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Thread: The 16 Types Adventures

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Chapter 32: All Tied Up

    "I-I have no time for this" Sam said. He stood inbetween the Veros before an all-out brawl started. "My son has just been kidnapped. We have to teleport to him" He said. "Vero, come on we have to save them." He looked behind at the other Vero. "Both of you."

    Mune, Sam and the Two Veros teleported to the dark lair. Sam looked around, realizing they were in some sort of cave. Sam pointed to the Vero on his left. "She was the one who made the teleport, she must be Dark Vero. How would the real Vero know where this place is located?" Sam said.

    "Unless you used your heart to guide yourself to your own son" Mune said. "Which you probably did, like last time before when we fought Abraham but kinda in reverse."

    "Now that I think about it, maybe the Good Vero made the teleport, she could go to Akliash even though she had never been there before. Unless the bad Vero is tricking us, which um yeah makes sense...." Sam added.

    "The real Vero is....." Dark Steve stepped out from a stalagmite and held up a syringe. He stuck it in Vero's right arm. It was the same formula he used to bind Eldanen's teleportation magic. "......This one. And now you're down both Teleporters. Idiots." Dark Steve said.

    Vero slapped both Sam and Mune's faces. "You ARE idiots. You couldn't tell me apart from a pure demon?" she said.

    Dark Vero just laughed. She looked at Dark Steve. "I dunno boss, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Dark Steve nodded.

    "You guys are going do-" But Sam was teleported back into his kitchen with Dark Vero's mojo! He looked around. "Huh?"

    "Your teleport spell can work that way" Dark Vero said to Vero. "You would have known that if you practiced your powers more instead of trying to make everybody get along with your stupid canadian ideals. You can't play mommy to the world, you stupid feminist bitch."

    Dark Vero, Dark Steve, and now Dark Dolphin ganged up on Mune and Vero. "And now without Sam, you're outnumbered, which means, we will now be kicking your asses and tying you up and torturing you like the others" Dark Steve said while holding Baby Eldanen.

    "No...." Mune said. He waved his hands and thinking fast, conjured a brick wall in front of himself and Vero. He then grabbed Vero's hand and sprinted off with her in the other direction.

    "Do you know exactly what he used to fuck up your teleportation power?" Mune asked Vero as they ran for their lives. Dark Steve just punched through the brick wall and the three chased after them.

    "No I-" Vero and Mune bumped and fell down, as Dark Vero and Dark Dolphin and Dark Steve had teleported themselves right in front of them.

    "We can't give up. We hold out for as long as we can!" Mune said. "I still have my other powers" Vero said. She looked up above and electrocuted a stalactite, causing it to drop down on the Dark Trio.

    But Dark Dolphin used Water Jet on herself and all her allies and protected them from the attack by three sudden bursts of water that manifested simultaneously. She was farther along than regular Dolphin with that ability, as normal Dolphin could never cast her Water Jet ability on all party members at once.

    Mune thought hard and conjured a small mazda protege to drive into the three demons at 90 miles per hour. The car vanished and it was so much raw power it caused Mune to fell down on one knee. "I'm up" he said. "That's the first vehicle I ever conjured on earth" he said, proud of himself. But he was very weak and almost fainted from that spell.

    Vero kneeled beside Mune and comforted him. "Conserve your strength, Adam" Vero said. "Our powers ARE slightly enhanced in this cave somehow, but so are theirs. And you gotta be careful or we will hurt Eldanen accidentally!" she said.

    "They don't have heals" Mune said. "We m-might be able to win."

    A few hours later,

    Sam heard a voice in his head that was stronger than all the other voices, while he was thinking on what to do to rescue his friends and cause as little causalities as possible. Some sort of Idea was speaking to him in his head, while he stood in the kitchen. It seems like interesting things are unfolding in the world of magic. But you are still needed in the outside world. Sam felt the sun beam down on his face from his bay windows and he looked down at his watch. He couldn't believe it. It was the next day already, and he had to go to work!

    "I can't....this is more important. My son and all my friends are trapped in some lair. I gotta go help them!" He told the voice. No, you have to go to work the Idea said. Sam frowned. "They'll all die. I c-can't just--" But Sam realized the Idea was right, and there wasn't really anything he could do now. Sam sighed and went into his room to change into his Mcdonald's uniform.

    "What Idea are you. Are you the own Idea of me, or are you something else!" Sam called out. "Is this some sort of trick!" he said. But he got nothing. Just the urge that he needed to put one leg in his pants after the other, go brush his teeth, and then take the bus to Mcdonald's.

    "There might be bigger problems if I miss a day of work, especially this soon" Sam said with a sigh. "But I can't let them die. God....this is horrible."


    Mune and Vero have been fighting the Darks for hours now. They were both very tired and looked worn down and beat down. Their clothes were tattered and ripped all over their bodies.

    "They're more powerful than us" Mune said. He twirled to his side and dodged a particularly large wave of lightning emanating from Dark Vero.

    "Yeah b-but they aren't as smart. They haven't been around as long as us, right?" Vero said. "They were made about a month ago when we were at Starr. They look as old as us but they are technically like, a month old." She returned a lightning bolt to the other side of them.

    Mune has learned the ability 'Counterspell!' Dark Vero conjured a lightning ball in her hands, but Mune flicked his hands and canceled the spell.

    Vero has learned the abilty 'Dual Shock' a lightning spell that hits two targets at once! Vero used Dual Shock on Dark Dolphin and Dark Vero, focusing so much energy that she caused the bitches to fly backwards, hit their heads on stalactites and pass out.

    "Sweet new powers!" Mune said.

    Dark Steve charged in melee range and began beating up on Mune. Like the straight kid on the playground who uses his natural raw straight male powers to bully and demean others instead to protect and uplift them like Good Steve does. Mune just kept healing himself. Vero kept flicking her hands, casting lightning bolt after lightning bolt on Dark Steve. Finally he had so much electricity in his body that he just......exploded.

    Dark Dolphin and Dark Vero regained consciousness and glared at Vero and Mune. Dark Dolphin saw Dark Steve's eyeball just lying there on the floor all gooy and bloody and veiny and dead.

    Vero stared down at her evil twin. "I'll shove my canadian ideals all the way up your....." Vero's vision blurred and she fainted. She was already weak, and she put a lot of stock on that Dual Cast spell and everything just caught up with her. Mune looked up. "Oh crap." Dark Vero and Dark Dolphin went up to Mune and kissed him like Betty and Veronica kisses Archie, they then stuck their fingers deep in his ear canals. He cried out in pain. "Can't heal....out of MP....must re-" He fainted down next to Vero.

    Dark Dolphin spat in Vero's hair. "You killed my boyfriend, you stupid slut, you know you're gonna pay for that...." Dark Dolphin grabbed Vero by the hair and Dark Vero grabbed Mune by the hair and the two Dark Sistas dragged them down and tied them up next to Dolphin and Steve, who were barely conscious.

    "Oh....crap" Steve said.

    "Hey" Dolphin said.

    "Don't think they can hear you...." Steve said. "Wait a minute. Where's Sam?"

    Dark Dolphin cuddled Baby Eldanen in her chest. "This baby right here is very precious, we use him for leverage. Just think of all the things we can make Sam do."

    Dark Vero raised a brow. "(Dark) Steve really changed you, I thought you just wanted to snack on an innocent baby. Cause he's good and you're evil. You were always so base, simplistic. So animalistic."

    "But what about the long haul?" Dolphin said. "Another hero would just come down via the Ideas, if not in this time....then eventually. No, the way you destroy somebody is to get them to suffer and self-destruct. Make them forget about all the joys they already have in their lives. Besides it's much more sinister to let Baby Eladnen grow up and guide him to become evil, and then watch him summon an Idea to end everything."

    Dark Vero nodded. "Very well then. I'll give Sam the first ultimatum." She teleported out of the lair.

    Dark Dolphin smiled at Mune, Vero, Dolphin and Steve all being tied up. She cracked her knuckles. "Now to have some fun."

    ~End of Chapter 32~
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 01-01-2010 at 12:25 PM.

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