How "planned out" are you? And what is your type?

Do you like to have an initial plan in situations where things could go wrong if there isn't one? Or do you just wait and see? Does it annoy you if the plan is changed by others?

As I get older I'm noticing I want things organized and planned. In situations where things could go wrong without a plan, I like to get the details set so I can forget about it (I hate planning). Some changes don't bother me, but if I've put a lot of work into planning a party or something, and someone changes the whole thing it really ticks me off.

My SLI bf doesn't plan anything (at all). He "planned" a party by doing absolutely nothing, and mentioning it the night before to one other friend (who'd already made plans). Needless to say, that party didn't happen. He also was an hour late to his own party last year, because he didn't factor in how much time eating dinner would take. And all of his guests were annoyed waiting an hour. This doesn't bother him at all, where as I would be mortified.

I plan by seeing all the possible outcomes and plan for bad things that could happen (oh no, could we miss each other if we don't arrive at the same time, without a meeting spot we'll be circling around for hours, could the restaurant be closed? Does she not have anyone's number so can't find us? Will the bar be close enough to the restaurant that everyone is willing to go? If that bar is closed, where else will we go? If there aren't places to stop for lunch, maybe I should bring snacks, etc.)

I don't like letting people down, and I don't like situations to end up sucking. Yet, I'm suppose to be all carefree whatever spontaneous (as my bf keeps reminding me...)

Your input please!