Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
i am saying that the reason why i mentioned relationships w/ other people (especially boys) was because it does directly effect me.
when i am in a relationship it is all about me...remember back in the day lol

so to answer your question, i can be optimistic about the future, like when i am dreaming about helping other people or getting my PhD haha, but i am not optimistic when it comes to relationships...then again, sometimes i seriously doubt that i will ever get out of this slimy valley.

Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
that would be more likely than so-last 4, yes.
sweet. then i say, let's say that i am...hmm

Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
don't forget to tell me stuff
no NO! remind me tom, silly goose!

Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
I love you this much :hump:
enough to have your dog hump my dog...wow, rick!
that's all?

hahaha this one is funny :coke:
my co-worker at work (catch that?) thinks that i am on this