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Thread: help help! 7w6 or 4w3

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    bobbybeam's Avatar
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    Default help help! 7w6 or 4w3

    so originally i thought that i was a 4 winged 3, but then i took one of the enneagram tests and found out that i am more 7 then anything else, but that i was only a few points away from having my 4 qualities tie w/ my 7 qualities....

    is this common? i feel very much drawn to the 4 emotionality, while i feel very drawn to the 7 mentality many a times as well...

    can i be a 7 winged 6, with a very strong 4 winged 3 heart fix or something?

    i know that IEE's are most generally 7's...but can somebody help me out, please :]
    ENFp. yay!

  2. #2
    Azeroffs's Avatar
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    Lol I'm loving the avatar. It's fitting

    you already know what I think.

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    bobbybeam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
    Lol I'm loving the avatar. It's fitting

    you already know what I think.
    ;p avatar=avatar. hooray! great idea, azeroffs., weird.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica View Post
    yeah, sure. Tell us about yourself in different situations. Behavior, expectations, hopes, fears
    well, first of all, my mind has the tendency to race a lot. i mean, there are times when the racing gets settled and i am somewhat focused (this is usually when i am sad or something), but over-all race-y.
    (i think i may use the focusing to "distract" me from the sadness that i am feeling at the time)

    i do enjoy indivduality and i find myself judging as to whether or not something is common. i do not like common; i find it rather boring, but despite this fact, i do not go out of my way to be extemely different (like standing out like a sore thumb). Different, but not over-done is what i aim for. People that over-do things to stand out bother me.

    my emotions fuel my creativity, so when i feel i write, i draw, i reflect-this is usually when i feel really alone and secluded or something.
    but when i am not feeling isolated and have a lot of people around me and timed filled, i do not create at all, but rather am caught up in the actions and the "bonding"

    new things both excite me and cause me extreme anxiety. i look forward to the event coming up so much, or the cohesiveness of the upcoming events that it stresses me out.

    i feel as though i have a better grasp on life when it is lived more peacefully w/ fewer activities so that i can stay centered and not get stessed out, but when i have nothing going on, i get really sad and feel very lonely.
    ENFp. yay!

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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbybeam View Post
    ;p avatar=avatar. hooray! great idea, azeroffs., weird.
    lol you can use my real name.

    What did you think your instinct stacking was? sx/sp?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
    lol you can use my real name.

    What did you think your instinct stacking was? sx/sp?
    ricky!!!!!! oh, um yes sx/sp i do believe

    Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica View Post
    So, you are sad/depressed? How do you act externally when you are depressed compared to how you act when you are doing well? How does your thoughts differ? WHAT do you think about?

    i am not always sad/depressed but when i am umm, i get really socially awkward, i am always on the edge of crying/getting really sad, i do not want to talk to other people, and i go internal. i do my best poetry and journaling when i am sad....i am in a very good "reflective state" where i become very intune w/ my emotions.
    when i am like this, it makes me very content just being w/in myself. i do not need anyone and it feels rather refreshing in a deep rain-cloudish kind of way.

    when i am happy, which is usually-my mind is very race-y and very excited. i have a ton of energy that i release to the world around. sometimes i have so much that i have to just throw it at people. i meet tons of new people, feel really good, am rather funny, and just look on the bright-side of everything. i am still intune, but have a lot more energy and am obnoxiously chipper. i have a harder time focusing on school work and get distracted very easily.
    Why don't you like common?

    i guess it is because i feel like people aren't being true to themselves when they look like everyone else. not only is common very uninteresting, but it is not self expressive. we are all different and i feel that common does not glorify the uniqueness that every person has inside of themselves. plus, it shows when you try. i think it is very nice when people express themselves and be true to who they are. we are living art.

    What does creativity give you?

    it gives me a way to release all of my feelings. when i feel i just have so much inside of me and i feel compelled to take advantage of this creative energy. it centers me and allows me to get deep inside of myself and pull out inner parts of me that when i am happy i usually never see/feel.

    What is it that new things give you?

    excitment-a kind of excitment that both thrills me and causes me great anxiety.
    new is unknown and there is just something about the unknown that gets me going...lots and lots of energy

    What do you think about and what do you wish for when that happens?
    sometimes i have no idea and i just get excited for simply experiencing the unknown, while other times i get to daydreaming that something awesome is going to happen, which is usually outlandish and totally not of this world...

    but i have to say overall, it is more of an intense amount of feelings/ expectancy that hits me all at once...and it just feels...haha just feels and that is all if that makes any sense
    ENFp. yay!

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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Just a side note: 4w3s might mistake themselves for 7w6s, but I don't think it would be very likely for a 7w6 to mistake themselves for a 4w3.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Every time I read about 4s, I think I could be one. The boundary between 4 and 3 is so thin, even though the motivations and classical depictions are so different. But really, all it takes is interaction with a real 4 to remind me what a 3 I am
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica View Post
    What are you escaping when you go internal?

    it is almost like a force pulls me inward. i feel rejected by the world; i feel that i am unwanted so to escape this feeling of rejection i go internal
    Do you think any emotion should be expressed? What emotions should be held back?

    i think that when you are expressing yourself you should not hold any emotions back. it is who you are and you should not hide that. if you do not like what you are, then change it, but never conceal what you are at the present.
    emotions need to be released or else they get bottled up inside of you, get morphed and twisted and do not come out in their original form. i find the orignial form is the best on an emotionally healthy level, when creating, and w/ other people so they better understand where you are coming from

    I think most people would benefit from using art this way. It could have been my answer as well.

    Why is this important for you? (dig deeper, you seem to go in circles...)

    i guess it is because i feel that the possibility of finding a greater amount of happiness comes knocking on my door the minute something new comes into my life. it might take me one step closer to euphoria, in a sense.

    "what if this new person can teach me something about myself, can take me on an adventure that will open me up to a whole new way of life that i have always dreamed of having?"
    "what if he knows the kind of people that will finally understand me?"

    "what if we connect and share intense emotions w/ eachother and bond in ways that i haven't bonded w/ someone in a while?"

    "what if this yoga teacher could teach me how to feel good like this all of the time?"
    "what if this class will open me up to a thinking and a subject that will change my life forever?"

    "what if this college will introduce me to the kind of people/lifestyle that i would love to be a part of forever?"

    Sorry about all the questions, I'm trying to dig down to what motivates your actions and reactions. If you want, answer me in PMs.
    no, do not be sorry! thank you for digging!! i really want to know what i am!!
    ENFp. yay!

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    What do you find yourself doing more?
    brooding over past mistakes or dreaming up future interests? Do you find yourself more inclined to chase optimistic outcomes or be cautious about making mistakes?

    What do you dislike about being involved in the mundane or simple?

    Which is the stronger feeling stress or depression? How do you handle both?

    How do you feel about isolation?
    Last edited by Azeroffs; 01-31-2010 at 09:25 PM.

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    bobbybeam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
    What do you find yourself doing more?
    brooding over past mistakes or dreaming up future interests? Do you find yourself more inclined to chase optimistic outcomes or be cautious about making mistakes?
    when i first make the mistake, especially when it is a "really big one," (i tend to blow all of my mistakes out of proportion) i can't get my mind off of it. this goes from forgetting my water bottle to having a one night stance that i can't forget even when i try.

    i will feel really bad about it and especially if it is something as big as a one night stance, it kind of haunts my life for a long while. i won't drink, i won't get loose, i won't flirt, i won't even think about sex....i totally shut myself out from all of it.

    if it is something as simple as a water bottle, it could totally put a damper on my keeps eating away at the back of my head and i can't thoroughly enjoy my day because of this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
    What do you dislike about being involved in the mundane or simple?
    the mundane is uninteresting and when something is uninteresting i am not inspired and it is hard to focus..i am bored and can't do anything w/, listen, look- i just can't...i do not mind simple as long as it is unique/ long as it keeps my attention and i can respect it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
    Which is the stronger feeling stress or depression? How do you handle both?
    i guess it depends on what emotion i am feeling. i can get very stressed and overwhelmed when school, schedules, work, or the future freak me out; but then again when i feel like i have no friends, or when i lost somebody that i love/care about, or when something didn't work out the way that i wanted it to, i get really depressed.

    i can't handle stress-it takes a toll on my body, my mind, my emotions...i get sick and worried and my chest starts to hurt and my stomach can't digest anything

    when i am depressed, i cry, i do not feel like eating, i sleep a lot, i do not want to go outside, or be around anyone...i feel ugly and gross...i guess i just sleep a lot and then sooner some outside force forces me to go outside and moving around helps me slowly get over everything....talking it out helps a little bit too

    Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
    How do you feel about isolation?
    i get a lot more done when i am alone, i am more intune w/ myself, and am a lot more creative. no people interaction makes me very sad and it does take me a little while to get use to not really having a consistent person to have around, but my mood shifts and i end up embracing it....i am a bit moodier, a bit deeper, and less social when i am like this.

    it is a kind of bitter sweet feeling. i find myself wishing that i had more people around, but then when those people are around i feel like they are invading my personal space....but then i meet interesting people like ricky who want to hangout w/ me and i get really flattered by it.

    i am much happier when people are around.
    ENFp. yay!

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