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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

  1. #921
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post

    I think that these dreams mean that I’m entering a depressive stage, which seems to happen every few months. During these times, in my waking life, I feel like everything I do is pointless and there is no way for me to win at life, so I just want to withdraw. This feeling has been building for the past week or ten days.

    The strange thing about this is that there is nothing objectively wrong with my life. Objectively, everything is going great, and there are even some pretty good wins.
    That seems to indicate that these depressive episodes of withdrawal are some kind of chemical imbalance in the brain, and not a reaction to circumstances.
    chemical imbalance just like that is not possible. if u force urself ot act a certain way, going against the necessary mental and physical motions, experiences and rest, results in the imbalance that has to come back at you. the murder may be a part of urself, and the fear of being discovered is that "it" or "u" will wake up/realize that u dont really care about what ur doing which will break u mentally resulting in ego death. the ego is usually a part of u that exists between the border of what something inside wants vs what something outside wants.

    it reminds me of a sort of clinginess or neediness that may be related to entitlement - io dont mean that u are unfairly entitled, but u might be about something partially, since it most often is not a clear cut entitled person. this occured to me bc of the trans LIE. someone who changes so much about themselvse to fit external/objective standards that are as volatile as the external world, going against themselves, rejected by so many ESIs - perhaps often their fault as well since even they are also prolly far from perfect. So maybe the LIE should have been the one to also assert standards/themselves which may also make the ESI more attracted/secure about having an actual person to deal with rather than empty air that they dont know how to act around.

    another influence my be diet. but chemical imbalance never exist on its own and because of itself. its a terrible scam

    Last edited by VewyScawwyNawcissist; 07-05-2022 at 01:10 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    chemical imbalance just like that is not possible. if u force urself ot act a certain way, going against the necessary mental and physical motions, experiences and rest, results in the imbalance that has to come back at you. the murder may be a part of urself, and the fear of being discovered is that "it" or "u" will wake up/realize that u dont really care about what ur doing which will break u mentally resulting in ego death. the ego is usually a part of u that exists between the border of what something inside wants vs what something outside wants.

    it reminds me of a sort of clinginess or neediness that may be related to entitlement - io dont mean that u are unfairly entitled, but u might be about something partially, since it most often is not a clear cut entitled person. this occured to me bc of the trans LIE. someone who changes so much about themselvse to fit external/objective standards that are as volatile as the external world, going against themselves, rejected by so many ESIs - perhaps often their fault as well since even they are also prolly far from perfect. So maybe the LIE should have been the one to also assert standards/themselves which may also make the ESI more attracted/secure about having an actual person to deal with rather than empty air that they dont know how to act around.

    another influence my be diet. but chemical imbalance never exist on its own and because of itself. its a terrible scam

    Thanks, @VewyScawwyNawcissist. Food for thought.

  3. #923

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I had another one of my standard disturbing dreams where I have to conceal the fact that I’m guilty of a horrible murder. The feeling I have in these dreams is terror at being discovered and a desire to hide.

    I think that these dreams mean that I’m entering a depressive stage, which seems to happen every few months. During these times, in my waking life, I feel like everything I do is pointless and there is no way for me to win at life, so I just want to withdraw. This feeling has been building for the past week or ten days.

    The strange thing about this is that there is nothing objectively wrong with my life. Objectively, everything is going great, and there are even some pretty good wins.
    That seems to indicate that these depressive episodes of withdrawal are some kind of chemical imbalance in the brain, and not a reaction to circumstances.

    Some people might say that the medicine for this melancholy is drugs, but I tried a lot of drugs in my twenties and I now believe that most of them take away, rather than add to, my character. Plus, I’m very reluctant to mess with the machinery at this point. Age is already doing that.
    I tend to have the impression you're dead inside.
    You make money, you meet ESI's and other people, you have a lot of things to talk about that are interesting and useful.
    From the outside, it looks really great, but idk, it doesn't seem great from the inside.
    Socionics wise, I'd blame Ej-ness. It can be so out there to hide from what's in there. I'd say you seem somewhat aware, lots of Ej's are not aware at all since it's so easy for them to focus outward.
    That you have these dreams and these downs could be a good sign, it gives you an opportunity for better.
    Idk what's the problem, maybe you've just forgotten why you do what you do, or maybe you need a more vitalizing reason. Or something.

  4. #924
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    Quote Originally Posted by adage View Post
    I tend to have the impression you're dead inside.
    You make money, you meet ESI's and other people, you have a lot of things to talk about that are interesting and useful.
    From the outside, it looks really great, but idk, it doesn't seem great from the inside.
    Socionics wise, I'd blame Ej-ness. It can be so out there to hide from what's in there. I'd say you seem somewhat aware, lots of Ej's are not aware at all since it's so easy for them to focus outward.
    That you have these dreams and these downs could be a good sign, it gives you an opportunity for better.
    Idk what's the problem, maybe you've just forgotten why you do what you do, or maybe you need a more vitalizing reason. Or something.
    Hmmm. “Dead inside.” I’d say that sounds about right.

    I’ve actually given a lot of thought to why my life seems pointless. It’s not really because I’ve done a lot or have accomplished most of my childhood dreams. I think it’s because I don’t have anyone whom I really care about, and no one who really cares about me.

    I have people who DEPEND on me, but that’s not the same as caring.

    I was talking to an ESI teller at the bank and asked her what she had planned for the 4th of July holiday. I had overheard her tell the previous customer that she was going to attend a family get-together and she looked very ambivalent about the prospect. I can sympathize, since I did that for many years with my ex-wife’s family and I thought that about half of them were complete jerks. How must an Fi-dom feel about random extended family members? Lol.

    She said that she and her husband and her kids were going to visit her in-laws, then she asked me what I planned to do.

    I was surprised when I told her that I didn’t have any family left, but I would find something fun to do.
    I thought that sounded pathetic, which is not what I was intentionally going for, but maybe her ESI-ness brought out the truth at that moment.

    While watching videos about the war in Ukraine, I came across this conversation between a young soldier and his mother. She was begging him to come home. She and his sisters and grandmother needed his help on the farm. She said that he knows that his grandfather just lies in bed and stares at the ceiling.
    The young man laughed and promised that he’d return and see them all very soon.

    Of that group, I identified most with the grandfather.

    What I want to know is, how does it come to that?
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 07-06-2022 at 02:05 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Hmmm. “Dead inside.” I’d say that sounds about right.

    I’ve actually given a lot of thought to why my life seems pointless. It’s not really because I’ve done a lot or have accomplished most of my childhood dreams. I think it’s because I don’t have anyone whom I really care about, and no one who really cares about me.

    I have people who DEPEND on me, but that’s not the same as caring.

    I was talking to an ESI teller at the bank and asked her what she had planned for the 4th of July holiday. I had overheard her tell the previous customer that she was going to attend a family get-together and she looked very ambivalent about the prospect. I can sympathize, since I did that for many years with my ex-wife’s family and I thought that about half of them were complete jerks. How must an Fi-dom feel about random extended family members? Lol.

    She said that she and her husband and her kids were going to visit her in-laws, then she asked me what I planned to do.

    I was surprised when I told her that I didn’t have any family left, but I would find something fun to do.
    I thought that sounded pathetic, which is not what I was intentionally going for, but maybe her ESI-ness brought out the truth at that moment.

    While watching videos about the war in Ukraine, I came across this conversation between a young soldier and his mother. She was begging him to come home. She and his sisters and grandmother needed his help on the farm. She said that he knows that his grandfather just lies in bed and stares at the ceiling.
    The young man laughed and promised that he’d return and see them all very soon.

    Of that group, I identified most with the grandfather.

    What I want to know is, how does it come to that?
    I don't know if there's anything I can help with, but reading this I thought of a quote that said something like "spirituality is getting rid of all the barriers we put up against love" can't recall exactly.
    I guess this care you talk about is similar.

    There's a huge difference between doing the correct thing that is only superficially good but is leaving one empty and actual fullness of heart that overflows from the inside out.
    I don't really know what "to love" or "to care" would entail, but perhaps it's up to us to figure it out and hang on until we can recongnize it irl and feel deserving of it enough to not let it slip away.

    Have you ever heard the song "In the Blood" by John Mayer?
    It sings of broken family, hope of a better future, and the fear it's "always in the blood".

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    Quote Originally Posted by adage View Post
    I don't know if there's anything I can help with, but reading this I thought of a quote that said something like "spirituality is getting rid of all the barriers we put up against love" can't recall exactly.
    I guess this care you talk about is similar.

    There's a huge difference between doing the correct thing that is only superficially good but is leaving one empty and actual fullness of heart that overflows from the inside out.
    I don't really know what "to love" or "to care" would entail, but perhaps it's up to us to figure it out and hang on until we can recongnize it irl and feel deserving of it enough to not let it slip away.

    Have you ever heard the song "In the Blood" by John Mayer?
    It sings of broken family, hope of a better future, and the fear it's "always in the blood".
    I will listen to it*, but right now, the song of my life is

    "We operate half-awake or on autopilot and end up, whatever, with a house and family and job and everything else, and we haven't really stopped to ask ourselves, 'How did I get here?'"

    * Good song.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 07-06-2022 at 03:45 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I dreamed I was a train saboteur and was shrinking to the size of a squirrel.

    I didn’t mind the shrinking part, but I was afraid that my occupation might not be seen as a respectable one.
    This sounds like Lewis Carrol.

    He fumbled with the stick of mana in a cross contextual haze worlds and dimensions apart.
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  8. #928


    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    chemical imbalance just like that is not possible. if u force urself ot act a certain way, going against the necessary mental and physical motions, experiences and rest, results in the imbalance that has to come back at you. the murder may be a part of urself, and the fear of being discovered is that "it" or "u" will wake up/realize that u dont really care about what ur doing which will break u mentally resulting in ego death. the ego is usually a part of u that exists between the border of what something inside wants vs what something outside wants.

    it reminds me of a sort of clinginess or neediness that may be related to entitlement - io dont mean that u are unfairly entitled, but u might be about something partially, since it most often is not a clear cut entitled person. this occured to me bc of the trans LIE. someone who changes so much about themselvse to fit external/objective standards that are as volatile as the external world, going against themselves, rejected by so many ESIs - perhaps often their fault as well since even they are also prolly far from perfect. So maybe the LIE should have been the one to also assert standards/themselves which may also make the ESI more attracted/secure about having an actual person to deal with rather than empty air that they dont know how to act around.

    another influence my be diet. but chemical imbalance never exist on its own and because of itself. its a terrible scam

    Do you have any advice for this? I have felt like that since my teen years.

  9. #929
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    Quote Originally Posted by someoneaskedmetofly View Post
    Do you have any advice for this? I have felt like that since my teen years.
    Are you asking how to introspect?

  10. #930


    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Are you asking how to introspect?
    No. I mean, I have solutions for this in ways, but I've had no one to talk about this with. Half the time I feel like I'm tripping.

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    Quote Originally Posted by adage View Post
    I tend to have the impression you're dead inside.
    You make money, you meet ESI's and other people, you have a lot of things to talk about that are interesting and useful.
    From the outside, it looks really great, but idk, it doesn't seem great from the inside.
    Socionics wise, I'd blame Ej-ness. It can be so out there to hide from what's in there. I'd say you seem somewhat aware, lots of Ej's are not aware at all since it's so easy for them to focus outward.
    That you have these dreams and these downs could be a good sign, it gives you an opportunity for better.
    Idk what's the problem, maybe you've just forgotten why you do what you do, or maybe you need a more vitalizing reason. Or something.
    @adage, I keep thinking about how I view my life as being pointless and I keep coming back to this statement you made. It's really perceptive, and I do think I've forgotten why I do what I do.

    Sometimes I wish that I could just stop and not do anything for a few months, and then maybe come back to this life, or maybe not.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @adage, I keep thinking about how I view my life as being pointless and I keep coming back to this statement you made. It's really perceptive, and I do think I've forgotten why I do what I do.

    Sometimes I wish that I could just stop and not do anything for a few months, and then maybe come back to this life, or maybe not.

    You know, there's older posts of yours. When I read those, I don't have the impression they were written by the same person at times. There's something in you that strikes me as Fe now that isn't as present in those older posts. It's odd and I don't know what to think of it.

    Idk if this can help but, most people tend to think of helping others as fulfilling, and I think you are helpful, and even if sometimes the reception isn't best, caring towards forum members, your employees, even your family. It's obvious to me you care about all those people.
    It makes me wonder if maybe you are helping them wrong based on your own preferences, or perhaps belittling your own contribution out of some fear of not doing, or not being enough.
    Maybe your definition of care is wrong for you and labels you forever as uncaring, which then pins you as unworthy of care.
    It's a really difficult thing to know what others need, but anything can be a start even if only to tell you what you don't need.

    Trying to do nothing is potentialy an interesting avenue, maybe not by dropping everything for a few months but a few minutes could have some interesting results.

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    I find when I fall asleep and my mind shuts off, that the spirit of forgiveness robs me in my sleep and destroys everything that I created so that every day of my existence I wake up with nothing, all thanks to the atonement of Jesus Christ.
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    For some reason, lately, I've been having normal dreams but (inside the context of the different dream) suddenly a big fish appears in my hands, he can't breathe and is dying, so I desperately search for water to keep it alive but when I come back it's already dead.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RBRS View Post
    For some reason, lately, I've been having normal dreams but (inside the context of the different dream) suddenly a big fish appears in my hands, he can't breathe and is dying, so I desperately search for water to keep it alive but when I come back it's already dead.
    Do you have a feeling that the fish represents something?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Do you have a feeling that the fish represents something?
    Not specially, that's the reason for the confusion. It appears suddenly on a bag in my hands and for no reason I get anxious to keep it alive, I know it must represent something. It's also very repetitive, every two or three nights regardless of the dream's storyline it happens and cuts the action in half to unsuccesfully search for water in the pre-generated enviroment of the dream.

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    I had a dream last night where some sort of accident happened.
    I was not harmed but someone else was, an ambulance arrived and the two persons of unknown characteristics(yay my dreams) took care of the person who needed it. Then one reached to me to know how I was doing.
    I forgot what happened here but something felt off.
    Then suddenly the person starts growing orange and tan snake-like feature that are strikingly realistic and tries to bite me, so I push him back. The other person turned around and seemed about to do something, but what, I'll never know since I woke up.
    Or maybe I will another night.

    It reminds me of a quote I found recently, that sometimes the most toxic people are the ones with good intention.

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    I was on an elevator with someone I dont know who, elevator was going up and down but doesnt open its door at any floor. Then after a while, door opened at the enterance floor and when it opened I and the other person find ourselves directly outside of the building. I get into elevator again hoping that I can get into building this time. Its door opened at 2nd floor but there were bricks that was covering more than half of the enterance. I kicked the bricks to get in. And whole floor seemed like a building in construction. Then I saw a guy in mask who was putting the bricks there to prevent someone getting in. And some woman who seems to be at his mercy. I wanted to ask the guy why are you putting bricks there, is there a reason that we shouldnt be here. Then I woke up.

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    Had a dream there was a storm. A very bad one. It seems I had a birds eye view of the house in my dream, which in my dream I knew was the house we are currently living in, but it looked completely different in the dream. Very Brontë-esque. But I would change perspectives and be in the house, in the not so distant past, looking around different rooms The house was blue and square, several stories, and on a moor. Trees that weren’t there fell on the house, smashing the sides in. I told my husband I wanted to go inside to get some things, but he told me it was too dangerous. Then the house lifted up from the foundation and floated. It see-sawed back in forth and some of the things from inside fell out, like a toy house being played with by invisible hands and spilling out onto a table. I wanted to go inside again, but was told it was too dangerous.

    Then we were in a huge city. We found my mom there, working. She was serving people in some fancy hotel. In a dining room. It was packed, like a ball room, people standing around in fancy dresses. I told her I needed help, but she barely acknowledged me, and told me she couldn’t right now. It was very unlike her. I felt snubbed a bit.
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    I had a dream I was in Hoggwart.
    I was maybe 11-12 y-o.
    It was night and I went outside to watch the swamp creatures who could come to a pond to interact with students. They rarely came in the day because of the sun, why I went at night outside of curfew, lol.
    They started dancing and using magic to create light shows, it was a lot of fun until everything went pitch black.
    Then I heard a voice in my head, it repeated: GIVE ME... I forgot what he wanted.
    Turns out it was Voldemort, so I ran indoors and crossed a person who was half Minerva Mcgonagall and half Severus Snape, lol. I said Voldemort was talking in my head and I had to see Dumbledore.
    I don't remember what happened but Dumbledore was there, Voldemort said something nasty and I told him I'd kill him if needs be.
    He started laughing and I said: that's how you're making your own ennemis.
    Then I woke up.

    I see this dream as a good sign.

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    Yesterday I was talking to an LSE who owns a used machine tool company. I buy machines from him every once in a while, but I haven't seen him for a few years, and he asked me how I was doing? I told him that business was excellent and I was now divorced and dating again.
    He expressed sympathy and asked carefully (probably because of the tone of my voice) if I thought the divorce was a good thing?

    "Yes,", I said. "My ex-wife was a great wife and mother. Smart, thin, red-hair, attractive, had a great job and she's really a terrific human being, but the problem with the marriage was that both of us were thinkers. That's great for making money, and we did, but neither of us was taking care of the emotional side of things. I first found out that she was unhappy when I came home and found a moving van in front of our house."

    He looked shocked. "So you had no clue?"

    "Nope. I had no idea."

    "You know, I've talked to other guys who got divorced and they all said the same thing. 'They didn't have a clue.'
    "I sometimes worry that that will happen to me." He took a deep breath. "You know I'm here at work all day. I have three kids and I'm never home." He paused for a few seconds.
    "How long were you two married?

    "This happened after twenty years of marriage." I looked at the far wall. "I thought I was in it forever."

    "That's terrible. I'm two years short of that." He laughed nervously. "Now I'm worried that I'll get a surprise."

    I tend to doubt that he'll get a surprise. Some people seem to have a natural sense of who is good for them and who is not, and this guy has an EII male who is working for him. They are besties.

    Since this is a dream interpretation thread, let me mention the dream I had last night, after this conversation.

    I dreamed I was living in my Delta parents' house, with my Delta SLI ex-wife. I was existing, in the dream, without outside knowledge of my present situation of being divorced. All I knew, inside the dream, was that I was miserable.

    Hah! Interpret that!
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 08-06-2022 at 01:48 PM.

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    I dreamt some years ago that I was in a house that looked like Harry Potter's house. I was alone. Suddenly I heard a sound coming from the entry door of the basement. It was on my left field of vision. When I looked at it, the door opened and what I've seen coming out of it scared me to death. It was a very thin human shaped black shadow. It was in two dimension. The inferior part of the body looked like the symbol character from the Tv show "The Saint" but his head was very strange. It had the shape of a mix between a Napoleon hat and an anchor, round in the middle with two equal protuberances on each side of the head. I felt like It gazed at me with an eyeless look. I often interpret my dreams inside them. I thought, that it was my unconscious, my shadow. I felt so much psychological pain within it. It appears to me like a martyr. A saint reference and a martyr reference. Then it slowly turned and returned back to basement. I felt like I wanted to go see the basement, but the shadow closed the door behind it. And I woke up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by two View Post
    I dreamed that I was with my old mates in a hut. Chill view, vacation feeling. An old woman was cooking us shrimp balls and I was helping her peel the shrimps. I was going along with the convo, but I noticed she's cooking it all wrong. It's supposed to be balls but they were fucking flattened, and she was not utilizing the girdle properly. Plus I was thinking, would she even add other fillings? Just putting shrimps would be so bland. Where are the others? I have no guts to tell her because she seemed innocent, plus everyone's just chilling. But my dream self was annoyed. I was really expecting for well-prepared shrimp balls and the whole time I was fixated on the girdle, hoping for the best that they would turn out round but they never did.
    Having the perfect sunset soup of the lucky shard of truth can make your view enlightened and Japan grandma juice!!
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    Last night I dreamt that I was at the ocean and dating Ozzie from Survivor ��. I admire him, he’s always so chill.

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    I was going in and out of neighbor apts in my old building. Then one non existent in reality neighbor told me there are clothes somewhere in the building that we can take away. We went there with one of my ex, he was much more muscular then his usual self then I saw some satin blouses, there were yellow, black and pink. I thought yellow satin dont look good at all and I was already wearing a yellow blouse, grabbed pink one. When I tried it, half of my hair become pink, I thought it was because of reflection of light and loved the blouse.

    The weird thing about this dream that I generally dont wear yellow. Only have a few yellow pieces in my closet. I dont wear pink clothes, though I like the shade of this one was a bit like old rose shade, looked good in satin.

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    he was much more muscular then his usual self
    Either you have regrets over splitting, or else you’re now realizing that he wasn’t really as good as you previously thought he was?

    I thought yellow satin dont look good at all and I was already wearing a yellow blouse, grabbed pink one. When I tried it, half of my hair become pink, I thought it was because of reflection of light and loved the blouse.
    You thinking yellow isn’t a good colour for you means that you are STILL trying to exert a bit of control even in your dream…to always have a voice of reason, and to maintain the status quo. However trying on the pink blouse and then subsequently liking it AND sporting pink hair, maybe means that your subconscious is trying to pull you out of your complacency, and get you to take more chances, embrace your creativity and sense of adventure.

    The weird thing about this dream that I generally dont wear yellow. Only have a few yellow pieces in my closet. I dont wear pink clothes, though I like the shade of this one was a bit like old rose shade, looked good in satin.
    Embrace the new Wear yellow, rock the pink… lose the comfort zone, shine on like a crazy diamond.

  27. #947
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    Husband had a dream he was helping the mystery gang from scooby doo solve a crime. And at the end they were trying to remove the face from someone.

    why can’t I have dreams like this.

    why why why
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    I dreamt that I was a servant of some cold aristocratic young woman. She was kind of an ass, but I wanted to soften her, and I tried to do that. She gave me a lot of work; I would try to do it all and still seem unflustered and jovial around her. In particular she had a son she was preparing to send to a boarding school, and was constantly on edge about this. After much effort, I found the time/opportunity to sit her down and assure her that I had handled/would be handling everything, and she didn't need to worry. I also gave her something to drink. I felt I was making progress in softening her.

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    I had a dream I was walking through town, a weird half-existant town, my dreams tend to be incomplete, lol.
    It was raining but no drop touched me.
    As I was heading home, I saw a donut box on the ground that made music.
    Opening it up I found earbuds and put them on to hear the music better, they were not connected to anything.
    I found the music making earbuds fun and I thought about bringing them home.
    Some broody teen walked by, glared at me, took the wire and spoke to it, couldn't hear anything he said, but he glared at me again and walked in the direction of the nearest building. He looked like someone I knew in high school
    I followed him.
    He entered some building and rejoined with a friend his age in the hallway, then a man walked past them and came towards me.
    He must have been 60 from look.
    The earbuds were his, he took them and I said sorry.
    He asked why I'd say that after bringing his earbuds back then said he saw me around often and wondered who I was.
    I made a mental note to never walk on this street again.
    I told him I'm very ordinairy and average, bid him farewell and went on my way.
    I walked a few streets then I woke up.

    The mood of the dream was happy, a nice walk through a well-kept historical town at sunset kind of thing.

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    I had a dream a few days ago that I was a woman pirate and I morphed into a man pirate. If you’ve ever read the book (or have seen the movie) Orlando by Virginia Woolf, it reminded me a lot of that.
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    I dreamt I was able to transform into some sort of sea creature. I swam far north, into some coastal small town. With my ability I was able to impress and seduce a poor, young girl. She was a little trashy. I wasn't sure if I could trust her. But I thought that if I loved her enough, this would bring out the best in her.

    The dream ended inconclusively. Maybe it worked, or maybe not.

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    About 3 months ago, I dreamed that a man came visit me in my house. I was very depressed, in my "the world is rotten/If God exists I hope he has a good reason" mode etc.. Anyway, It was like in those movies where you have the best friend helping the protagonist overcoming a depressive state. He talked to me like a wise man, he was very kind with a tremendously benevolent energy and he had a good sense of humor. He also cleaned my house ! I felt like I knew that man, like there was something very familiar. I remember being kinda surprised that such people still exist in this world. At one point, I asked him " What is your job ?" I don't know why because I rarely ask this question. He said "I'm a carpenter !". At that moment it was like a revelation, and I finally understood who that man is. I didn't say a word but he smiled at me, and nodded his head in agreement like he was reading my thoughts. And I woke up.

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    An idea for a melody was spinning in my head. I had to get it out, so I pulled out a harmonica and started playing. It sounded amazing. When I woke up, I couldn’t remember how it went.

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    I dreamed that I was alone in an ordinary room in an ordinary house, with the exception that the room contained fish which were swimming in the air, as if it were water. This seemed perfectly normal.

    A small air register connected the room to another room, and one of the fish decided to squeeze through and navigate to the adjacent room. It was followed by a larger goldfish, which barely fit through the register.

    The sight of this filled me with terror. The passageway through the register was so narrow and convoluted that the goldfish wouldn’t be able to reverse course if it got stuck.

    It seemed to me to be an amazing act of faith to risk everything to get to the next room.

    I should add that one of my truly irrational fears is to be stuck in some tight place, deep underground, and not be able to move. Those people who explore caves and squeeze themselves through narrow passageways are insane.

    The interpretation of this dream seems straightforward.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 08-14-2022 at 11:57 AM.

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    A few days ago, I dreamed that I was at a huge party in a giant building. There were people dancing and drinking and shouting and laughing and I passed a forum member in the crowd, but she didn’t recognize me.

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    I had this great, eccentric friend who owned an optical shop, which I bought from his sister when he died. He was tall and gaunt and brilliant and eccentric. He was German, but his parchment skin was as dark as an Arab’s, and with his mane of white hair, he’d have looked at home as a sultan in a Lawrence of Arabia movie. My lawyer friend called him “Mad Karl”.

    Karl made a ridiculous amount of money selling bespoke optics to the government, but at heart, he was a toy-maker. Once, when I visited him, he was playing with this model made of sticks and glue on a workbench. He was constructing it from sketches he had made, and the entire scene looked like Leonardo da Vinci’s workshop. When I visited him a month later, I found three giant structures set on the hill just north of his building. They each had a giant parabolic mirror set on a mechanism which tracked the sun. They were directing sunlight into a row of windows in his building.

    On another visit, he showed me a contraption made of wood and prisms and said he had built a Camera Lucida and was I interested in trying to sell it? Because selling anything was not Karl’s strong point. So I took the device over to a U of M Art professor and showed it to him. The professor had purchased several very expensive Camera Lucidas made over a century ago, and pronounced Karl’s device to be far superior to them.

    Unfortunately, Karl died before the device was marketed. When I was cleaning out his building, I found plans and devices for a number of unfinished projects.

    The preceding is all real and actually happened, and is related as explanatory background for the dream.

    Last night, I dreamed that I was approached by a government official. They had discovered an object which was covered with mysterious diagrams and images, half buried in the sand on a nearby beach. They thought that Mad Karl was the creator of this object, and they asked me to help them figure out what it meant. Or what it did.

    I examined the images on the object. The drawings were clear but the purpose was incomprehensible. I chose one image at random and built the object in the diagram. When I turned it on, gears started spinning and water dripped from it and steam burst from other parts, and at the output, it started producing drops of ultra-pure water. Presumably, this water was needed for some other part of the device. But what did the whole thing do?

    Then, I woke up.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 08-17-2022 at 02:39 AM.

  37. #957
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post

    I examined the images on the object. The drawings were clear but the purpose was incomprehensible. I chose one image at random and built the object in the diagram. When I turned it on, gears started spinning and water dripped from it and steam burst from other parts, and at the output, it started producing drops of ultra-pure water. Presumably, this water was needed for some other part of the device. But what did the whole thing do?

    Then, I woke up.
    Maybe a machine that could convert air to water although I don't know where the Hydrogen would come from !!


  38. #958
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    I have a recurring element of a dream. I would call it a nightmare, but it usually just appears as an uneasy element in dreams that are otherwise fine. I've had it since I was very young.

    The location and justification for it varies, but there's a basement or other sort of area deep underground with tunnels or passages. Something about hidden areas appeals to me, so in the dream I'm familiar with this area. But there's one tunnel or passage I won't go inside. It's somehow darker than the other tunnels or passages, or light doesn't work properly. Within the context of the dream, I have a "memory" of having attempted to explore this tunnel in the past. After going very far in, a small white thing appears in front of me, glowing and floating in the air. This appearance has always made me terrified, and I run away as quickly as I can. I don't know why I'm so scared of it; I'm just convinced that it's dangerous.

    I also have a more vague memory within the dream I can never remember entirely, that twice people I've known have entered the tunnel, and weren't frightened of the glowing thing. I might have been a part of this party, and run away when the other person or people didn't. The ones who didn't run but continued on never returned from that tunnel.

    When I was younger, I didn't just experience this encounter with the creature as a memory within the dream, but experienced it as part of the narrative of the dream. Now it's just the underground region that appears, sometimes with people trying to get in.

    Another aspect of this is that even though this area is known to be dangerous by others in the dream, no one makes any effort to prevent access to it.

    In my most recent dream, I was in elementary school again. I had a group of four or five friends I was spending my time in the dream with. The part relevant to this was when two of them wanted to explore that tunnel to impress the rest of us. They'd heard rumors of the danger of that tunnel, and of the entity within it, which they didn't believe. I tried to explain to them of the truth of these rumors; I had personally seen the entity, and had watched people enter that hadn't gone out. I begged them not to enter, but they didn't believe me and thought I was just groundlessly worried about them. They just proceeded closer to the entrance to this underground area, which was in the basement of the school library in this dream. Another friend of mine, who believed me, shouted after them; when that didn't work we ran after them, intent on either blocking their way or grabbing them. The dream ended then.

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    it could be hope, feelings or other unintegrated element of ur psyche i cant immediately identify rn. i was criticiing an LIE breaking down his defense mechanisms. people with trauma can end up forming defense mechanisms that are ways of cognition that cancel an aspect of reality they are not ready to ingtegrate. u never saw those ppl return, because integrating the light disintegrates the labyrinth. it becomes obsolete. the labyrinth is ur sense of self perception of reality, its what u identify with. its a labyrinth bc it siginifies mental gymnastics that avoid part of reality. its dangerous to integrate it bc something pushed u to get lost in the labyrinth in the first place.
    people trying to get in may be some ppl trying to poke at that part in u.

    one thing to note at Se PoLRs is that u need to take risks no matter what in some cases. by refusing to take a perceived risk u are taking another risk that has more secure consequences but u are complacent with that bc its the devil u know, u think its safer, which may be, but it also may be unfulfilling, so u risk unfulfilment.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    A few days ago, I dreamed that I was at a huge party in a giant building. There were people dancing and drinking and shouting and laughing and I passed a forum member in the crowd, but she didn’t recognize me.
    ur not getting the attention or understanding u want from someone. u may have also made more effort to pay attention to them than they to u. not sure if u were drinking with the rest or not, but it also means u may feel alienated.
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

    self diagnosed ASD, ADHD, schizotypal/affective

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