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    Chapter 85: Excalibur

    Redbaron, Silverchris and Lucidreams were all tied up against the wall in some faraway fantasy castle. They were wearing brown tattered clothes and their hair was all a mess and had lice. They had been locked up here ever since Eldanen cast the Idea of No Gays, this is all they were. Prisoners.

    “We’re the forgotten ones” Lucid said sadly. “I know we were never that strong compared to the other adventurers. Are we being punished for being weak?” he wondered.

    “No…. we must have been locked up for a reason. We’re meant to do something good, I know it” Silverchris said.

    “The last thing I remember is that huge bully-in-black destroying a building with one hand and then poof, I-I’m here. Tied up against the wall, getting dirtier and smellier with each passing day” Lucid said.

    Suddenly, a white angel materialized in front of the three. She had strawberry-orange hair and wore a circular pendant. She was wearing a long off-white robe. “Yes, you three are the Lost Hearts of the 16types adventures. Half-demons who were saved by a dimensional trapping in the folds of time. You truly are humanity’s last hope” the wise angel said.

    Redbaron blinked. “We? I-I’m just a naïve middle-class housewife that spinelessly agrees with what everybody says on internet message boards” Redbaron said. “I can’t possibly be a hero.”

    “And I’m just a person who makes wishy-washy comments and I let Gilly walk all over me and I am vapid and empty and clear inside. It’s like I have no masculine core. Mommy help me I’m just a black white-acting nobody!” Silverchris shrieked.

    “The Gods chose you because of your humility” the angel said. “They knew you were innocent and human enough to handle the power of the Mighty Sword Excalibur. You will use it slay the Idea of Homophobia’s corporeal form and bring balance and peace back into Earth.”

    Redbaron frowned. “I t-think you got the wrong people I mean-“

    “The Gods do not falter in such a fashion!” the angel said, her voice booming like an overbearing mother. “Now, I shall free you three of your chains. You must work together and overcome the trials in this castle. If at least one of you can reach the sword Excalibur, then humanity might be saved.”

    “If it’s our destiny…why not just give us the sword ourselves?” Silverchris asked.

    “You must still prove yourselves. Good does not force. Only Evil.” The angel then waved his hands and the chains bounding them were unleashed. “Play well, children. The very fate of humanity rests in your hands!”

    “F-finally” Redbaron said. She looked around at her physical surroundings. There was a cold draft coming from all directions of the castle’s walls. They were way high up, when you looked out the windows you saw nothing but fast passing clouds. “Where are we?” Redbaron asked, but the angel had vanished- there was nothing here but the trio, although she sensed danger lurking in the distance.

    “We can do this” Lucid said, trying to be confident. “We have powers, and stuff. I can heal….Silver you tank (because he’s black) man, and Redbaron you have strong magic attacks. Remember the basics, r-right?”

    Silver stepped up. His body was trembling. “I-I’m not much of a t-tank b-but okay.” He took one step forward and heard rustling in the distance. A swarm of bats flew down toward the trio. They screamed and ducked down.

    Redbaron squinted her eyes. “That tree, it’s just an illusion. What’s a tree doing in a castle?” She cast a fire spell on the tree but it bounced back and Redbaron was caught on fire instead.

    “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Redbaron said. She was on fire now. Silverchris tackled her and rolled her down. Shit, second-degree burns. She’d be scarred for life. Lucid healed her, but his heals were never that good and were only enough to keep her alive, not get rid of the burn marks.

    Redbaron started crying. Lucid went up to her and slapped her. “Get up. We can’t be wusses here.”

    “But we ARE wusses. We aren’t cut out for this” Redbaron said.

    “You should have known better then to cast spells on an Illusion” Silverchris said directly.

    Rebaron apologized and walked further in the castle. She tripped over a vase and apologized to the vase for tripping over it. Both Lucid and Chris facepalmed at that.

    “This is going to be a long dungeon” Lucid said.

    Suddenly, a big red door like the end of a Super Mario World castle appeared before the trio. Apparently not that long. Behind the door, exclaibur could be seen shining and sparkling. They made it. There was text etched on the podium where the sword lay penetrated:

    “What is hope but an illusion? An hope for a reality that well, isn’t real. But just because it isn’t real, doesn’t mean that it’s not. For the light of pure hope is the only thing that can save us when everything real has gone to shit. Like the gray steppe-ish upliftedness of pure poetry, only the power of a world not thought before can take us to the next one. Forged from humanity’s First Tears, this weapon can be used for one Pure Idea. I am not only Excalibur, but I am also the Idea of Hope. Anybody can use me though. Even Hope can be wield for twisted schemes, sadly. I hope whomever has discovered me, is truly worthy.”

    Lucid read all that and felt inspired. He touched the sword and suddenly, holy rays of pure white light blasted out Lucid, Silverchris and Redbaron’s hearts. They collapsed on the floor together in unison. But they died being good guys fighting the good fight. Like Numbers, they died knowing who they were.

    “Are they worthy, or is that just what we tell ourselves to feel better?” the angel said, materializing into the room and observing all the loss…all the destruction. She honestly didn’t know. “The sword killed those poor people…and then it fell back down to earth. Landed god knows where. I’m not sure if this is a good thing, or a bad thing. But I don’t want to say ‘it is what it is’ like jaded 20-somethings with no hope, that live the most mediocre, middle class lifestyles.” The angel sighed and went back to sitting in a chair in the castle. “It sucks being an angel sometimes” it said.
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 12-27-2010 at 05:26 PM.

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    Chapter 86: The Master Plan

    Dr. Voris sat down around a large table with seven other people. They were all on the top floor of a 70-foot building and had on dark blue business suits. Dark Ashton, Dark Dolphin, Jennifer Granholm, Jerry & Esther Hicks, Byron Katie and Eckhart Tolle.

    “Imagine, curing the mental illness of homosexuality in one fell swoop” Dr. Voris said. He placed a small computer chip on the table. “This chip will transmit a frequency across the world that will stop all thoughts” he said. “We just have to put it on a satellite and send it up to outer space and bam!”

    “It’s too dangerous. Thoughts are too intertwined together, how can we stop all thoughts?” Eckhart said.

    “Well we can’t. Everybody in the world will die. Except for us” Jennifer Granholm said. She plopped down a black suitcase on the table, unhook the latch and inside there was 8 syringes. “This is illuminati demon reptile blood, purified and frozen. We shoot ourselves up with this and we all become Demi-Gods” she said. “Enough power to keep our ownselves in tact while everybody else dies.”

    Esther smiled evilly. “I sucked out all the money I can from people. It’s too easy. Just kill them all I say, just kill them all!” She jumped on Jerry’s lap and begun making out with him. “They deserve it because they’re not as special as us” she said.

    “And then we will have a fight to the death with each other with our new Demi-God powers” Jennifer said. “A fight to see who is the Ultimate Ruler of the World.”

    Dark Ashton smiled. “Just like it was in the realm of Ideas, only down on earth instead.”

    “This is what I’ve always wanted” Dr. Voris/Idea of Homophobia/The Dreamstopper said. “It was my ultimate plan all along. Bring heaven down to earth so heaven can be eradicated!”

    “God he’s so evil and hot” Esther said. “Fuck me now woohoo!” She took some cash out of her boobs and threw it up in the air.

    Suddenly, Dark Ashton and Dark Dolphin both ran to the syringes and shot themselves up, using two instead of one!

    “You guys aren’t going to get away with this!” Dark Ashton said. Dark Dolphin nodded.

    “Holy shit, we have spies!” Jennifer said. She ripped the thigh-part of her skirt like women do in all those action movies before they’re about to high kick somebody.

    Dark Ashton’s eyes bulged out and his muscles got a lot bigger and he got X-ray vision. He felt like he could easily lift a car. But then, his eyes bulged out so much that the right one fell right out of its socket! He saw everything from his vision becoming cloudy and blacky and melting away. He grabbed on to Dark Dolphin, holding her. They held each other and their skin began to slowly melt until you could see nothing else but skeletons.

    “Idiots” Jennifer said. “You can’t take more than one dose or it will kill you” she said. “Haha the fag-enablers failed. And don’t worry, I have more of ‘em” she said. “I can get more later.”

    Dr. Voris smiled and then suddenly stabbed Jennifer Granholm in the neck with a pair of scissors. “Thank you ma’am, but we don’t have the time.” He killed her primarily because out of all of them, she fag-enabled the most.

    Dr. Voris looked down at the open briefcase. Four syringes left. “So one more person has to die” Dr. Voris said. “Jerry, Esther, Byron …or Eckhart.” Of course it wouldn’t be Dr. Voris himself.

    Byron Katie just stood there looking scared. She thought for sure it was going to be her. She was quiet and ambivalent and group home-y about all this, not knowing how much she really wanted to follow through.

    Jerry put Eckhart in a headlock. Esther took out a hand gun from her purse and shot Eckhart down.

    Byron Katie sighed in relief. She crossed her arms together and smiled.

    Meanwhile, up in the Realm of Memories…

    “Shit…” Memory Dolphin said. Dark Dolphin and Dark Ashton were my creations. I thought that I could control them from up here and destroy the operation from the inside out but….they got too power hungry, being Dark and all. They weren’t supposed to do that and now they’re gone and. Oh fuck.”

    Sam wrapped his big faggy arms around Dolphin and hugged her.

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    Chapter 87: The Elite Four, 16types Style

    Dr. Voris, Jerry & Esther Hicks and Byron Katie all looked at each other and smiled while standing around in a circle. Jennifer Granholm laid dead down on the table dead with a knife in her neck. Dark Dolphin and Dark Ashton were dead on the floor melted in the blue carpet. And Eckhart Tolle was leaned over in the chair with a huge bullet hole in his chest.

    Dr. Voris took the syringe and shot himself in the arm. “Oh man, this feels better then a teethless blowjob” he said.

    Esther and Jerry shot each other up together, and then Byron shot the needle in her thigh.

    The four all grew a few feet in height and grew green tails. Their skin turned a pale green color. They gained immense super strength, x-ray vision, and the ability to fly and breathe fire. And they also could read the thoughts of everybody else. Well, they could kinda already do that well before but now they could do it super-good.

    “Now come, we insert the chip in the satellite and send it up to the universe” Dr. Voris said. “The nearest space station is a little ways from here. It will take a few hours to even get there, but let’s go!”

    Dr. Voris turned into a serpent ray form, the same thing you saw Jennifer Granholm turn into in the 69th chapter. Esther, Jerry and Byron all followed suit shrieking as they did so. They all sounded like dying whales.

    Meanwhile, Lt. Sergeant Paul Button saw four green blurs flying in the sky. There was no government, but there was still a few people in the US military. Not as a force of order or to control powers, but because being in the military makes men feel straight and self-confident and all of that. “Holy shit, what the fuck is that?” Paul pointed at the four green blurs flying in the sky.

    He punched some buttons on his helicopter and fired missiles at the four. Shoot first, ask questions later. That was the straight male way.

    Jerry Hicks got hit with the first missile. But it felt like burning your thumb on a firework when you were a little kid. It was really a non-issue. “Looks like we have some company” Byron said.

    “Just ignore them” Esther Hicks said. “They haven’t got the power.”

    “Holy shit, they’re strong” Paul said. “I’m gonna fly closer, try to trap them” he said.

    A few minutes later and a large net fell on top of the four illumanati reptilian demons. But, they easily broke through the nets. They then continued to run toward NASA headquarters, even faster this time.

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    Chapter 88: End of Gays

    Sam was watching the news on TV with Dolphin, in their lovely suburban home. “Witnesses have reported four strange green beings flying over Washington DC, heading straight for NASA headquarters. We have no idea what the fuck they are, or what they’re going to do and we’re honestly scared shitless. Shit like this shouldn’t exist, we should all just be heterosexual and raise a family and spend money on a useless job system veil instead of getting to know people socially because socialism is weaker and faggy than capitalism!” Anderson Cooper said with dopey droopy eyes and his pink lips falling into a frown. “And work for people who don’t care about us that just use our efforts to become a Pure Idea of themselves in an effort to control the world.” The vapid sociopathic reporting of newspeople kept revealing the hidden-laced fear that always existed underneath a veneer of confidence.

    “I’m scared, honey” Dolphin said to Sam. “Something is wrong.”

    “I-I have this strange sense of déjà vue and I don’t know what to do with it” Sam said. “It’s probably nothing, it’s….”

    Suddenly, Sam heard a THWAP on his roof. “What the fuck was that?” Dolphin said.

    Sam ran out the house, got a ladder from the garage and climbed up to the roof. He saw the mighty sword of Excalibur laying down there. Sam’s eyes glowed. He then in that instant, remembered everything about his old life, and Who He Really Was. Sam walked over to the sword and picked it up. It felt strong and fast and volatile. And it felt like it was his. He sniffed the blade from the tip to the end and smiled.

    Sam somersaulted off his roof with new-found powers. He held onto Excalibur and clutched it greatly. “I’m meant to save the world from those green blurs we saw on TV” Sam said.

    “SAM, STOP IT. That faggy fairytale shit isn’t real, and you know it! You need to go back to therapy” she said.

    “I have to beat them” Sam said to Dolphin. “It’s my destiny.”

    “I’m coming with you….and the kids too” she demanded.

    “No. You’ll only get hurt.”

    “This shouldn’t be happening….” Dolphin said. “Yeah well, and neither should they” Sam said.

    Sam walked off, but then surprisingly walked back to his wife. Sam sat down on the grass. Dolphin joined him, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.

    “It’s not enough. I feel like a strong warrior, like a real tough straight jock in gym class that’s the best in the school. B-but it’s not enough.”

    “I thought all my problems would be taken care of I got more physically adapt at the world like a straight man. But it’s not the answer it only looks like it is.” Sam looked down at the sword. “Just like mune’s crown. It’s a neat weapon, and useful- but that’s all it is. It’s just….not enough.”

    “Well then what the fuck is?” Dolphin said. Dolphin had remembered everything about her old life too, but she was just in denial because of the heartache and sorrow that comes with being a hero.

    Sam thought about all he learned in the 14th chapter, ‘The Ideas.’ It’s about the right Idea, Sam thought.

    Sam looked up at Dolphin. He then meditated and used excalibur’s power to teleport them all here, all the 16types adventurers. Like Sam and Dolphin, they too remembered everything about the old world, before Eldanen summoned the Idea of No Homosexuality.

    Hitta and Galen pushed themselves off each other, and paid attention to Sam.

    “Magic…. We have our classes and powers back?” Eldanen’s eyes lit up.

    “No. I-I don’t know” Sam said. “This sword COULD have the power to do that but that’s not what we’re going to do with it” Sam said.

    Sam breathed deeply and sighed. “Everything the Idea of Homophobia said was true. Gay men are innately weaker and we need magic to make ourselves better. But that’s *gay men* as a whole. We four gay men” - Sam pointed to himself, Galen, Sean and Eldanen… “are individually more powerful then all straight men combined.”

    “But don’t think I’m going to empower the rest of the gay men with powers, that’s not the way either. The rest of the gay men in the world will become sacrificial lambs, and we will use their essence into our own new bodies” Sam said. “We have to create real corporeal bodies strong enough to carry all the power we’re about to receive. For the ultimate magical spell ever. To become Immortal Gods.”

    Dolphin’s jaw dropped. “No….impossible.”

    “It’s about realizing who you always were. We are all fueled with our own Idea of ourselves here, we just have to concentrate and tap into that” Sam said. “The world needs heroes because it’s our choice to have heroes. It’s our choice to become more Idealized, in pure idealized writer forms that never die. The purest of the pure, so everybody can continue to read stories like these for all of eternity and always become inspired. Permanent text. Permanent writing, in an objective outside real form. It’s what the world always needs. And this time, when a gay man is born? He will have *us* to look up to.”

    “A-and what if it doesn’t work?” Silverchris said. “What then?”

    “Then at least the Dreamstopper will see us going out with a bang” Sam said.

    “But we won’t have powers?” Dolphin asked, confused. “Just you four?”

    “Just wait and see….” Sam said. Sam, Galen, Sean and Eldanen sat around in a circle with the sword of Excalibur pierced into the grass and they begun chanting.

    Vero had a half-smile on her face. “He’s really gonna do it…he’s really gonna kill off every gay man in the world so he can become Immortal? There has to be another way!” Vero said.

    “Nothing this powerful comes without a sacrifice” Dolphin said.

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    Chapter 89: Only Gays In the Village

    In an African village, a small gay boy of 12 years was playing with tiki dolls. Bam. He’s dead. His cellular structure absorbed in the body of Sean.

    In a suburban town park, a 13 year old gay boy is realizing he’s gay. A baseball is thrown at him and he doesn’t catch it. He falls down in the mud, his cellular structure absorbed in the body of Sam. A few kids say “Serves ya right for being a fag” as soon as he dies.

    In new york city, a 36-year-old business man living in the closet his whole life, but of course couldn’t come out because of the new rule of homosexuality….just fell flat down on his desk, his cellular structure absorbed in the body of Galen.

    In Miami florida, a 25-year-old bisexual surfer dude was fucking a blonde chick in the ass. He suddenly felt weird. Half of his body went to sleep and he rolled over paralyzed (but still alive), his dick going from a full hard on to a half hard on. His ceullar structure absorbed in the body of Eldanen. The woman rolled over and screamed. “What the fuck is going on here?” she said.

    This happened to every gay person in the world. All except the Core Four Gays, and a few others that will be mentioned later.

    Sam, Galen, Sean and Eldanen’s eyes flashed black and silver. The camera panned around them while gay-empowering music played. The holy sword of Excalibur broke apart completely from the power of such a spell. Now it looked like a crappy plastic sword you can buy for $4 at Halloween USA.

    It is done. Sam, Galen, Sean and Eldanen are now Immortal Gods. With a whole shitload of new superpowers.

    “I’m dead forever, dead like a ******. But I’m also alive forever. My pure ****** self realized, this is who we really are!” Sam said. “And we need to be proud.” Sam held up his hand. He looked at the window of his house and what appeared to be an instant, zapped the window frame of his house to the fingertips of his hands. He then melted the glass.

    Sigma read something. Were his monk powers coming back, he didn’t know, but he was intuitively aware of something now. “It’s brilliant my boy, it’s like you have no class or set defined role. You can’t be put into a box. You can do almost anything with your powers. Well except for healing and reviving others, because the Idea of Healing is dead…” Sigma said sadly.

    Sam and Sean looked into each other’s eyes and realized something. With no more gay men in the world, there was no more competition and they both remembered their undying love for each other. They embraced each other and kissed while twirling and levitating in the air. Disney gay romantic music begun playing in the background.

    “Sam, there won’t be any other gay men!” Eldanen said. “Not technically, at least. I can feel it. As soon as a gay man is born, he just becomes a part of *us*” he said. “To the outside world, all gay male births appear like miscarriages but this is what REALLY happens. This is how, this is how we go on forever as heroes that can’t be killed. You did it, you really did it” he said.

    “May we prove that the sacrifice of all the other gay men’s lives will not be in vain!” Sam said all heroic and manly and bad-ass. “Now come all, to Washington DC!”

    “Wait, Sam! Aren’t you forgetting something?” Dolphin waved her hands at all the poor helpless straight people with no superpowers. “Even if you guys are Gods now, it still won’t be enough.”

    “Oh right….right.” Sam reached out his right hand while flying and sent out a purple wave beam at Dolphin. Dolphin felt a cool rush of power flow through her. He gave Dolphin her Water Mage powers back. Sam, Galen, Eldanen and Sean then empowered the rest of the 16types adventurers. Everybody except Hitta. Sam didn’t think Hitta deserved getting his powers back after severely misusing them by raping Isha and Akra with them. And well, trying to rape Galen.

    Vero teleported all of them out of Sam’s house and into NASA headquarters.

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    Chapter 90: ENDGAME BOSS FIGHT, Part 1 of 5

    With gay men back in the action, the world wasn’t so chaotic or aggressive anymore. Governments and peace treaties and diplomacies have already started to bloom back in people’s hearts slowly and surely. And people could write again now. But, it was up to Sam and his friends to remove the core stink from the world.

    Can Sam *really* not die Dolphin wondered as she ran up the metallic steps to a tower where the Elite Four were inserting the chip in the satellite that would kill off everybody in the world.

    “I really can’t” Sam said back to her in her own head, reading her thoughts with his new telepathy power. “And don’t worry I won’t read your mind often, I know it’s kinda intrusive but…yeah, being Immortal means JUST that. I can’t die. I’m immortal.”

    Dolphin quickly glanced over her shoulder before she continued to jog up the steps. “So I’ll grow and evolve and get old and be human and normal, to an ex-tent I mean, I still have my cool gay Water Mage thing, but you’ll just stay the same forever, just….keep on inspiring others as an objective ideal hero?” Dolphin said. It never made sense to Dolphin, because she always believed people needed to change and evolve.

    “I’m sorry, Dolph. But it’s who I really am. You know I’ll always love you.”

    “Yeah… me too” Dolphin said. “I just hope it’s enough, even if you are Immortal now.”

    “There’s only four gay people in the world now though…and sometimes we all have gay thoughts b-but that’s not really enough to make the Idea of Homophobia all that angry anymore” Tereg said. “I just mean, you’d think the Idea of Homophobia would thank us for helping it” Tereg said.

    “It doesn’t matter. The Dreamstopper infused himself with Pure Demon reptilian blood as well. It’s a lot more than just homosexuality now. They’re just evil and want the world to end regardless” Sam said.

    “It’s like, all the dominoes fell down in their semi-proper places, and this is where we’re at” Diana said, who was running behind Isha.

    “This is what we’re left to deal with” Ezra said. “We gotta make the most of it.”

    “If anybody dies here, can any of our Super Gays bring them back?” Dolphin asked.

    “No. We may be Immortal, but like Sigma said… resurrection is a part of healing and the Idea of No Healers is already dead. We already merged the realm of Ideas back down to earth anyway…. So we also can’t really make big changes all at once without having lots of sacrifices” Sam said.

    They all continued to run up the steps. They saw Byron Katie, Esther & Jerry Hicks and Dr. Voris standing there. But for some reason, the evil four didn’t even notice the adventurers. Sam held up his hands to the rest of the party, and gave a hand signal that told them they were going in for a surprise attack.

    “All gay men are dead. I feel it, it’s incredible…they must have sensed our presence, got intimidated and offed themselves.” Esther Hicks said. “What lower-vibration freaks.”

    Jerry Hicks laughed. “Isn’t that just like ******s?”

    Sam darted out his hands and shot out two rays of electrical mojo at Esther Hicks. She fell down unconscious.

    “Not quite…” Sam said. He motioned for the rest of the party to attack. The Demons were completely caught off guard, and The Adventurers got a few good licks in before they were even aware.

    “Grr what the fuck” Dr. Voris said.

    Sam smiled and levitated in the air and kicked Dr. Voris multiple times in his chest. Dr. Voris tried to punch Sam, but Sam blocked it and flipped him over. Dr. Voris kicked Sam in his chest and he went flying backwards.

    “What’s this? You’re strong, you’re fast. A gay man isn’t any of those things!” Dr. Voris spat on Sam. But Sam froze the spit, and turned it into a dove. He then flicked his hands and blasted Dr. Voris with firepower. Dr. Voris went slamming back into a machine.

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    Chapter 91: Endgame Boss Fight, Part 2 of 5.

    “I still don’t understand why you couldn’t have just used Excalibur’s power on all the gay men” Steve asked.

    “It still wouldn’t be enough. Homophobia will never go away so neither will we” Sam kicked Dr. Voris in the stomach and headbutted him a bunch of times.

    “You have a lot to answer for young man. You’re a murderer. And sex offender. You raped Akra. You won’t apologize. You won’t get a normal job. All you do… destroy” Heath said. “And I still just want to ride my damn bicycle.”

    “If rich jews born in better families can create art and act narcissistic and preach about how society is fake from their safe houses, then so can I!” Sam shouted. He flipped in the air a bunch of times and aerial roundhouse kicked the four Big Bad Demons. Byron Katie, Esther & Jerry Hicks and Dr. Voris.

    “It’s not about power. It’s about doing the right thing” Sam said.

    “And who decides the right thing, you?” Gulanzon said. “Don’t make me laugh.”

    “He’s using our own thoughts against us, to divide us and conquer us.” Sam said. “Stay focused.”

    “Argh Sam, give me back my powers! I’m helpess like this!” Hitta said. Esther Hicks backhanded a table and sent it spiraling out with so much force that it would kill Hitta if it contacted him, but Dolphin removed the table out of harm’s way with a Water Jet spell.

    “Now you know how Isha and Akra felt” Sam said to Hitta, morally chastising him.

    “Cut it out Sam, if that was me you’d be too intimidated to say anything. Cause I’m BIONICGOAT!”

    “No you cut it out BG. I call you out on your bullshit all the time. It’s just you’re better behaved than he is so what I’m going to do. Make fun of you for being a useless hippie welfare queen that does too much drugs?”

    “Back off him, ******” Nick said.

    “Or you’ll do what? You can’t stab me to death. I can’t be killed. So go cut yourself while reading Nietzsche. It’s what you seem to do best, you selfish asshat!”

    Vero just looked at all this and sighed. It was all starting to sag on her Canadian ideals. “Enough! We’re not fighting each other here we’re fighting…” She got punched in the abdomen by Dr. Voris. “Homophobia” she whimpered weakly. Vero threw up.

    “I saw you being attacked out the corner of my eye, but I was too busy saving mysticsonic” Dolphin said with a frown.

    “Don’t worry about me, just-“ But Vero got kicked in the head by Esther Hicks, and she kneeled down. She struggled to stay conscious.

    Sam shook his head. “No.” He wouldn’t allow his friends to die. He just wouldn’t. Sam channeled Vero’s pain and used it to telekinetically blast the four demons away from the group.

    “We need to split up in teams. Work WITH me, not codependently ATTATCHED to me” Sam said.

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