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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

  1. #641
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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    I had two dreams that I was about to lose my job or have it threatened last night and I just got word I'm a finalist for an award at work. Reverse synchronicity?
    They are going to give you an award so you won't complain about being fired without severance pay.

  2. #642
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    had a dream that my house was a mess, stuff everywhere, the walls were covered, and there were only small walking paths. DH had bought a dog and it was peeing all over the floor and I just left it. I was in my pajamas and hadn’t showered for days. Some cars pulled up to deliver some things DH had bought online. Among them was a trolley. A huge trolley, like the one on Daniel tigers neighborhood. Suddenly my house became a very messy storage building, much like a barn, and they started delivering all these large items. A very prissy stern women dressed in white kept following me around with a notebook, writing things down. I told her I was sorry about the mess but my adhd was getting the best of me and I kept getting distracted and just noticed the mess. I was really embarrassed, especially considering how pristine she looked. And I kept wondering what the hell I was going to do with all this stuff.
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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post

    another dreams about getting rid of several different creepy bugs, on my ceiling, about the size of my hand. Others didn’t seem that concerned with those but I was getting kinda paranoid-ish that even if we get rid of them in the backyard there will be way more in the house and I hate them. And that a centipede might be able to camouflage and essentially turn invisible on the cement floor. I just could not get myself to feel comfortable living in a house like that.
    Did you know that centipedes kill all the other bugs, including spiders, that come into your house? They even eat other centipedes.

    Personally, I never kill them unless they come upstairs. If they do that, then they're dead.

    I recently cleaned everything out of the basement in order to epoxy paint the floors and the walls, and I removed all the spider webs in the process. I also replaced the old windows with glass block and sealed all the air leaks in the walls. Much to my surprise, all the bugs of every sort have disappeared from my house. Or if they're there, they're hiding pretty well.

  4. #644
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    I’ve been trying to take naps during the middle of the day. I never could before. Must be getting old lol. But I actually had a dream in the middle of the day, which is extremely unusual for me..

    in it I was in line in a line of cars to go into a garden center at a place like Home Depot. the woman at the entrance was being friendly and waving people in. When I got to the front, she asked me what I needed. I told her we wanted to look at Christmas trees. She gave me an exasperated look and ask why I couldn’t just go inside to look at the trees. I told her we didn’t want to go inside to look at the trees. We wanted to look at the trees back there. She told me we would have to go inside to look at them. so I got pretty pissed and started scanning the garden center for something to go look at back there, as a reason to look at the Christmas trees. So I pointed to some apple trees. I said,
    well I want to look at the Apple trees, too, you’ll have to let me in. She got pretty crappy with me and basically told me no. I looked at her name tag and told her I was going to call her manager. That she better let me in. That I know a lot of people that shop here, and they are all going to hear about this. I told her that I’m going to another store down the road where the employees aren’t such rude asses. Anyway, I just started getting really crappy with her.

    that was the end of the dream. I told my daughter and she said it was a boring dream and it sounds like a regular day in my life.

    im pretty sure one reason I dreamed this was because she told me I was rude to a sales clerk yesterday and I do it all the time. I didn’t think I was, intentionally anyway...
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  5. #645
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    I’ve had a few different dreams the last few few nights, but I have a hard time thinking of how to explain them.

    the one last night, my family and I were living in a cult. It resembled a university or boarding school, and my whole family was taking classes there. They did something to the children. They put something like implanted thorns around their heads to make them suffer so they would be good children. I had no idea they did this specifically, but I knew they were up to something. Then they took one of my children, and didn’t tell me what was happening. But I heard them outside of an auditorium chanting. I looked inside and they were putting a thorny crown on one of my kids heads and I screamed. The inside was enormous, and I was standing behind the podium where my daughter was with one of the cultist leaders, and thousands of people turned to stare at me. They dragged me outside into the hallway, trying to convince me of their rightness, and at first I protested, as I was in shock, but then I thought I would play along so I could sneak us out afterwards. So I nodded along with them...and that’s all I could remember.
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    I was living in some house where a war was occurring. At some point a soldier burst in the house. He took off his equipment and said he was tired of fighting. He was Turkish; I think a member of the side fighting my country. He stayed in my house after that, hiding from his companions and from enemy soldiers. We became friends. He told me about how he wanted to go home, and showed me pictures of his family on his phone -- I recall a young female baby, maybe a sister or niece. He was interested by the fact that I liked raki.

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    Ever since I stopped having sleep paralysis, I have stopped encountering the ominous dark figure. Now I miss seeing his shadowy silhouette projected against the wall; and I miss feeling like my suspended corpse was being examined inside a laboratory; and I miss the way he used to poke my neck with his pencil to make sure I was still breathing. I feel like just another run-of-the-mill normie.

  8. #648
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    I had a dream that a beautiful woman lost her right leg in a car crash and the ambulance wouldn't save her, but some people I volunteered with would.
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

    Model G: IEI-CNHD
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  9. #649
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    I had a dream that a beautiful woman lost her right leg in a car crash and the ambulance wouldn't save her, but some people I volunteered with would.
    Based upon my extensive experience of inadvertently imitating EIE’s, this sounds like an EIE dream. LSI’s seem to look for people who selflessly help others when no one else will.

    I’m not battle-typing, I’m just sharing what I think is a strong type identifier. Which might be why I generally suck at typing.

  10. #650
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    I dreamed that I was working in a factory, sweeping metal chips up from a drill press, but I had a nagging feeling that I wasn’t living my real life.

    Might be COVID isolation and winter depression. Most likely.

  11. #651
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    I had a dream I lost my mind. First of it’s kind.

    Can’t remember it completely, but my dream actually ended where my day did before I went to sleep (also new to me) except we were in a large house by a lake with a group of friends. Then, everything seemed to fade away and move forward and I was suddenly somewhere else, like someone had just landed me in a completely different place. I was in a room with people passing by, and I was trying to make sense of how I got there. I found someone I knew and they didn’t seem like anything was off. It was like I had been walking around all this time, maybe a few weeks, but I wasn’t there. I found my sister to explain. Evidently I had went into her room and told her something weird, like the red devil was in her eyes, and then I went to school and was saying it to people and other unusual stuff. Idk. But evidently they had me evaluated, and everyone was treating me like China and it was really annoying. Oh yeah, and then I met trump on a boardwalk and he asked me to walk down some rickety steps with him to look at some whales. When we were walking down he started saying inappropriate things, which made me feel a bit weird. Then when we got to the bottom of the rickety stairs, he dove in with some enormous whales, and I got in too, barely. I told him he better get out or they were going to eat him. And he told me he thought I was right. We went back up the stairs, and I can’t remember anything else. lol
    Last edited by Aster; 01-05-2021 at 03:16 PM.
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    I went to sleep three hours early so I could wake up three hours early, and I did, but the urge to keep old habits is strong and so I fell back into a fitful sleep for another three hours.

    During that time, the part of my brain that wanted me to wake up did what it always does in these situations; it started throwing increasingly troubling dreams at me. Usually, they increase in disturbance until waking up is preferable to remaining in the dream.

    These “wake up!” dreams are interesting because they shed some light on what at least one part of my brain thinks are my greatest fears.

    Generally, I’m not chased by monsters but rather find myself prevented from doing things.

    For example, in my dream, I found myself at work, typing on my computer, but my fingers weren’t pressing the right keys, and when I looked closely at the keys, they were labeled not with letters but with alien symbols.
    Several people came up to me and reminded me that we had contracts which were not getting done, so I looked at the contracts to see who could do them, but they also were written in some alien language and I couldn’t read them.
    I decided to head home and work on my computer there, where I at least knew everything was in English, so I walked out to the parking lot and discovered that my car was not there. I realized that I had returned to the company from a trip the previous night in a cab, and where the hell was my car? Probably at the airport.
    I called a friend to give me a ride to the airport, but he’d already left work.
    I realized I had to walk home, which was a few miles away.
    When I got home, I discovered that I didn’t have my house keys. They were in my luggage, which must be stacked up wherever the cab was when it dropped me off.

    Finally, at my usual wake-up time, I woke up.

    The dream was just one “tied hands” episode after another. Crazy things preventing me from doing what I want to do.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 01-06-2021 at 10:43 AM.

  13. #653
    Like think it twice but never, never learn. Vex's Avatar
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    I grew cake on a rope in my dream last night. Makes me want to bake strawberry shortcake.
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

    Model G: IEI-CNHD
    Model A: Most likely ISFx
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    My ex and I were sitting by the window watching deer-people dance in the streets.

  15. #655
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    Gonna throw this one out there. I dreamed that it was January 21st and nobody was wearing masks save for a few insufferable Karen types who tried to force the rest to do so. An exercise in futility thankfully.

    Now, as anyone who has done serious research knows these face masks are a traditional marker of slavery in the Western World I for one am feeling rather moralized. A man can dream that we, as a species, collectively and overwhelmingly disregard the "useful idiots/house/bootlicking sycophants/etc..." for the first time in history within my lifetime .
    Last edited by End; 01-20-2021 at 04:43 AM.

  16. #656

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Gonna throw this one out there. I dreamed that it was January 21st and nobody was wearing masks save for a few insufferable Karen types who tried to force the rest to do so. An exercise in futility thankfully.

    Now, as anyone who has done serious research knows these face masks are a traditional marker of slavery in the Western World I for one am feeling rather moralized. A man can dream that we, as a species, collectively and overwhelmingly disregard the "useful idiots/house *******/bootlicking sycophants/etc..." for the first time in history within my lifetime .
    Mayo Clinic (not a Karen and not interested in oppressing you)

    "COVID-19: How much protection do face masks offer?
    COVID-19: How much protection do face masks offer?
    Get answers to your questions about face masks, including how to use them properly.

    By Mayo Clinic Staff

    Can face masks help slow the spread of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that causes COVID-19? Yes, face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as frequent hand-washing and social distancing, help slow the spread of the virus.

    So why weren't face masks recommended at the start of the pandemic? At that time, experts didn't know the extent to which people with COVID-19 could spread the virus before symptoms appeared. Nor was it known that some people have COVID-19 but don't have any symptoms. Both groups can unknowingly spread the virus to others.

    These discoveries led public health groups to do an about-face on face masks. The World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now include face masks in their recommendations for slowing the spread of the virus. The CDC recommends cloth face masks for the public and not the surgical and N95 masks needed by health care providers.

    How do the different types of masks work?
    Surgical masks
    Also called a medical mask, a surgical mask is a loose-fitting disposable mask that protects the wearer's nose and mouth from contact with droplets, splashes and sprays that may contain germs. A surgical mask also filters out large particles in the air. Surgical masks may protect others by reducing exposure to the saliva and respiratory secretions of the mask wearer.

    At this time, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved any type of surgical mask specifically for protection against the coronavirus, but these masks may provide some protection when N95 masks are not available.

    N95 masks
    Actually a type of respirator, an N95 mask offers more protection than a surgical mask does because it can filter out both large and small particles when the wearer inhales. As the name indicates, the mask is designed to block 95% of very small particles.

    Health care providers must be trained and pass a fit test to confirm a proper seal before using an N95 respirator in the workplace. Like surgical masks, N95 masks are intended to be disposable. However, researchers are testing ways to disinfect N95 masks so they can be reused.

    Some N95 masks, and even some cloth masks, have one-way valves that make them easier to breathe through. But because the valve releases unfiltered air when the wearer breathes out, this type of mask doesn't prevent the wearer from spreading the virus. For this reason, some places have banned them.

    Cloth masks
    A cloth mask is intended to trap droplets that are released when the wearer talks, coughs or sneezes. Asking everyone to wear cloth masks can help reduce the spread of the virus by people who have COVID-19 but don't realize it.

    Cloth face coverings are most likely to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus when they are widely used by people in public settings. And countries that required face masks, testing, isolation and social distancing early in the pandemic have successfully slowed the spread of the virus.

    While surgical and N95 masks may be in short supply and should be reserved for health care providers, cloth face coverings and masks are easy to find or make, and can be washed and reused.

    Masks can be made from common materials, such as sheets made of tightly woven cotton. Instructions are easy to find online. Cloth masks should include multiple layers of fabric. The CDC website even includes directions for no-sew masks made from bandannas and T-shirts.

    How to wear a cloth face mask
    The CDC recommends that you wear a cloth face mask when you're around people who don't live with you and in public settings when social distancing is difficult.

    Here are a few pointers for putting on and taking off a cloth mask:

    Wash or sanitize your hands before and after putting on and taking off your mask.
    Place your mask over your mouth and nose.
    Tie it behind your head or use ear loops and make sure it's snug.
    Don't touch your mask while wearing it.
    If you accidentally touch your mask, wash or sanitize your hands.
    If your mask becomes wet or dirty, switch to a clean one. Put the used mask in a sealable bag until you can wash it.
    Remove the mask by untying it or lifting off the ear loops without touching the front of the mask or your face.
    Wash your hands immediately after removing your mask.
    Regularly wash your mask with soap and water by hand or in the washing machine. It's fine to launder it with other clothes.
    And, here are a few face mask precautions:

    Don't put masks on anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious or otherwise unable to remove the mask without help.
    Don't put masks on children under 2 years of age.
    Don't use face masks as a substitute for social distancing.
    The CDC doesn't recommend using face shields instead of masks because it's unclear how much protection they provide. However, wearing a face mask may not be possible in every situation. If you must use a face shield instead of a mask, choose one that wraps around the sides of your face and extends below your chin.

    Tips for adjusting to a face mask
    It can be challenging to get used to wearing a face mask. Here are some tips for making the transition:

    Start slow. Wear your mask at home for a short time, such as while watching television. Then wear it during a short walk. Slowly increase the time until you feel more comfortable.
    Find your fit. If your mask isn't comfortable or is too difficult to breathe through, consider other options. Masks come in a variety of styles and sizes.
    If these tips don't help or you have concerns about wearing a mask, talk with your doctor about how to protect yourself and others during the pandemic."

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    I was horribly down during a dream where I saw my bike's tires had been stolen. devastating

    nice to wake up

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    wish I could remember my dream from last night better. a little different than my usual dreams. I remember hiding in a place and was afraid of being too exposed or I would turn to dust. I can’t remember the exact reason why, but everyone seemed really sensitive and prone to turning to dust, especially being near windows or outside. At one point I remember being in a castle in a room surrounded by windows with sheer red curtains. I looked outside and there were evil looking cherubs being attracted to something in the stadium. They would get close to the windows and glare inside. Some people were watching all this go on, but I didn’t want them to see me, so I started shutting all the curtains. I was stuck in a room with a red glow from the light going through the sheer red. I could see through it the silhouette of malicious little cherubs. And that’s all I remember.
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    I dreamed that I was back in college, taking a general test. One section was on the Humanities and was “match the quotation with the author”, and listed a dozen or so of each.

    “Name the author of the following statements:

    1. The unexamined life is not worth living.”
    2. Etc.”

    I had no idea who said that stuff, and didn’t care.

    First, I thought I could get most of the answers by a process of rough matching and elimination. Then I thought that knowing the author wasted brain space because you can just look this stuff up on line. Then I thought that I disagreed with most of these “wise” statements anyway. Then I thought “What the hell am I doing taking a stupid test when I should be running a company?”

    Then I woke up.

    Levels of awareness.

  20. #660
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    Several different dreams.

    one of them was...there was this girl and she was sick or something like that, so she was taken to a hospital or something that served as such. There was another man there that she was curious about but she was awfully naive. He was a serial killer or another criminal. She was very child-like and also a part of her wanted to help him. When she approached him he was visibly startled that someone like her (young, vulnerable) would do that. In any case there were hospital staff present and he couldn’t harm her or try to, they would immediately restrain him.

    I remember wondering in my dream why she was behaving this way. Later on it was revealed by the mother that her father was some kind of criminal and she apparently just hadn’t developed the filter for danger when it comes to these people due to it being normalized for her.

    (...I’m watching too many crime shows these days).

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    I dreamed that I was alone in a third-world country, doing my usual work/vacation thing, living minimally like a native to the country. But instead of treating my time there as an opportunity for adventure, I found myself obsessed with the fact that I was losing track of things. Things from my suitcase were vanishing, I had completely lost track of my expense records, and while I had plenty of cash in my pockets that I hadn’t touched, the fact that I was focusing so hard on keeping track of lost things was making me angry all the time and was spoiling what should have been a fun adventure.

    A metaphor for my present life, perhaps.

    It occurs to me that I have traveled all over the world on business, but my most enjoyable trips have been with a buddy of mine when we chase solar eclipses to some location on the planet where they happen to cross some interesting place we’ve never been before. These trips are really high points in my life. We live minimally, sleep in local, very low cost accommodations, eat whatever we find when we're hungry, and generally make the entire trip a side trip as we target some local areas of interest but otherwise completely wing it. My buddy does all the general planning (Wednesday and Thursday is the port of Valparaiso and the home of Neruda) and I bring cash and an open curiosity and a drive for adventure.
    It occurs to me that it is the part of my life that comes closest to Smilingeye's description of a Te-Fi Dual pair, where "Te gives protection and public face, Fi gives the content and the motivation."

    "Get back, Jojo, to where you once belonged".

    Last edited by Adam Strange; 02-07-2021 at 02:42 PM.

  22. #662
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    @nanashi, before last March, virtually all studies showed that masks short of an N-95 even in a hospital setting weren't demonstrably effective at preventing the spread of any respiratory virus. The article you quoted is propaganda.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    @nanashi, before last March, virtually all studies showed that masks short of an N-95 even in a hospital setting weren't demonstrably effective at preventing the spread of any respiratory virus. The article you quoted is propaganda.
    Wait, so you're coming to the conclusion that the only reason a group of people who openly admitted they didn't know much about the new virus at the time saying back at the beginning that they didn't see a need then for masks was NOT that they (as they said, didn't know very much about it, and as has been extensively shared by medical and infectious disease specialists since studies on the spread and on the viral particles, themselves, have come out,) that there is reason to wear a mask, but the ONLY possible case must be that the medical experts are all colluding with media who like to get their jollies off on us wearing masks on our faces?

    And ...are you suggesting they WANTED the economy to nosedive with this airborne and masks-protect-other-people-from-your-droplets narrative ?

    What's in it for them? All these medical specialists who pledged their lives to the benefit of the public?

    and we're talking poor research scientists and assistants, too, not just plastic surgeons in Los Angeles.

  24. #664
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    I have a tendency to lucid dream a lot (not the kind where I can control however the dream progresses, I just realize I'm asleep and it's not real and act accordingly), and my dreams get really strange. Especially since I started taking CBD gummies to help me sleep through the night.

    2 nights ago, I had a dream I can't stop thinking about. There were twin islands, connected by a bridge. One island had a city on it, the other was a bunch of...grey, monotonous apartment buildings. I didn't visit the city side, but I could see it from across the bridge. I was walking through the apartment district, and found the one I knew I needed to go into. Strangely, there was a therapist office right outside my own door.

    I realized then that I was dreaming.

    I went inside the therapist's office, and he was super mean to me. He told me the further I went in, the further I'd be into my own subconscious. I was not phased? It seemed like a good thing. So I went in and it was fine? It was exactly like how the apartment I live in now looks like from the inside. Even my bedroom looked the same. So I went back out, into his office, and told him he needed to leave because he wasn't helping me. He left in a huff, and was replaced immediately.

    The second guy was way nicer. Also he looked like Anthony Fauci but I didn't realize that until I woke up lol. He told me I was doing a good job, just not to spend too much time here and to remember to visit the city.

    I realized he was representing my inner critic or monologue, the apartment island was my subconscious, and the city island was my conscious thought. I was in my own subconscious and couldn't visit the city because I was asleep.

    ...I think it represented how much nicer I've become to myself, how my inner critic/monologue has evolved, and also that I might be spending too much time trying to analyze myself.
    ~we're just out here havin a good time~

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    Wait, so you're coming to the conclusion that the only reason a group of people who openly admitted they didn't know much about the new virus at the time saying back at the beginning that they didn't see a need then for masks was NOT that they (as they said, didn't know very much about it, and as has been extensively shared by medical and infectious disease specialists since studies on the spread and on the viral particles, themselves, have come out,) that there is reason to wear a mask, but the ONLY possible case must be that the medical experts are all colluding with media who like to get their jollies off on us wearing masks on our faces?

    And ...are you suggesting they WANTED the economy to nosedive with this airborne and masks-protect-other-people-from-your-droplets narrative ?

    What's in it for them? All these medical specialists who pledged their lives to the benefit of the public?

    and we're talking poor research scientists and assistants, too, not just plastic surgeons in Los Angeles.
    “Science” isn’t a monolith. The articles you find on your social media pages don’t necessarily represent a scientific consensus, and often have more to do with politics and the fact that the media are in the business of selling fear porn than science.

    Much of what was recommended was recommended because China did it first, and because there was mass hysteria and pressure on governments to “do something.” There’s usually not much governments can do to contain a virus, but at least by doing this they’re “doing something.” And if governments or politicians don’t “do something,” even if there’s no evidence it’s even effective, half the fucking country acts like they’re mass murderers.

    Regarding the economy, I don’t think any of this was a conspiracy, just the natural result of how people act when they panic and a media spectacle encourages it. But the lockdowns have been very good for big businesses, since they drive their smaller competitors out of business. And the big businesses which would seem to suffer from the lockdowns just get bailed out by government $ anyway. If you want to see a conspiracy, you wouldn’t have to look far to see who’d benefit the most from lockdowns.

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    ...I'm gonna post another dream while the mask debate goes on lol

    It was another lucid dream where I realized partway through I was dreaming.

    I was in the afterlife, and it was being controlled by this one woman who felt like she couldn't do a very good job running it. She was very nice, though.

    I met some family that passed away before I was born. They all looked young, though. Like that was how they always saw themselves. We walked around and talked for awhile. They didn't have any meaningful insight or profound wisdom to share with me about the course of my life. They were just...normal people. They just said they hoped I was having a happy life.

    I realized it was a dream when the lady running it asked me if I wanted to take over. I thought that was a really strange request, realized I was dreaming, and agreed just to see how it would go. Turned out I couldn't actually control anything, I just turned into a greeter for new people entering the afterlife.

    one of these days i want one of those dope lucid dreams where i can fly around or something instead of these weird CBD induced dreams that make me think about the state of my life.
    ~we're just out here havin a good time~

  27. #667
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    The city streets could apparently be sand. I was walking to somewhere and a sand scorpion kept following me (I really hate creepy crawlies like cockroaches and anything that has multiple legs pretty much lol; I can’t even sleep if they are in my room). So anyways, in this dream I could change the color of my sand - everyone could. So I think I chose indigo or something. My mom said to choose regular sand color because the sand scorpion would camouflage (sort of translucent white-yellow and very pale) and that would make it difficult for it to follow me. So I did and then my mom caught the scorpion and threw it away after that.

    weird logic but anyways yeah.

  28. #668
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    Some really weird dream/nightmare about a spider

    vague recollections - some guy used to be with a woman but broken up or in the process, now. The woman gave birth to a child but the child’s form had been a mystery... the grandmother literally starts transforming into a “spider” symbolically and otherwise and daughter realizes that is part of who she is. The child is a literal spider as well. The guy doesn’t want to entirely abandon his family but he also has some kind of entanglement with “me.” The characters are actors from a tv show I just watched but despite their faces the aforementioned is how they feel like to me. The whole time everything is shrouded in complete secrecy, dark. I feel jealous. For some reason I have to meet him in secrecy or else people will try to stop us. It’s all so he could be with the weird spider family. He is put off by it too - but it’s his child so he has strong attachments. Literally “spinning a web”? Manipulating him. I have a sense I will eventually lose him because of these forces outside my control.

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    In the same dream, I dreamt that Corpse Husband (the youtuber) committed suicide, and later I was in a big bathroom and an unrelated woman committed suicide right there. I saw her feet dangling but didn't look up. Felt sort of casually detached, but I did worry about Corpse. In my dream I thought, "his anxiety got to him, he must've felt so tired of it all". I wonder if this is some sort of projection thing. My anxiety is very, very tiring. But I've never been actively suicidal or even thought about it much, it seems like I try to hold onto my life too much in fact.

  30. #670
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    I just spent several hours in a very vivid dream. It was exactly like Normal life, from the conversations and the detailed environment to the crunch of gravel under my shoes and the general direction of my thoughts.

    Essentially, the dream was about my having acquired too many resources and not being able to adequately support them all.

    This is one of the main themes in my Real life. But why this particular dream? And why now?

    Waking up felt exactly like changing channels on a television. The show was different but no less real.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 03-02-2021 at 12:21 PM.

  31. #671
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    In my dream, I found myself in an old, rambling, run-down Victorian house on a large, dark, windy field on top of a hill. There were other people living there, sometimes moving from room to room, but they all seemed to be inwardly-focused and isolated from each other.

    As I moved around the house to see what it looked like, I discovered that certain outside windows were covered by sheets. I asked someone why they were covered, and they said that those windows looked out onto spaces where reality was broken.

    The breaks seemed to be a very local phenomenon, because on some walls, one window would be covered and the others would not be.

    I moved one of the sheets aside to look out a covered window, and indeed, I seemed to be seeing a space where the laws of physics no longer applied. It was hard to look at, and hard to interpret what I was seeing, sort of like something seen flittingly out of the corner of your eye. As I tried and failed to focus on the changing colors and the slowly moving cracks in space, I felt myself being drawn into it. It was taking over my perceptions and I was becoming unbalanced and disoriented, and I quickly let the sheet fall back against the window.

    “If you look at that too long, you will go mad,” the person said. “And those areas outside the house are growing.”

    “How do you get food?”, I asked.

    “Some people are trying to make contact with the outside world. See that couple out there?” He pointed through an undraped window at an object about fifty yards away from the house. I looked into the twilight and, under a sky with low dark clouds scudding overhead, saw a structure that seemed to somehow be both a tent and a boat rocking in a stormy sea. “They’ve been moving farther away, further out, but sometimes the zones of instability sweep across them before retreating. Others have tried this before. And then this happens.” He pointed to a person in a room behind us. They were lying on a bed, catatonic, with their eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling and not moving.

    I somehow felt myself attracted to the phenomenon, but still knew that it was more powerful than I. I thought it would be worthwhile and interesting to try to explore it, if I could avoid becoming completely untethered and lost in those spaces, unable to find my way back to this present reality.

    And then my phone rang and woke me up.

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    I had a dream of a dude, about 35-40 y-o, blond, tan, thin and muscular. He had two kids with him, one he held on his right side who was too young to walk, the othe being older and walking on his own.
    He was following some red fabric through his house, there was a surprise at the end of it a paper said.
    I can still recall his smile, and now it gets dreadful.
    The red fabric took him outside on a beach (paradisiacal settings) to find his third child, seemingly aged between the two others, dead in the ocean. The fabric was tied to the child's leg.

    This dream bothers me because it was far more realistic than my average dream.

  33. #673
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    Ne Dreams.

    According to Socionics, I have unvalued 4D Ne, so I am good at Ne but I only use it for jokes and entertainment.

    Very infrequently, I will have a dream that is completely random and makes no sense and never comes to a single conclusion. Last night I had two such dreams.

    In the first dream, I was alone in the studio apartment of a friend of mine (IRL, he has a house and is married) which was absolutely filled with camera equipment (I’ve never seen the guy with a camera). He had told me that I could “test” all the equipment, but of course, it was both dark and there were no test facilities. After browsing for a bit, I decided that I was wasting my time and went to leave but then a different couple, whom I knew socially, entered the apartment. I told them that I was just leaving, but then I noticed that I didn’t have my own camera lens with me. Apparently, I had left it somewhere while browsing my friend’s equipment. So we all searched for my camera lens, among literally thousands of cameras.
    Two hours later, I finally organized and back-tracked my thoughts and realized that I hadn’t brought my camera with me.

    In the second dream, I had stopped in a little diner for lunch. The place was full of strange characters but I found a little table and ordered a small meal. As I ate, people finished their own meals and left and were replaced by new characters. There seemed to be a lot of ILEs there.
    At one point, I got up to ask the waitress for something and as I returned to my table, some random guy told me that Walter returned to Russia. I knew Walter but didn’t know the guy so I was noncommittal. He then asked me what I did for a living and I told him something true but not specific. Then I headed to my table and a second guy insisted that I see how strong he was by squeezing his biceps. I just ignored him, sat down, finished my meal and walked out the door.
    In front of the diner, the cook had made a section of the 2” thick sidewalk out of cast egg whites. I reached down and tore a piece off to see if it was real and from inside the diner, the cook started screaming to not tear up his sidewalk.
    I returned inside the diner to offer to pay him for the damage, but he was rushing around and so I waited for him to settle down so I could talk to him.
    As I waited, I noticed an extremely attractive woman with short black hair eyeing me from one of the seats at the counter. She looked Gamma, and very interesting.

    And of course, the dream ended at this random point.

    If this is how pure Ne works, it’s easy to see why ILEs are incredibly inventive and never reach a single, coherent conclusion.

    As for me, it seems like there are crazy, random, chaotic things happening all the time, and I have to consciously organize my thoughts and apply myself to bring order to this chaos. This process of organizing data is my usual condition.

    Maybe this is a clue to how LIEs work, IDK.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 04-25-2021 at 02:47 PM.

  34. #674
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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Has permission to test but it’s dark and there are no test facilities - Same thing happens in real life, maybe this is about dating idk. Might be easy for you to find test subjects but you cannot test them properly and choose the right subject. You might lack knowledge (hence blind) and not have a good environment for what you want to execute. The person who gave you permission represents something or someone — he is giving you false hopes
    @one, I think the first dream was a run-up test by the ancient Lizard Brain to see if the rational overlord Mammal Brain was paying attention or was just going to let this pass, because it seemed more rational than the second dream, which was all unconstrained Alice in Wonderland level Ne.

    At the same time, though, I agree that the dream meant something. I don't think the Lizard Brain is much capable of deception. Self-preservation, yes, but lying, no. I also agree with you that the dream was sexual. The lens that we were searching for was a telephoto lens. Your Ni is strong. And it's true that on a fundamental level, I absolutely hate false hopes, either given or taken.

    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    I don’t know why but I laughed so hard
    @Adam Strange I wonder if your Ego functions are under attack right now or if you have a continuous problem you still cannot solve until now irl. If it’s to find an ESI (which could be the reason why seeing one ended your dream), you might need to think out of the box is what I’m seeing.

    I always think no matter how Ne a dream is it means something, but I don’t have a 100% knowledge of your situation so I might be wrong with the interpretation.
    It is very possible that my Ego functions are under attack. I've recently been looking at my life with a thousand-yard stare, and it's a fucking train wreck. The wife I thought I had forever is gone, my son is a disappointment, my business is a mess, my house looks like a bomb went off in it, and I can't get a date with anyone I care about. Furthermore, I seem to be unable to sort out how to fix anything. My life is very far from what I think I want, and yet, I built it piece-by-piece and I'm afraid that it is what I really want, rather than what I think I want.

    Or maybe, most of my life has been a response to someone else's dreams, and I don't really know my own.

    "And I guess that I just don't know." - Lou Reed (

    I think the dream was describing the forum as a diner, actually. A crazy place where everything is temporary and random and most of it makes little sense, but there is a chance of meeting that one good person.

    Yes, your Ni is very strong.

  35. #675
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    Great dream interpreting going on here!
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


  36. #676
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    I find the subconscious, such as dreaming to be vastly more poisonous and unhealthy, unnatural than what I'm thinking about on the surface.

    Your whole life Will, your whole life goal has to be at the center of your concentration, at the top of your mind, and to cheat that prime point, that highest light of completing your Prophecy is to show lack of self awareness.

    So if you have to dig into the dark places of your mind rather than the whole mission of your focus and mentality, then you show lack of true understanding of your soul.

    That's 1 reason that I think Carl Jung was sensing, because he used a lot of Ni for a Ti user, and tried to dig into the invisible.

    So when I try to build the bridge to the invisible, to contact Bunny, that's an evolving playhouse of gizmos and gadgets in a very whimsical and musical fix.
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
    RaptorWizard Sci-Fi Empire Lugia Bunny ~ Ultimate Aeon Willpower: Wes Net (

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    I had a dream where I went to school and a had normal day so when I woke up I was very confused.
    If they ever tryna neck, I'll put my foot up in your caca
    Call your mama and your papa
    Like I'm finna take your dadda
    Turn that bitch into a soccer ball and rocka, rocka, rocka (brrr)
    Get into it like a suit
    And fuck a stack up like a broker

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    Quote Originally Posted by PunkSailor View Post
    I had a dream where I went to school and a had normal day so when I woke up I was very confused.
    Maybe you can wake up again and everything will be back to normal.

  39. #679
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    Last night I dreamed I was cloned or recreated or the like, but then I found out I was the double and I was dying / disintegrating. I didn't want to die, but I also knew it was right that the real me keep living. The dream involved people from my work team, and intrigue, and pandemic fears.


    A little backstory for this next one: For years, since I was a teen, I've been able to fly in my dreams. Usually it's an escape method, when someone or something is threatening me. A couple of times I've felt like I had wings, but usually it's just a sense of floating and I have to stay concentrated and expend energy to stay up. Gravity almost alway fights against me, and sometimes my will alone is not enough to keep me from sinking back down, running into things, or crashing.

    A few nights ago, I dreamed that I flew away from something that was chasing me. I floated up, up until I was quite high and the objects (trees, buildings, roads) were quite small. I think it was near sunset and there were a good deal of clouds in the sky. A fall from this height would be bad, and I kept feeling gravity's pull. I felt tired and worried. Suddenly a flock of very large birds came my direction and one of them went under me and rose up until I was resting on its back. It flew me in the direction I was headed for awhile, then set me down most of the way there. I got the sense that it was helping me, but wasn't going to fix everything for me - I still had to complete whatever I was doing myself.

    I don't know what type of birds they were, but they reminded me of sparrows. Very big sparrows, haha. They were brown and fluffy and I remember thinking how warm and comforting it was to sink into its feathers. I've never had that happen to me before, have someone or something help me as I was flying. It made me feel loved.

    Later in that dream, I encountered a girl who got turned into an angry, violent plant. Her transformation was somewhat disturbing. I was trying to prevent her from killing people while at the same time keeping people from killing her, because what needed to happen was for us to find a way to turn her back into a person. I think the dream ended when one of her toothed blossoms was poised above my head.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    I was on a pavement road following a path, driving something like a go cart. I don’t see what I’m driving on the road I’m zooming over. All I see is the road under me, almost like I’m flying instead of driving. There aren’t a few lanes, there are several, and they almost seem to multiply as I realize this, but then I realize there has always been that many lanes. Then I feel like I’m going faster and the road is getting curvier, and I’m having a difficult time staying in the lines. I have a hard time remembering which lane I’m in and keep dodging in and out, trying to stay in the right one. Then, I start slowing down, and the road gets more rough/older. I notice a side road made of rough gravel. I get off of what I was driving and start walking up an incline, a small hill, that leads to a cave with a wide opening. I’m both amazed and scared. Scared or what predator could come out and amazed that I found something like this.

    I realize my 2 year old is with me, walking around behind me. I pull out my phone and start taking pictures of the cave to send to my husband to show him what I’ve found. I won’t go in there by myself, but I thought maybe we could come back and go inside together. Still I’m afraid of something coming out and attacking me. A lot of apprehension. I see movement in the cave, something coming towards me. A wild boar with long tusks. I’m scared of him a bit, but I still feel like there is still worse in the cave. Some kind of predator, maybe a mountain lion or some kind of wild cat. The boar and I mostly ignore each other, but he prances and runs around. I then notice as I’ve been staring at the boar, my 2 year old has wondered off closer to the mouth of the cave. I feel like I see a nefarious flickering movement, and yell out to her to come to me. She pauses for a moment, but then carries on. I run for her, grab her, and start running back to the go cart. I feel like something is following us with their eyes, considering chasing us..

    And that was the end.

    I already have a pretty good idea what it means, but figured I’d share since I haven’t remembered one in a while
    Last edited by Aster; 04-30-2021 at 12:59 PM.
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