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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

  1. #721
    MidnightWilderness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Lol, your posts are always fun to read. Thanks for the interpretation. My thoughts:

    A) I don't think I'm that curious about high school -- I've talked to a lot of people who've gone, and I went to elementary school, so I think I have a good idea about what it's like and don't really feel much curiosity about it. I think the dream was just set there because it's somewhere with a lot of people who kind-of know each other. It was important that there be pre-existing social ties already, which you don't find so much in, say, a shopping mall or sports stadium.

    B) You may be right re. where the girl came from, but I'm not sure she was, in the dream, ESE. Maybe a cross between an ESE and SEI? Or LII, maybe? An EIE without the Se? She gave the impression of a fairly lazy person who didn't like to physically move all that much or very quickly, but with a personal dark edge and intensity, a sharp mind, and an expressive face. Also a good sense of taste in clothes, I think, though I don't remember what they looked like.

    The rest of your interpretation seems plausible to me!
    This dream runs with your life:

    "I was so angry I couldn't do anything in return" - repressed revenge led to violent themes

    "The problem is that you're all complete idiots; you should be ashamed of yourselves, not sitting around complacently" - basically the same sentiment you expressed in this dream

    "I'm certain I would have found a way to kill myself if I hadn't met my ex" - girl in your dreams saving you

    I wonder Freelance, how often do you dream of violence or revenge? How often do your dreams involve another person helping you? How often do they express the sentiment of thinking everyone around you is stupid and unlikeable? If you can remember...

    I originally thought there wasn't a connection but if there is a pattern of dreams like this then maybe this is Se PoLR way of dealing with trauma with subconscious rage and action which one would never be able do in real life?

  2. #722
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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    This dream runs with your life:

    "I was so angry I couldn't do anything in return" - repressed revenge led to violent themes

    "The problem is that you're all complete idiots; you should be ashamed of yourselves, not sitting around complacently" - basically the same sentiment you expressed in this dream

    "I'm certain I would have found a way to kill myself if I hadn't met my ex" - girl in your dreams saving you

    I wonder Freelance, how often do you dream of violence or revenge? How often do your dreams involve another person helping you? How often do they express the sentiment of thinking everyone around you is stupid and unlikeable? If you can remember...

    I originally thought there wasn't a connection but if there is a pattern of dreams like this then maybe this is Se PoLR way of dealing with trauma with subconscious rage and action which one would never be able do in real life?
    Hm, I don't think violence is all that common. More often when it occurs monsters or inhuman entities are involved. With violence against people it's typically more personal, and often happening to me. But the dreams which make the strongest impression on me do involve violence, especially deliberate violence.

    In most of my dreams there aren't many characters, and the ones who do occur are typically interesting; they usually express a unique perspective. Mostly my dreams involve a lot of talking with different people or entities. I don't tend to feel these are stupid; rather, I'm interested in what they think and say. Occasionally "masses" will appear -- background characters, who fill a role necessary for the "plot," but who I don't really interact with or visualize (much of my dreams aren't very visual so much as having an awareness that certain things are in front of me, or that certain things have happened, or that someone said such and such to me; "background characters" don't really appear as people), and I don't typically care what they think or what happens to them, in the same way you don't care about background characters in a play or book, who don't have lines.

    As far as dreams about revenge specifically, never. I tend to be calm in my dreams, so I don't feel angry and wouldn't want revenge. If I commit violence it's not from a feeling of anger. It's usually either necessary (say someone/something is threatening someone else, and I have to act), from a feeling of sadism, or from just being trapped and just trying to escape (for instance being imprisoned and killing a jailer in order to escape). But even in this last case there's a feeling of detachment, like I don't personally care whether I'm imprisoned, but it's necessary to advance the "plot" of the dream, so I have to do whatever I can do to escape. If I fail or am killed myself, well, that's just how it goes. Life goes on, even in dreams, and my perspective will shift to another character or another story if I die.

    As far as being helped, all the time. Either someone is helping me or I'm helping someone else. My dreams revolve a lot around other people in that way.

  3. #723
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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    I dreamed that I made a very simple mistake in grammar. The text was in my native language and someone was berating me for it. I froze up and cried silently.

    I think it means I have a paranoia that people will nitpick the things I do. Maybe mentally it doesn't do me good and makes me scared of trying things more.
    IRL, how would you be likely to react? Like that, or tell them to fuck off?

  4. #724
    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Default A-Maz-ing Dream

    I had one of these souveniers when I was a child, and I loved it. I wonder what happened to it? The real Liberty Bell made a brief appearrance in Dixon's dream here, and I remembered I loved that little bell, replica of the real one, which I loved. I believe our Lord made me love it because I would feel this joy some day, about our country, that I thought dying, done, gone, stinking like Lazarus, but like Lazarus, God is going to ressurect her. I am so glad!

    Timothy Dixon here, with another amzing prophetic dream. He has a lot of prophetic dreams. He is a truckdriver, and he is admitedly a simple man, doesn't read much but the Bible, and the Lord has seen fit to gift him with many prophetic dreams, as well as sometimes speak his Word. He wporsds adn dreams an prophecies are just multiplying as we get nearer to tis Sunday, July 4th, when God is going to "shake" our nation, with his own "fireworks", that we won't miss. This July 4th, Sunday, the Lord's day, "Things will be made known that will cause great uproar in the people of America, and across the world." As Dixon would, say, "God is fixin' to show us...". That's his southren way of hearing things, and apparently God doesn't correct him on that.

    I love how he tells his dreams, because he is so plain and straignt when he does. He doens't intellectualize or embellish, he just describes. This dream starts at 5min. I don't know if he says in this clip, but the two people in the White House with the vultures are Supreme Court Justices (Because has the blood of the innocents has cried otu to God in Heaven, as did the blood af Abel, and before long, Roe v. Wade will be overturned.)

  5. #725
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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    You see a lot of dumb people everyday but you internalize your rage at the stupidity of the world so much that it becomes imbedded in your subconscious and only bubbles up in your dreams. Secretly you want to find a crazy ESE to rant to about your issues with society. You are secretly depressed because you long for what is unknown and what you can never have, your quest for knowledge has become sisyphean and something you do to live, but you have lost the real passion in it, hence the "I felt like I was wasting it anyway,". You secretly desire to do something you would never normally do in order to break away from your routine life, you secretly want an adventure, but something is holding you back. That's why you dreamt of this girl who was carrying out the killings, she is the dream manifestation of your secret desire for ESE pixie manic dream girl (but the killing is symbolic and not actually what you want in real life)

    I am reading far too deep into this and making too many assumptions so don't take my interpretation seriously as it's a joke. It's more likely you just were subconsciously curious about high school and horny but mix that with the weird surreal elements your brain usually comes up with.
    Pixie manic dream girl robes My chapter book in throbbing roads of super samurai chases and exhibition of clockwork devices and runaway trains into a whirlpool of glass ornament orcs of the hostile carousel. I like the stormtroopers and eggs-cellent spree of the toucan to the Tony the Tiger gumball machine implant. Let's see some explosions!!*
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
    RaptorWizard Sci-Fi Empire Lugia Bunny ~ Ultimate Aeon Willpower: Wes Net (

  6. #726
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    I dreamed of black, slow-moving eels. Looking at them from the bird’s eye view.

    If they are supposed to represent my enemies then it seems like I just need a sharp stick and they would be so easy to kill.
    Sounds like something instinctual. You are high above your instincts or something like that.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  7. #727
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    A woman was standing on a platform a few meters above me and she was heating a pipe with some equipment. The pipe started leaking steam or water with high pressure. I was looking up at her, yelling "stop, stop" many times, and waving my hands to get her attention.

    Fun fact: When I got to work in the morning I noticed that in the bathroom hot water was spraying from a hole in a pipe. We called someone to come and fix it. (Is this synchronicity?)
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  8. #728
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    A woman was standing on a platform a few meters above me and she was heating a pipe with some equipment. The pipe started leaking steam or water with high pressure. I was looking up at her, yelling "stop, stop" many times, and waving my hands to get her attention.

    Fun fact: When I got to work in the morning I noticed that in the bathroom hot water was spraying from a hole in a pipe. We called someone to come and fix it. (Is this synchronicity?)
    @Tallmo, it's either that you got a glimpse into the future landscape through some as-yet unknown interaction between the structure of time and the unconscious, freed from Se input, human brain (which is the most complex thing in the known universe), or you have weird sex dreams.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 07-05-2021 at 06:19 PM.

  9. #729
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    I dreamt I was in some kind of university again. I was studying something I liked and was happy, and I wasn’t thinking about money since room and board were covered — at the price of doing very odd things at my dorm. I forget the full list, only that they were bizarre and implied involvement with some sort of supernatural force/s. One I do remember was that sometimes you would have a package delivered to your door — instant rice with some kind of added package to turn it into a curry or something of the sort. Anyway, it was mandatory that you make the meal and eat from it (you didn’t have to finish every grain, but you had to eat least eat much of it) no matter what, within 30 minutes after seeing it; classes would excuse lateness if you had to make it and eat. If you didn’t eat it within that time you’d begin throwing up and would become violently ill for the rest of the day; so bad you’d think you were going to die.

    I had a roommate in the dorm. He seemed paranoid. Called his “girlfriend” often. I had many friends, including my ex and her sister, who IRL don’t like me at all, who would sometimes gather at the dorm and we’d go out and do something. I often invited him along because he seemed lonely. Sometimes he turned me down because this “girlfriend” requested certain things of him. Anyway, I became gradually suspicious of him and after overhearing a few phone calls of theirs came to believe she was encouraging him to commit a mass shooting. Once when he was sitting on his bed I pushed a conversation with him about what he was doing, and about his girlfriend, and he came to breaking down and all but outright confirming what I’d thought. During this, after I asked him how he felt when he was part of a group such as me and my friends, he angrily said my “friends weren’t real” and I was concerned he somehow knew that IRL I had no friends (I think I’ve posted this before but I always seem to be aware I’m dreaming). I asked him to clarify what he meant and he explained it in terms of “everything is fake and bullshit” philosophy. I was beginning to get through to him; was trying to push the “dude your gf is FBI please destroy your guns” angle. Then the dream ended because so much had changed so quickly.

    I woke up only recently so am groggy; writing probably isn’t the best. But this dream felt significant for some reason so thought I’d post it here.

  10. #730
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I dreamt I was in some kind of university again. I was studying something I liked and was happy, and I wasn’t thinking about money since room and board were covered — at the price of doing very odd things at my dorm. I forget the full list, only that they were bizarre and implied involvement with some sort of supernatural force/s. One I do remember was that sometimes you would have a package delivered to your door — instant rice with some kind of added package to turn it into a curry or something of the sort. Anyway, it was mandatory that you make the meal and eat from it (you didn’t have to finish every grain, but you had to eat least eat much of it) no matter what, within 30 minutes after seeing it; classes would excuse lateness if you had to make it and eat. If you didn’t eat it within that time you’d begin throwing up and would become violently ill for the rest of the day; so bad you’d think you were going to die.

    I had a roommate in the dorm. He seemed paranoid. Called his “girlfriend” often. I had many friends, including my ex and her sister, who IRL don’t like me at all, who would sometimes gather at the dorm and we’d go out and do something. I often invited him along because he seemed lonely. Sometimes he turned me down because this “girlfriend” requested certain things of him. Anyway, I became gradually suspicious of him and after overhearing a few phone calls of theirs came to believe she was encouraging him to commit a mass shooting. Once when he was sitting on his bed I pushed a conversation with him about what he was doing, and about his girlfriend, and he came to breaking down and all but outright confirming what I’d thought. During this, after I asked him how he felt when he was part of a group such as me and my friends, he angrily said my “friends weren’t real” and I was concerned he somehow knew that IRL I had no friends (I think I’ve posted this before but I always seem to be aware I’m dreaming). I asked him to clarify what he meant and he explained it in terms of “everything is fake and bullshit” philosophy. I was beginning to get through to him; was trying to push the “dude your gf is FBI please destroy your guns” angle. Then the dream ended because so much had changed so quickly.

    I woke up only recently so am groggy; writing probably isn’t the best. But this dream felt significant for some reason so thought I’d post it here.
    It seems like there is two sides of yourself that are fighting with each other. Mostly your shadow side and your aware self. The roommate may seem to be your shadow side of a very depressing view of the world and is just your highly critical self. The university may seem like a time if your life where this shadow side began to develop and become more pronounce for yourself. This I think can be represented in the food in the sense of the extreme consequence of being violently ill and the consequences if something was not completed. Also, this may be a time in your life were you realized that things where not free and the consequences of certain actions as well as Uni was payed for but, at a different cost.
    Back to the roommate, he seems to represent your most shadow self and the critical aspect of yourself which I mentioned already. He seems to also represent one of your fears of possibly having now personal close friends offline. That and being influenced or being tricked by a partner with an emotional connection into doing something incredibly stupid. However, your knowing self was able to diffuse that shadow side as he knows the truth and talk him down of his delusional philosophy. Maybe something unintentionally triggered some of your shadow side in real life and your just working through it in your dream unintentionally.

    Just my two cents!

  11. #731
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    When I was a baby, my mother and her sister used to place me and my IEI cousin Beth in a baby carriage, where we, as babies are wont to do, would spend hours sleeping together, head-to-head. She is three weeks older than I am, so we basically grew up with each other. I think she performed some kind of Vulcan mind-meld with me then, because ever since, I’ve had some inexplicable episodes of telepathy with some family members.

    Last night I dreamed that I was on a trip with someone in my family. I was experiencing this from the perspective that I had when I was a very small child. I didn’t know where we were going or why, but the person I was with knew these things and I was just there, tagging along with them. My awareness of the world and my future seemed to extend out to about arm’s length and half a second into the future.

    I found myself on a large embarkation pier for sailing ships. I vaguely knew that I was supposed to stay close to my caregiver, Beth, but the crowds were heavy and I wanted to watch the tugboats push the enormous boats against the dock, and was I lagging behind and not paying attention to the adults. In this dream, Beth was leading and she was taking care of all the details of where we were going and who and what we would see. I was just along for the ride, which describes my life right up to the time I went to college.

    As I watched the ship in front of me bump up to the dock, I became aware that Beth was nowhere to be seen, and that I had better stand in the middle of the dock so she, or maybe someone else who might be traveling with us (I already mentioned that my awareness of my situation was very limited) could find me. But just as I was beginning to suspect that I wasn’t going to be found and they had left on another ship, the entire dock started moving. As it moved, it morphed slowly into a giant flatbed truck and headed North towards the city on the bay. My situation seemed slightly worrisome, but not too disturbing. I knew that everything would sort itself out eventually.

    The crowd of people on the dock had shrunk to a few people on the flatbed truck. None of them seemed to know why they were here or where we were going. I didn’t speak to them. It occurred to me that my phone would know where we were, so I got it out of my pocket and tried to get to the location function, but the phone wasn’t responding to my finger pokes. At that moment, the truck gave a great lurch and I had to hang on to keep from being thrown off the back, but I managed to stay where I was and even kept the phone, which I thought might come in handy later, if it started working again.

    The truck pulled up in front of a 1930’s California bungalow and some people started getting off. I did, too, and walked into the house. All during the trip, I had the impression that Beth was near and yet not near, and as I walked into the house, where I assumed we would stay for a day or maybe for the entire trip, I heard her voice coming from the kitchen.

    I walked to the kitchen entryway and she was there, paying great attention to a tall, thin man who was at the stove, along with two other nondescript people. Beth came over to me, knelt down and hugged me, and said that she made this journey to see her old lover Ed, and now it was time for me to move on.
    I suddenly became aware that I couldn’t stay there and I didn’t know where I was, except maybe somewhere in California, but now I’d have to fend for myself. I looked at my shoes and saw that my normally black, polished shoes were salt-encrusted and the shoelaces were untied. As I bent to sort out my shoelaces, I wondered, “What do people do when they are in California? Sight-see?”

    Starting with this small thought of agency, my mind suddenly seemed to grow in power and agency by a thousand times, and in an instant, I was back to who I am today. I was wondering what the hell I was doing in some house in California with Beth, who had never really been able to formulate rational plans. I mean, I admired the fact that she knew literally everyone, but her life was just one random event after another.

    And then I woke up and thought about this dream. If ever a dream illustrated the subjective difference between being a dependent child and being a capable adult, this one was it, for me. But why did I have it now? What is my subconscious trying to tell me?

    Full disclosure: I talked on the phone to Beth yesterday for a couple hours, and I think I’m falling in like with a 26-yo ESI-Se who seems to live in the moment and not make well-thought-out plans (but she wants to!), but IDK. I’d hate to think that this was some kind of warning.

    In many ways, I’m very glad that we -usually- can’t read each other’s minds. Interaction solely through actions makes it easy to superimpose our hopes and dreams and fantasies onto others. And who knows? Maybe this is what makes the world go ‘round.

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    I dreamed that I answered an advertisement for “Assistant to Supervillains”.

    In my God’s Eye view of the dream, I discovered that the Supervillain was Mick Jagger, who was actually Satan. My eye followed him back to his home neighborhood, where I found him giving obeisance to his boss, an older version of Arnold Schwarzenegger in his role as Conan the Barbarian, playing an old god.

    When I showed up for the interview in a gymnasium, along with about twenty other applicants, we were each presented with an industrial control cabinet with two sets of instructions, each printed on opposite sides of the box.

    One side discussed the Bhopal gas disaster and had a model of the valve and electronics which failed, and asked what was the cause of the failure? The other side had a densely written question about the thermal properties of a mechanism. I set aside the second question and solved the first.

    Before tackling the second, more mathematical question, I looked around the room. The instructor had left, and all the applicants were busy trying to solve the problems. I wandered over to a woman who seemed incredibly intelligent. She had tackled the second question first, and she proudly exclaimed that she had solved the problem of the heat distribution in the device. But she had gone further. She said that the mechanism could be used to detect humans, and maybe our prospective Supervillian employers were going to use it as a guard device.

    I put one and one together and got three. I grabbed her hand and said “We’ve got to get out of here”, and pulled her to an exit.

    “What’s wrong?”, she said, once we were outside and headed to my car.

    “If you were a Supervillain, would you filter for someone who could merely decode a mechanism, or one who could detect danger? That cabinet was a device which could detect humans, and had a poison gas release valve in it.”

    In my God’s Eye view, back in the gymnasium the cabinets had begun releasing an undetectable poison gas, and the applicants were dropping dead. Of course. The employers were SUPER-VILLIANS.

    As we made our escape, I started thinking about the fact that we had passed the test, but now they were aware of us and we couldn’t trust the people who had wanted to hire us.

    In order for us to ever be safe, we were going to have to kill them.

    Is this how supervillains are made?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Is this how supervillains are made?
    u tell me

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    u tell me

    It's probably how I was made.

  15. #735
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I dreamed that I answered an advertisement for “Assistant to Supervillains”.

    In my God’s Eye view of the dream, I discovered that the Supervillain was Mick Jagger, who was actually Satan. My eye followed him back to his home neighborhood, where I found him giving obeisance to his boss, an older version of Arnold Schwarzenegger in his role as Conan the Barbarian, playing an old god.

    When I showed up for the interview in a gymnasium, along with about twenty other applicants, we were each presented with an industrial control cabinet with two sets of instructions, each printed on opposite sides of the box.

    One side discussed the Bhopal gas disaster and had a model of the valve and electronics which failed, and asked what was the cause of the failure? The other side had a densely written question about the thermal properties of a mechanism. I set aside the second question and solved the first.

    Before tackling the second, more mathematical question, I looked around the room. The instructor had left, and all the applicants were busy trying to solve the problems. I wandered over to a woman who seemed incredibly intelligent. She had tackled the second question first, and she proudly exclaimed that she had solved the problem of the heat distribution in the device. But she had gone further. She said that the mechanism could be used to detect humans, and maybe our prospective Supervillian employers were going to use it as a guard device.

    I put one and one together and got three. I grabbed her hand and said “We’ve got to get out of here”, and pulled her to an exit.

    “What’s wrong?”, she said, once we were outside and headed to my car.

    “If you were a Supervillain, would you filter for someone who could merely decode a mechanism, or one who could detect danger? That cabinet was a device which could detect humans, and had a poison gas release valve in it.”

    In my God’s Eye view, back in the gymnasium the cabinets had begun releasing an undetectable poison gas, and the applicants were dropping dead. Of course. The employers were SUPER-VILLIANS.

    As we made our escape, I started thinking about the fact that we had passed the test, but now they were aware of us and we couldn’t trust the people who had wanted to hire us.

    In order for us to ever be safe, we were going to have to kill them.

    Is this how supervillains are made?
    The detail with which you remember your dreams...

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    The detail with which you remember your dreams...

    There was actually a lot more to the dream. It was like a long movie, with comparable levels of visual details. I edited it for clarity.

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    The other night I had a dream I was in a wedding dress working at a new job (as a grocer), and I was impatiently waiting for my shift to be over but also worried about making a good impression on my employer, who was quite picky.

    After trial-and-error in trying to meet her seemingly imperceptible demands, she gave me a hug and told me she would keep me on, but that she could tell I wasn’t fully into it that day. Still had the wedding dress on and it only connected with her afterwards that I was to get married that day apparently, and that was why my attention was divided.

    I had no idea whom I was marrying. I ended up at a party, still in the wedding dress, disoriented because I had no groom. Then two girls sitting at a table told me their older brother had been waiting to ask me to marry him. The brother showed up, kneeled down with a proposal, and the rest was a blur. I woke up.

    Two days later, I attended a new church for the first time and met a family of a young man who had two sisters, who bore a striking resemblance to the girls I spoke to in my dream.

    I have no idea what is going on.

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    I dreamed I was downtown with some buddies in a bar that required you to remove your shoes to enter. (!!! Wtf?).
    When I was ready to leave, I discovered that someone had stolen my shoes. A female ILE that I knew offered to lend me her high heels, and since it was now raining and I was walking home, I thanked her and put them on.
    The dream then made one of those jumps where the scene changes without explanation and I found myself in a dressing room wearing her entire outfit, which was low heels, a short skirt, a white blouse and a blonde wig. As I looked at myself in the dressing room mirror, the other ladies said I looked exactly like a woman and was very convincing, and I had to agree. I looked just like my female ILE friend.
    I set off for home and thought I could fool everyone, but I actually fooled no one. When I watched myself in a store window, I figured out that it was my walk. I still walked completely like a man. Like I owned the street, that is. And I had no idea whatsoever how to change that.

    I don’t look at this dream as revealing a secret desire to cross-dress. I actually have zero desire to wear women’s clothes. The dream incorporates elements from my recent life; I need a new pair of dress shoes, I’ve started socializing again after a hiatus, and I was listening to the Kinks song, Lola.
    I’ve also been trying to change my focus at work, and I think the dream was telling me that I can change the way my life looks on the surface, but the fundamentals are going to still be with me.

  19. #739
    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I dreamed I was downtown with some buddies in a bar that required you to remove your shoes to enter. (!!! Wtf?).
    When I was ready to leave, I discovered that someone had stolen my shoes. A female ILE that I knew offered to lend me her high heels, and since it was now raining and I was walking home, I thanked her and put them on.
    The dream then made one of those jumps where the scene changes without explanation and I found myself in a dressing room wearing her entire outfit, which was low heels, a short skirt, a white blouse and a blonde wig. As I looked at myself in the dressing room mirror, the other ladies said I looked exactly like a woman and was very convincing, and I had to agree. I looked just like my female ILE friend.
    I set off for home and thought I could fool everyone, but I actually fooled no one. When I watched myself in a store window, I figured out that it was my walk. I still walked completely like a man. Like I owned the street, that is. And I had no idea whatsoever how to change that.

    I don’t look at this dream as revealing a secret desire to cross-dress. I actually have zero desire to wear women’s clothes. The dream incorporates elements from my recent life; I need a new pair of dress shoes, I’ve started socializing again after a hiatus, and I was listening to the Kinks song, Lola.
    I’ve also been trying to change my focus at work, and I think the dream was telling me that I can change the way my life looks on the surface, but the fundamentals are going to still be with me.

    Who is this ILE woman to you? Do you work with her or are you personal friends? From the description of the dream it sounds as if she is helping you see something from either a female perspective or her perspective.

    Is she blonde? What do you think the significance of the blonde wig was?

    The bolded part makes me think that you're masculinity or masculine behavior has been questioned in some way. The way you describe your walk implies you find yourself arrogant and you are trying to change that.

    I agree with your assessment though, it seems to be indicating a transitional period in your life but no matter how you try to change you'll still be you.

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    I had a dream at a mythic silver sound snug cuisine birthday cake immersive pool of reflecting legends of the Pokemon Dragonair being the same Pokemon as Jynx.

    I actually think that Jynx is Mr. Mime, and that Dragonair is Plato from the Philosopher King archive.
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
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    I just awoke from a very vivid nightmare I was having in my mother's car, as I had fallen asleep in her car earlier this ,morning, it seems.

    It has do with volleyball court in a very abstract way and clouds were in the back and it was dark, and it was a different realm.. There was something torturing me, but before that, it was someone else.. Then the dark "villain" of my dream, whatever it was, used my former life coach in energy form to torture me on the volleyball court and it was not just about the volleyball court anymore, maybe it was the dimension of a mind, and generated this energy vortex and built him/snapped fingers in a way that made it happen, and then emerged my new tormentor that was a dark, grey version with purple eyes and this energy portal at the forehead.. I cannot well explain this.. And it was torturing me and hurting me in an abstract way.. And it flipped black and forth between me playing volleyball and then also me running away from this guy and I also became someone else and was running from the guy in that form.. I really cannot well explain this dream.. It was not the earth land when this tormentor cast the snap to awaken the body of the life coach in a sort of zombie form... They had said something.. About how it will be the ultimate form of torture or something, but cannot remember exacting of words. It can be metaphorical of my abuse and trauma, since the life coach invalidates some things about me, and sort of was used to enable the darker patterns of my parents. It was such an abstract dream, that it is very hard forth to put into words in a way that well can explain of.

    Girls named Alyn and Tessa were in my dream, and I remember shanking a volleyball (that is a volleyball slang).. But then again, as the dream transitioned, it was the darker zombie of life coach with a violet-light purple energy vortex swirling in its head with light.. And it came to the court and then there was like a mouse or something trying run away from it on a backpack thing.. I think I was the mouse.. And this sounds mundane, but it was highly vivid, and it was a different energy and not like Earth.

    Then I remember an earlier dream had do with it getting dark and night time at like 10 AM in Arizona, and I witnessed how it just went from suddenly light to pitch black, and I met a discord guy who lives in AZ for like 5 ,minutes.. It had spiritual undertone, and I cannot well explain it.

    Then my father was driving a car to a mountain I never have seen and it was in Arizona.. I never have seen the road of it.. I just know these events happened in the dream prior to the nightmare part.

    I remember other day I wanted document a dream I had of this school that based in metaphoric lesson and spiritual means, but I never got around to it, and forgot some of its detail, but I sometimes remember dreams randomly if something evokes their triggering..

    The part with Arizona getting dark, I remember just downloading subconsciously and in intuitive way, the energy/frequency of how it felt.. I already sort of subconsciously do this as I unconsciously and almost barely conscious feel energy of things (my actual cognitive process). And I remember having visited a school that was not like a typical elementary and it was more mature.. I don't know what I was doing there..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    I guess I just also am having metaphor of absorbing frequencies..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    It did not feel like earth living reality, it felt more of a concept and living in a metaphor, and I cannot explain this into words. The entirety of the dream, but especially the suddenly getting dark, and also the evil construct of life coach, and how I kept changing forms. I also just realized the energy vortex at forehead probably is the third eye activated and absorbing in energy, since it was right at the forehead and is not too afar from the color of the actual third eye chakra, but it was a different color…
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    A videogame remix of a song just came to mind at how the evil entity felt, and it is the same frequency of that song..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    The tormentor may be an energy form of my trauma and it became a body of its own.. I think it had a black cape... And then it can be metaphor of how trauma encompasses energy and it often can manipulate other people and turn them against you if they cannot understand it or they have different clashing energy of awareness in how their mind and synapses generate, and it does not digest well in their circuiting..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    The trauma has become a demon and it controls aspects of my life and also tries to me and chases after me... It makes others have wrong idea about me, and makes for others to misunderstand, and then it hurts me in abstract way, the emotional/psychic energy of build up, overwhelming my own synapses.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    The light/dark switch can symbolize how easily it is to change psychic/mental states suddenly, and my trauma makes it of so.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    The trauma has become a body and tries impersonate me.. And the snapping of fingers is life's force, the darker, negative charge. I could not even see the tormentor in dream, it just was matter. And had I think again, a black cape.. It was evil. And maybe it had a hood and a black, void of a face with no feature. It built a concept of a person in energy form, the trauma, and the emotions, thoughts, and reactions I have make the construct of that impersonating force, counter to my true, innate nature and healthy way.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    And the trauma is a vortex that opened inside of me.. And others also have these vortexes, and it is in the third eye chakra/their mind/"imagination", imagination within sense of what they think about inside and not observe from reality directly.. It is that vortex within and haunts them.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    And it is our own world and the world that we will be in once we no longer need earth to observe and draw frequency from, to try harness, and download and put into the vortex of our own mind, the true, innate way of living that we live in everyday and sleep in every night.. Every second we are IN the vortex, because we are the vortex.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    And the vortex need be balanced of positive and negative, and living on Earth, perhaps, is a matter of trying live life in a way that wields these both well and to align a balance so the world will be able exist on its own. And once earth matches this itself, it will be the same state of the true vortex that we are supposed to live in after graduating Earth.

    And that is why very force of life years to have positive and negative ionic charge imbued into all.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    The vortex cannot be broken and is everywhere, and that s why all exist across globe and there is no distance. The more who wield vortex well and in balance, the more vivid and more there is to add in a vortex worth of living. The same frequency of indigo... It is universal.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    The void exists in all we do, all that are, which is why I kept turning into different forms, and also why it switched between court and the other form with vortex chasing me, and it was my own vortex I was having this in; my dream, my imagination..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    My dream I just awoke from.. I do not remember much of it, other than earlier in the dream, there was this blue-eyed, older, kind of brown-blonde brassy orange hair mystic woman, who was talking all about Vedic astrology, and was saying how you can see the planetary positions on someone's fingers... I asked her to read and guess my chart make up, and she held my hand, rubbed her fingers over mine, and said, "You have a moon in Cancer, 4th house placement" and she said something else about Cancer in me, and I felt astonished, but upon waking up, I realize that that is my tropical chart... But, I always have wondered, since the degrees are only merely an estimate and my Cancer tropical moon yearns close to Leo already somewhat, even though still quite afar, it may be truly Cancer all throughout.. It changes around the 25th degree, and I am not far off in that ranging. And it is not exactitude, where the coordinates are, but merely estimate. This dream may serve as conformation for me, that my original intuition is correct, my moon even is in Vedic, Cancer.. My Jupiter already is in Cancer's spirit with the fourth house, and I do think she said something about the ruler.. It already being my moon, but with my ascendant being the Sagittarius, and it ruling Jupiter, and the ascendant sets to chart, it makes of my ruling house, fourth.

    I can relate to some aspect of Vedic's Gemini moon description, yet always have more so that of Cancer, as a symbolical archetype...

    I before have explained my astrological view-- viewing it as a knife; not alive unless put into action and cutting through with insight, through one's own interpreting and synchronistic aligning.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    And I may be able tell I am all throughout Cancer, with how my hands are aligned, a symbol to the sky.. Or an energy pick up..How clouds sweep earth and feel them..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    The zodiac carves a snatched apple potion of gummy bears and a stampede of rungs on the standard flavor of heaven and surprise gales in the tin tower. Zodiacs foretell choosing wisely with hats and dollhouse mirrors for channeling and reflecting the courageous planet tossing winter hold for the triumphant Giordano Bruno to resurrect a wonderful view of the sky returning mingling clouds of angelic fortune.
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
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    I was minding my own business taking a nap. Then I hear Jacque! Jacque? in a southern accent(where I'm from) Jacque is my mom. Then I heard the door open and my mom walked in. I was then awake.

    I don't know who the hell it was but they woke me up. I know two of my mom's brother's died.
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


  38. #758
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    Weird freaking dream I had of youtubers. Majority happened in a grocery store. Tried to help my roommate yotuber with groceries. Got pissy at two blogging yotubers that I had content for a little while now. Got in a verbal fight with one of them over stupid shit.

    What really surprised me is that I slept with this older icky yotuber related to the blogger yotubers and he stuck around a little while. That caught me off guard cause I would never irl. I feel asleep listening to my tarot of my future husband and here I am dreaming of screwing an old creepy 40 year old YouTube?!?!?! Gah…

  39. #759
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    So I suck at interpreting dreams but I keep having dreams where I'm doing one of two things: Crossing a road or on a high building or some other platform.

    Every time I cross roads in my dreams it's always so difficult and I'm always doing it with other people.

    So I can't remember the dream fully because I didn't write it down. I was in a building, and I think i was trying to leave. There were other people there too. But I was either trying to leave or trying to get to the other side of the building. I didn't want to take the stairs that led up to the roof because I'm scared of heights in my dream. Every time I would find a new staircase that would lead downwards, someone would close the door and I'd have to go somewhere else. And eventually I ended up on the roof of the building. I saw other people there who were walking and as soon as I stood up and saw that I had to walk across a path that was near the edge of the roof I started feeling so terrified like I was about to die. Like I literally collapsed on my knees and started crying because I was so scared of the height. That's all I remember.

    Every time I realize that I'm on some high place in my dream I feel like I start to lose control of my body and everywhere starts spinning, accompanied by intense fright. And then I wake up and remember I'm not scared of heights.
    Chronic "grass is always greener" syndrome

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    Quote Originally Posted by fatgurl View Post
    So I suck at interpreting dreams but I keep having dreams where I'm doing one of two things: Crossing a road or on a high building or some other platform.

    Every time I cross roads in my dreams it's always so difficult and I'm always doing it with other people.

    So I can't remember the dream fully because I didn't write it down. I was in a building, and I think i was trying to leave. There were other people there too. But I was either trying to leave or trying to get to the other side of the building. I didn't want to take the stairs that led up to the roof because I'm scared of heights in my dream. Every time I would find a new staircase that would lead downwards, someone would close the door and I'd have to go somewhere else. And eventually I ended up on the roof of the building. I saw other people there who were walking and as soon as I stood up and saw that I had to walk across a path that was near the edge of the roof I started feeling so terrified like I was about to die. Like I literally collapsed on my knees and started crying because I was so scared of the height. That's all I remember.

    Every time I realize that I'm on some high place in my dream I feel like I start to lose control of my body and everywhere starts spinning, accompanied by intense fright. And then I wake up and remember I'm not scared of heights.
    Do you fear people in general? Find them unfriendly, unreasonable, unhelpful, downright nuisances? I think your dreams might mean something like that.

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