1. I think it would be very intersting if people who makes threads (which get successfull with many ohter members replied) would summarise it at the end. May be the authours can write a brief conclusion or short report at the end of the thread. Then they can create their personal bank or we could organise like a database with alphabetic order from A to Z. Anxiaty would for example fit under A. I am not sure whom do we need to contact as regards to this site, is it Metaivan or who?

2. I also think that people on this forum may have particular interests about socionics and there meay be some sort of consistency in their threads. It would be good if they could choose a topic (e.g brain functionning and socionincs, or the difference between MBTI and socionics) and could collect the material which could be used later either as an article on this forum+ other forums? or may be presented later at the conference?
3. We have got so much of a raw material saved on this forum that it would be probably enough for a book. However it is very valueable information and we could do something constructive about it. I remember it was a talk some time ego about conference and I think it would be great to meet up one day but ... it would be even better if would organise it properly. I am sure we have got plenty of talented uncertified
socionics' enthusiasts who would be interested in foundation of english speaking socionic community, how does it sound, by the way?