Quote Originally Posted by applejacks View Post
Having lingering conflict or a history of unaddressed problems with someone makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Maybe that's also part of my Enneagram 9, too.
I wonder if that could have something to do with instinct stacking.

I'm sx/so, which means I seek safety through strong relationships with individuals, and I value group support after that. And yet, I don't have much trouble parting company from either individuals or groups when our interests no longer coincide.

And I don't much care if someone doesn't like me, unless that gets in the way of the project. I mean, some people are not going to like me, and vice-versa. That doesn't mean it is personal. (Which sounds strange. Of course it is personal. But it is not retaliation-worthy, or long-consideration-worthy. Focusing on a person's differences interferes with seeing their virtues, which means you might be leaving money on the table (metaphorically speaking, of course).)