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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

  1. #881
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toro View Post
    Oh yeah, thanks. I didn't specify it in the original comment, so I need to remember that.

    But about the anima, I could have some issues with it idk. A lot of things in my life are converging around "feminine" energy so I think it definitely has to do with it.
    I think that if the feminine becomes a problem then it will show in dreams. I've had disturbing dreams about neglected or distressed anima figures (attractive women), and it definitely says something about my (un)ability to properly relate to the anima. That is, to fully relate to life, adventure and attraction. But it's possible to fix. The Anima wants a capable man.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    I had a dream last night that I was dating and temporarily staying with a moderator from an old forum I used to post on. She had a pet sea lion and a Chihuahua that kept eating the food she prepared for me. I asked her what kind of clothes she wore in high school.

    I also attended a school where they showed us a video of terrorists being fed to sharks. It was kind of traumatic and I stayed after school to ask why they did that.

    I spent some time trying to get back to the apartment where I was staying and broke in to several other apartments in an effort to find the right apartment.

  3. #883
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    I dreamed I was living alone in my parent's big house. I was chasing two females; one, a dark-haired beauty whom I could not marry for some reason, but whom I loved and with whom I would split my material resources, and two, an aspirational blond whom I could marry but who didn't want me.

    Man, sometimes my dreams reveal too much about my fucked-up character.

  4. #884
    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    My parents were drinking expensive whiskey. My Mom was mad at my Dad for spending so much money on it. They had these strangely shaped glasses, they were small, the size of shot glasses, ornately designed. They told me I had to hold it a certain way and I did. I drank it. But then I was holding a different cup, it was like a metal chalice but its brim was as wide as a bowl it was shallow too. I poured more of the whiskey into the cup but before I drank I felt ice cubes in my mouth. I couldn't drink it unless I got them out somehow, so I spit the ice cubes into the cup with the liquid. I was about to tell my parents something that was secret, but I told them I would drink and that would help the words come out. The alcohol immediately hit me, but it wasn't a drunk feeling it was a panic attack feeling. I felt dizzy and I had to sit down on the floor. I couldn't talk at all and I was hyperventilating. All these horrible things were popping up in my head and I felt like I was going to pass out. I walked around the house we were in and drank bottles of water I found, one after the other.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

  5. #885
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eudaemonia View Post
    My parents were drinking expensive whiskey. My Mom was mad at my Dad for spending so much money on it. They had these strangely shaped glasses, they were small, the size of shot glasses, ornately designed. They told me I had to hold it a certain way and I did. I drank it. But then I was holding a different cup, it was like a metal chalice but its brim was as wide as a bowl it was shallow too. I poured more of the whiskey into the cup but before I drank I felt ice cubes in my mouth. I couldn't drink it unless I got them out somehow, so I spit the ice cubes into the cup with the liquid. I was about to tell my parents something that was secret, but I told them I would drink and that would help the words come out. The alcohol immediately hit me, but it wasn't a drunk feeling it was a panic attack feeling. I felt dizzy and I had to sit down on the floor. I couldn't talk at all and I was hyperventilating. All these horrible things were popping up in my head and I felt like I was going to pass out. I walked around the house we were in and drank bottles of water I found, one after the other.
    some notes for now
    ice = freeze, frozen panic, u spit the ice out but then seek water later. so u get water whenever u manage to find one, easier to swallow than ice? something is easier to swallow after u were drunk but u were also dizzy
    maybe the metal chalice was silver or gold so it might be something about nobility and truth telling? shallow bc its more risky and hard to control (serious compared to lighthearted deeper cup), closer to ur emotions/consciousness, u sip and drink less per chalice
    u tell the truth after u get drunk, but before/as u start getting drunk u get stuck by the ice
    expensive whiskey = real shit (maybe means something more)
    ur wife mad at u for buying expensive things?
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

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  6. #886
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    I dreamed that I won the lottery. It was a very happy, positive and exciting dream.

    socionics ppl: "Well we all know that's the only way an IEI would ever see a large sum of money in their lifetime."


  7. #887
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eudaemonia View Post
    My parents were drinking expensive whiskey. My Mom was mad at my Dad for spending so much money on it. They had these strangely shaped glasses, they were small, the size of shot glasses, ornately designed. They told me I had to hold it a certain way and I did. I drank it. But then I was holding a different cup, it was like a metal chalice but its brim was as wide as a bowl it was shallow too. I poured more of the whiskey into the cup but before I drank I felt ice cubes in my mouth. I couldn't drink it unless I got them out somehow, so I spit the ice cubes into the cup with the liquid. I was about to tell my parents something that was secret, but I told them I would drink and that would help the words come out. The alcohol immediately hit me, but it wasn't a drunk feeling it was a panic attack feeling. I felt dizzy and I had to sit down on the floor. I couldn't talk at all and I was hyperventilating. All these horrible things were popping up in my head and I felt like I was going to pass out. I walked around the house we were in and drank bottles of water I found, one after the other.
    You get drunk in your dreams? That sounds interesting.

    In mine, I have problems if I have to think. My dreams end or become distorted if I'm placed in a situation where I have to do something analytical, like counting, simple math, or explaining something concrete. I realize I'm not able to use a part of my mind I ought to have access to, and I struggle so hard to collect myself that I tend to wake up. When I drink, a similar feeling comes over me as when I dream -- a sense of disconnection to my body and a disinclination to "reconnect," an impulse to act automatically, and a sense that existence is something like a play. But at the same time I become more reflective (even as my actions become more "automatic"), which is something I'm not at all capable of when dreaming. So I'm not sure how I'd experience drunkenness in a dream.

  8. #888
    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    I had a dream I was in Ireland on a trip with my family. I fell asleep in the car and woke up and we were in Turkey. They kept saying the town was called "Harbor town" it was a small town near water. We walked around these close city streets, we were trying to get to Europe. I remember looking at a map and we had to make our way to Istanbul so that we could walk our way into Europe. I said to my family "Who wants to visit Istanbul?" and everyone agreed it sounded fun.

    I remember the path I drew on the map. We planned to go from city to city until we reached Istanbul, connecting the dots made a downward curve. We kept saying "we are east of Istanbul" in the dream. When I woke up I looked at a map of Turkey to see if this correlated with the real country.

    A real-life coastal town east of Istanbul that follows the path in the dream is Sinop.

    I'm trying to figure out the significance of this place. It could be its relation to water. It could also be its cultural and historical significance.

    EDIT: I don't think it was Sinop anymore. The town I dreamed could have been Zonguldak I remember pulling rocks and metals out of the ground. Someone was teaching me how to mine slate or some other black rock. This town is known for coal mining.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

  9. #889
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    I believe that my dreams are attempts at communication between two ancient brain structures, the reptile brain and the mammal brain.

    Specifically, the human brain consists of the Reptile brain, which is very ancient, and the Mammal brain, which is overlaid upon the Reptile brain and is a relatively more recent (in evolutionary terms) development.

    The Reptile brain is the seat of all emotions and instincts, but it doesn’t have much in the way of writable memory (which is why reptiles mostly operate on instinct) and it doesn’t have language, but it has excellent emotional development. Love, hate, fear, lust, anger, desire, jealousy, all exist in the Reptile brain.

    As the brain evolved to have advantages over the brains of other creatures, it developed a way to learn from experiences and to communicate with other creatures using language. These developments gave their possessor an enormous advantage over the creatures which were only running on instinct and which could not coordinate their actions with other creatures of their kind. But rather than remaking the Reptile brain to perform these additional functions (because the Reptile brain was already working pretty hard to do the simple things it was doing), evolution overlaid the reptile brain with a second structure, a mammal brain, which could store data, think and learn and adapt and speak, but which didn’t have Feelings, because the Reptile brain was already doing that perfectly well, thank you.

    So now, the brain had two structures, one which is the seat of instincts and emotions, and the other being the seat of memory and language. I have no idea how the various parts of the brain communicate, but I can imagine a person who is perfectly logical and without emotion, someone like Star Trek’s Mr. Spock, for example, trying to communicate with an emotional baby who can’t speak but can only impress others with its emotions, and what I get when I consider communication between these two is something that resembles Dreams.

    My dreams are emotion-laden visual impressions of events which seem to be to be told by someone else (someone else from my own perspective, which is that of the mammal, Mr. Spock), an emotional being who is very good at watching the world and who has a shrewd emotional reaction to events, but who doesn’t really have a larger context in which to place these reactions.
    When I dream, I seem to be experiencing a script which was supplied to me by someone who watched the events of the day, chose a few things from the daily experience which had emotional connotations, threw them at me and now it’s my job to weave a story and a logical interpretation out of these snippets of events.
    There really is very little spoken language in my dreams. The communication between my dream characters seems, upon close reflection, to take place by some kind of “understanding”, rather than by actual speech between them.
    It’s as if the baby cries and you have to figure out that it needs a diaper change, or the dog looks at you and then looks at its empty water bowl. You get the scene with images which have some emotional content, and then you have to make a story out of these simple events.

    I believe that the lizard brain remembers things, but only really big, emotion-laden events. After all, there isn’t much room in the reptile brain for memories. It has a scratch pad for daily events, but then it has to choose which things it needs to remember. Having a mammal brain right next door, with a huge amount of emotionless memory storage, means that the lizard brain can download the scratch pad of emotional reactions to daily events to the mammal brain, and let the mammal brain sort it out and make sense of it.
    Dreams are the handshaking between these two subsystems in the brain. During the day, I might see a thousand things, but only a few have emotional connotations for the lizard brain, and when it hands off the scratch pad for the day, these few events carry emotional freight. My dreams are trying to tell me something, is how I interpret this.

    My mammal brain then gets to weave these cries of concern into a rational story.

    I said that the Reptile brain doesn’t have a lot of storage capacity to learn from its experiences, but it clearly has some, because events from my past, which have had a world-shaking emotional content, keep being brought up in my dreams by the reptilian brain.

    I have figured out that, in a minor sense, when my brain wants me to wake up and I don’t want to wake up, I start having a series of dreams which are more and more disturbing until being awake is less painful that being asleep.
    Now that I’m aware of this process, it seems to be happening less. Those simple tricks aren’t working anymore.

    Infrequently in the past, but more often recently, I’ve been having a recurring dream in which I’ve murdered someone and I’m trying desperately to hide that fact. This dream is extremely disturbing. I can hardly convey the terror I feel when someone in the dream questions me about the events surrounding the murder.
    Now, I haven’t actually murdered anyone, that I know of, anyway, so why this dream?

    I don’t think that the dream is about getting away with murder. I think the dream is about hiding something which, if widely known, would destroy me. And I think I’ve figured out what that thing is.

    As I’ve had this dream over the years, its situational context has gotten more specific, and one thing has become more clear, and that is that the murder took place when I was a kid. At that time (in the world of this dream), I was accidentally able to hide my involvement, but the evidence is clearly there if anyone cares to look. And the terrifying part of the dream occurs when someone gets close to me and starts questioning the events surrounding the murder. As I said, in the dream, I don’t feel any remorse about the killing. In fact, remorse doesn’t come into the dream at all. Rather, I’m terrified that someone will find out, and this exposure will kill me. The concern of the dream is fear of exposure, not guilt at murder.

    In my more recent dreams, the murder is increasingly being localized to a time when I was a little kid. In reality, it was about this time in my life when I realized that my mother didn’t love me.

    I can only say that the most terrifying, life-threatening thing that can happen to a kid is that they be left without parental support. A kid without parents is a dead kid. Every kid knows this, even if they don’t know anything else. This is where the murder comes in.

    Almost as bad would be to have other people discover that your own parents don’t love you. If the people who know you best have decided that you are not worthy of their love, then you aren’t worthy of other people’s love and support, either. This is where the fear of discovery comes in.

    OK, Lizard brain. Mr. Spock gets your concerns, and he’s here to tell you that they are groundless. The murder, the death of your soul, wasn’t your fault, and you are, in fact, worthy of love.

    Can we move on to some constructive dreams now?

  10. #890
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    A reoccuring dream I have is that I'm skiijumping and fly really fucking high up in the air. The part I always experience the most vividly is the part when I'm up there trying to figure out how to land.

    I've never dared skiijumping in real life. I was always afraid of jumping too far or not far enough. Maybe that's why I have this dream.

  11. #891
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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Someone shouted something like, "your dual is SLE!". I realized they were holding 2 of Filatova portraits. Lmao
    I LOLed IRL from this
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eudaemonia View Post
    I'm trying to figure out the significance of this place. It could be its relation to water. It could also be its cultural and historical significance.

    EDIT: I don't think it was Sinop anymore. The town I dreamed could have been Zonguldak I remember pulling rocks and metals out of the ground. Someone was teaching me how to mine slate or some other black rock. This town is known for coal mining.
    According to mythology, Sinope is a goddess, the daughter of god of rivers, Asopus. One day Zeus saw her and fall in love at first sight, so much that he could do anything for her. Soon after, Zeus went to see Sinope to see her and declare his love. Zeus asked her, would you open your heart for me if I give up my throne in Olympus for you. But Sinope told him that she wishes to remain as virgin. Since Zeus loved her so much, he granted her wishes and didnt touch her, he left her on near black sea, hence the name of the city, Sinop.

    After this, Apollo and Halys also fall in love with her, again so much they would do anything but she wanted to remain virgin and again they granted her wish. Three of them did everything to seduce her but she outwitted them and remained a virgin all of her life and lived happily ever after.

  13. #893
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    I dreamed an image that reminded me of this card and I think I know what it means.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    I dreamed that I went on a blind date, and when I met the woman, she was horrified (this happens sometimes on blind dates), and instead of going out with me, she left the cafe with some other random guy.

    By itself, this dream isn’t that unusual, but what was remarkable about it was that throughout the dream, I knew that I was dreaming, but was powerless to change anything. It was exactly like a waking experience, except I knew that I was dreaming.

    After she and the guy left the cafe together, I found myself asking why my brain can’t send me better dreams?
    Then, I woke up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreymagine View Post
    Last night I had a dream in which I was hanging out with my IRL best friend, her IRL boyfriend, and this other dude. We were wearing bathing suits on a sunny day at a random place in my neighborhood, and we planned to ride a strange vehicle to my house. The vehicle was driven by pedaling, like a bike, but it had a closed interior with windows, like a car. My best friend and her boyfriend took the back seats, the other guy and I took the front seats, and we all began pedaling.

    Then, two things randomly changed. First, the dream had turned the vehicle into self-driving car without pedals or seatbelts. And secondly, the dream positioned the other guy and I so that we were now sitting *right* next to each other, leaning into each other with limbs our touching and my head on his bare shoulder. Neither of us had initiated the contact—it had literally just happened. Instead of immediately separating, we wordlessly stayed still and didn't acknowledge that anything weird had happened. We both secretly liked each other (which I was intuitively aware of in the dream), it felt comfy/warm/intimate, and neither of us wanted to move. There was an intense air of awkwardness due to the silence and the unspoken mutual decision to keep cuddling.

    When the car parked, we got out at my house. Though my house doesn't have a pool IRL, it did in the dream. We swam in the pool for a few minutes, and then I went inside to use the bathroom. After looking in the bathroom mirror, I ended up picking at my skin for a while. (The skin-picking isn't a weird dream thing but an anxiety disorder that I struggle with IRL as well.) I took so long in the bathroom that my best friend came to check on me. I told her that I was fine but that I had to get on a Zoom call for a therapy session. She responded by saying that she and the guys would leave; they didn't feel comfortable hanging around my family's house if I wasn't going to be with them. I was disappointed because I had hoped that they would swim or watch a movie on their own until my session was over. That way, we could've continued hanging out after my session.

    As they all departed to head home, I was inexplicably filled with a deep sadness.

    The basic plot of the dream seems to be that I kinda bond with a person over a trip, I abandon said person and the others for a bit without explanation, I flippantly tell them I have a different commitment to attend to, they all leave me since I've left them, and I'm sad. Maybe the meaning is that abandoning others first makes them more likely to abandon you in the future?
    @Dreymagine, I don’t think your dream is about abandonment, exactly. Rather, I think you are looking for a guy who checks up on you frequently to see if you’re OK.

    FWIW, the LSEs that I know all call their wives during the day, just to see if they need anything.*

    I’d say that your dream is telling you exactly what you need.

    *Personally, I don’t do this, and neither do any of the LIEs that I know. ESIs don’t seem to need Caregivering. (In case you find a Te-dom and get seduced by that smooth semi-Duality.)

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    I was not me, I was someone else. I was having sex with two women but I couldn't choose which one I wanted first. A friend was there but I didn't let him have sex with either since I wanted both to myself. I woke up licking my pillow.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    My dad died in September and left a note saying I was in charge of his affairs. His remains are cremated and sit in my mom's cedar chest here. My sister refuses to let my SLE brother and I spread his ashes because she wants to be able to be near him. Here his ashes sit.

    I had a dream last night.

    I dreamt I was sitting in this house with my father and the ocean started swelling into the house. He looked at me and glanced at the tidepools forming in the living room. He notioned to two crabs in the tidepools, so I caught them. Then I was standing in the ocean at shell beach where he used to take me as a child.

    Then I woke up. I texted everyone my dream and waited. My SLE brother said "lets take him to Shell Beach" My father always took us to ShellBeach when we were children. My mom and sister are fighting us on this, so.. I have two crabs.
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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    I had a dream I coudn't find my underwear. I was searching this huge house for my underwear and I could never find my underwear.

    What the hell does that mean?
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    I had a dream I coudn't find my underwear. I was searching this huge house for my underwear and I could never find my underwear.

    What the hell does that mean?
    not too sure but it reminds me of the hacking situation
    no underwear=compromised privacy
    maybe someone stole it
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

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    I had a dream that someone poked me in the eye with something really sharp, I don't remember what it was, but it could have been an animal horn. I held onto my eye tightly, and I saw that I was bleeding all over the floor. The people around were looking at me and saying basically, "sorry dude you just lost that eye."

    I removed my hand and saw blood all over it. I looked down and saw a little white blob with a pupil lying on the ground in a puddle of blood. I was horrified that I now had only one eye.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

  21. #901
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agate View Post
    I had a dream that someone poked me in the eye with something really sharp, I don't remember what it was, but it could have been an animal horn. I held onto my eye tightly, and I saw that I was bleeding all over the floor. The people around were looking at me and saying basically, "sorry dude you just lost that eye."

    I removed my hand and saw blood all over it. I looked down and saw a little white blob with a pupil lying on the ground in a puddle of blood. I was horrified that I now had only one eye.
    An impressive dream for a skeleton emperor to have
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

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    I stepped on to a lawn. It was full of frozen birds. There was also a teddy bear. i panicked and said to everyone: "Do not pick this!"
    Tension was building up.
    After that the teddy bear tried to murder me.
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    took a nap today and really passed out. had a dream I was in a scuba diving class with a bunch of people including Tom Cruise. For some reason, we were also filming it, and then we were watching it in a theater, I saw Tom going down the theater steps (it looked more like a huge opera house) and yelled to Tom, “I bet Tom knows how to sky dive for real, too!”. He laughed his Tom cruise laugh, and said something, like, “you’d be right about that.”

    im pretty sure my parents also had a greenhouse in this dream, and I was wandering through it.

    wth hell lol

    I also had a dream last night, I barely remember, where my family and I were vacationing somewhere. We were in a huge crowd and a war had begun. My mom was holding my theee year old, and right in front of me they shot her with an automatic rifle that seemed to keep going on for ages. Then I find myself driving an electric scooter over hills, in what appears to be a very old European city. I run into some Asian guy who claims to know me and wants to park my scooter, but I’m afraid he’s going to steal it. But I really don’t care. I walk the rest of the way to a huge building that is a hospital. It doesn’t look like a hospital, more like a government building, on a hill, with many stairs leading to the top. I have a list of room numbers and a short description of each patients problem, but they don’t tell the patients name. These are my family members that survived that I am now responsible for. And I have no idea which ones they are. The anticipation has me on my toes. I have to find the room numbers. So I go inside, walking along, and see people injured, some dead, laying on gurneys. I pass one room with some one dead laying on a hospital bed, their head laying to the side, blood running down their head. It looks like my sister. I think it is my sister. I find some nurses to help me find the rooms. Some I run into are my step grandfathers daughters. One disappeared behind a door and comes back holding my 3 year old. Mom is dead. I don’t understand how my 3 year old survived the automatic rifles. I evaluate her. Look into her eyes. She looks traumatized, mute.

    that’s all I can remember
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    I had a dream awhile ago where I moved to somewhere in the midwest sometime in the future, and the main mode of transportation had become motorized sledding and skiing through sloping icy roads because everyone got tired of cleaning up the snow I guess.

  25. #905
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lore View Post
    took a nap today and really passed out. had a dream I was in a scuba diving class with a bunch of people including Tom Cruise. For some reason, we were also filming it, and then we were watching it in a theater, I saw Tom going down the theater steps (it looked more like a huge opera house) and yelled to Tom, “I bet Tom knows how to sky dive for real, too!”. He laughed his Tom cruise laugh, and said something, like, “you’d be right about that.”

    im pretty sure my parents also had a greenhouse in this dream, and I was wandering through it.

    wth hell lol

    I also had a dream last night, I barely remember, where my family and I were vacationing somewhere. We were in a huge crowd and a war had begun. My mom was holding my theee year old, and right in front of me they shot her with an automatic rifle that seemed to keep going on for ages. Then I find myself driving an electric scooter over hills, in what appears to be a very old European city. I run into some Asian guy who claims to know me and wants to park my scooter, but I’m afraid he’s going to steal it. But I really don’t care. I walk the rest of the way to a huge building that is a hospital. It doesn’t look like a hospital, more like a government building, on a hill, with many stairs leading to the top. I have a list of room numbers and a short description of each patients problem, but they don’t tell the patients name. These are my family members that survived that I am now responsible for. And I have no idea which ones they are. The anticipation has me on my toes. I have to find the room numbers. So I go inside, walking along, and see people injured, some dead, laying on gurneys. I pass one room with some one dead laying on a hospital bed, their head laying to the side, blood running down their head. It looks like my sister. I think it is my sister. I find some nurses to help me find the rooms. Some I run into are my step grandfathers daughters. One disappeared behind a door and comes back holding my 3 year old. Mom is dead. I don’t understand how my 3 year old survived the automatic rifles. I evaluate her. Look into her eyes. She looks traumatized, mute.

    that’s all I can remember
    Was Tom Cruise short in your dream too @Lore ?
    how to enlarge your dragon, click here

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    get ready to get cucked
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    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

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    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
    Was Tom Cruise short in your dream too @Lore ?
    lol, I didn’t even think about that lmao

    he certainly wasn’t ‘tall’

    but he was taller than me, but I’m short, so most guys are taller than me lol
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lore View Post
    lol, I didn’t even think about that lmao

    he certainly wasn’t ‘tall’

    but he was taller than me, but I’m short, so most guys are taller than me lol
    Just remember, short people are going to be the last to starve during the Zombie Apocalypse.

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    This is my interpretation:

    There are two figures that occupy a similar role, the blue ghost and the red demon. The blue ghost seems to be showing you the past and the red demon is showing you the future. Oddly enough I thought of the Doppler effect in relation to the color scheme of the two figures, where changes in light frequency occur depending on an objects position relative to us. Blue-shifting are objects that are approaching, Red-shifting objects are moving away.

    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Very vivid dream. I was transported to a place from my past. It was a cafeteria and people were around. Seemed to be lunch time. I looked at the window, noticed the afternoon lights and I muttered that I want time to stop this time and it did. People just froze. After looking around the cafeteria for a bit and checking out the chicken dishes I closed my eyes and started contacting someone through telepathy. The unknown person was kind of difficult to reach but I heard a voice talking to me and slowly a vague, blue-ish and slightly transparent human figure approached me from nowhere. I told the vague figure, "come on let me show you around". We walked around, saw familiar places and people from the past. Every now and then I would stop then I would narrate things that happened on that place or introduce the figure to the frozen person we encounter and would tell him/her how I got to know that person. All of the things I said were negative experiences - mostly about how the person made me sad/hurt or how the place made me remember a lonely event. Sometimes my companion would ask further and I would explain. At some point I saw the figure slightly looking like me but then it would get hazy again and it would come back to being blueish and vague.
    You are reminiscing about the past with the blue ghost.

    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Then we went to a room and sat on a chair. At the room was a person I knew (also frozen). My companion and I started chatting about the person then slowly I felt a scary presence. I saw a scary looking figure lurking at the corner of the room. My companion seemed annoyed by it. Also my companion at this time was slowly starting to look like an actual human-looking entity with slightly long hair, only slightly transparent. They didn't look like me and they look androgynous. I started talking to the scary figure out of curiosity. It flew towards me, became a demon-looking king wearing a dark red robe and sat on my right. My companion then signaled using their hand. The door opened and vague looking entities that look like my companion entered the room. There were so many of them and everyone was on the lookout for me while I talk to the red man. He seemed regal and was very straight to the point when talking. Seemed annoyed by the entities too but acted arrogant about them by giving a slight insult.
    It could be that this Blue ghost is acting as a guide to make sense of past events, its form becomes clearer as the dream moves forward. The red demon is introduced and is surrounded by these blue ghosts of the past.

    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    We started talking about the frozen person casually, I forgot the exact details but I remember he suddenly said how about we just end this 'activity' by showing me death. Then he pointed at the frozen person, this time already fallen dead and bloody on the ground. Then he kept on making everyone I know in my life show up in front of me and every time he snaps his finger they just fall to the ground and bleed. I was slightly panicking because the room just kept on being filled with bodies with multiple stab wounds. Then he seemed to get bored after a while and made me go out of the room with him. The halls were filled with dead bodies too and he said that's how it would be soon and more terrible things will happen but I should just ignore. I insisted that I don't want to see it through. He just said he may be able to prevent that but who knows, he'll see if he can make it but anyway it's not my problem. I had nothing to say but ok then we went downstairs. He made me sit on a table with him facing a big clock as if we're waiting for something. We both just stared at the clock as we chat about random things.
    Yes, well time is still a very strong focus in the dream at this point. The red demon kills the people frozen in time. I think all this death the red demon causes symbolizes a big change, possibly letting go of something big. I think the red demon isn't warning you that horrible things will occur, but its more like he is letting you know they will happen and you shouldn't worry.

    Well, that's what I think at least. Its painted by my own interpretations of the symbols and may have nothing to do with your individual interpretation.

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    I dreamed that there was a war going on, and my country told me we could absolutely win it if I joined two other volunteers in a suicide mission.
    I readily agreed.
    They explained that we would be sealed inside an atomic bomb, and at the right moment, we’d act together to trigger it.

    I’m not afraid of much, other than heights, drowning, or being stuck in a confined place without hope of escape, and this fell into the last category.
    Being buried alive terrifies me.
    This might relate to Stratiyevskaya’s Gamma Complex of Folded Hands. Not being able to act effectively.
    As the time grew closer, I became more and more panicked. On a late night walk with a woman I knew in the dream, I said that I wouldn’t do it, regardless of the consequences. She approved of my decision.
    Then I woke up, in the middle of the night.
    I fell back asleep and woke again, a few hours later, calm and rested.

    I’m not entirely sure what this dream means, but recently, my life feels as if it is passing beyond my control. I’ve spent many years getting up every day and working for short term goals, not always mine, and I think I need to steer this ship differently.

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    Had a dream I woke up and my husband told me I stunk and started spraying me with my French lilac Pacifica body spray I have by the bed, and my 3 year old caught a mouse with her bare hands, and was playing with it/in process killing it.

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    I don't remember all my dreams. I can not say that I don't dream a lot because we all dream a certain amount of dreams each time we sleep. We remember only a fraction of those dreams cycles. Anyway, I do have some kind of "lucid dreams" sometimes and I interpret them inside the dream i.e. while i'm sleeping. I used to interpret others dreams too but the most important thing imho is the meaning each one of us gives to the very nature of Dreams as a function. Most people have an archaic / mystical understanding of dreams in general. What they want from the interpreter is either a religious, mystical meaning as if dreams where an opening through time and events ( this is what I called Mystic archaic ) or a psychological meaning . Some people think that a person dream has the power to influence people, to prevent some bad events to happen. This prophetic power is in direct proportion with the credulity people ( and their number) give to the said prophecies. I think that a dream is the most private and intimate information one could share. Dreams tell a lot about a person life, desires, fears, frustrations, they are full of emotions. A dream is the other voice of a person. It speaks with a symbolic language and it is at the same time the most honest expression of a human being.

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    Last night i had a bunch of short dreams… kept waking up and falling into a deep sleep

    Can only Remember one right now… an enormous monster wheel was attached to a planet burning like the sun. The wheel was spinning, and a vehicle was on it, trying to keep up with the wheel spinning. I was both in the car and watching the car from afar
    it was a weird one lol
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    Last night …

    Had at least 3 separate dreams last night that seemed to flow into each other. This might be a first for me.

    first dream…my two oldest girls and I had gotten on a plane and went somewhere…a different state. It wasn’t Maine, but it seemed like something like it. It was a fishing community near water, with shops tightly packed together. And boardwalks as sidewalks. And at night, you could clearly see tall mountains that looked more like fences close to us, and they glittered like when the 7 dwarves were singing, ‘whistle while you work’ in the mines in the original Disney movie.

    We had to wait in a long long line, that led deep into the earth, kinda like a pub, but it was actually an underground market with restaurants. And the main thing about this state was it had 3 focuses. The major one was whiskey, whiskey everywhere….then it was fish, they were cooking fish everywhere, and then it was toothpaste. They had standing booths with a sink where you could sample different toothpastes.

    As I was walking out, I lost my dress I had on that I had also worn to the fairy festival a few years ago. One that I had wore with my mom there. My oldest daughter had lost hers, too, and had went back looking for it. I had lost her because of it. I didn’t see the point in looking for mine. I figured I’d get another, and walked on in my bra and underwear through the maze of vendors to the exit. Along the way, I found another dress. I figured my daughter would catch up with me eventually. I walked on.

    I found my husband walking towards me outside. He had got on a plane and decided to come here, too. I told him that it’s a good thing because I didn’t have enough money to get back.

    My sister and her ex husband were together again there. They were the same as they were then, not now. They seemed young and happy.

    We admired the beauty of the place in the dark, in between the shops, on the boardwalk. The glittering mountains. It had an eerie and magical feel to it. Fireworks exploded behind the mountains. We drank whiskey and took goofy drunk pictures and talked, laughed, and sang jolly tunes together. We were being loud and gloriously drunk happy.

    Eventually I had to go back home. Evidently I was a teacher. When I walked into my classroom, my own class wasn’t there. It was a room full of immigrant children with an immigrant teacher. They looked at me like I didn’t belong there, and very unfriendly like. One teacher offered my a drink, but I felt like she had nefarious reasons. Her ‘welcoming’ smile wasn’t sincere. The drink was yellow and it looked like pee. At the bottom was a group of pennies. I told her they probably had covid on them.

    I went to see the principle, who was also an immigrant. I was hesitant to tell him what happened to me, considering. But he was friendly about it. And said they were just angry.

    The third part of the dream, I went to my parents house. There was a party happening, and it seemed like my mom had thrown it, but she wasn’t there. I think she was dead.

    My step aunts were there, and I tried talking to them, but one seemed bored and went and sat next to one of her sisters. I felt it was a shame, really.

    So I went into my room there, at my parents house, to take a shower and go to sleep. Inside there was an old couple and a doctor. The old man was laying on my bed, and the woman was on the floor with her legs spread, and a doctor was giving her a gynecological exam. I thought, well this is awkward. And I went to get in the shower, hoping they would leave.

    I got in the shower fully dressed, and just stood there, waiting to see if they would leave. But they just carried on like I wasn’t there, like they didn’t even see me. So I thought, there is no way I’m taking a shower in here right now. So I got out and went to the side bathroom. I was in there for a bit, waiting on them to leave, and I hear a knock on the door. I open it, and the old woman from the floor in my room is standing there, staring at me. I stare back at her and notice something unusual about her eyes. Her eyes are hazy. She is blind.
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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Then I noticed there were some people behind me and a guy around my age tried to catch my attention. There was this kid behind me who he started interrogating. He started asking questions who he is and why he was following me. Then he tried to take something from the kid and gave it back to me - it was my vaccination card. The kid apparently stole it while I was walking. I continued walking for a bit but stopped and thought I should give that man a tip, but when I looked back he’s gone already and I started panicking. Found my friend. I continued looking for the guy then I noticed the sky was turning dark so fast. I looked around and a several men (they wore bucket hats so I couldn’t see their faces) started ganging up on us. They were able to take my friend, and before one of the men could tie my hands I checked his side and found a gun so I grabbed it and shot his face multiple times. I wanted to get my friend but the others are approaching me so I ran as fast as I could. While running I noticed there were more and more of them in the corner looking at the sea. The last thing I knew I was able to get out from that area but I was so tired and couldn’t find the hotel.

    Then I woke up with my mom beside me. I asked if anything happened to me and she said none. They found me about to faint. I did feel normal. No blood whatsoever. I asked if they found my friend and she said yes but she had lots of snake bites and it’s not sure if she can ever recover.
    bucket caps hidden faces
    fake people
    and the honest person who helped u disappeared
    ur friend has snake bites bc those ppl were snakes
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

    self diagnosed ASD, ADHD, schizotypal/affective

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    I’m starting to think and mb mb this is it but omg who are those men with bucket hats irl
    But ok maybe I’m good because in my dream I escaped right??
    Btw thank u for interpreting, resident IEI dream interpreter
    ur friend tho
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

    self diagnosed ASD, ADHD, schizotypal/affective

    Your face makes your brain and sociotype – how muscle use shapes personality

    I want to care
    if I was better I’d help you
    if I was better you’d be better

    Human Design 2/4 projector life path 1

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    Had a dream I was trying to figure out a problem I was having.

    I pictured the problem as a bunch of strings tangled together as a knot. I took my fingers and started pulling at the threads to loosen the knots and untangle the strings.
    A bunch of memories would pop up with each knot and flow backward and forward. I was watching myself in my memories like a video tape on a screen. Rewind. Play. Rewind. Play. Untangle.

    Then I was brushing all the untangled strings with a hairbrush like they were individual hairs going up to the root, connect to the body. My body.

    And I thought. No wonder you are so tangled up and wound up. You aren’t taking time to work through this mess in your head. And then I thought of the people that never have and never do untangle their thoughts and memories and I was afraid of becoming like that. I saw people with knots and knots everywhere. It was disturbing. Such a time consuming mess of tangles.
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    the house we were living in looked bigger, more bare and decrepit.

    my father in law wanted to dig out some trap, but it was very dirty, he warned us.

    he pulled it out of his bathroom, and I helped to pull it farther, and there was a lining of black crud all of it. Then maggots started slowly moving out of the bathroom. Big ones. On the floors, on the walls, on the ceilings. Soon, they were in every room, coating the house, slowly moving and pulsating. Then I realized they were crawling on me. I started to pull them off but there were so many. They were even in my hair.

    Part 2 of the dream is I had two children. They were still young. Babies. Maybe 8 months. My husband was hiding them from me and I couldn’t understand why. Finally I got him to show them to me. One was a girl with red hair and one bright blue eye. She was a cyclops. He hadn’t wanted me to see she was a cyclops because he thought it would stress me out.

    A doctor came in and said we could distract the one eye to pull apart. And one eye would become two. And it did. Until it went back again. Evidently she would have to do exercises to fix it, like being crossed eyed and trying to correct it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by aster reverie View Post
    Had a dream I was trying to figure out a problem I was having.

    I pictured the problem as a bunch of strings tangled together as a knot. I took my fingers and started pulling at the threads to loosen the knots and untangle the strings.
    A bunch of memories would pop up with each knot and flow backward and forward. I was watching myself in my memories like a video tape on a screen. Rewind. Play. Rewind. Play. Untangle.

    Then I was brushing all the untangled strings with a hairbrush like they were individual hairs going up to the root, connect to the body. My body.

    And I thought. No wonder you are so tangled up and wound up. You aren’t taking time to work through this mess in your head. And then I thought of the people that never have and never do untangle their thoughts and memories and I was afraid of becoming like that. I saw people with knots and knots everywhere. It was disturbing. Such a time consuming mess of tangles.
    Speaks to Normalizing subtype.

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    I dreamed I was a train saboteur and was shrinking to the size of a squirrel.

    I didn’t mind the shrinking part, but I was afraid that my occupation might not be seen as a respectable one.

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    I had another one of my standard disturbing dreams where I have to conceal the fact that I’m guilty of a horrible murder. The feeling I have in these dreams is terror at being discovered and a desire to hide.

    I think that these dreams mean that I’m entering a depressive stage, which seems to happen every few months. During these times, in my waking life, I feel like everything I do is pointless and there is no way for me to win at life, so I just want to withdraw. This feeling has been building for the past week or ten days.

    The strange thing about this is that there is nothing objectively wrong with my life. Objectively, everything is going great, and there are even some pretty good wins.
    That seems to indicate that these depressive episodes of withdrawal are some kind of chemical imbalance in the brain, and not a reaction to circumstances.

    Some people might say that the medicine for this melancholy is drugs, but I tried a lot of drugs in my twenties and I now believe that most of them take away, rather than add to, my character. Plus, I’m very reluctant to mess with the machinery at this point. Age is already doing that.

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