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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

  1. #401
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I dreamt I shot the sheriff in my Victoria's Secret bra.

    What does this mean?
    Your feminine side is rebelling against patriarchal masculinity?
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  2. #402
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    In my dream there was a service where you could order old family corpses, like if your grandmother had died years ago you could order to get her body digged up and sent to your door. I got two of these corpses. They came in cardboard boxes and it was literally just a rotting corpse inside of them. I remember I called the company because I hadn't ordered this, and I also complained about the bad packaging lol.
    Obviously this kind of made me terrified. Later in the dream there existed a disease in which when you had this disease, people around you would seem awfully skinny, worn down and creepy/scary looking. The longer this dream went on I started realising I have this disease. I went to my mothers house, and I opened up to her and acted vulnerable to her (which I never do in real life). I told her I was extremely stressed out. She said "really? i had no idea" like she didn't know me and realise my needs at all. Later she said "So that's why you've been losing teeth". I touched my teeth and several of them were loose which scared me. We had a red mannequin in the room which looked creepy as hell, mangled and ugly and I asked my mother to take it away because it's scary looking. And she said "what? it's beautiful", and that's when I really knew I had that disease.
    The dream ended somewhere around here. But somewhere in the dream after I had gotten that second package with the body, I went and talked to the boss of that company, in person, who later transformed into a woman, who I fell in love with, and she told me to read the tag on her sweater. It said 400 000. It was a 400 000 dollar sweater.

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    i fell into a river and learned to swim
    the fish were following me but i didn't know where i was going
    i grew fins and a spatula protruded itself from my right hip
    we found ourselves in a deep corner of the ocean
    there was a hole in the cupboard
    i climbed inside - behold there's a nest
    in the nest i found a bunch of little eggs with legs
    they flew toward my face before turning around halfway thru
    they smashed headfirst into the wall
    millions of tiny spiders came out
    they called me mom

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    ENTj thx

  6. #406
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    i was at a bar with friends and some of my ex teachers, and suddenly a cop showed up and wanted to ask one of my teachers some things, and I thought I heard she had commited a crime. The night went on and then the police showed up again (I had this feeling that my teacher was trying to escape the police) and the police said "Youre gonna have to come with me to jail until we have solved this". I can't remember what crime she had commited but it it was something really stupid like she had copied a book or something.

    Then I had another dream where I went through a huge warehouse, dont remember why I walked in there but I (calmly) was looking for a way out until I got to the end where a clinic for anorexic people were, and even the staff there was super skinny. I asked one of them for the way out and she sounded angry but showed me. I asked her another question which I cant quite remember, maybe where a supermarket was, in which she just ignored me and walked away and i said "ok thanks " then turned around and said "fuck you" or something lol. Later went to a mall where I went shopping for clothes and several people commented on my outfit and said it was pretty.
    I started talking to two people somehow and we talked about the gun law in the us for some reason and then we talked about adoption. One of the girls said "You know adoption has proved to be really successful" and handed me her phone with a video of a fish giving birth repeatedly, kind of like seahorses give birth but not as many. Then i watched the baby fish lie just lie there in some distant ocean. But it was supposed to be human.
    Adoption in this world supposedly meant harvesting infants in the ocean, and growing then like plants, idk

  7. #407
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    There was a "debate" or I heard voices between a muslim and a christian. The muslim said that islam also covers the contents of christianity and the christian answered that no, it is christianity that covers islam. It was the right answer.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  8. #408
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    I saw a dream where my former dog had deep philosophical thoughts. Behind that fluffy exterior was quite angry man. We had lots of discussions.

    My dog had dreadlocks.

    Damn, Google searches shows that I have stepped into new agey realm.
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  9. #409
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    I was making a coffin. I think it was for my grandfather (who has been dead for a long time). It was something with the lid of the coffin. I covered it with something, like paper or some fabric.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  10. #410
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    I was a tourist in Germany. I came by train to a city, maybe it was Düsseldorff (just some name that popped up in my mlnd). I was in downtown and I was impressed by how compact the city was. Big buildings.

    I walked through a park and there were lots of muslim immigrants. (as there is supposed to be in germany). But also germans in the park and they spoke german.

    I wanted to go somewhere. To the left i saw an old castle on a hill. From there one could see the sea. I liked that idea.

    As i started walking a woman went by and she said hello as if she knew me. Asked me something like what i have been doing lately. She looked asian. I was supposed to know her but i didnt. I didnt ask her who she was.

    I walked towards the castle. The road was now in the countryside although still very near the city center. There were trees by the road. A guy on a bike passed by me from behind. I think he drove very fast. At some point i changed to walk on the other side of the road.

    Dream ended i think it was the arm clock. Damn i would have liked to go to the castle.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  11. #411

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    Quote Originally Posted by wasp View Post
    I'm waiting
    I actually had an interesting one a couple of days ago. I dreamt that I expressed anger way more than ever in my life. Sure I can rage but this wasn't simply rage, I was just expressive more with it than ever in some way. Because of the things I said or more like, how I said them. It was kind of ugly emotionally. The people there were not people from actual life as far as I can remember. It was like 5-10 strangers from the street. On a bus in the woods or I got to the bus only after that...?

    Then today I realize I'm still very angry at someone. I felt this before a couple weeks ago and yeah it was the most extreme ever anger but I thought it was gone. I didn't express it yet. And I still don't know how I'm going to make sure I don't actually do something truly crazy like never in my life to put closure on the issue and be able to move on.

    (Noo, not talking about murdering anyone)

  12. #412
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    I dreamt that I was back in Physical Optics lab at the University with my old professor. We were doing a thought experiment to predict what happens to a random beam of light when it passes through a lens to focus on a pinhole. That part was easy. You get an Airy disk. But then a second pinhole was placed after the first at distance F, and another, and another, and the question was, What is the spatial profile of the beam that emerges from the last pinhole spatial filter?

    My pre-mammalian, source-of-emotions lizard brain, from which all dreams are motivated, could not answer that question, and I woke up.

    As I lay there in bed thinking about the dream, it occurred to me that what I am doing on the16types is analogous to those pinhole filters. Start with a random person and apply filters and see who emerges through each filter. How should the filters be defined? What kind of person should emerge? And what is the ultimate objective of filtering?

    Awake, with the rational brain engaged, I realized that each pinhole performed a Fourier transform on the wavefront which hits it from the previous pinhole, and so the ultimate spatial profile depends on the wavelengths of available light and the characteristics of the pinhole filters. Which still might be analogous to filtering for a mate.

  13. #413
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    Today I dreamt that I found extra money in my pockets. I was very happy.

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    Don't let your memes be dreams.

  15. #415
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    I dreamt I was diagnosed as a diabetic... which made me deeply sad in the dream. Insulin didn't exist in it but I had to take pills a lot. Don't remember a lot besides it was really gloomy. But it was kind of enjoyable.

    Interpretation is obviously that I feel restricted from the good in life. It's probably the most specific and straightforward symbolism I've ever had in my dreams.

  16. #416
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kakarot View Post
    Don't let your memes be dreams.
    Don't turn your dreams into memes..

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  17. #417
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    I had a very vivid dream just now....

    It started when I was at a cricket ground in the summer with my mother and grandmother. I must have been a child. We were buying lots of pizza and champagne. The pizza looked and tasted awesome. Anyway the assistant (who also seemed young) said something like "you're taking too much pizza, more than anyone else", in scolding voice. And I said "Why would you care, as long as you're selling it?" He/she looked at me very angrily.

    The scene then dissolved into a supermarket which also functioned as a pizza place (selling the same pizza). I guess it was a few years later, maybe not quite present day. I was showing off some invention that enabled me to fly over the aisles because there was a girl I liked who was working there, and I started to go often and fly around to impress her, hitting on her. I said she beautiful often, that she was hot and sexy. However, one day she got up and made a speech denouncing me in public. She said I was arrogant, disgusting and gross, that she wasn't attracted to me at all and then she urged all the male workers in the shop to "teach me a lesson", and drive me out so "I knew what it was like to be one of us".

    At the door I refused to leave, and dared them to try and remove me. That was when I saw a face I recognized, the assistant who'd been triggered by me years before. "Forced removal?" he asked the girl gleefully. "Yes" she said. He and the mob then all laid hands on me like rabid animals, hauled me outside and beat me up on the street. They hacked at the flying machine I made. People walked by, of course, but not one person stopped and tried to intervene. What I found most horrible was that the shop owner (the girl's father) looked on, scared for himself, even though he knew me from elsewhere and liked me.

    I woke up shocked just half an hour ago.

    Not sure what this means...
    Last edited by Spermatozoa; 11-07-2017 at 03:06 PM.

  18. #418
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    Default the afterlife is now a never-ending Lilith Fair concert

    haunted by the specter of SJW like woah
    p . . . a . . . n . . . d . . . o . . . r . . . a
    trad metalz | (more coming)

  19. #419
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    iei had a dream that he woke up next to me and I had a huge scar on my face and he asked me about it and I was like "it's always been there, didn't you notice?"

    does this mean he recently noticed something about me? I don't know what it would be, if that were the case.

  20. #420
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    Quote Originally Posted by lump View Post
    iei had a dream that he woke up next to me and I had a huge scar on my face and he asked me about it and I was like "it's always been there, didn't you notice?"

    does this mean he recently noticed something about me? I don't know what it would be, if that were the case.
    Maybe it's about a past pain that's gone unacknowledged. It's likely related to identity because the scar covered the face. Does that work?

  21. #421
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    Quote Originally Posted by lump View Post
    iei had a dream that he woke up next to me and I had a huge scar on my face and he asked me about it and I was like "it's always been there, didn't you notice?"

    does this mean he recently noticed something about me? I don't know what it would be, if that were the case.
    Did he finally notice that you're really Cuban and a powerful drug kingpin? IEI's have 1D Se and sometimes don't notice things in their environment.

  22. #422
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    Recurring dreams of fleshy pulsating vaginas.

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    The sky suddenly cracked next to a flock of clouds that somehow obscuring the Sun nearby and water gushed down through the cracks, only then I realized I am standing on a paper-thin earth, wobbly, right above the water. I drove away from the place with my family, and ended up on a small hut in the middle of vast streams of water, no lands, no cities, and seemed to be endless, blanketed only with the fabric of night sky full of stars also seemingly without an end. Before I realized I'm already in the middle of the streams, sitting, my lower half was inside the water, surrounded by layers of watery rocks, and I was looking at the sky, a few of planets were moving in a circle, in one direction.

    It was such a bizarre dream. I tried to hypnosis myself to reenact the experience or simply to connect back to the story but in turn I just encountered a new dream full of mirrors in a path of ice

  24. #424
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    I was a tourist in Germany. I came by train to a city, maybe it was Düsseldorff (just some name that popped up in my mlnd). I was in downtown and I was impressed by how compact the city was. Big buildings.

    I walked through a park and there were lots of muslim immigrants. (as there is supposed to be in germany). But also germans in the park and they spoke german.

    I wanted to go somewhere. To the left i saw an old castle on a hill. From there one could see the sea. I liked that idea.

    As i started walking a woman went by and she said hello as if she knew me. Asked me something like what i have been doing lately. She looked asian. I was supposed to know her but i didnt. I didnt ask her who she was.

    I walked towards the castle. The road was now in the countryside although still very near the city center. There were trees by the road. A guy on a bike passed by me from behind. I think he drove very fast. At some point i changed to walk on the other side of the road.

    Dream ended i think it was the arm clock. Damn i would have liked to go to the castle.
    Wow I didn't know we have castles in Düsseldorf. For real.

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    A woman dressed as a mermaid was flying on an elephant and almost landed on!

  26. #426
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    I had like 20 dreams tonight but one of them I was staying at a hotel and to get to your hotel room you had to go to the top floor, go out the balcony and then climb in the outside of the building through all the balconies to get to your room and it was high like a sky scraper, i was scared to death and i was a total wimp about it, i stood in the bathroom and tried to collect myself to do it, i remembered in the dream i had done it before because i had stayed there several times, but this time i thought if i go down there id actually most likely die. I shouldve just gone and conquered my fear of dying

    Another dream was that I went into one of my teachers house while they were out, and went into one of the guest bedrooms and stayed there (i didnt have a place to stay), and then they came home and I had to hide and I thought I was creepy as fuck, because if they found me it felt like it would be the end of the world how weird that would be.

    Another one, I had with me a suitcase and several bags because I was going somewhere. I was sitting at an outside café in a big city in a populated area, in the middle of the walking street. There were tons of beggars and weird people coming to want money and other stuff and I shaked my head everytime as to say no. It was super hard to keep track of all of my things since I had so much stuff with me and there were people walking right behind me all the time. I realised after a while that my handbag had been stolen, which contained my wallet and my phone. I freaked out. After a while I found my phone lying on the ground near another table.
    I had to restrict my credit card so I went to nearest bank. I took one of those paper notes with a number on it, when it was time to go you went out the building and to a nearby place which was like a military base, I ran there actually because I was in such hurry and it was raining, I didnt realise there were military there with huge guns so I almost ran past them but it was ok. The military thing was huge with different slots which you had to wait to pass, and you went there with a group of people. I cant really explain this. After passing I went into yet another building which was like a run down shabby hotel.

    I fell asleep with minor anxiety so I knew I would have these kinds of dreams. They are a little unpleasant but I wouldnt call them nightmares.

  27. #427
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    Quote Originally Posted by maniac View Post
    I had like 20 dreams tonight but one of them I was staying at a hotel and to get to your hotel room you had to go to the top floor, go out the balcony and then climb in the outside of the building through all the balconies to get to your room and it was high like a sky scraper, i was scared to death and i was a total wimp about it, i stood in the bathroom and tried to collect myself to do it, i remembered in the dream i had done it before because i had stayed there several times, but this time i thought if i go down there id actually most likely die. I shouldve just gone and conquered my fear of dying

    Another dream was that I went into one of my teachers house while they were out, and went into one of the guest bedrooms and stayed there (i didnt have a place to stay), and then they came home and I had to hide and I thought I was creepy as fuck, because if they found me it felt like it would be the end of the world how weird that would be.

    Another one, I had with me a suitcase and several bags because I was going somewhere. I was sitting at an outside café in a big city in a populated area, in the middle of the walking street. There were tons of beggars and weird people coming to want money and other stuff and I shaked my head everytime as to say no. It was super hard to keep track of all of my things since I had so much stuff with me and there were people walking right behind me all the time. I realised after a while that my handbag had been stolen, which contained my wallet and my phone. I freaked out. After a while I found my phone lying on the ground near another table.
    I had to restrict my credit card so I went to nearest bank. I took one of those paper notes with a number on it, when it was time to go you went out the building and to a nearby place which was like a military base, I ran there actually because I was in such hurry and it was raining, I didnt realise there were military there with huge guns so I almost ran past them but it was ok. The military thing was huge with different slots which you had to wait to pass, and you went there with a group of people. I cant really explain this. After passing I went into yet another building which was like a run down shabby hotel.

    I fell asleep with minor anxiety so I knew I would have these kinds of dreams. They are a little unpleasant but I wouldnt call them nightmares.
    Those were only three of your dreams. What about the other 17

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post
    Those were only three of your dreams. What about the other 17
    Can't remember all of them, too much data. I'll only remember the last ones I had before waking up for the last time. I woke up alot so thats why I had so many dreams. Woke up feeling dead.

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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    Last nights dream. I can't remember it very well. I feel like I tossed and turned a lot, too.
    Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare, came to mind.

    That is all.

  30. #430
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    I was in a store like a cross between hobby lobby and walmart and the town flooded, and eventually the store flooded too, the water coursed through the store at about knee or thigh height. I went outside through the back of the store to get away from it and saw that the water was sweeping into street vents. I walked across the shipping/receiving alley onto the square of pavement with a small standalone veranda and a sidewalk, and saw that green gas was swimming out of the vents, some with plumes, some staying around ankle height. I saw a woman on the other side of the veranda, black hair, kind of above average intelligence, introverted but not especially self-aware, dressed in a dark blue pants suit..anyway, you probably know the type, they're in commercials and shit like that. So she yelled/commented at me to get away from the gas because it was poisonous, so I went around to her on the sidewalk. Then she said "they don't want you to know about this..they'll turn it out." Then the gas became shaded with an eeryish black/white light, think of highly contrasted noir settings. And it just looked like water vapor coming out of the ground, completely harmless. And so I remarked "Huh, so they really do do stuff like that, don't they?"

    So I think this dream represents/is about me repressing interest in conspiracy theory videos on youtube.

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    I talk to my father. I never remember the conversations we have but we have a good time. He is in a good mood and I'm kinda relaxed...until his mood turns completely without warning. He stops talking and looks at me like an angry bull. I slowly turn around to not further anger him by too quick movements. Then I start running as fast as I can into an undefined dark emptiness. I don't know what happens if he catches me but what I feel is fear of death.

    That dream happens once every few months.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmic Teapot View Post
    I talk to my father. I never remember the conversations we have but we have a good time. He is in a good mood and I'm kinda relaxed...until his mood turns completely without warning. He stops talking and looks at me like an angry bull. I slowly turn around to not further anger him by too quick movements. Then I start running as fast as I can into an undefined dark emptiness. I don't know what happens if he catches me but what I feel is fear of death.

    That dream happens once every few months.
    Interesting. Sounds like my SLI ex's life. Makes me wonder if we are made, not born.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Interesting. Sounds like my SLI ex's life. Makes me wonder if we are made, not born.
    I've read enough books about traumatized and troubled children to know that dreams like that are made. Not deliberately but we aren't born with dreams like that.

  34. #434
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    This night:

    I'm meeting a woman or girlfriend. I travel to her by bus. There is something about the timing, arriving at the right time. When I am in the bus it is dark outside. I am a little ahead of time. When I get off the buss and start walking I look at my watch. 20 min to 4pm. Then I double check with my phone, it says 15:41. I think we were supposed to meet at 16:00. Then suddenly a small car pulls up on the sideway and I look inside. ( I notice that the car is small and that there is also a spare tyre in the car) It's her. I am in a good mood but she seems to be a little angry or in a bad mood. She also looks more tired than I expected. We exchange some words like, "Hi", and I think I try to cheer her up a little. (The focus in the dream is about meeting her at the right time)

    The night before:

    A flee market in India. It's dark. There are some things for sale, maybe souvenirs or valuable stuff. Trying to figure out the right price. I think I or someone is offering too much money.

    I think these dreams say something about consciously trying to get the right connection to life. There is perhaps an over-achievement in this that is not giving optimal results. On the other hand, it's not doomed either.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    I had a dream about hitta. I was in some group home institution with him and we shared a room. (No hitta I was not having sexual fantasies about you...)

    Anyway he had very arrogant hitta-like eyes and a few of the other guys were wishing him well because he was going home on a home visit or something. So I think it was like some weird teenage version of hitta. Also, he was really skinny. Like way skinnier than he is now. And he had some weird redneck pony tail thing. I don't remember what was said to him specifically just like 'hey buddy take care out there' or something. "don't get into too much trouble" and he had this huge narcissistic smirk on his face.

    I was kinda invisible in the dream, nobody was paying attention to me and I was mostly an observer but I was stuck there in the group home place and I felt horrible, I didn't want to be there and I just wanted to go out and have my freedom again. So the dream was mostly negative (as usual). But was it the worst dream ever? No, but it was pretty dark.

  36. #436
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    I’ve dreamt about being rejected romantically three nights in a row. It’s always by someone who I got rejected to a long time ago but I find it hard to let go still, and I don’t know why. And then today I also got rejected romantically by a friend in my dream.

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    I've often had dreams of men being not present ... like I go to a location where he should be but he doesn't show up, or I know where he is but I can't get there until after he's certainly gone. There is some variation of him being in a room / on a street and I am not allowed to go there until he has left. He knows I am coming maybe but he doesn't care.

  38. #438
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lemontrees View Post
    I've often had dreams of men being not present ... like I go to a location where he should be but he doesn't show up, or I know where he is but I can't get there until after he's certainly gone. There is some variation of him being in a room / on a street and I am not allowed to go there until he has left. He knows I am coming maybe but he doesn't care.
    If it's a recurring dream then it is certainly important. The man could be the masculine part of the personality that needs to be found and related to.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Never had this dream before: I dreamt I looked up to the sky and I saw a still frame of Jesus lol. It was like only I could see it. I felt sort of like I was hallucinating. I showed my friend and asked if he could see anything and he said "a cop?" I was like eh no.

  40. #440
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    Deep within the abscesses of my mind, I withheld a single prophecy. It came in the form of a dream, split between the surface of the sands of time. He came to me, or maybe she, or maybe at me. But the point is... le monke

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