I'm sorry, I cannot allow this to go unaddressed. thePirate is clearly not an Ni dominant: always coming out, inciting things, making himself known; even before he was a regular, all he would ever do was come in and incite little spurts of conflict, rarely ever drawing anything out. Contrast that to the style of conflict that most IEIs on this forum engage in: being very selective about where they apply themselves, but once a conflict is initiated, they either go to the bitter end, or until it has become so long and drawn out that what is actually being discussed is no longer relevant. thePirate comes in for little jabs wherever, without any sort of pattern or commitment, and only follows up sometimes, while IEIs are prone to draw things out but involve themselves selectively.

Also, he is just far too externally oriented to be IEI. Much too much focus on Se and seemingly almost none on Ti (at least actively). He has none of the sense of personal intertia that is common with IEIs. Take one of the least inert IEIs, Scarlettlux, as a counter-example. Scarlett questions her type sometimes, but is more or less in a 3-related constant flux of indeterminance; we all know she's IEI-Fe, and she probably accepts it on some level, but she never really comes down out of the clouds to settle on it, or even ACTIVELY question it. Contrast to thePirate, who comes out of nowhere with a lightning bolt of a type change, doesn't draw out any discussion, but takes it as assumed that, since nobody objects, everyone must agree - not only is this how EIEs tend to rationalize things but it also indicates that he is more prone to these sudden upheavels and natural shifts, as opposed to IEIs who are less naturally inclined to make such sudden shifts of their own volition (thus Se dual seeking); EIEs, on the other hand, seek Se actively, and thus are almost constantly TRYING for such upheavals and turn-arounds, whether they are feasible/realistic or not. This better explains both thePirates rather drastic and quick shift to Beta, as well as the quick switch to IEI-Fe, and should generally be taken as evidence that he is ACUTALLY an EIE.

Pirate, I'm curious about what makes you think you are a 4 as opposed to a 3 or 7.