Well, let's break it down: EJs are the most "controlling" of all types, generally speaking, because they tend to take an active dynamic approach: every piece of information that is taken in is weighed out with everything else; everything is relevant, or can be. EJ functions essentially engage in a kind of constant weighing, gauging, and readjusting of tactics based on perceived changes in need or emphasis. So EJs are the most likely to want to "see everything" when it comes to another person or situation; they need the most information to make a decision.

When you couple that with Ni, you get not only an impressionistic long-term orientation as their general mindset, but also the tendency to make assumptions based off of their mindset and treat people in their sphere and their environment as though they are in accord with their mindset or goald, or should be subordinated to them. Sometimes EJs can seem so driven and involved that other people sort of get "swept along" into action with them, while others are either subdued or ignored - this happens on a shorter term, more immediate level with Si-EJs (ie the foreman of a construction site, a person holding the tempo of a party, a platoon commander directing his troops); Ni-EJs, on the other hand, may not always appear to be in immediate control of whatever they are doing, but they tend to put the most emphasis on either overtly gaining a seat of power, or developing some other long-term rapport or influence (ie ******) in order to affect the outcome of whatever they choose to engage in.