Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
that's a really good description of my SEI E-9 friend when it comes to dealing with conflict. First, deny. Then ignore. Act like "everything will be fine". Only when pushed further do they stand up to problems in their own silent way, rarely acknowledging the issue verbally to others.

That is totally my SEI boss at at my previous workplace, she denied very real issues and conflicts for ages, then had a really aggressive shadow reaction against one employee (more or less breaking her mentally in the process). But she never acknowledged the issues people had under her and let these issues simmer for a couple of years. All this stressed people to distraction, no matter what they did she just deflected any attempts at dealing with things and sorting them out.

Needless to say this approach was extremely stressful (and annoying) to everyone (including her, she almost quit her job at one point). It is definitely not my approach to dealing with conflicts to so extremely sweep any hint of problems under the rug.