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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

  1. #841
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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    Even if the dreams are meaningless I do think the characters you "meet" in them or the sheer outer-worldliness of dreams (where anything seems possible) can inspire creativity. Whether that is a dream that is crystal clear or one that is fragmented but still has curious parts.

    A periwinkle kitten, or brushing teeth on the beach while watching a sunset are both so strange to me that I'd want to capture those in a drawing or needlework to bring them to real life, somehow.

    Recalling a dream can provide artistic, creative ideas that the mind might not otherwise be open to - if that makes sense.
    I haven’t tried my hand any creative writing stuff since middle school, but some dreams make me feel like trying to write stories again—so that I can (as you said) bring to life the interesting characters or worlds or emotions that I encounter/experience in my dreams.

    Dreams with high-fantasy settings like the fairy or demon/angel one are especially inspiring to me. In contrast, when I have a dream like the one I did last night, which was relatively realistic/mundane (hung out with friends at a basketball game basically), it’s not even interesting enough for me to try describing/interpreting it—much less interesting enough for me to write a story inspired by its components.

    So yeah, I totally get what you mean insofar as dreams providing creative ideas due to how otherworldly they are. Maybe one of these days I’ll get around to writing creatively again and take inspiration from a dream for a work.

  2. #842
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    I had a mild nightmare in which I was in high school and driving to school in the morning. Part way through the trip to school, I fell asleep. But rather than getting into a car wreck, I kept driving while in my sleep—though not to my school. Rather, when I finally woke up hours later, I was in the parking lot of a drive-in movie theatre. I freaked out upon seeing the time because I had already missed over half of the school day. To make matters, worse I was no longer in my home town and had no clue where I’d driven to while sleeping. I frantically called my mom to let her know what had happened and to get advice.

    The dream kinda time-skipped to the end of the phone call. I hung up and pulled out of the parking space to head home. Unfortunately, as I backed out, the rear end of my car grazed the car next to me. I panicked and thought “not again!” with dread (because I’ve hit another person’s parked vehicle in real life on two occasions, which I could recall in the dream). I parked my car and hopped outside to check out the damage. To my relief, it was just a tiny scratch—but I figured that I should still tell the owner. The car’s back windshield had the phone number of its owner on it, which I thought was normal in my dream. I then called the owner, explained the situation, and apologized. Understandably, she was exasperated with me.

    I stayed put while the woman walked from her workplace to the drive-in theatre so that she could inspect her car. Although she was still irritated, she admitted the damage wasn’t too bad and agreed to not call the cops on me. Feeling immensely relieved, I got back in my car to drive home.

    I think this might be less of a symbolic thing and more reflective of actual fears that I have:

    • I have enormous difficulty staying awake while driving at times. My parents think I may have some form of narcolepsy. It seems to be improving, thankfully, but falling asleep while driving is still a bit of a fear of mine.
    • As I mentioned, I’ve hit other vehicles on multiple occasions—somehow despite the fact that everyone thinks I’m a super cautious driver? Also caused an actual accident once—on the way to a drive-in theatre, notably. I switched lanes and the person in that lane drove straight into me because I’d inadvertently pulled out right in front of them. (I had checked to see if anyone was in the lane, but I totally missed them.) So yeah, just stating all that info to say hitting into another car or causing another accident is definitely something I worry about in certain situations (e.g. really busy roads with fast-moving traffic).
    • Accidentally missing school is a recurring nightmare theme for me. It’s not something I worry about, per say, but the idea of missing it must really bother me subconsciously lol. Probably why I got perfect attendance 4th-12th grade. Which I shouldn’t have since I did get sick during that time period.

  3. #843
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    Yesterday, I went on a date with a woman who was both friendly and distant.

    Then, last night, I dreamed I was in a Superhero universe but I, personally, didn’t have any super powers but a lot of my friends did. We were just hanging out when suddenly a mink-like creature appeared among us. It looked soft and friendly but I somehow knew that it could shapeshift into other creatures and could read minds. I also knew that it was deadly to people who didn’t like it.

    One of my friends picked up the creature because it looked soft and friendly, but I knew that my friend didn’t actually like the creature, and the creature opened its fanged mouth and bit my friend fatally on the neck.

    I quickly cleared my conscious mind of any negative thoughts about the creature and grabbed it to take it out of the area. Surprisingly, when I was carrying it away from my friends and the other people in the crowd, it shape-shifted into an innocuous little puppy.

    I’m pretty sure that I know what this dream means, and I’m evidently not yet over one of my major issues of trying to change myself to be acceptable to my dates. Lol.

  4. #844
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    I had a nightmare about a demon last night.

    In the nightmare, I woke up in my bed in my parents' house at 6:00 AM. I tried sitting up, but I couldn't. It wasn't that I was paralyzed; it was if someone was holding me down and preventing me from moving. I panicked, looked around, and heard laughter—but there was no one in sight. In that moment, I realized that my attacker was an invisible demon. I remembered how the Bible says that demons fear the name of Jesus, so I screamed "JESUS!" and the unseen force restricting my movement vanished.

    Feeling terrified, I got out of my bed. I thought that maybe my room was cursed, so I ran around my room shouting "JESUS, JESUS, JESUS!" in order to scare away any invisible demons who might still be lingering there. After a minute of invoking the name of Jesus and not being attacked again, I relaxed a little and went upstairs in order to share what had happened with my parents. When I arrived on the main floor, I immediately felt stricken with fear again. Our house was far larger than I knew it to be, the floor looked as if it was still under construction, the whole atmosphere felt wrong, and my parents were no where in sight. Frantically, I started shouting my family members' names but no one responded. However, after a few minutes, my Mom descended the stairs. I rushed over to her, feeling so relieved that I wasn't alone, and I told her what had happened. She was like, "Huh, weird" and walked past me to get on with her day. How dismissive she was bothered me; I had been attacked by a spiritual force of evil, for goodness sake!

    Then, without living through the rest of the day, I woke up in my room again—as if time had looped. I sprung from my bed and sprinted upstairs to avoid getting attacked. Again, I called out for my family members and didn't get any response for a few minutes. While shouting their names, I began to worry that I had sinned so horribly that I had lost my spiritual salvation; I figured that could be why I was suddenly vulnerable to demonic attack. Finally, my Dad descended the stairs. I rushed over to him, feeling relieved once more, and I told him what had happened. He didn't pay me any attention. Instead, he began trying to fix the stairs, which still appeared to be under construction. Suddenly, the entire staircase collapsed and the loud crash interrupted my story. He chuckled and said something along the lines of, "Oops, sorry, I don't know what I'm doing."

    (After this point, it no longer felt like a nightmare; no fear was attached.)

    Again, it time looped and I woke up in my room. But this time, I wasn't myself; I was some random tall, muscular man. Time launched forward without explanation, and I was being chased by a man around a farm. I understood that he had been hired to kill me, so I grabbed him and shoved him into a hole with man-eating chickens. He started sobbing and begged me to help him out, but I suspected that he would kill me if I saved him, so I reluctantly decided to let him die. I sprinted away so that no one would connect me to the murder if they found his skeleton rotting in the hole.

    Abruptly, I was no longer a man at a farm but a young boy who was visiting an enormous arcade in a mall with his classmates. However, this dream scene was still a direct continuation of the scene prior. I told my friends that I'd killed a man and that I needed their help to escape. Specifically, I needed them all to give me their feathers. They each ripped off a chicken feather from their skin, and I attached every feather to myself until I was covered with feathers. I thanked them and bid them farewell. A cute classmate who had a crush on me waved goodbye, and I waved in return. I didn't like her back, but I was glad that she still liked me even though I'd killed a man. Then, I put on roller-skates and skated away. At this point in the dream, having killed a man and needing to escape ceased to be part of the plot. I just had fun rollerskating around a mall while wearing chicken feathers.

    Not sure what this means (except for the bit about fearing Hell—that's a thing for me in real life, too). Interestingly, this dream and the assassin dream makes two recent dreams in which I'm a male and a killer. My subconscious must strongly associate murder and males lol. Like, it goes, "Ah, you're a male now? Let's have you kill someone."
    Last edited by Dreymagine; 01-29-2022 at 02:30 AM.

  5. #845
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    I loved my ex-wife, but the last ten years of our marriage were pretty much sex-free. We continued to be married, but it was only because we were also friends.
    When I divorced her, I pointed her towards a guy who is her Dual. She lived with him for almost two years, then moved back to her apartment, which is a mile from where I live. She told me she loved me. Well, I might still love her, in the sense that I care about her, but I’m certainly not going to ever live with her again.
    A month ago, she moved back to her guy.

    I sincerely hope she can find happiness.

    Last night, I dreamed that I was back in the time before our divorce. She told me she was going to start having sex with a guy from work. (In real life, she was absolutely faithful.) I felt OK with this, because I no longer cared enough about the relationship to feel jealousy.
    My sister appeared in the dream with papers which she said indicated that the guy from work paid my wife $5k to sleep with her.
    I wondered to myself if she needed money that badly?

    My ex-wife, incidentally, is Sp/So/Sx.

    A weird dream. I’m surprised at how little I felt about the whole thing.

  6. #846
    ☽ the cutest type ☾ Aquamarine's Avatar
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    I finally remembered a part of my dream from last night.
    I was at home and outside. Hiding between two pieces of board or something was this person. But they looked strange. Like they had gold eyes, really thin eyebrows and their skin was kinda grey. They had one hand covering their mouth and just stared unblinking eyes wide open at me. I was confused as i was trying to figure out who the person was. I stood there for a while looking back at it then i eventually walked away.
    Suddenly this dog came running towards me and i tried to prevent it from getting away and going where the "person" was. It managed to pass me, but quickly ran back and said something (yes the dog spoke to me lol). It said something along the lines of there being a demon around there. And then the dog tried to hide next to me.
    In that moment i became terrified and ran inside the house crying to my father that something was outside. Then i woke up.

    I found it interesting that i wasn't scared of the person until the dog said it was a demon and acted scared of it. I'm not even sure what the whole dream meant, but that part about me not thinking something was a threat until another person made it so seemed real to me. This seems more real in children, where something happens and they probably don't see it as anything traumatic or bad, but an adult or anyone else reacting negatively to it can cause the child to adopt the same reaction.

    As for the demon or person, it never tried to hurt me at all. Just seemed frozen there. I thought it was actually scared at first, hence why i never saw it as a threat and somewhat wanted to help it. Also the mouth being covered, like it was preventing itself from making a sound in fear that someone would hear. Even though there was something sinister about it, I never felt scared until the dog said demon. I'm trying to think of how this would relate to me. Maybe some part of myself that i accepted and wasn't afraid to let show when younger? And someone or something else viewed it negatively which in turn made me desperate to hide it like the demon was trying to hide. And maybe somehow i want to help myself come out of hiding? lol

    Also it really shows how the word demon = bad for me. Just one word changed it from something needing help or of intrigue to something terrifying.
    Chronic "grass is always greener" syndrome

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
    I finally remembered a part of my dream from last night.
    I was at home and outside. Hiding between two pieces of board or something was this person. But they looked strange. Like they had gold eyes, really thin eyebrows and their skin was kinda grey. They had one hand covering their mouth and just stared unblinking eyes wide open at me. I was confused as i was trying to figure out who the person was. I stood there for a while looking back at it then i eventually walked away.
    Suddenly this dog came running towards me and i tried to prevent it from getting away and going where the "person" was. It managed to pass me, but quickly ran back and said something (yes the dog spoke to me lol). It said something along the lines of there being a demon around there. And then the dog tried to hide next to me.
    In that moment i became terrified and ran inside the house crying to my father that something was outside. Then i woke up.

    I found it interesting that i wasn't scared of the person until the dog said it was a demon and acted scared of it. I'm not even sure what the whole dream meant, but that part about me not thinking something was a threat until another person made it so seemed real to me. This seems more real in children, where something happens and they probably don't see it as anything traumatic or bad, but an adult or anyone else reacting negatively to it can cause the child to adopt the same reaction.

    As for the demon or person, it never tried to hurt me at all. Just seemed frozen there. I thought it was actually scared at first, hence why i never saw it as a threat and somewhat wanted to help it. Also the mouth being covered, like it was preventing itself from making a sound in fear that someone would hear. Even though there was something sinister about it, I never felt scared until the dog said demon. I'm trying to think of how this would relate to me. Maybe some part of myself that i accepted and wasn't afraid to let show when younger? And someone or something else viewed it negatively which in turn made me desperate to hide it like the demon was trying to hide. And maybe somehow i want to help myself come out of hiding? lol

    Also it really shows how the word demon = bad for me. Just one word changed it from something needing help or of intrigue to something terrifying.
    The only thing I thought of reading this is: is the strange looking person really bad or are they seen as bad for looking different?
    The person kept themself hidden and covered their mouth, maybe they tried to keep away from the demons.

    Also, when someone is scared of dogs, they are more likely to be attacked by dogs. Certain dogs will react to people's fear by thinking they actually did something that warrants an attack and that's why they are scared.
    Not all dogs, sure, but some do.

    Reminds of some quote about how love is what we are born with and fear is what we learn.

    Overall, idk.

  8. #848
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
    Also it really shows how the word demon = bad for me. Just one word changed it from something needing help or of intrigue to something terrifying.
    We're demon dream buddies :00

    Didn't realize they were such a common theme in dreams lol. Makes one wonder if they can interfere with them..

  9. #849
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    Default Someone experienced in Jungian dream interpretation might help with this

    Some days ago I had a dream I'm suspecting could be related to Jung.

    There was a big, blonde, "Brute-looking" man in an old neighbors house, who had the exact same way of looking at the world (AKA same worldview, ideology of sorts) but for the very opposite reason. He started talking about weakness and evitation in a despiseful way, he was vacuous, superficial, violent and unable to listen nor discuss, nor reason.

    I remember trying to correct him, which led to him getting violent, which led to me reacting very negatively, which translated into a mouse-cat persecution in which I had to escape him and he wanted to kill me (he was far bigger, like 10 times my weight and height) and at the same time, after escaping, I had a desperate need to go back, find him, and stealthily stab him in the back of the neck, like something in me needed him to stop existing. The cat-mouse game repeated itself countless times until I woke up.

    What the fuck does it mean?

  10. #850
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    Quote Originally Posted by RBRS View Post
    Some days ago I had a dream I'm suspecting could be related to Jung.

    There was a big, blonde, "Brute-looking" man in an old neighbors house, who had the exact same way of looking at the world (AKA same worldview, ideology of sorts) but for the very opposite reason. He started talking about weakness and evitation in a despiseful way, he was vacuous, superficial, violent and unable to listen nor discuss, nor reason.

    I remember trying to correct him, which led to him getting violent, which led to me reacting very negatively, which translated into a mouse-cat persecution in which I had to escape him and he wanted to kill me (he was far bigger, like 10 times my weight and height) and at the same time, after escaping, I had a desperate need to go back, find him, and stealthily stab him in the back of the neck, like something in me needed him to stop existing. The cat-mouse game repeated itself countless times until I woke up.

    What the fuck does it mean?

    Fighting against your shadow, the parts of yourself you don't acknowledge I would say.
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    I just want to say that i had a dream - after a very stressful day, though evening had gotten a lot better, once i let out a cry for help and started connecting w/ more people about the issues i'm going through - that i'm 100% sure was influenced by having read the Favourite Kinks thread yesterday evening oh man. Was pretty tame though, and connection-y and comforting

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    My brother turned into a tiny horror doll and chased me with knives. He basically tried to kill me. Every time I managed to knock a knife out of his hands he found a new one.

    *Time to listen a Freudian sexual castration interpretation story on a sibling rivalry*
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ibreen View Post
    I always get dreams of the future and when that thing happens I think of words deliberately in order to send a message to my past self. Only these thoughts are just a repetition of what’s was in my dream about the future.

    A lot of these messages are useless because they’re a dramatic interpretation of what will happen in the future. “You’ll get back to talking to this person” or “I’m suffering because I’m sick”

    They’re only few seconds and so unimportant that I don’t bother trying to remember them.
    had two of these dreams since then. Lasted two seconds and were unimportant
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ibreen View Post
    had two of these dreams since then. Lasted two seconds and were unimportant
    Imagine if the messages we exchange with our past and future selves are shopping lists.

    ”Get butter.”

    Wait a minute.

    They are.

  15. #855
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    Last night I dreamed about being surrounded by circles. I was standing in the kitchen and looking the table which I noticed was shaped like a circle. The placemats were round and designed with circles inside of circles. I saw a water ring leftover from a glass. I saw more circles in the plates and bowls. I looked up and saw circles rippling through the air like they do in water. Then, from a clear voice that wasn’t mine, I heard someone say “DEATH”.

    I woke up, noticed a circular fire alarm on my ceiling, and fell back asleep. I guess this dream was set in the future because I was looking out the window and watching my daughter play outside (I don’t have a daughter irl). She held a hula hoop in her hands and spun it over her head and under her feet like a jump rope. She looked like me at age 6 except her back was towards the house and I couldn’t see her face. I realized that the hula hoop was shaped like a circle. I screamed at her to drop the hula hoop before it was too late. Then I woke up again.

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    I dreamed that I joined the crew of a tramp steamer. The captain, who was a dark-haired female, thin and severe, needed a second-in-command to oversee the crew. I got the job because I was twice as smart as the crew, who were a fairly rough lot and were mostly interested in drinking and games of chance.

    I met with the crew and sized them up and told them that they had to get their essential work done, but the rest of their time was free to do with as they pleased. No polishing the brass just for busy work.

    The captain later came to my cabin and glanced scornfully at the books I had brought along, as if they were a distraction from real work.

    I asked her if she had any complaints about how I was handling the crew. I got the impression that she wanted to see them busy all the time, whether that busy-ness was productive or not.

    “I don’t object to hard work,” I said, “but I refuse to work just to appear busy.”

    She replied “You’re still here. I don’t have any complaints about your work.” Then she unbuttoned the top two buttons on her shirt and said “Why don’t you meet me in my cabin in ten minutes?”

    I met her in her cabin, and then in various other out-of-the-way places on the ship over the next few weeks. She seemed to like variety and made the ship detour so that we could spend a few hours on land at several ports of call. Some of the places where we moored were basically jungle.

    In one such place, where a river met the sea on a sandy beach, I became sick and fell into a delirium for several days.

    When I returned to my senses, both she and the ship were gone.

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    I dreamed a dream within a dream.

    I found myself in a rustic bunkhouse with some other Boy Scouts during the late summer and we all prepared our bunks for sleeping, and then we fell asleep, one by one.

    I dreamed that I was part of a troop which was collecting people's names. We were writing them in painted block letters on fluorescent light bulb tubes. It was very important to get all the names correct, and to store the tubes for safe-keeping. Then I woke up from that dream, back in the bunkhouse, and started thinking about getting dressed and going over to the meeting hall where our fathers were preparing breakfast.

    Then I awoke in my own bed. The alarm was going off and it was snowing outside.

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    i dreamt myvivacom was refusing to make me wifi hospot. i emailede and called them multiple times about it. i think my request was impossible, and in the end i talked to them as if i was insane/retarded. the guy and girl on the phone were very annoyed and i didnt realize what their problem was. i thoguht they were lying to me about not being able to. then i got sent an email where they told me to kill myself or that they were gonna kill me. i may have sent an angry email before that.
    then i went outside, maybe i was afraid. im missing something exactly. but after i was walking a bit there was a man sitting in a cafe who opened his tablet and tilted his face towards me. i thought he is trying to record me and im getting gangstalked.
    then i turned back in extreme fear. after a bit of walking i realized i was schizophrenic and delusional. but it felt so real.
    there were a lot of dogs around/started chasing me/in front of my way home. i thought they were real and was even more afraid. but then i also htought i may be delusional, and i dont want to be controlled by fear anyway. they were growling at me and coming my way, but i started running towards them. then they started dispersing/running a way/ and giving me way.
    a woman i dont remember exactly if she was with me trying to get through the dogs, entered the apartment building before me? then ran upstairs. a guy came out of one of the apartments and started chasing us up. then i realized again i may be afraid and need to confront him. i think i realized it was her friend and i was prolly hallucinating. i asked if that was her neighbor/friend, then she got back downstairs to my level and he met her, someone said "yeah", they exchanged graces and went together like normal human beings in her apartment or separated.
    this was not "everything" but its what i managed to muster up so far.
    one of my worst nightmares. ive been in wars and tortured in those dreams. irl ive been waking myself thorughout the night staying up trying to fix my muscle function. ok just all my experiences whatever tyhey were seem mild despite maybe looking worse superficially compared to this nightmare in particular
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    I dreamed I was in a hell dimension and it felt so grimdark and sad and lost. There was this lone man in a cowboy hat in a corner and I went up to him and I asked him if the sun ever rises. Surprisingly, he got happy for a split second and then said 'yeah when the red cell phone is out' ((I did not expect this at all- I thought he was going to say "No, the sun never rises here at all)) and then suddenly there was this weird translucent big image of a cell phone and things got a little brighter but then it quickly went back to very dark and sad. Anyways the entire view was like me in this long-ish hotel room with the cowboy man right outside window and then this large rectangular bay window u could see the environment outside from. It was just like ugly piles of black debris and ground everywhere and there was a few turd-like comets falling from the sky.

    There were also these dogs out everywhere, and the dogs kept doing these wild expressions that were so 'out there' and scary and truly Hell-ish. But the he dogs didn't really get into the room over the glass- I think maybe a couple did, but they didn't bite or physically harm me, just scared me. There was also this large pipe and out of it- more people were falling down outside with the dogs - covered in black soot. I didn't really approach or interact with these people much. It definitely felt like a Hell dimension, but I guess there are worse places- with the weird surprising optimism from the cowboy dude.

    WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN @VewyScawwyNawcissist WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN! Hit me bro I need ur Ni.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    I dreamed I was in a hell dimension and it felt so grimdark and sad and lost. There was this lone man in a cowboy hat in a corner and I went up to him and I asked him if the sun ever rises. Surprisingly, he got happy for a split second and then said 'yeah when the red cell phone is out' ((I did not expect this at all- I thought he was going to say "No, the sun never rises here at all)) and then suddenly there was this weird translucent big image of a cell phone and things got a little brighter but then it quickly went back to very dark and sad. Anyways the entire view was like me in this long-ish hotel room with the cowboy man right outside window and then this large rectangular bay window u could see the environment outside from. It was just like ugly piles of black debris and ground everywhere and there was a few turd-like comets falling from the sky.

    There were also these dogs out everywhere, and the dogs kept doing these wild expressions that were so 'out there' and scary and truly Hell-ish. But the he dogs didn't really get into the room over the glass- I think maybe a couple did, but they didn't bite or physically harm me, just scared me. There was also this large pipe and out of it- more people were falling down outside with the dogs - covered in black soot. I didn't really approach or interact with these people much. It definitely felt like a Hell dimension, but I guess there are worse places- with the weird surprising optimism from the cowboy dude.

    WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN @VewyScawwyNawcissist WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN! Hit me bro I need ur Ni.
    he is a cowboy bc ur gay. does it make sense? he is optimistic bc u want to be/are optimistic (want to be/are mean kind of different things)
    the hell is bad things in reality. u in general keep saying things like that where everything is shit but u need to be optimistic and gay or smth
    different windows may be different perspective
    window to the soul - may be different parts of u
    since they are diffverenret and he is the one looking and a human he may be a symbol of the conscious mind. the others are the unconscious mind maybe or like dark parts of ur psyche thats somewhat repressed but u can still peer into. i think the collective unconnscious is the shadow of the superego. so everything in the way most ppl are casts a shadow implicitly which implies their behavior also. dogs may be representation of ur fears in dark reality. maybe they didnt harm u bc of ur being positive or htinking u hav to get through them anyhow or they're distant/not immediate/more literal/physical or not physical in a way that would "move" u
    maybe u see how ppl fuck themslvse up but u cant change them, u dont know how to approach them. aware but helpless. what a VICTIM
    ur also inside with the cowboy dude and they are outside which means ur different/more safe/ theres distance between u and them
    but if u see the cowboy as outside of urself it may also signal as something distant. who u "are" can be and "is" fragmented on some sense and the fragments can have variety of fluid borders. and he is a cowboy bc thats hot and hot is optimistic and the sun is hot

    the cellphone can be ur connection to someone else. it shines as the sun bc it gives u hope but its brief bc its also distant and the sun is distant but the light also means connection since u need to "absorb" it
    EDIT: maybe cowboy is a symbol for strength/toughness, just dealing with things
    Last edited by VewyScawwyNawcissist; 03-14-2022 at 06:30 AM.
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    I dreamed I was a zookeeper and the animals kept dying because I was terrible at my job.

    This was a horrible dream. It’s been hours since I woke up and I still feel terrible. What the hell?
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 03-15-2022 at 12:33 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I dreamed I was a zookeeper and the animals kept dying because I was terrible at my job.

    This was a horrible dream. It’s been hours since I woke up and I still feel terrible. What the hell?
    rn im thinking of fear of failing the people ur managing who depend on u. and they are animals they are subhuman (incompetent) lol
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    rn im thinking of fear of failing the people ur managing who depend on u. and they are animals they are subhuman (incompetent) lol
    @VewyScawwyNawcissist, you are obviously too smart, and my subconscious mind is obviously un-evolved.

    Your skill at dream analysis reminds me of @Aylen.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I dreamed I was a zookeeper and the animals kept dying because I was terrible at my job.

    This was a horrible dream. It’s been hours since I woke up and I still feel terrible. What the hell?
    I'm thinking similar to VewyScawwy, I see this as maybe also feeling like you're currently failing the people in your life.
    And maybe that you could feel too responsible for others, or be affraid of ending up with more responsabilities than you can handle.
    You talked about a very materialistic ESI, and the ESI decorator being a "black hole for money", maybe you're affraid you won't be able to provide enough to satisfy these tendencies.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I dreamed that I joined the crew of a tramp steamer. The captain, who was a dark-haired female, thin and severe, needed a second-in-command to oversee the crew. I got the job because I was twice as smart as the crew, who were a fairly rough lot and were mostly interested in drinking and games of chance.

    I met with the crew and sized them up and told them that they had to get their essential work done, but the rest of their time was free to do with as they pleased. No polishing the brass just for busy work.

    The captain later came to my cabin and glanced scornfully at the books I had brought along, as if they were a distraction from real work.

    I asked her if she had any complaints about how I was handling the crew. I got the impression that she wanted to see them busy all the time, whether that busy-ness was productive or not.

    “I don’t object to hard work,” I said, “but I refuse to work just to appear busy.”

    She replied “You’re still here. I don’t have any complaints about your work.” Then she unbuttoned the top two buttons on her shirt and said “Why don’t you meet me in my cabin in ten minutes?”

    I met her in her cabin, and then in various other out-of-the-way places on the ship over the next few weeks. She seemed to like variety and made the ship detour so that we could spend a few hours on land at several ports of call. Some of the places where we moored were basically jungle.

    In one such place, where a river met the sea on a sandy beach, I became sick and fell into a delirium for several days.

    When I returned to my senses, both she and the ship were gone.
    i see the ship as unstable. ungrounded
    ur chasing her u give her waht she wants, u get sick (withdraw like a depressed LIE does?) she wouldnt stick through that and gone
    the woman doing what she did means she wanted something more than work (perhaps money?)
    im not sure if this means u are afraid of this happening or that ur mind is telling u that it has been a pattern?
    i dont know if u never had sex with the dream woman in particular and i dont remember if the lesbian ESI irl would be teasing you?
    i dont know if the woman in ur dream was an ESI. being a captain and ur serving her may mean u let someone else lead you. u also get chosen out of a bunch "lesser" men (be that wealth or all factors that would make them not her taste) but she still sees u as a worker
    EDIT: could it be that ESI u said u see as a worker and now its projected back bc u if ur her friend u would get friendzoned?
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    This may be TMI:

    I've been having hyper-sexual graphic dreams. I'm not sure what they are supposed to mean. I'm usually dominating or degrading a woman. I know dreams aren't always literal, I really can't figure out what it means beyond just horniness.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @VewyScawwyNawcissist, you are obviously too smart, and my subconscious mind is obviously un-evolved.

    Your skill at dream analysis reminds me of @Aylen.
    im also too poor. that would be 15 dollars
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toro View Post
    This may be TMI:

    I've been having hyper-sexual graphic dreams. I'm not sure what they are supposed to mean. I'm usually dominating or degrading a woman. I know dreams aren't always literal, I really can't figure out what it means beyond just horniness.
    it may mean anima issues or that u see women as something lesser/weak. they are weak but u see that weakness as something to control. ur pfp is the same. i dont know if ur repressing ur "feminine" side
    quotes bc whats considered feminine is just spiritual and part of the whole as a man. like if ur a man with feminine qualities u are not a man with feminine qualities bc ur being a man by default makes them belonging to u and if u share them with women (and u also very likely share them with other men) it just means its human < i dont like human bc animals share them too ok
    u dont see women as an equal in relationships?
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    It could be some internal struggle, you trying to dominate your softer side.
    The degradation part could be that you think its shameful and needs to be taught to behave.
    But idk, I think more details would help. Idk if i want details tho.
    Maybe, are there times/areas of your life where you feel powerless and degraded or something?

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    I knew a SEE who had degradation/domination-based relationship with women. He also had fantasies about his mother for a very long time. Is it true for you ?
    Tell us more. Or message me if people here are too pure for it.
    Last edited by Nicozeyo; 03-15-2022 at 06:47 PM. Reason: Grammar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicozeyo View Post

    I knew a SEE who had degradation/domination-based relationship with women. He also had fantasies about his mother for a very long time. Is it true for you ?
    Tell us more. Or message me if people here are too pure for it.

    Lol I do not on both accounts, but I do tend to take a dominant role in the relationship. For the most part though, its pretty democratic, meaning we share many domestic responsibilities.
    Bound upon me, rush upon me, I will overcome you by enduring your onset: whatever strikes against that which is firm and unconquerable merely injures itself by its own violence. Wherefore, seek some soft and yielding object to pierce with your darts.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Toro View Post
    Lol I do not on both accounts, but I do tend to take a dominant role in the relationship. For the most part though, its pretty democratic, meaning we share many domestic responsibilities.
    To be fair. I think it's perfectly normal for a SEE. Romantic style is agressor (probably the most agressive among the four, I think).
    Your dreams are probably something you want to do but you can't or you are repressing it and your inconscious send you messages.

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    im not sure what river connecting to the ocean means. the jungle is a symbol for the unconscious (this is where we come from and the jungle is full of dangerous and unknown things). the ocean is more like the outside world. the river connecting them may be the bridge and u getting delirious would be some stuck state in between. but i dont know if that inrepretation is superficial. @Adam Strange

    EDIT: the ship is solid ground and the river is uncompromising. the ship is moving in the river bc ur always moving and working. u get stranded in ur unconscious (the jungle) where theres things u dont understand/repress and will struggle to deal with.
    its been a rite of passage in some tribe to force someone to survive on their own in the wild when they reach a certain age. ive read about similar ties in other tribes. this can be often traumatic and thus transformative. i also suspect the trauma is a way to "stabilize" u by forcing u to get stuck a certain way. this is a horrible reality, and i am not up for it. what i said about growing by abuse earlier. basically being touched stimulates u, gentle love grows u. what happens with intense experiences is that they grow u or break u. but that growth by the intensity is extremly usntable and with consequences. maybe how u live is oscillating like that with risky endeavors? ur life is a nightmare but when u overcome a nightmare and do somehting great it feels good. yet it is a narcissistic way to go about thinsg that can be self destructive and u need that someone to take care of u
    what happens when u get stranded is that u are VULNERABLE AND ALONE. i thought what happenend with the animals dream was obvious and i thought maybe u were praising me for encouragement. but if it wasnt obvious to u i guess u may be repressing those thoughts in the unconscious as u are dealing with everything else. OH SHIT SO U GOT STRANDED BC OF THAT. u worked too hard and u may not have realized it hence u got delirious. or maybe what u worked for didnt give u what u wanted. sexuality also may force u to meet ur repressed parts so the woman may have turned out to be a dangerous catalyst? is her being a captain more showing of LSI than ESI... @Adam Strange
    Last edited by VewyScawwyNawcissist; 03-17-2022 at 08:27 PM.
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    I had a dream last night that I owned a makeshift automobile that was kind of like a race kart made out of recycled materials.

    I parked the kart next to a metal shack, got out, and explored the yard. A Hispanic guy in the yard gave me a very small makeshift submachine gun. It was small enough to fit in my pocket.

    Another Hispanic dude in the backyard introduced me to a higher caliber makeshift pistol. It was basically just a square piece of metal with a combustion system on the exterior. The guy kind of insinuated that the higher caliber pistol was superior and that they don't make them like it anymore. Ie. my submachine gun was "inferior" in some way.

    For some reason, some gang members started firing at me and I fired back. I think they included the Hispanic guys who were friendly with me just moments ago. They appeared to betray me. They stole my automobile.

    I found my way to another shack where two big black dudes were keeping guard. I convinced them that I was OK to enter. Inside, this chick was running therapy sessions for people in the vicinity. There was also some guy who gave me a bunch of ammunition for my submachine gun.

    Afterward, I was in a group of people scouting out the terrain of an area nearby the second shack. We were creeping up on some guy who was firing at a moose. There was a wooden guard shack between me and the moose.

    I woke up and fell back to sleep.

    We made another round at the area where the moose was. I took out my submachine gun and slowly crawled toward an encampment of multiple people. I crept up near a woman who was facing my group and started firing at her.

    I woke up again.
    Last edited by ILoveChinchillas; 03-28-2022 at 10:25 PM.

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    Had such an odd dream last night. I was in a movie theater, but it was more like an extremely large room of clusters of theater seats arranged in a circle, and making a pattern from the center outward, like a flower petal. Above the seats arranged like flower petals, was the screen on the ceiling. There was not just one cluster of seats, but several, with different things playing on the screens on the ceiling, above the clusters. Many of the people I saw there I had went to school with.

    But I felt odd. Like something was off. I felt disconnected, different, than all of them. A freak. Was I losing my mind? I felt they were all looking at me strangely, like I was some kind of half crazed ghost they were trying to ignore.

    Then I was in a brightly lit group of people. All of us in a very large circle in something that resemble a HS lunch room. A support group for crazy people, pretty much. One of my friends that I went to school with and saw at the theater was there. I was not surprised. I’d always felt some king of similarity there between us, even as disconnected from everyone as I felt at the time. I couldn’t connect to anyone. I felt different. Alien. I kept thinking something is wrong, something is happening or happened to me.

    I’ve never had a dream quite like this one before. It was freaky. Really freaky. And it wasn’t the dream itself that was freaky, but the way I felt in the dream.
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    I had this dream again that I woke up, inside the dream. Seems like some kind of typical dream.

    So I was at the cabin, sleeping, and I woke up. It was dark, I went outside, looked at the sea, and at the other side of the bay there was smoke or something. I looked around and concluded that I was awake. I went back to sleep. Then I woke up again, and this time I started talking to somebody how I just awhile ago thought that I had woken up, but that I had actually been dreaming. But NOW I was awake.

    All this happened in the dream. Every time I "woke up" I was pretty sure that I was really awake.

    And then I finally woke up.

    I think this dream might have something to do with learning to be conscious. To actually be present in life. It feels like a correct interpretation, I've had moods that indicate this.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Toro View Post
    This may be TMI:
    Toro's dream
    Men normally repress their feminine side. It becomes an unconscious complex (Anima) that's responsible for their erotic relations to women or anything attractive. That's all fine. But it's all about what kind of relation a man has to his feminine unconscious. In your dream it sounds like you have some imbalance in this relationship. It could mean that you are trying to be too much in control (and as a result of that maybe you lose connection to your soul). A solution could be to listen more to what really inspires you, what calls you for adventure, or get more to know more real women.

    But this is just my standard interpretation based on what you wrote. Could be wrong for you.
    Last edited by Tallmo; 03-31-2022 at 02:08 PM.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Men normally repress their feminine side. It becomes an unconscious complex (Anima) that's responsible for their erotic relations to women or anything attractive. That's all fine. But it's all about what kind of relation a man has to his feminine unconscious. In your dream it sounds like you have some imbalance in this relationship. It could mean that you are trying to be too much in control (and as a result of that maybe you lose connection to your soul). A solution could be to listen more to what really inspires you, what calls you for adventure, or get more to know more real women.

    But this is just my standard interpretation based on what you wrote. Could be wrong for you.

    It had a spoiler tag for a reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toro View Post
    It had a spoiler tag for a reason
    Ok. Do you want me to remove the text I quoted? Ive never understood these spoilers.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Ok. Do you want me to remove the text I quoted? Ive never understood these spoilers.

    Oh yeah, thanks. I didn't specify it in the original comment, so I need to remember that.

    But about the anima, I could have some issues with it idk. A lot of things in my life are converging around "feminine" energy so I think it definitely has to do with it.
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