My observations are that when people from Delta Quadra find each other at a social gathering, they tend to gravitate towards discussing real topics in a serious atmosphere, even if everyone around them is acting crazy.

I have an SEI friend who thinks he's IEE. He gathered a Delta Quadra "party" at his house last year and was absolutely crushed afterwards because he felt like nobody had any fun and the party was a complete flop. He even called people up afterwards and apologized to them in a dejected voice. Needless to say, that was the last party of that kind. He is one of these people that never likes to be serious. He didn't like the fact that people kept breaking off into pairs and threesomes to discuss topics. Actually, I felt the party was a bit stuffy, too. I think the best setting for Delta "parties" is outside or some place where people can actually do something enjoyable rather than sit around and try to be collectively emotional and crazy.

There's also this thing about "constructive" discussion in small groups in Delta Quadra. In the Delta Quadra no one seems to care about group "unity" (I hate unity). Everyone does what he wants. People talk until they lose interest, then find another small group. Delta people also like to work in small cohesive units, not in large groups. They usually find large group discussions useless (as opposed to Alpha Quadra, I think).

In the Delta Quadra there are no flaming idiots who put other people down for fun. No passionate displays of collective unity, just some interesting synergy now and then. No overt power struggles or hierarchical arrangements. Basically a benevolent anarchy based on unspoken rules like "live and let live."