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Thread: ThePirate: EIE?

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    EffyCold thePirate's Avatar
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    Default ThePirate: EIE?

    okay so Im open to hearing your opinions, everyone whose typed me as EIE please tell me why, I'll answer pretty much anything asked of me as honestly as I can. I think this is preposterous because, for one, theres no way in hell I can be rational. I have virtually no structure in my life, prone to procrastination and laziness. please take note that my tirades over the past few months was a persona I put on, had fun with, found amusing etc but isn't neccessarily a representation of who I really am or how I really feel(as it was heavily exaggerated). if your typing based off that, I advise you to reconsider.

    it has occurred to me that there is evidence pointing to EIE, the wikisocion profile does fit(but so does the IEE). I will now write my opinion of the elements as I see and feel them when used by others:

    Ne: I think using this too much makes you look like an idiot(ala gul).

    Ni: mixed emotions about this one. I find this cool, kind of mystical, but sometimes wonder if the person is bullshitting me. other times it can be really fucking annoying. I also logically know that things can turn out different then expected and verbally fight against it, but internally I do act like and feel that certain things, particularly the negative, will repeat if I get into that same situation again.

    Se: excessive force is unneccessary, I dont really believe in making people do something they dont want to do. however the confidence people who have this element have can be pretty damn attractive.

    Si: I like Si, alot. it feels really nice, makes me happy. I also find people who have it in their ego to have this 'coolness' about them in one way or another.

    Te: I would like more of it in my life but not forced on me. knowing things that make me more productive does give me a good feeling, although many times I dont carry it out. interesting facts are always fun to know.

    Ti: I find the manipulation of this element fascinating, but dont particularly enjoy discussing things in a Ti manner. Too logical and impersonal for me, although it might be neccessary sometimes, but I would rather not discuss it for long.

    Fe: around Fe types it really feels like I need to hide myself or put on a face. I dont feel like they care about my problems(and therefore, me as a person). I understand how they operate; they would rather have fun and have positive emotions go around then discuss problems at length but this feels very superficial and unfulfilling to me. consequently, I feel 'used' as if the person wants the good emotions I give them but doesnt want to know me as a person.

    Fi: around Fi types I feel like they care about my problems, I feel like they have an interest in ME and not just one side that I give them. I dont particularly like the self righteousness if it comes with hypocrisy, although I will chime in and say I am guilty of such thing myself. Fi types seem more 'real' as people to me.

    I have close friends from every quadra and get along fine with all of them, although I do feel pulled in different directions as to what each one wants and often it ends up not being what I want.
    Last edited by thePirate; 01-07-2010 at 07:26 PM.
    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

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