briefly... sp-last individuals are kind of scattered, can never really be pinned down... if it always feels like you're right on the brink, at risk of undermining your health/well-being with little concern, still with some aspect of yourself missing, you're probably sp-last. so-last entails a kind of insularity, like one is never quite aware of the broader social field that in some way shapes their actions, there's a forgetfulness of and lack of regard for basic interpersonal protocol... here what's missing is the 'fresh air' of an external context needed to rejuvenate and open perspective. sx-last is a bit harder to pin down, but what seems to be missing here is a more intimate connection with things in general, it's like the individual always maintains a steady distance, things affect them and can carry intensity, but for the most part are kept on the periphery... there's a certain dryness and latent anxiety that comes with these stackings, like the world is in some way a bit too intrusive, and things should just be managed.