Continued from JohnDo's and my discussion here:

Quote Originally Posted by JohnDo View Post
I think Harmonizing is the most oblivious subtype. We seem to have completely different conceptions of H-LII and C-LII. H-LIIs may be mixed up with ILI and IEI, C-LIIs may be mixed up with ILE and LIE.
Harmonizing is a Connecting subtype, while Creative is an Ignoring subtype. Harmonizing retreats from the world because it is too connected, and feels disharmony and conflict too keenly. Creative, on the other hand, tends to ignore the world in favour of focusing on creating new things and new ideas.

Quote Originally Posted by JohnDo View Post
Daniel Jackson is in no way a C-LII. The only fictional C-LII I know is Hannibal Smith from the A-team, a completely different character who is typed LIE by some people...
Hannibal Smith is so not an LII! Plus, an LII who is frequently typed LIE is probably a Dominant subtype, not Creative.

Quote Originally Posted by JohnDo View Post
Ones are clearly LSIs, not LIIs...
So in your opinion, am I not a One, or not an LII?

I don't often contest people's self-typings (because I don't usually care enough to get into a big shouting match about it. However, for the record, John, I think you are probably a C-LII, and I suspect that the fact that you identify yourself as H-LII is probably why you have developed such a flawed understanding of DCNH, since you attribute your own C-LII traits to H-LII.

There is also a secondary possibility that you are D-LII which I haven't entirely ruled out.