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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

  1. #961
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    @Adam Strange
    optics was started in mesopotamia. his skin was dark as an arab because he was an arab

    the rest is much difficult to me
    metaphor for vision, and vision is the future. its all practical perhaps because u are an LIE and u can make it work somehow.
    does distilled water have something to do with optics and light?
    ^^^ this i know too little about, tho i do think there must symbolic significance about the events number of structures the sun etc

    i get why u feel like u are supposed to save the world.
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

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    I dreamnt that some strange man came into my house, it was horrifying.... I have that phobia a lot, that some creepo just walks in... when I was younger I had the same fear. I want to tell @VewyScawwyNawcissist this because I think he'll get a kick out of it...

    I remember when I was bullied really badly in school I hallucinated and saw weird things under my desk that they left, like a bunch of graffiti and 'haha we got you loser' messages with cruel and degrading comments about me... and it was horrifying and kept me up all night. They looked SO REAL even tho it was just a hallucination... like a bunch of bullies broke in my house and invaded me in my room and wrote stuff under my desk. at that point in my life I was getting bullied so badly I don't think I felt safe from it even in my own house. =/

    well it probably relates to the fact that a couple bullies actually called my house before, I was mad at my naive alpha parents for having our number listed in the phone book... They were so dorkily naive and 'oh it will be okay honey' and sure enough they called my house.... I FUCKING HATE ALPHA NAIEVTE. Please Gammas, rip them to shreds about this? Idk.

    The World: "come on bnd we all know you want a creepy man to come into ur house and have his way with you"

    yeah as fantasy sure, if it actually happens- its beyond horrifying.

  3. #963
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    So I found myself in a strange place. I wanted to go somewhere but I was stuck. I couldn't figure it out. I stepped outside and noticed that I had been in a women's bathroom. I was like "OK.. and thought it was strange but it might happen". I cycled outside from a building that looked like a railway station using my old bike. There were pigeons and I continued. The amount of pigeons kept increasing at an alarming rate. I thought "Oh shit, I'm gonna be covered in shit in no time". There was a lot of bird poo in the air. Pigeons let me travel although conditions were particularly shitty. It was getting darker and darker and I saw a full moon and realized that all the pigeons transformed into bats.

    I woke up.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguine Miasma View Post

    So I found myself in a strange place. I wanted to go somewhere but I was stuck. I couldn't figure it out. I stepped outside and noticed that I had been in a women's bathroom. I was like "OK.. and thought it was strange but it might happen". I cycled outside from a building that looked like a railway station using my old bike. There were pigeons and I continued. The amount of pigeons kept increasing at an alarming rate. I thought "Oh shit, I'm gonna be covered in shit in no time". There was a lot of bird poo in the air. Pigeons let me travel although conditions were particularly shitty. It was getting darker and darker and I saw a full moon and realized that all the pigeons transformed into bats.

    I woke up.
    Humor hat on

    You dreamt of the chat box ! It cycles from subjects to subjects. But some people can talk poo about some other people, it's human nature. It seems like you're worry that poo talking might contaminate you and transform you into a poo talker too. Over population of poo talkers might rang an unconscious alarm. A recent evocation of the eternity question in a discussion might explain part of this vision. Maybe you unconsciously think that it might be better if all human beings were actually vampires !

    Humor hat off

  5. #965
    Like think it twice but never, never learn. Vex's Avatar
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    Had a dream about Animal Crossing so this must mean I am a furry!

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  6. #966
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pirouette View Post
    Had a dream about Animal Crossing so this must mean I am a furry!
    It's okay. I think we all dream about maid outfit Raymond
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    I had a dream where I was a lot younger and my family was all living together but my dad got sent by the government to work in Kazakhstan for some reason so we all had to move there. The use of some kind of telepathic abilities would have been a major plot point if there were much of a plot.

    I have no clue.

  8. #968
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    Quote Originally Posted by two View Post
    I've been plagued by the worst dreams left and right. Just today, I dreamed I'm about to be wed in an arranged marriage. There's another couple to be wed like that, and when I talked to the girl she was full of make up and she told me she didn't like the whole thing so maybe she'll try to escape eventually. Once I saw the guy I was about to marry I was like uh ok no spark whatsoever but I didn't say anything. We all changed to wedding clothes of our choosing, groomed ourselves and went to this very large open area along with the guests.

    Before you get wed and all you're supposed to play this game where you get lots of clues about your partner that are scattered around. The three (the other couple and my soon-to-be-partner) started running around to get clues, while I try to act as if I was doing that initially but then I just went to an area where no one can see me slack off. After a while there was a noise, I saw the three nearby. That's the only time I remembered I do have to find clues like them, but it seems like the game is over already. I went out of where I was hiding and my future partner called out to me excitedly. He's done with everything. He said he prefers someone who just mostly chills and does her own thing while he does all the work. I realized the guy was fucking coaching me and telling me the clues about himself so that we will surely get all scores and win, not knowing what he mentioned is what I've been doing the whole time because I do not want to participate at all. I quickly replied and told him loudly for everyone to hear, "Don't worry honey, I would make sure not do anything at all whatsoever (in our marriage)!" In my head it's because I never want to be married to him anyway so I won't do any efforts, but because I jokingly said the whole thing, everyone took it as a joke and laughed.

    Judges talked and the next thing I know, they are now putting me on stage. I'm the one who won. After eavesdropping a little bit they were talking about me as if I really earned the win. I don't think they were setting me up because they seemed sincere about the whole judging process. I don't know how they exactly judged the whole thing, but they were talking about pair points from the clues, my dress, my makeup whatever and everyone was like "Oh yeah she should be the main girl". It's like I unconsciously did/did not do things that led me to a win. Fuck me. Anw because of that I'm supposed to fix my makeup quickly and sing something nice to the audience. I don't fucking know any song to sing, so I got my phone and looked up for some lyrics. I tried to socialize a little bit and was like "Hey what do you guys want me to sing!!" in a very friendly manner as if I'm really enjoying everything. They were quite receptive and gave suggestions which I followed. Went to the backstage and practiced quickly. But I kept on unconsciously singing "Fake Smile" which I do know the lyrics to instead of the song they suggested so I panicked because I'm about to be called already without practicing anything then I woke up.

    Lol the end of dream was so fucking clear I don't think I even have to interpret it. I woke up very anxious bec of it
    There is a show called "Married of First sight". I never watched it, I just googled the french version name of the show'" Mariés au premier regard") to confirm my suspicions that it must have an American version. Your dream reminds me of what I think is the principle of the show.

    I used to interpret dreams based of the the middle east tradition. It includes Jewish, Christian and Arabic dreams interpretation roots. However, I used Ibn Sirin's Book (?) which is like an Islamic reference book on the interpretation of dreams (of which the authenticity and validity is highly doubtful and full of anachronisms) and my own Quranic knowledge to do so. I don't believe in the Divination aspect of dreams. A lot of People do though, I'm a little weird I always say to people what I think they "need" to hear it's totally subjective and I always manage to deliver it in a consistent way. Even if I know that a dream should in principle announce something not that good. Since I don't believe in all those things, I would rather give hope than despair for God sake !

    In this tradition, Women's wedding dreams annonce something good. In your case, the husband was a stranger, that means that a change is about to happen either a change of home or a change in work (job). Wallahu Alam. ((God only Knows) - It's a traditional way of signifying to the dreamer the end an interpretation).

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    Quote Originally Posted by two View Post
    God I hope so lmao, thanks
    Yeah ! "If it's not blurry and polysemic then it's not not a good interpretation" - godslave's book of dreams 101.

    Only In Myths, Legends, Holy books and historical falsification will you find precise divinatory dreams interpretations.

  10. #970
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    Today, I dreamed that I was crossing a river on board a rowboat in a dark and foggy night. The rowboat was steered by Horus the Egyptian God facing me but I could barely see him because of the dark. At some point during this journey, We were crossing a thick white mist. In this fog I could see movies like visions everywhere. I asked my guide "what are these?" He answered me "These are the lost dreams of people". I saw each dream in a kind of bubble a little blurred on the edges a bit like how dreams and memories are evoked in movies. They appeared and disappeared like ghosts. And I saw faces, landscapes, everyday moments between people. And I heard wonderful music. And the ringing of my phone woke me up! I called this dream "The haunted Mist of dreams".

  11. #971
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    8/26 Dream

    I’m in a ballroom with a ceiling made of partial glass, under the night sky. People are dancing, standing to the side and laughing. I look up and through the glass I can see a monster with a terrifying but intricately patterned face. Not a human face. He was completely made of wood, and wicked looking. As I look up, it tries to reach down and grab me. I get the sense I’m from another world and this monster is also from this world and it’s trying to pull me from through the glass, but when it’s hand reaches down, it doesn’t break the glass, but reaches right through and grabs me.

    I look down again and he drops me. But every time I look up, he tries to grab me again.

    8/27 dream

    Post apocalyptic world. I’m building with my cousin and he somehow dies. His body lays there and starts to rot. I don’t want to tell anyone he is dead and decaying because I feel like they’ve had enough grief. His body becomes to lengthen and it becomes harder and harder to explain why he is laying on the ground. Girls sit around gossiping and laughing and keep asking what he is doing. I keep thinking of how I’m going to get rid of this body. I picture in my head the maggots and stink, the animals coming to feast and am overwhelmed and feel like I can’t do this on my own. Finally I tell someone. And we make a plan to bury him.

    I go to a grocery store where I meet my father. He seems worried about me. I start to wonder why my husband hasn’t contacted me today and start riding a horse towards my old house. Everything is dark and threatening looking on the way. Sinister. I am going to my parents home and I know my mom will be there, sickly and wasting away like a corpse herself until there is nothing left, and I’m afraid to see what’s left.


    and yes, I know I’m disturbed lol.
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    9/3/2022 dream

    I was walking up a spiraling hill with low old wooden boards as the only thing keeping me from falling off. Some spots had no boards at all. They either had eroded or fallen off to the side.

    When I got to the top of the mountain, there was a man that seemed to know me, but I did not recognize him. But something about him seemed vaguely familiar, as if I dug enough, and found a child version of him in my past I might recognize him.

    He had me follow him into a building at the top of the hill. When we got inside, the building was modern. He turned to me and told me who he was. I had went to school with him. 3rd and 4th grade, at the private baptist school I attended. He wanted me to translate a bible verse for him, so we went into a room that looked like a college class room. I followed the sloping stairs down, and at the end was a chalk board with a bible verse written on it.

    I sat in a seat in the front and tried to decipher. A young woman came in with several young children behind her. It was the man’s wife. I had also went to the Baptist school with her. She was dressed Amish like. She ran at me, smiling, enthusiastic, happy to see me. We embraced each other.

    My deceased mother appeared, very much alive, from the shadows. She walked around the room and told me she wanted to go eat fish at the restaurant attached to the building. My kids also wanted fish. So I decided to go with my mother.

    We walked out of the room and everything morphed into a hospital. We were walking down a hallway, following my mother, in a hospital. My kids were with me. She looked very frail from behind. She kept insisting she buy us all fish. I realized then that she was really dead. And I told her, “But mom, you are dead.” And she told me, “Then you are going to have to get the fish yourself.”

    We followed her outside the building, and we were on the mountain top again. She walked around the top a bit, and smiled at me, hugged me, and told me she was sorry, and to go find fish.

    So we started our journey back down the mountain again, with the intention to find fish.
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    I stroked, caressed a pigeon as one caresses a cat or a dog, to its belly and everything.

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    there was a shoulder I touched, only it was massive- I pulled it apart and it was streaks of dark blue ribbon everywhere. the darkness enveloped me. I didn't see what being the shoulder belonged to- it felt bigger than human. and I think I felt weirdly happy- like so indescribably good. but also yearning for something more.

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    Had a dream that I was drinking boba with Ivanka Trump. We were sitting outside on a restaurant patio. I must have thought she was some sort of friend because I told her that I had finally cut out the toxic people in my life, and she was like “omg such wonderful news!”. I let her know that I would be there for her if she decided to cut someone toxic from her life.

    I really wanted boba when I woke up from the dream this morning, but the closest boba place is downtown at an outdoor mall, which is really the last place I want to be on Labor Day weekend when it’s 100 degrees outside. I settled for a pumpkin cream cold brew from Starbucks.

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    When I was 25 years old, I had sex with and fell in love with an LSI with whom I worked at a dead-end factory. She was pretty terrific, but something was off in the relationship (Mirage) and I didn't want to marry her, so I evaded her questions about marriage.
    Possibly, in order to make me jealous and to force the issue, she started hanging out with a random jerk from work, after work, without my knowledge. The first I knew about it was when I came back from a work trip and she told me that she'd slept with him after a big party, "but he only came on my leg."
    Anyway, that was the end. I walked. But I didn't fall out of love. The company then had a Christmas party at a hotel and we all attended, and after everyone got drunk and it was late, I left to sit in my car in the parking lot to sober up enough to drive, while they retired to one of the hotel rooms.
    I think I'm slightly telepathic with some people, and as I was sitting in the car, wandering drunkenly through my head, I thought I could "hear" them having sex.
    Even thought I didn't want to marry her and wasn't dating her anymore, it was pretty humiliating for me. My pride was hurt, I guess.

    Anyway, this is the Dream Interpretation thread, so I should say that last night, I had a dream that mixed a lot of these elements together into the dream's story line. The dream was even partially set in a dead-end factory, exactly like my real life experience. Once again, I was in a parking lot, observing my woman having sex in a hotel room with some random jerk whom I knew, and then afterwards, I lost all desire for her. One disturbing difference was that the woman screwing some other guy turned into my mother at the end of the dream.* Lol.

    Freud, are you listening?

    What puzzles me is why I had this particular dream right now? I'm not seeing anyone, so I haven't broken up with anyone.
    Maybe it's a delayed reaction to my last GF or something.

    *Yes, LIEs have Fi-related problems, in the sense that we need a LOT of Fi. Faithful, deep, and true Fi, even when we're not so great at providing Fi ourselves.

    I feel bad about not being able to provide any Fi nuance, but it is what it is, and you have to do the best with the hand that you were dealt.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 09-06-2022 at 12:23 PM.

  17. #977
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    When I was 25 years old, I had sex with and fell in love with an LSI with whom I worked at a dead-end factory. She was pretty terrific, but something was off in the relationship (Mirage) and I didn't want to marry her, so I evaded her questions about marriage.
    Possibly, in order to make me jealous and to force the issue, she started hanging out with a random jerk from work, after work, without my knowledge. The first I knew about it was when I came back from a work trip and she told me that she'd slept with him after a big party, "but he only came on my leg."
    Anyway, that was the end. I walked. But I didn't fall out of love. The company then had a Christmas party at a hotel and we all attended, and after everyone got drunk and it was late, I left to sit in my car in the parking lot to sober up enough to drive, while they retired to one of the hotel rooms.
    I think I'm slightly telepathic with some people, and as I was sitting in the car, wandering drunkenly through my head, I thought I could "hear" them having sex.
    Even thought I didn't want to marry her and wasn't dating her anymore, it was pretty humiliating for me. My pride was hurt, I guess.

    Anyway, this is the Dream Interpretation thread, so I should say that last night, I had a dream that mixed a lot of these elements together into the dream's story line. The dream was even partially set in a dead-end factory, exactly like my real life experience. Once again, I was in a parking lot, observing my woman having sex in a hotel room with some random jerk whom I knew, and then afterwards, I lost all desire for her. One disturbing difference was that the woman screwing some other guy turned into my mother at the end of the dream.* Lol.

    Freud, are you listening?

    What puzzles me is why I had this particular dream right now? I'm not seeing anyone, so I haven't broken up with anyone.
    Maybe it's a delayed reaction to my last GF or something.

    *Yes, LIEs have Fi-related problems, in the sense that we need a LOT of Fi. Faithful, deep, and true Fi, even when we're not so great at providing Fi ourselves.

    I feel bad about not being able to provide any Fi nuance, but it is what it is, and you have to do the best with the hand that you were dealt.
    I think it's more a matter of like you said faithfulness in relationships regardless of whether it is a romantic relationship or a professional one. I often fantasize about being loved by some kind of Walkyrie , I idealize that kind of love. Anyway, I was curious to know about how Faithful in love LIEs can be. Maybe they don't believe in "true love" in the first place because "Everything has a price" so Faithfulness in that sense doesn't mean much until they meet an ESI (?). Maybe because they see the potential usefulness in everything including people the body shape (beauty ?) of whatever sexual orientation the object their desire is and don't bother about how they feel about it, until they meet an ESI . (I don't like to make generalities I'm talking about virtual people (LIE-ESI) and ask for the opinion of real LIE-ish individuals )

    PS. 1D functions are not set in stone, we learn them through experience so those functions can not be used as an excuse ad vitam. The best way to acquire experience in our 1D functions esp the PolR is to be in contact with our Dual but there are obviously other ways like school etc.. Note that one of the criteria of intelligence is the capacity to learn from experience so if our 1D functions did not evolved by the age of 24-26 (Brain Maturity) then something is wrong.

    Edit : I had to delete the post and repost it because of technical issues sorry !
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    9/6/22 Dream

    My mom was in bed. Sick and dying. It was her birthday, and on her birthday she gotten a special present this year. It was made by either her great grandmother or her great great grandmother. She had to guess which one made it, as a kind of game. I was helping her guess.

    When she showed me, it was a bejeweled and whimsical miniature. Of what, I wasn’t sure. But it was a beautiful, a work of art. I thought it was something just magical and poetic.

    I had pictures of both my great-great grandmother and my ggg-grandmother from my genealogy research. I kept picturing their still faces, the photographs, in my mind.

    I thought my gg-grandmother looked to be the one who would create this. She looked more the part of a sensitive creative, while my ggg-grandmother looked stern and serious.

    I told my mom this, and she asked how could I possibly know. I told her my theory.

    The rest of the night. The pictures kept switching back and forth between the two women, overthinking it. Who made this? Am I wrong?

    September 5th was my moms actual birth date
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  19. #979
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    I dreamt that I was at a concert and BTS was there...not performing but sitting watching also. I only saw Taehyung, Jimin and Jhope. I sat next to Jimin while V and Jhope were in the row in front of us. Suga was sitting far back next to one of my other friends. lol. Taehyung and I made eye contact lol. I kept asking my friend where jungkook was but she didn't know either. I guess that it was the other guy who came with them who was walking around showing off his abs lol

    My interpretation of this? My brain knew that I longed for something to bring me some joy so it showed me that
    Chronic "grass is always greener" syndrome

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
    I dreamt that I was at a concert and BTS was there...not performing but sitting watching also. I only saw Taehyung, Jimin and Jhope. I sat next to Jimin while V and Jhope were in the row in front of us. Suga was sitting far back next to one of my other friends. lol. Taehyung and I made eye contact lol. I kept asking my friend where jungkook was but she didn't know either. I guess that it was the other guy who came with them who was walking around showing off his abs lol

    My interpretation of this? My brain knew that I longed for something to bring me some joy so it showed me that
    Your Brain is too kind ! Seriously your post reminded some questions in my mind : What if our "unconscious" was not an ally ? You see, defence mechanisms are very interesting particularly dissociative Amnesia . Why does "something" in our brain do that, to protect us from pain or from insanity or both ? Who gave it this authority ? When you think about, it means that "something" took an important decision and acted upon it without us being aware of it. Who has the upper hand in our brain ? It's fascinating, and yet it's a psychology 101 question of which we still don't have a convincing answer.
    Last edited by godslave; 09-08-2022 at 07:49 PM.

  21. #981

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    I've been having dreams where I'm with someone and then we get chased.
    So I pull them along, convince them to keep going, and then once safe, they either become a nuisance or disappear.
    Maybe I should let them get eaten by the dragon, or whatever is chasing, next time.

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    I dreamed that I was back in a classroom in junior high school. The teacher asked me to find some Scotch tape for him, while he attended to the class.

    I searched and searched but could not find any tape. I did find a double-row tape dispenser, but the dispenser didn’t have any roles* of tape in it.

    Another student helped me search, but she couldn’t find any tape, either.

    Then I woke up.

    As I was lying in bed, remembering the dream, I wondered how I would feel if I had Scotch tape?

    And then I wondered what the hell I was thinking of?

    * “rolls of tape”. I initially typed it wrong.

    Post script:
    When I first wake up, my brain does a boot load and I get progressively smarter over a period of a few minutes as successively more complex programs get loaded. Subjectively, the process is weird as hell. One minute, you’re in “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”, and twenty minutes later, you’re in “The Dead”.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 09-14-2022 at 11:55 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by two View Post
    Maybe you'll feel accomplished because it's what's you're tasked to do and the teacher is some sort of authority/someone who you have to please somewhat as a student
    Hmmm, @two, I hadn't thought of that. My mother was a grade school teacher, and she had certain expectations for me, which I had no choice about fulfilling.

    I had thought that the double roll tape dispenser represented two people who "stick" together. I hadn't realized that the impetus for a relationship might have come from my "mother".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I dreamed that I was back in a classroom in junior high school. The teacher asked me to find some Scotch tape for him, while he attended to the class.

    I searched and searched but could not find any tape. I did find a double-row tape dispenser, but the dispenser didn’t have any roles* of tape in it.

    Another student helped me search, but she couldn’t find any tape, either.

    Then I woke up.

    As I was lying in bed, remembering the dream, I wondered how I would feel if I had Scotch tape?

    And then I wondered what the hell I was thinking of?

    * “rolls of tape”. I initially typed it wrong.

    Post script:
    When I first wake up, my brain does a boot load and I get progressively smarter over a period of a few minutes as successively more complex programs get loaded. Subjectively, the process is weird as hell. One minute, you’re in “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”, and twenty minutes later, you’re in “The Dead”.
    You've found a weapon without munitions (double-row tape dispenser without rolls of tape) while searching for a sticky tape. Obviously tape here is lapsus for "Type" and what would be the sticky type ? The dual of course !

    Conclusion you wanted to find a dual but you ended up finding a problem to solve, a weapon which is non operational. ( note that I'm half kidding but I kinda liked that idea !)
    Last edited by godslave; 09-14-2022 at 03:30 PM.

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    @Adam Strange
    initially i was thinking tape is often ephemeral, what u stick with it tends to falls apart
    now u mentioned ur mother which makes me think someone has an expectation of u that is impossible to fulfill
    im still not sure why was it relevant that u couldnt find it
    it may be fear. if u are worried about a bad outcome in a dream it usually manifests itself in the dream. this is prolly why people wake up when they "die" inside the dream. once i got more aware of that i started respawning.
    there may be a sense of powerlessness, not knowing what will happen or how to deal with it - its the end.
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    @Adam Strange
    You were told by an authority figure to find something, not being able to find it. You get help but still nothing.
    I see a kind of stubborness in this: I'll find the thing and not let the authority figure know I struggle.

    It... almost sounds like all your life revolves around filling the wish of someone who don't seem to care about you, even this other student who tried to help couldn't, and it might be because the thing you "need" to please the teacher doesn't exist, only hints of it. And what is the thing you "need" to find? Something used to fix or create things by assembling two or more pieces. Maybe you're trying to fix or create a relationship with the teacher, but this idea you had when awake of how'd feel feel if you had tape, maybe deep down you want to fix or create a relationship with yourself.

    For some reason, I had the impression the person who helped was the ESI. It reminds me of the ESI who said you don't seem to feel good enough, forgive my memory if I got that wrong.
    If the problem is that you're not good enough because you can't fulfill the expectations of the teacher, that may not be achieveable, no one can help. Only offer a temporairy relief, but they'll get worn out of searching endlessly.

    There's also this stubborn element in the face of struggle, of not seeking the teacher for help in finding the thing, or simply reporting failure. It's the teacher's role* to have all the things needed for class, but did they ever need tape? Making a student responsible while the others are attended to, so one student runs endlessly in search of tape, being uncared for, that's kind of mean. It gives me an impression of the student being stuck with responsabilities others don't have, they can be the kids they are, and you cannot.
    Another student decide to try to help, to share your responsability, but it's futil. That's sad.
    But what's sadder is was there any need of scotch tape to begin with?

    *the roll/role typo comes to mind.

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    Quote Originally Posted by adage View Post
    @Adam Strange
    You were told by an authority figure to find something, not being able to find it. You get help but still nothing.
    I see a kind of stubborness in this: I'll find the thing and not let the authority figure know I struggle.

    It... almost sounds like all your life revolves around filling the wish of someone who don't seem to care about you,

    even this other student who tried to help couldn't, and it might be because the thing you "need" to please the teacher doesn't exist, only hints of it. And what is the thing you "need" to find? Something used to fix or create things by assembling two or more pieces. Maybe you're trying to fix or create a relationship with the teacher, but this idea you had when awake of how'd feel feel if you had tape, maybe deep down you want to fix or create a relationship with yourself.

    For some reason, I had the impression the person who helped was the ESI. It reminds me of the ESI who said you don't seem to feel good enough, forgive my memory if I got that wrong.
    If the problem is that you're not good enough because you can't fulfill the expectations of the teacher, that may not be achieveable, no one can help. Only offer a temporairy relief, but they'll get worn out of searching endlessly.

    There's also this stubborn element in the face of struggle, of not seeking the teacher for help in finding the thing, or simply reporting failure. It's the teacher's role* to have all the things needed for class, but did they ever need tape? Making a student responsible while the others are attended to, so one student runs endlessly in search of tape, being uncared for, that's kind of mean. It gives me an impression of the student being stuck with responsabilities others don't have, they can be the kids they are, and you cannot.
    Another student decide to try to help, to share your responsability, but it's futil. That's sad.
    But what's sadder is was there any need of scotch tape to begin with?

    *the roll/role typo comes to mind.
    Yes, @adage, I think you're right about a lot of what you said.

    I wish I could reprogram some major parts of me.

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    I had a dream of Cronus. He was an old man, shirtless, mad, clever. He moved slowly and deliberately, but I had the impression he might move suddenly, violently, and guarded myself. He had a strange light in his eyes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I had a dream of Cronus. He was an old man, shirtless, mad, clever. He moved slowly and deliberately, but I had the impression he might move suddenly, violently, and guarded myself. He had a strange light in his eyes.
    Idk why but this struck me as you being affraid of what you could do or be. Like that Cronus guy is who you think you are inside.

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    Quote Originally Posted by adage View Post
    Idk why but this struck me as you being affraid of what you could do or be. Like that Cronus guy is who you think you are inside.
    Maybe. I don't know that I felt so afraid of him. I guess how I felt was that even though he was insane, he was still a god and should be respected.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Maybe. I don't know that I felt so afraid of him. I guess how I felt was that even though he was insane, he was still a god and should be respected.
    You know what they say, we all are gods inside. jk

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    u keep saying u had a good childhood - i cant stop doubting that
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreymagine View Post
    I did have a good childhood tho. I’m often pretty nostalgic about it, which could be part of the meaning behind the dream (me driving to one of my childhood homes).
    hmm ok then smth may be wrong with ur parents
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreymagine View Post
    Had a nightmare in which my dad was angry with me and chased me out of the house. I was terrified and sprinted away, as far and fast as my legs could carry me. Though he tried to keep up with me, I eventually lost him. I continued running out of fear that he would catch up.

    On the path by the soccer fields in my city, I suddenly stopped, frozen by the realization that I should’ve driven away rather than attempting to escape on foot. A strong sense of foreboding twisted my gut; I knew that he would give up on running, return to the house, hop in a vehicle, and quickly find me.

    My dream rewinded to the night before my dad’s angry outburst. I snuck out of the house, hopped into my Honda which was parked on the side the road, and started driving from South Dakota to Virginia.

    When I reached Virginia, I headed for the second house that my family and I owned when we were living in Virginia Beach. However, I didn’t remember until I arrived at the house that it had new residents and that I could no longer live there. Dreading the life ahead of me, I resigned to being a homeless college drop-out.
    This made me think you're scared of failling at adult life and want to go back to being a child with less responsability, but that's not possible and you know it. It kind of sound like you're angry with yourself and resigned to never make it in life.
    Or something else.

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    Had a dream that I was spraying some mice on a couch with bleach and they were really pissed about it. They started hissing and finally one jumped right at my face with claws and teeth bared.

    I had another dream I found a dead mouse under my pillow.

    And another where I was laying down on my bed. I opened my mouth and a mouse came crawling out of it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreymagine View Post
    There's something wrong with everybody. But to clarify, my dad definitely doesn't scare me in real life.
    maybe he is a symbol for authority that u depend on for ur life
    or u are unconsciously aware of repressed anger in him
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreymagine View Post
    Had a dream in which my family and I were living in an old, dark mansion. One night, a werewolf broke into our home while I was the only person awake. We fell deeply in love with each other over the course of one night, and he promised to marry me.

    But as dawn approached, he started crying, saying that he couldn't be with me because he was a monster and my family would never approve of our relationship. I insisted that I didn't care what he was or what my family thought, but he refused to listen.

    At daybreak, he left "to protect me" despite my protests, never to return. I felt absolutely heartbroken.

    I haven't ever fallen in love or been heartbroken. I don't fear my family getting in the way of a future romance. So, the dream seems pretty random.
    This could be a fear of being rejected for being a monster inside, your conscious mind doesn't care, but the fear is there hidden in the dark. We "protect" ourselves by hidden parts of us and breaking our oen heart kind of thing.
    But that might be projection, lol.

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    The only (most) dreams I have are about me being kidnaped, someone trying to kidnap me, someone trying to assassinate me, or the world ending via zombies or giant animals. Idk what this means about me. Maybe I feel life is out to get me. Nothing is going the way I want so it comes out in my dreams to torture me.
    Chronic "grass is always greener" syndrome

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
    The only (most) dreams I have are about me being kidnaped, someone trying to kidnap me, someone trying to assassinate me, or the world ending via zombies or giant animals. Idk what this means about me. Maybe I feel life is out to get me. Nothing is going the way I want so it comes out in my dreams to torture me.
    It sounds like you feel powerless, like the world is fundamentaly evil/corrupt and that you're in danger.
    Since you have 9w1 in TIM, I'd say it might indicate disintegration and lower health levels.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreymagine View Post
    Had a dream in which my family and I were living in an old, dark mansion. One night, a werewolf broke into our home while I was the only person awake. We fell deeply in love with each other over the course of one night, and he promised to marry me.

    But as dawn approached, he started crying, saying that he couldn't be with me because he was a monster and my family would never approve of our relationship. I insisted that I didn't care what he was or what my family thought, but he refused to listen.

    At daybreak, he left "to protect me" despite my protests, never to return. I felt absolutely heartbroken.

    I haven't ever fallen in love or been heartbroken. I don't fear my family getting in the way of a future romance. So, the dream seems pretty random.
    There's a story in Tolkien's Morgoth's Ring with a similar theme if you're interested.

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