similar to swimming or treading water. Some people would use this while putting on on Der Ring des Nibelungen by walking on air really quickly while pretending to be the gods and demigods in Valhalla. Later on, people who observed such unnecessary- and extravagant-seeming uses of the technique and managed to learn it from watching other people publicly use it in performances would do things like trespassing where they ironically don't want to be seen in contrast to the performers' intention of being seen by everyone treading air while walking.

  2. #1002
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    Had a dream last night where my husband and I bought the house Rose Red. We went to discover the basement where it was haunted, and it was huge. I kept digging in things, feeling a presence that felt disturbed. Then we entered an enormous ballroom which looked like a dollhouse. On the edge was wooden planks we had to walk down. This part of the dream is a little lost to me, but I remember somehow I and a group of women developed powers where we generated power in ours eyes, and when we bent down, we could soar in the air. Somehow I got lost in time. It’s like I stopped where I was in time and everyone else went forward.

    I somehow found myself getting back to the present, except when I tried to fly, I couldn’t. I was in the basement of the house again, and I tried to charge the power in my eyes again and soar, but when I went to soar, I stumbled. I got caught by an evil entity in the house and raped, which I was completely traumatized by.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Astor View Post
    Had a dream last night where my husband and I bought the house Rose Red. We went to discover the basement where it was haunted, and it was huge. I kept digging in things, feeling a presence that felt disturbed. Then we entered an enormous ballroom which looked like a dollhouse. On the edge was wooden planks we had to walk down. This part of the dream is a little lost to me, but I remember somehow I and a group of women developed powers where we generated power in ours eyes, and when we bent down, we could soar in the air. Somehow I got lost in time. It’s like I stopped where I was in time and everyone else went forward.

    I somehow found myself getting back to the present, except when I tried to fly, I couldn’t. I was in the basement of the house again, and I tried to charge the power in my eyes again and soar, but when I went to soar, I stumbled. I got caught by an evil entity in the house and raped, which I was completely traumatized by.
    My mom read the whole book and saw the whole movie. I read none, and saw part of the movie. Flames of the descending journey glide from tower to stream in a mirage of secrets and time remotes. It was chilling, deathly, oblivion. Your dream with sonority in the wind is trance and force. I always loved puzzles of extreme reinventing of dimensions. That life is building and conceptualizing flights of stairs to some ascended simulated city with every afterlife mutant is enthralling.
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
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  4. #1004
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    I had two dreams last night.

    In the first dream, I was 27 again, back working in a machine tool factory in Detroit on Eight Mile Rd. The factory was dirty and the neighborhood looked like it had been bombed, but I loved my work and was certain that I was going to go on to do great things.

    I no longer believe that I’m going to do great things. Or maybe my definition of “great” has changed.

    In my second dream, I was about 30 and was sitting at the kitchen table in my grandmother’s house, talking to my mother and her sister (my aunt). They told me that my grandmother was getting married today, and I said “Wait a minute! Why aren’t we at the church?”
    They said that she’s marrying a 20 yo guy who doesn’t have a job, and I was outraged.
    “How can she do that?”, I asked. “He’s only after her money.”

    In reality, my ESI grandmother didn’t have any money. She was widowed at the age of 49 or so and lived alone until she died at age 87.

    Sometimes, I think that my subconscious hates me.

  5. #1005
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    Quote Originally Posted by BunnyFairyWorld View Post
    My mom read the whole book and saw the whole movie. I read none, and saw part of the movie. Flames of the descending journey glide from tower to stream in a mirage of secrets and time remotes. It was chilling, deathly, oblivion. Your dream with sonority in the wind is trance and force. I always loved puzzles of extreme reinventing of dimensions. That life is building and conceptualizing flights of stairs to some ascended simulated city with every afterlife mutant is enthralling.
    I agree! I really liked it. I remember watching it in high school when the tv show came out and I had to wait for each episode. One of the first I actually waited on and religiously watched. The story of the house it was based on is also spooky!
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  6. #1006
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    I had an unusual dream last night.

    There was a band. Three of the band members looked almost identical. One of them, maybe the leader, was explaining how each of them plays the instrument they prefer to play and excel at: The drummer is great on drums, the second guy is great on guitar, and the third one was maybe the singer (don't remember). So they all had their tasks and all the band members played well together.

    They started playing. It was "Sgt Pepper's lonely hearts club". It sounded good. The intro was pretty loud, I remember the drummer hitting the drums hard, as to really get the song going. Then when the singer started singing ("It was twenty years ago today...") the drummer adjusted his playing and played more quietly. (As you would expect from a good drummer). The other band members also joined the singing in certain parts.

    They continued, and suddenly there were other people around, maybe a whole crowd of people, and there was a football (soccer) game (!) and I was still listening to the band. The ball got kicked out from the soccer field, so the game came to a halt, I think. I was saying something about the song. My friend (LII) was now there, and I said something to him about how great the song was. He answered something, but he had his own interpretation, somewhat detached or intellectual.


    It was a strange dream, I had it just before waking up so I remembered it. I think I know what it means. I felt a certain mood or even feeling in my body from the dream after waking up. (It's interesting how one can even interpret dreams with the body, sometimes)
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  7. #1007
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    I was six or seven. I dreamed I was in a hole with fog and barbwire everywhere. There had been silence for hours and I grew tired of waiting so I looked at my two comrades in the hole with me and motioned I was going to stand up. I did. I was then shot full of holes. I was very upset that my comrades had to see me die. At least they knew it still wasn't safe. Then I woke up.

    My parents were very poor and I slept on an old army cot. I had no bed... I woke my father and he had to explain to me that I'd been dreaming of war. It was terrifying because I didn't even know what war was.
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    I dreamed that I had to go to the boring mainstream movie theatres with my family members, including ones who are now deceased, but instead of playing normal movies it was playing extremely depraved pornography featuring incest rape, slavery, drugging, torture, mutilation, STD spreading, and many other obscenities far beyond what occurs in relatively tame "romantic" pornography, yet people were just treating this like it was not even pornography, but a normal type of family movie you go take the kids to; additionally, the inside of the theater itself was an absolute biohazard.

  9. #1009
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    I was testing an ILE’s flying machine invention. The machine looked like a conveyor belt and launched me into the air. For some reason I was sitting on a 2x4 piece of wood like it was a magic carpet. When the ride was over, the piece of wood began to rapidly fall towards the Earth. I pulled out my parachute and landed in the middle of a random field in France.

    After I landed, I held on to my parachute and ran as fast as I could with it flapping behind me. Somehow I caught some air. I swung from my parachute and used this momentum to jump like 50 feet at a time. Eventually I reached Pointe du Hoc, a place I only recognize from call of duty. The place was still bombed out, but among the rubble was a cafe. I entered the cafe and explained to everyone that I had no phone, wallet, or money and no way of getting home. They told me to wait one moment and brought out my husband who had been looking for me. I was so relieved and happy to see him. Apparently he had followed me on the flying machine because he knew that I didn’t have a way of getting home.

    Overall 10/10 fun dream. I love having dreams where I get to fly.

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    I was curling my hair in the bathroom. A man walked in and I threw my curling iron at him. He pushed me into the bath tub and grabbed my head and pushed it underwater so I couldn’t breathe. I started panicking because he was ruining my hair and I had no time to redo it.

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    I have recurring dreams of someone trying to drown me. Whenever the drowning starts my dream shifts to third person and I see them holding my head underwater. The setting is always different.

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    I had a dream where people were giving me bottles of alcohol and I didn't want to drink any alcohol but I didn't feel like I could give or sell them to someone else since I just thought alcohol was a bad thing to drink so they were just piling up as I tried to find non-intoxicant uses for the ever-increasing amounts of alcohol.

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    Most people seem to have negative/scary/grimdark dreams.

    I'm not different in this regard either. However, the most over the top pleasant and "good" dream I had is when SLE dream crush dude spontaneously told me that he loved me and then kissed me, and he flew up in the sky with me in his car lol. It was so thrilling and positive and classicly romantic. It was also kinda like that ending of that one Speilberg movie where the guy helped the girl get over her paralyzing fear by riding with her on the bike fast-like thru the street. Only I mean there was no obstacles in my dream it was just pure Ni romantic sky lol.

  14. #1014
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    This is the fourth time (as I remember) that I dream that I am at my grandmother's house in the village

    Anyway, we had a gift we wanted to give to someone, so they ( grandfather and grandmother ) gave it to me to give to the intended person

    I don't remember anything else from the dream
    Souls know their way back home

  15. #1015
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    A few days ago I dreamed I was searching in one of those pink little tikes houses people generally have in their yard. It seemed reallly big on the inside. I was looking for a skeleton key which I found in a hidden drawer in it. Then I crawled around, hands and knees, searching for the dome shaped door that would lead me to wonderland, except I woke up before I found it.

    total disappointment.
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  16. #1016
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    The first part is not a dream:

    I was staying weekends at my ex-husband's and new ESI wife's house. The ESI had her ex-heroin-addict 20 year old niece staying there too. She looked like a nice girl and I couldn't believe she used to do heroin. Her ex-boyfriend was a drug dealer and got her into it. I was shocked after meeting her.

    She eventually moved back to her mom's house because the ESI was too strict. A month later she was dead of a heroin overdose.

    I was sleeping in my daughter's room and I woke to the sound of a girl crying. I got up and followed the sound downstairs and then I heard a man's voice say " Don't you want to be my Harley Quin!" "Do it!"

    There was nothing down stairs. I thought "great I'm hearing voices again" I went back to bed. 2016. The next day her ESI aunt gave me a pair of moccasins she let her niece borrow frequently. Shoes were so nice I accepted them.

    I went home, thought it was creepy, and forgot about it.

    I started having nightmares about the ESI's niece. She looked ghostly and she kept struggling with me until she got my arm. She'd then press my arm up against the mirror in my room. It was always a struggle........
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


  17. #1017
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    I dreamed my aunt (step aunt, mind you) angrily and hatefully pulled my cat from underneathe the couch. When she did I got so pissed at her because the cat had a seizsure and looked fucked up/permanently damaged. The cat also had a bunch of wires wrapped around him, and I freed him of those.

    I was too afraid to stand up to my aunt which annoyed me. Like a ESI in that instance would physically attack the aunt for hurting an animal but its like- she was psycho and I didn't want her to twist things around. Probably/maybe because we had that convo about mods being too lenient mixed I was just worried about my cat in general cuz I'm his daddy etc.

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    btw IRL my step aunt isn't evil like that lol. Afaik

    /waits for ppl to tell me she really is.

  19. #1019
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    Nietzsche keeps visiting me in my dreams. And no, that's not Father Crow.

    I like how Zarathustra chooses legacy and willfulness to continue with strategy and contraptions of ultra ambition and star seeking to flame up in the igloo of imperative completion of super silver dreams and galaxies of networking crosshairs with a shifting train and bell tower to walk the mermaid's harmonies and enter cheat codes to the doorway of cosmic consciousness.
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
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  20. #1020
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    if u are interested

    white reminds me of emptiness, cleanness, so maybe white clothes symbolize being brainwashed
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post

    if u are interested

    white reminds me of emptiness, cleanness, so maybe white clothes symbolize being brainwashed
    This sounds like a spiritual journey to me.
    The initial part in the garage, in the garden is the normal life, the safe space where people only use spiritual stuff to keep safe, i.e. the father repairing stuff with the ropes that can be used to fly.

    The cemetery part reminds me of people who vow cult to the past. Giving birth is often associated with creation. So it seems like basing the new on the dead, but the dead is dead, so you can make them say whatever you wish. It's a way to take advantage of people and stealing their present, their creative nature.
    No sleeping on the graves would be to keep them mystical looking, by sleeping there, anyone could realize there's nothing special to them.
    Also, this idea of joining after having brought pregnant females sounds like you had to prove your worth, and own brain washing, by brain washing others.
    The no eating cinnamon nor onion part makes me think of strong breath, could be about not letting members voice opinions that would be treated like bad breath.
    Bread is the body of christ, so truth and all things holy maybe.
    It does make sense that the people with the bright white piece of clothing are brainwashed, even blinded by strong atificial light, i.e. false profets.

    The part of being suspicious of someone who had left the same cult sounds like self-doubt about leaving a bad situation and coming to term with it.
    The bed part is a little confusing, they are beds, they aren't, something might not be clear, perhaps about rest, safety.
    That the cult leader "attacked" the community sounds like an attempt at gaining more power, to which the people attacked responded by laying in the pink bed instead of the white bed. Pink can be about compassion but also weakness, letting others walk all over you from a falsely compassionate standpoint, i.e. letting others hurt you so you don't hurt them.
    The friend started noticing this cult was just like the last with the brain washed people, the packaging is new but nothing changed deep down.
    People using God to shoulder bs is common, so it's not surprising in a cult.
    There is fear, a need to take actions, a consideration of what actions might be best, uncertainty.
    The Koreans obsessed with rome culture sounds like a "grass is greener" kind of thing.
    The grandma complaining about the spoon smashing food makes me think of people obsessed with novelty, it's the new cool thing so everyone does that. The grandma is the voice of wisdom, there's no point is smashing food with spoons.

    That the initial part of the dream is the last told makes it seem like looking at how things have started and realizing what seemed good at first isn't, as the infected with oil part.
    The father might represent stagnation and fear of facing the bad of the world. Or maybe something else.

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    This reminds me of conditionings in childhood, not always best. We often accuse our parents of having done wrong, but where really has all that started? I.e., the ghost attached to the family photo.
    Certain traditions are good and worth perpetuating, a dessert shop is a fun thing, the replicas of past desserts might indicate a pride in the past, which might be misplaced if they serve no purpose in the present, or even stagnation of some sort. If they were exemple of the goods still offered, it could be positive or negative, upholding liked traditions of not being willing to change.

    The aunt buying the great grandma's house seem to indicate a family that holds dear to their past, but that she "had" to get it because no one else could might mean weakness towards closed ones putting pressure, feeling stuck. The others wanted to keep what they had, including the great grandma's house but without sacrificing themselves, their comfort(their houses) for it.
    The aunt sounds "unsettled" compared to the others as she has no house of her own, might indicate a free spirit or someone immature being locked into domestic life.

    The bamboo sink thing is odd, the first thing that came up when I looked "sink" for dream meaning was "retained emotions". Bamboo meanings: longevity, endurance, moral integrity, loyalty, modesty, perseverance... it's as if the father tells the aunt to surround retained emotions with these values, which doesn't sound very healthy long term.
    Almost sounds like "suck it up".

    There might be a powerlessness in doing anything in the present, can't get into the dessert shop.
    Something is sought, but it feels nameless workers, potentially strangers being busy, will not understand the need of seeking and hinder the progress.

    It seems rather in line with the other dream with elements of dead, of past, of not finding one's place(changing cults, not feeling allowed in dessert shop), of pressure by groups(cults and family), I overall think those are good omen, they seem to point at things wrong, which could mean the person is ready to face them and grow.

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    It seems rather in line with the other dream with elements of dead, of past, of not finding one's place(changing cults, not feeling allowed in dessert shop), of pressure by groups(cults and family), I overall think those are good omen, they seem to point at things wrong, which could mean the person is ready to face them and grow.
    i think she is EIE ennnea 6 and if this is her being negativistic thne i wonder if EIEs are the most grown or just the most entitled or both @adage
    she does seem to be stuck in general, and wants things to change
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    i think she is EIE ennnea 6 and if this is her being negativistic thne i wonder if EIEs are the most grown or just the most entitled or both @adage
    she does seem to be stuck in general, and wants things to change
    Hm, I find the dreams fitting for this typing.
    I'd say EIEs can be expressive and inspiring at the right time or loud and irritating at the worst moment if I had to describe their best to worst.
    Sure hope she finds the courage for change, I think it's all she has left to find.

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    Last edited by VewyScawwyNawcissist; 10-26-2022 at 10:32 PM.
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

    self diagnosed ASD, ADHD, schizotypal/affective

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    It's similar themes again, struggles with the past, the present, feeling stuck. The dreams are evolving, it could be subconscious clearing itself which can be a long process.

    The minecraft part sounds like feeling out of place, even outgrowing current settings and needing to leave them behind so to not be taken back down into it, that's about the high and tall part.
    The grandpa vomiting and then putting his foot in his mouth makes me think of guilt, realizing something wrong was said. The vomiting while drink sounds like a loss of control over one's words; "se mettre le pied dans la bouche" (literally putting one's foot in one's mouth) is a french saying meaning to misspeak, make mistakes in social context by ignorance or lack of tact. That he wanted to eat after reminds me of eating feelings to not process them, but it's not a solution; no food can fix this, hence grandma wasn't sure what.
    The class 4.b being weird makes me think of judgements and assumptions made about groups, people; in communist settings there was historically often encouragement to denounce people who don't follow rules, which could get them in serious trouble, it could indicate a guilty conscience of getting people in trouble, be it justified or not, hence the students haunts through the roads in a weird way. Because of this, they are attracting attention and might be protecting the culprit, whether knowingly or not.
    The ginger thing stands out, the first meaning I found for it is about patience, being stubborn, never giving up. The second meaning I read was about taking care of one's health.
    The uncle and the uncertainty about his presence sounds like looking for support in facing life's challenges, fear while not being sure one can count on it.
    The heels part might be about confidence as they make one taller and more fashionable in general, somehow didn't happen. Sounds like hope for gaining confidence that won't come.
    The "voting" and stupid paper reminds me of powerlessness, this idea that nothing can change.
    The weird perspective of village from town sounds like gaining new perspevtive over one's living settings; the village being what is known, familiar but seen through a new way; change is happening if only in perspective.

  28. #1028
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    I had a dream that I was really thirsty. I crawled to a water spigot that was on the side of a building and drank from it for a long time until I was no longer thirsty. I looked up and saw a lake in the distance. I ran towards the lake, taking off my clothes as I ran. I didn’t stop running. When I reached the lake I jumped in without hesitation and then woke up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    I had a dream that I was really thirsty. I crawled to a water spigot that was on the side of a building and drank from it for a long time until I was no longer thirsty. I looked up and saw a lake in the distance. I ran towards the lake, taking off my clothes as I ran. I didn’t stop running. When I reached the lake I jumped in without hesitation and then woke up.
    Water seems to be an important aspect in your dreams; it's at times life giving, attractive, needed, and at others dangerous, a thing that ruins your efforts, miss the point.
    Any particular thoughts on water? Like what it means to you, memories surounding it, stuff.
    No need to tell me if you'd rather not.

    What I'm thinking is you don't like having whatever water means forced on you but you may go towards it of your own volition when you feel the need, could be something like Si vs Se, or other intro vs extro functions.
    Maybe not liking when someone else take the aspects that pertain to your ego functions in their hands, overwriting your control over it, yourself, others.
    Depending when the dreams started, the duration of recurrency(talking about the dreams about being drowned you mentioned before), it could be about something new or situational in your life.
    Maybe this seeking water instead of being forcefully drowned in it means something is healed inside you.
    Something like that maybe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    I had a dream that I was really thirsty. I crawled to a water spigot that was on the side of a building and drank from it for a long time until I was no longer thirsty. I looked up and saw a lake in the distance. I ran towards the lake, taking off my clothes as I ran. I didn’t stop running. When I reached the lake I jumped in without hesitation and then woke up.
    maybe u feel restricted and want to go with the flow
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    I was in a building and it turns out that there are two corridors who have different kind of elevators. You have to go up to 2nd floor when you are on first floor then go to parallel corridor to use other sets of elevators and to go out from building entrance aka floor 0. So I just discovered this then went out from that building.

    Then I went to a place that I stay in my dream not rl. It was small like hotel room. Then based on speech I heard from outside, there was some concert going on that night. I wore a green blouse then a friend asked you know what would go well there was a pants of yours then handed me that pant, then I wore a gold chain as a belt on it (I never wore that kind of thing irl). Then my friend said hey I found some jewelry here is it yours, I looked at it and gold chain necklace was mine that I thought I havent seen it for a few years (irl I never had it) and there was gold bracelet there, it contained thick gold structures on it, I said hey cant you see the difference this must be X's (another friend)(again she never had that kind of bracelet). I wore the necklace thinking how it matches with gold chain belt but it seems like rock on it has felt, so I was like damn. But when I wore it and press the place of missing rock, some emerald kind of rock appeared, then I pressed it again then its color turned to blue then red then etc etc

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    I was in a building and it turns out that there are two corridors who have different kind of elevators. You have to go up to 2nd floor when you are on first floor then go to parallel corridor to use other sets of elevators and to go out from building entrance aka floor 0. So I just discovered this then went out from that building.
    Hum, That's intriguing. It seems like you like (or want) to resolve puzzle games like enigmas. In some cultures , finding a way out is a sign of some kind of deliverance. Do you play video games ? I think what you described can be a good level design idea is a Castlevania like game (corridors remind me of Castlevania for some reason ahah ). Other than that I don't have any idea of what how that could be interpreted (unless I make some research but my books on dream interpretations are still at my parents place rn).

    Then I went to a place that I stay in my dream not rl. It was small like hotel room. Then based on speech I heard from outside, there was some concert going on that night. I wore a green blouse then a friend asked you know what would go well there was a pants of yours then handed me that pant, then I wore a gold chain as a belt on it (I never wore that kind of thing irl). Then my friend said hey I found some jewelry here is it yours, I looked at it and gold chain necklace was mine that I thought I havent seen it for a few years (irl I never had it) and there was gold bracelet there, it contained thick gold structures on it, I said hey cant you see the difference this must be X's (another friend)(again she never had that kind of bracelet). I wore the necklace thinking how it matches with gold chain belt but it seems like rock on it has felt, so I was like damn. But when I wore it and press the place of missing rock, some emerald kind of rock appeared, then I pressed it again then its color turned to blue then red then etc etc
    This part is quite complex. In some cultures receiving gold and jewelry is a good "presage" when you're a woman but less when you are a man (esp in Islamic interpretations). Wearing or receiving jewelry which belong to another person indicates that that you will benefit from that person in some ways. As for the necklace with precious stones, it indicates faith knowledge, a husband if you're a woman. Wallahu A'lam .

    Anyway, note that most of what I said is from an spiritual and Islamic point of view (nothing Freudian ahaah !). Thank you cuz it kinda put me in a suit I hadn't worn in a long time. Now I feel like I'm in one thousand and one nights again !

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    Hum, That's intriguing. It seems like you like (or want) to resolve puzzle games like enigmas. In some cultures , finding a way out is a sign of some kind of deliverance. Do you play video games ? I think what you described can be a good level design idea is a Castlevania like game (corridors remind me of Castlevania for some reason ahah ). Other than that I don't have any idea of what how that could be interpreted (unless I make some research but my books on dream interpretations are still at my parents place rn).
    I only play mobile legends which is like lol for mobile. I havent heard that game or played a game similar.

    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    This part is quite complex. In some cultures receiving gold and jewelry is a good "presage" when you're a woman but less when you are a man (esp in Islamic interpretations). Wearing or receiving jewelry which belong to another person indicates that that you will benefit from that person in some ways. As for the necklace with precious stones, it indicates faith knowledge, a husband if you're a woman. Wallahu A'lam .

    Anyway, note that most of what I said is from an spiritual and Islamic point of view (nothing Freudian ahaah !). Thank you cuz it kinda put me in a suit I hadn't worn in a long time. Now I feel like I'm in one thousand and one nights again !

    Noted, thank you and see this aint that bad

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    Dreamed last night that I was walking through a cemetery in the evening. Imagine, Universals 1941 The Wolfman, type vibe to it. And I came across two men, a reporter and a scientist. The reporter was reporting on the fact that three coffins had mysteriously lifted out of the ground. The scientist said he had buried them that way, to rise if they were buried alive, and that he must test their heart beat. It just happened to be that my Great-Grandmother, My Grandmother, and my mother, were the three graves that had lifted. I watched as the scientist put a stethoscope attached to some kind of speaker, and heard the heartbeats sound slow at first, and then go faster and faster. I grew more and more frightened, and expected, from all the horror movies I’d seen, it was going to be something awful. Like Pet Semetary.

    The End.
    ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈 ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈
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    An old overweight loner mocked Elon Musk for not taking a tornado warning seriously. Elon vandalized the guy’s house in retaliation and was caught by the old man. Elon had the guy murdered so that no one would find out.
    Last edited by Poptart; 11-16-2022 at 11:11 PM.

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    The tornado ending up being a real threat. I took shelter in a basement with a bunch of kids and kept them busy by playing cards.

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    Dream 1: I was in a car that was not moving and everything in the car was working, car wipers, signals etc.

    Dream 2: BTC went down to 12k


    In another dream BTC went up to 30k if it goes down to 12k then 30k, I will invest according to my dreams
    Last edited by myresearch; 11-22-2022 at 02:45 PM.

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    oh no we lost adage? this sucks
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    I did recently dream of kissing someone on the stomach and being incredibly excited by it; best one I've had in ages tbh.

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    I woke up from a nightmare, found myself on a couch at the home we lived when I was a kid. I walked towards my bed to sleep again but there was this very cute kitten there and it jumped to my face and sucked my eyelid, I held the cat and throw it away and got into my bed. I woke up for real this time.

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