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Thread: Questions for Deltas about making plans

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    Default Questions for Deltas about making plans

    How "planned out" are you? And what is your type?

    Do you like to have an initial plan in situations where things could go wrong if there isn't one? Or do you just wait and see? Does it annoy you if the plan is changed by others?

    As I get older I'm noticing I want things organized and planned. In situations where things could go wrong without a plan, I like to get the details set so I can forget about it (I hate planning). Some changes don't bother me, but if I've put a lot of work into planning a party or something, and someone changes the whole thing it really ticks me off.

    My SLI bf doesn't plan anything (at all). He "planned" a party by doing absolutely nothing, and mentioning it the night before to one other friend (who'd already made plans). Needless to say, that party didn't happen. He also was an hour late to his own party last year, because he didn't factor in how much time eating dinner would take. And all of his guests were annoyed waiting an hour. This doesn't bother him at all, where as I would be mortified.

    I plan by seeing all the possible outcomes and plan for bad things that could happen (oh no, could we miss each other if we don't arrive at the same time, without a meeting spot we'll be circling around for hours, could the restaurant be closed? Does she not have anyone's number so can't find us? Will the bar be close enough to the restaurant that everyone is willing to go? If that bar is closed, where else will we go? If there aren't places to stop for lunch, maybe I should bring snacks, etc.)

    I don't like letting people down, and I don't like situations to end up sucking. Yet, I'm suppose to be all carefree whatever spontaneous (as my bf keeps reminding me...)

    Your input please!
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

  2. #2
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    I plan everything. Preferrably a week in advance. Depending on what I'm planning, I may only plan it a few minutes in advance. I plan what time I'll get up, how long I'll spend on my current activity, what time I'll go on computer and get off, what I'll wear in X days, ect.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    I plan everything. Preferrably a week in advance. Depending on what I'm planning, I may only plan it a few minutes in advance. I plan what time I'll get up, how long I'll spend on my current activity, what time I'll go on computer and get off, what I'll wear in X days, ect.
    That's interesting. I think my head would explode if I tried to do that. But I guess if it comes naturally to you, then it's easy.

    Does it bother you if you plan something and it gets changed?
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

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    Wow. That's kind of amazing. I try and plan how long I'll spend on a task, but I'm never sure that I've completed it well enough, so I end up spending hours agonizing over it.

    As for other things, yeah, I spend a fair amount of time planning things if they involve other people who are depending on me. Or if there are financial consequences for doing things on the fly, like not buying a plane ticket until 2 weeks before the flight. In general, not really.

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    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    Does it bother you if you plan something and it gets changed?
    Depends. Usually it bothers me very much. If I have a few days in advance, I don't mind. Or if my plans are changed for the time I set aside for changeable plans I don't mind. But if I'm suddenly told I have to go to the city "tomorrow" without any forewarning and it'll take up most of my afternoon, I will be VERY upset.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  6. #6
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    I don't like to think I plan everything, but I definitely like to know what I'm getting myself into. I'd prefer to have things planned out for me, because doing so myself seems like a big hastle. I generally like to plan for major events, but smaller every-day sort of things I take as they come.

  7. #7
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    I don't plan anything and it doesn't bother me at all. In the rare occasion I do, it always changes anyway.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    How "planned out" are you? And what is your type?

    Do you like to have an initial plan in situations where things could go wrong if there isn't one? Or do you just wait and see? Does it annoy you if the plan is changed by others?
    I like plans and to plan, yes. And I tend to make lists. I like to be prepared for contingencies, and I don't usually like it when people spring changes on me. Only when I have a strong confidence in the successful achievement of the end result do I relax and just let whatever happens happen.

    I also like it when everybody is on the same page as far as the plans. Unfortunately for me, not everybody enjoys having plans, and thus they don't try very hard (or even try not) to be on the same page. That has caused some strained relationships in the past.

    Actually, I've discovered that I can be most at ease around ESXjs with whom I've already talked about the event, because they seem receptive to my concerns and willing and able to help make sure what needs to get done gets done. Though the ESFjs tend to be a little more like, "Yes, you silly goose, it'll be alright" and kind of metaphorically (or literally) pat me on the head, and the ESTjs seem to take me a little more seriously. But, still, I tend to feel more relaxed and less stressed around either type. ENFps are also pretty easy to get along with in that regard, too, I've discovered. They at least tend to share my "what if" thoughts as well as the same kinds of goals in terms of how things work out (e.g. everybody is safe and happy). And they also have the initiative to get things moving, which can be good for me.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    I plan when I can and when I'm not feeling lazy, or skeptical. I can plan meticulously and down to the smallest detail if I asses a situation or a problem where the potential of my plan being successfully implemented is high, and when there are no perceivable sings of impending disturbance from external or unpredictable circumstances. But this doesn't get in my way of being relaxed and take things spontaneously. It just makes me better prepared and capable of getting things done thoroughly.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    OMG, of all the pics you could have chosen??? I hate that one, change your avatar NOW!!!!
    EIE tritype 5w4, 4w5, 9w1

    As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.
    Carl Jung, "Memories, Dreams, Reflections", 1962

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    Is that you? I'm going to go ahead and assume yes...

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    Uhhh yeah... though I don't like the pic and especially don't appreciate seeing it everytime Winterpark posts something.
    EIE tritype 5w4, 4w5, 9w1

    As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.
    Carl Jung, "Memories, Dreams, Reflections", 1962

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    Well I thought it was some sort of model or something so take that
    as a compliment..but yeah, wouldn't want my pic as someones avatar either.

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    jeez thanks
    EIE tritype 5w4, 4w5, 9w1

    As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.
    Carl Jung, "Memories, Dreams, Reflections", 1962

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    wants to be a writer. silverchris9's Avatar
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    Aww, why? You look fine in that picture, kinda hot.

    I don't believe in planning. Que sera, sera. I believe in fantasizing, though.
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

    I am grateful for the mystery of the soul, because without it, there could be no contemplation, except of the mysteries of divinity, which are far more dangerous to get wrong.

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    George, it's only fair... hehehe
    By the way, I could've used some others on your fb profile, but I'm nice.
    EIE tritype 5w4, 4w5, 9w1

    As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.
    Carl Jung, "Memories, Dreams, Reflections", 1962

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    I plan when something serious needs to be done, but I rarely plan that much when it comes to doing something fun. I like figuring things out as they come. The general plan and timing is always there, but the details aren't that well worked out. I really can't deal with people who are consistently late for things and have you waiting though, that's basic planning for me. I get anxiety when something is planned too much or if I plan a get-together at a certain time and the person(s) doesn't show up or contact me saying they will be substantially late. It's a quirk I have, which is why it really bothers me if someone doesn't care about being late.

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    Planning is a path towards achieving something, or general efficiency, for me.
    Some decisions it is easier to make in advance so you don't have to deal with them later.
    But if we are moving forward, say as a group or trying to achieve something, I like to have a general plan, so that progress can be measured. Progress takes many forms, though.

    An example might be a recent 'vacation' experience where people wanted to go to a certain location. I pushed for people to know the logistical measures - what hotel were we staying at, when was the ferry going to be able to pick us up/ go back, how much did the necessities cost, etc. I don't think of that as planning, more just what is required to ensure success; getting lost or not having enough money to eat or get home is not what I consider a "successful vacation". But I don't mind blocks of free time or unscripted events, if it's fun stuff.

    I don't like arbitrary planning or micromanaging or hairsplitting, it seems like a waste of time and something people do as a means to try to control things that they know they really can't, but still try anyways - it strikes me as some sort of weird, artificial coping mechanism, or some form of denial / aversion to reality. But I think, as above, that certain planning and thinking needs to be made if you want to measure things or 'get something done'. And yes, you have to take into account various types of resources when you do that. So my level of planning has to do with how important something is, you could say.

    Or, as I said before, efficiency or a sense of 'being prepared'. I see cleaning my room and organizing it as a form of planning; if i have a designated area to 'drop stuff' that I have in my hands when I come in, that makes things more efficient. I will always know where my keys are, for example. If I keep my towels ready and bed clean and laundry maintained, then I don't have to scramble to pick something out, or take a shower, or sleep. So in that sense, planning is an efficiency mechanism - sort of like having a general outline of what you want to do during a day, or on a trip, etc. I don't like to plan minute by minute unless it seems appropriate, but planning by major objectives and the ability to complete key tasks during a day or time period, yeah, that makes sense to me.

    Planning, as in the act of sitting down and thinking, seems very important in the sense that it is a designated time to "sit down and think" about things, so you can establish priorities of objectives and think about various factors influencing the ability to achieve those objectives, or that would simply influence your experience one way or another. So, I see planning as a tool, something used to help me get from one place to another, somewhat - rather than a sort of special or necessary procedure to live my life or make something work right.

    I find the planning mechanisms of LSIs to be somewhat arbitrary and clumsy, I don't like Ti-Se / Ne polr planning. It is not fluid and to me imposes a sense of objectives and success that doesn't really match up with reality very well. (In general). But if the LSI is healthy and/or open to really understanding the situation, they can be very valuable at maintaining a good course.

    It is kind of annoying when a lot of irrational types sort of disregard planning or want to avoid the "time mechanism", or seeing time as a resource. I love it when I don't have to care about it, but I realize I can't be productive when I'm in those fun, "time doesn't exist" stages. And when I'm really trying to do something, well, I want to do something. Believe it or not, I find Ni dominants rather useful for this, even if I have an Ni-polr. Most of the time, if they are good natured and not cranky, they are very
    helpful about stuff like this.

    I find planning easiest with delta quadra because of shared values - no catering to Fe, a sense of individuality, but also actually 'doing something' with a focus on Te. Irrationals come in a variety, like rationals, in terms of people really understanding the value of planning/time being able to do things, or just disregarding any plans and doing whatever. Unless I have a HUGE chunk of free time, and am also in the mood to just do nothing and enjoy it, I like to have a least some sort of a plan in mind, even if only for the sense that I want to be 'doing something' with my time. I have a lot I want to do, pretty much always, and yeah, the cliche is true for me - I don't like wasting time.
    Last edited by UDP; 01-22-2010 at 07:08 AM.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    How "planned out" are you? And what is your type?

    Do you like to have an initial plan in situations where things could go wrong if there isn't one? Or do you just wait and see? Does it annoy you if the plan is changed by others?

    As I get older I'm noticing I want things organized and planned. In situations where things could go wrong without a plan, I like to get the details set so I can forget about it (I hate planning). Some changes don't bother me, but if I've put a lot of work into planning a party or something, and someone changes the whole thing it really ticks me off.

    My SLI bf doesn't plan anything (at all). He "planned" a party by doing absolutely nothing, and mentioning it the night before to one other friend (who'd already made plans). Needless to say, that party didn't happen. He also was an hour late to his own party last year, because he didn't factor in how much time eating dinner would take. And all of his guests were annoyed waiting an hour. This doesn't bother him at all, where as I would be mortified.

    I plan by seeing all the possible outcomes and plan for bad things that could happen (oh no, could we miss each other if we don't arrive at the same time, without a meeting spot we'll be circling around for hours, could the restaurant be closed? Does she not have anyone's number so can't find us? Will the bar be close enough to the restaurant that everyone is willing to go? If that bar is closed, where else will we go? If there aren't places to stop for lunch, maybe I should bring snacks, etc.)

    I don't like letting people down, and I don't like situations to end up sucking. Yet, I'm suppose to be all carefree whatever spontaneous (as my bf keeps reminding me...)

    Your input please!
    I don't plan anything which is maybe unfortunate. I've thought about being more organised but it eventually doesn't usually work out that way. This can result in me being late or spending time "drifting" through life.

    My cousin who's IEE said to me before that i'm wasting my life away, and she was right. It made me take the initiative to go back to college to get a masters and go back to working with my degree.

    So I try to have my general life stable, like income and somewhere to stay, so if i've covered the essentials then the other stuff doesn't really matter so much. My EII friend is always on time when we are meeting up, and I am usually late, but he says it's OK and just laughs about it (whether he means this or not, dunno), but I am old fashioned in the sense that if i'm meeting a girl or female friend then I am pretty much always early because it's maybe not cool for a girl to be hanging around herself (unless she is with friends then it's not so bad).

    Funny, I was thinking about my job earlier, where I rarely have procedures to do something. I may invent a procedure one day to do something, then the next day the quantity of work has changed and I generate another way of doing it. Fortunately my boss lets me get on with things for the most part as she's quite big on procedures, but it gets the job done, so I guess I rely on how I feel at that time and make plans w/e the situation which may change even when i'm doing it.

    I don't like letting people down, and I don't like situations to end up sucking. Yet, I'm suppose to be all carefree whatever spontaneous (as my bf keeps reminding me...)
    As an Fi type, you are more in tune with peoples feelings, I think this is only natural and indeed i've seen some IEE's who aren't ever late because they worry about it hurting peoples feelings or something like that.

    I plan by seeing all the possible outcomes and plan for bad things that could happen (oh no, could we miss each other if we don't arrive at the same time, without a meeting spot we'll be circling around for hours, could the restaurant be closed? Does she not have anyone's number so can't find us? Will the bar be close enough to the restaurant that everyone is willing to go? If that bar is closed, where else will we go? If there aren't places to stop for lunch, maybe I should bring snacks, etc.)
    I don't really worry about these sort of things because I feel confident in being able to deal with them as they happen, but if we were going somewhere where we couldn't buy lunch, i'd make sure I have plenty supplies (dunno, like munroe walking :lol)

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    I grew up with my dual and we always run into problems surrounding this exact topic. If I wanted to meet him at 3, I would be sure to see him at 5 or 6. After a few fights that seemed to go nowhere I used the planning ahead side of me to my advantage. You want to live in the moment and "not plan anything"? I'll create a sequence of events for you. If I want to meet him at 3, I'll tell him I want to meet him at 1. Argument avoided!

    He wants to have a party and talks about it just the night before? Have a handful of short notice people (close really close friends of both of you) ready to call on the short notice and when you are planning a party, you can do it much further ahead of time so you're prepared the day of.

    Personally, I always like to be more prepared than unprepared. I like to think about things far in advance and take care of any type of problems that can arise in a variety of situations, so like you said, the day of I have nothing to worry about and can be carefree. I like to take an expect the worst and hope for the best approach to all things that I do so that I'm prepared for the "unexpected".

    When I'm around my SLI boyfriend and it's just day to day, I like to keep my time with him strictly open. If I want us to do something that I've planned, I'll only ask him ahead of time if he will be free on a certain day and let him know I want to do 'something'. I think he loves the 'mystery' of not knowing. Then the day before let him know the activity you want to participate in (keep the steps a secret too! It's all apart of that unknowing they love). Then, you'll have had time to prepare and plan and he's in the 'zone' and ready to chill with you the next day.

    Planning ahead and planning on the spot may seem so different, but there are really just a few easy steps that can be taken to avoid conflict and have them work together with ease :]

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    I think I'm a pretty responsible person but I don't think I'm incredibly practical, in that sense I do, somewhat, plan things ahead but it's not a huge priority for me, usually I'll wait until the time comes than worry about dealing with something rather than worrying about something when it's far down the road
    When the times come I will make a plan, to a point, and be prepared for the possibilities that may arise from it, but I like to leave some room to allow other options to open.
    EII INFj
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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    How "planned out" are you? And what is your type?

    Do you like to have an initial plan in situations where things could go wrong if there isn't one? Or do you just wait and see? Does it annoy you if the plan is changed by others?

    As I get older I'm noticing I want things organized and planned. In situations where things could go wrong without a plan, I like to get the details set so I can forget about it (I hate planning). Some changes don't bother me, but if I've put a lot of work into planning a party or something, and someone changes the whole thing it really ticks me off.

    My SLI bf doesn't plan anything (at all). He "planned" a party by doing absolutely nothing, and mentioning it the night before to one other friend (who'd already made plans). Needless to say, that party didn't happen. He also was an hour late to his own party last year, because he didn't factor in how much time eating dinner would take. And all of his guests were annoyed waiting an hour. This doesn't bother him at all, where as I would be mortified.

    I plan by seeing all the possible outcomes and plan for bad things that could happen (oh no, could we miss each other if we don't arrive at the same time, without a meeting spot we'll be circling around for hours, could the restaurant be closed? Does she not have anyone's number so can't find us? Will the bar be close enough to the restaurant that everyone is willing to go? If that bar is closed, where else will we go? If there aren't places to stop for lunch, maybe I should bring snacks, etc.)

    I don't like letting people down, and I don't like situations to end up sucking. Yet, I'm suppose to be all carefree whatever spontaneous (as my bf keeps reminding me...)

    Your input please!
    I am usually pretty aweful at planning things out. I'll get an idea, will want to do it, and kind of set a side a day to do it w/ a friend or two-but I won't have the directions til like 5 min before we leave, I won't know the area at all, and will get really nervous when we actually get there because I will have to be the leader about the whole affair and I am very bad at this. Then when we get there and things don't just "flow" as planned I feel bad that things aren't working out so well and feel like it would be better for everyone if we just left.

    I do plan out when I will get up in the morning usually Mon-Sun, unless I decide to have a lazy day, which then pretty much the whole day is shot. Without a plan I am immoble. I plan what I will eat for lunch by usually making it the night before...So I guess pretty much in my typical daily life I like to plan things out to a T, but when it comes to doing stuff out of the ordinary, I usually fall flat on my face because I don't know what to do.

    I like plans a lot, but sometimes I wish that I just went w/ my whims and did things at the spur of the moment...but my responsibilities prohibit me from doing so.

    Oh, p.s. I do like planning my usual days out to a T, but after doing this consistently for like a week or so, I find myself unable to continue in this pattern. It's like my mind and body refuse to do it...I will distract myself or "accidently get caught up w/ something," or just waste my time away by talking to someone
    ENFp. yay!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    As an Fi type, you are more in tune with peoples feelings, I think this is only natural and indeed i've seen some IEE's who aren't ever late because they worry about it hurting peoples feelings or something like that.

    That's me!! That is also often my motivator for doing things i find mundane. I dont want to let people down. It's especially so when someone I truly admire is in charge of me, or if people are counting on me.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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    I hate being late because I hate waiting for people and know how much of a pain it is and how disrespectful it can be...but yeah...I'll leave 15 minutes early and still be late. I really don't know how it happens. I work five minutes away and leave 20 minutes early and barely make it there on time. What happens??

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    Maritsa. Chill.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    The Craftsman is ISTp/SLI and the Psychologist is ENFP...
    I know, i read all about them already. So?
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    So ESFp/SEE make plans not ENFp

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    So ESFp/SEE make plans not ENFp
    Great, another reason i'm IEE. Oh, and you were telling morcheeba that the SEI plan, not SEEs.

    We need some consistency here.

    Please stop bothering me.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    Oh you're not ENFp...are you a dirty slob? I don't think you might be.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    So ESFp/SEE make plans not ENFp

    Quote Originally Posted by Arctures View Post
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    The Socionics description specifically says that in that dual relations SLI handles the chores...there is no stereotyping

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    Why do ESFp make plans and ENFp don't that's the question.
    I'm almost certain you don't understand the intricacies of the english language

    or the generalities for that matter

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    The Socionics description specifically says that in that dual relations SLI handles the chores...there is no stereotyping
    Interesting because you were threatening me that if i go for this guy and end up with him, I would be doing the chores.

    Need some CONSISTENCY here!!!!!!!
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    I have a very hard time believing that you are INFj.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    Interesting because you were threatening me that if i go for this guy and end up with him, I would be doing the chores.

    Need some CONSISTENCY here!!!!!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    The Socionics description specifically says that in that dual relations SLI handles the chores...there is no stereotyping

    I havn't confirmed her type but maybe you can try to IM her...just follow my blog on ESFp/ENFp...
    (This smacks me as unhealthiness from a in ego person)
    I'm not sure how much I'm going to investigate this though.

    For now I'll say that, for anyone trying to learn or understand socionics, I see Marista's manners as being somewhat problematic and potentially misleading.

    Ne can't do things in the outside environment...
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    Ne can't do things in the outside environment...they produce idea...because I am I can relate to the people in my life to handle things I can't in my outside environment because it stresses me greatly quantumly more stressed do you imagine would be because of the circumstances of the outside environment? It's only reason and reasonable explanitory that the reason why they are set up with SLI is because they don't put any pressure, routine, structure on them to clean up on a regular basis and actually handle the work themselves.
    Yep, describes me excellently. And what I like about SLI actually. But that rang very true of my work relationship with him. I came up with ideas and he did them. . . with PLEASURE. He also did routine things without my even needing to ask.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu View Post
    (This smacks me as unhealthiness from a in ego person)
    Seems possible, although I think it could be more attributed to Ti HA.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    Read any biography you want to read of Ne dominent and you will see that they themselves employ the help of individuals to clean up, cook, whatever for them.
    Except that I know people who are very Ne dominant who are able to do all three of those things by themselves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    Read any biography you want to read of Ne dominent and you will see that they themselves employ the help of individuals to clean up, cook, whatever for them.
    This doesn't particularly impact me, it seems a bit shallow.

    Now, I wonder if there is a way to, with proper questions, lead Marista to think about things in a different way. This happens a lot in certain fields of discussion, and I saw a teacher sort of deal with this in an interesting way recently. But I wonder if I or anyone else can influence how she is seeing things.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    Maybe not Ne dominent but using Ne as a strong function. That would be 7th, 8th Like INTp or ENTj
    their desire for Se would trump that

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    Read any biography you want to read of Ne dominent and you will see that they themselves employ the help of individuals to clean up, cook, whatever for them.
    I would it if someone did those things for me!!! If i knew where and how to find a maid/cook whom i trusted, i would TOTALLY do it. But i eat out a lot (or just cold food).
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