View Poll Results: What type is J-chan?

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  • ENFp

    0 0%
  • ENTp

    2 28.57%
  • ESFp

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  • ESTp

    1 14.29%
  • ESFj

    0 0%
  • ESTj

    0 0%
  • ENTj

    0 0%
  • ENFj

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  • INFp

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  • INTp

    0 0%
  • ISTp

    1 14.29%
  • ISFp

    1 14.29%
  • INFj

    0 0%
  • INTj

    0 0%
  • ISFj

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  • ISTj

    2 28.57%
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Thread: J-chan poll

  1. #1
    Haitus DeleteMePLOX's Avatar
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    Default J-chan poll

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    Last edited by DeleteMePLOX; 01-23-2008 at 10:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    I say ISTj.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  3. #3
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    My first thought on J-chan was ISTp. Tell me, does this describe his typical moods well?

    soft blankness; internal independence; hard to impress; not easily excited; (emotionally) cool
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  4. #4
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Well that doesnt sound like ISTp at all. ISTps I know are not so critical of everything. Thats a delta quadra thing, the system must be seen as perfect in order to be preserved. Criticising seems more like an INTP trait. (Id like an ISTP to comment, though.) Also I dont notice ISTps being "flamoboyant" even if they can be class clowns or attention whores.

    Also I dont think IxTps are LOUD. I can be goofy but I have a hard time projecting my voice or putting too much energy into it. So with that said he doesnt seem too IxTp to me.

    What exactly does he criticisze? Is it people's competence, how things work etc, or is it more subjective stuff like people's taste in music?
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    Well, the fact that he is critical, interested in competance, and perfectionistic implies to me that he is an NT of some sort, and the fact that he is loud implies an E, and that he doesn't like to be rushed into making decisions implies a P. My guess would be ENTp, but I don't really know enough to say much about the E or the P. (And some of my reasoning may be colored by my MBTI experience.) But it seemed to me that ENTp, on the website, encompassed several characteristics of this person, but there are some things that don't seem to match. For instance, it wasn't clear from your descriptions whether or not he was absent-minded, but a few things implied that he might be a perceptive type, such as that he tends to ignore a problem and hope it goes away, which implies that he doesn't take decisive action, but that is purely speculation. He didn't quite seem rigid enough to be a Judging type, at least to me.

    Personally, though, it seemed to me that when I compared the type portraits of MBTI types with those of Socionics types, the descriptions were similar, even though the function ordering was different. The most significant differences between descriptions seemed to appear with Introverted types, and most of the time they were still rather similar.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChibiKeba
    And there are other aspects too that lead me to think he's probably extroverted. He needs constant stimulation or the guy falls asleep. He CAN NOT sit still and just think, it's beyond him to do that as he needs to always be doing something.
    I don't think this has to do with extroversion, it may have to to with being irrational.

    Actually I think he's ISFp. Your own perception of him as "very logical" is misleading.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  7. #7
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by ChibiKeba
    And there are other aspects too that lead me to think he's probably extroverted. He needs constant stimulation or the guy falls asleep. He CAN NOT sit still and just think, it's beyond him to do that as he needs to always be doing something.
    I don't think this has to do with extroversion, it may have to to with being irrational.
    I think it may have to do with Sensing, especially , which might make sense if hes an ENTp because they have as their role.
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    Expat, I don't mean to imply that you are incorrect, but I really don't understand why you think that this person is an ISFp.

    You say that his lack of stillness is based on irrationality, which may be correct, but I don't see how this makes him a sensor. An Extraverted Intuitive would also be an irrational, as both sensing and intuition are irrational functions. I also think that intuition seems more likely, since he is described as absent-minded, and it explains some of his views on humanity being destroyed. I think that he is an Extravert, because he seeks external stimulation, and tends to behave loudly. Also, ENTp's are described as being somewhat reserved toward people in some situations, so they may not be quite as extraverted as other extraverts.

    I may be overlooking something, but I just don't see him as a sensor. I just think he seems very much like an NT type. I think in an earlier post it was said that he was more critical and mean when he was younger, but got nicer as he matured. That to me would imply a weaker Extraverted Feeling that developed later in life.

    This opinion is indefinite, and I am not trying to discredit anyone else's opinion. I am merely justifying my reasoning. I may still be drawing a little from MBTI, but I don't know for certain.

  9. #9
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    I do think you're reasoning too much in MBTI terms, which is not to say that I'm necessarily right and you're wrong.

    My reasons for suggesting ISFp are as follows. I had not really reached any conclusion on his type from a previous description, but what ChibiKeba described of him in this thread resembled very well my father, whom I had typed beyond any reasonable doubt (to my own satisfaction) as ISFp.

    He went through a faze where he studied just about all the worldly religions and after he compiled all his information and put the pieces of the puzzle together he pretty much figured out that we were all created by aliens Which reminds me he has all sorts of really neat extraterrestrial books too.

    Alot of people here at the forum seem to think that J-chan is introverted but I don't agree with that. Like Jeremy1988 said he's loud (VERY loud O.O). And there are other aspects too that lead me to think he's probably extroverted. He needs constant stimulation or the guy falls asleep. He CAN NOT sit still and just think, it's beyond him to do that as he needs to always be doing something. He's almost like a fine line between Introversion and Extraversion because he does have alot of things going on inwardly, you can almost see the cogs working in his head at times.

    I just remembered too, he's really bad at multitasking. He can only do one thing at a time usually, like if he's driving he can't do that and talk at the same time because he'll miss the exit or whatever. I don't think that really has anything to do with type but figured I'd throw it in there just in case.
    ISFps can be very loud and need stimulation.

    Further, what I get from the description "critical of everything" etc is basically an impulsive person who says whatever comes to his mind. I see Cheerio's point about sensing, but I have very little doubt that he's irrational.

    Really? What type would that make me then if I'm perceiving him to be very logical and he isn't? Because the man is so logical at times he can seem almost cold (or rather completely lacking in compassion) especially in the way he delivers information then when I point out what a cold hearted bastard he can be he laughs heartily about it and admits that it's true (and then he does it in such a way that he aggrandizes himself besides the point but it's one of the cute things he does ). But he is very logical, I'm defienitly not the only one who knows it.
    Ok, fine. So I'll leave ISFp out of the equation. his mind he IS perfect
    Perhaps ESTp then *shrugs*. I always thought you (Chibi) were INFp rather than ISFp, and what you described of your relationship does fit duality. So ESTp is perhaps the best fit.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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