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Thread: Signs and behavior of LIEs-ENTjs showing interest/attraction

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    Default Signs and behavior of LIEs-ENTjs showing interest/attraction

    Hi everyone, I'm new here and this is my first post.

    Is this normal for an ENTJ to behave when he/she is feeling close to someone or even liking that person:

    - he will take out time to talk to me, even if it has to happen immediately.
    - he gets quiet around me sometimes... and I don't know what he is thinking. Sometimes we go for a while without contacting each other and he will send me a message out of the blue. He will also hint he misses talking to me if we don't talk for a long while. He's never said this before, ever.
    - he talks about so many things in my company and does(nt) realize he's expressing his innermost personal views and even things in his life he doesn't usually talk about. When we first met, a year went by and he didn't share anything personal with me. Nowadays, he's doing this.
    - he teases a lot and will say some very random hilarious stuff if it is clear to him I am moody, angry or sad. He will usually stay put until I am better.
    - he mentioned a few times things that are lovey-dovey but I dismissed it as I wasn't sure he meant it out of joke/flirting or if it was serious. He would immediately stop saying stuff like this too. And sometimes it feels as if he's being careful around me. I think I am a little skeptical. But he resorts to teasing me.

    All in all, I really like him as a person. He makes sense and doesn't make sense at the same time. I don't know what he is thinking and he can be somewhat unpredictable too. There are these walls at front of him, I may have passed some, but not all of them. What's going on? Is he just being a good friend or feeling close to me?
    How do you (ENTJs) behave or express yourselves when you like someone? Would you get shy?

    - Maria
    Last edited by million miles; 01-12-2010 at 09:53 PM.

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