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Thread: Is enneagram type 1 expected to be neat and tidy?

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    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    Default Is enneagram type 1 expected to be neat and tidy?

    Topic title says it all. Just wondering what the official materials say about this. If you only have an opinion to confer, please be clear on the fact that it is your opinion and not the official view.

  2. #2
    07490's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by labcoat View Post
    Topic title says it all. Just wondering what the official materials say about this. If you only have an opinion to confer, please be clear on the fact that it is your opinion and not the official view.
    No, that will depend on the instinct. If the E-1 has a dominant sexual instinct, their focus of their perfectionism would be in close intimate relationship. if they are social dominant their expectation would be socially. If they are self preservation instinct, their focus are toward material perfection. being Neat and tidy would be the focus of an E-1 Sp. But it totally contrast the focus of sexual E-1. Still everyone has all three instinct in them and people in some degree develop all three of their instinct so there can be a manifestation of all three instinct in a person as well. just realm of the instinct is more important than other.

    The self-pres energy of type One is in sync with its dominant fixation, which can work well when the person is balanced. When out of balance, the self-pres One can become obsessive-compulsive, anal, and/or perfectionistic. The sexual instinct is, in many ways, in opposition to self-pres One energy, so inner conflict is seen more as the sexual variant is expressed through the Oneness.
    Enneatype One's basic fear is of not being perfect, therefore, not being good enough. This manifests in the self-pres variant as the need to "fix" the environment.
    When the social instinct is dominant in enneatype One, the fear of not being perfect manifests with regards to their connection to others. The social instinct is satisfied when others follow their rules or hold up their standards of justice.
    When the sexual instinct is dominant, the One's fear of not being perfect manifests directly in the realm of close personal relationships. Close bonds are the focus of their perfectionism. They focus on having a perfect mate or perfect friends and family. Competition and intensity can enter the picture.
    (D)IEE~FI-(C)SLE~Ni E-5w4(Sp/Sx)/7w8(So/Sp)/9w1(sp/sx)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    A girl who I want to date, asks me: well first tell me how tall you are?
    My reply: well I will answer that, if you first tell me how much you weigh!

    A girl I was dating said she was oh so great at sex etc, but she didn't do blowjobs.
    My reply: Oh I'm really romantic etc, I just will never take you out to dinner.

  3. #3
    Azeroffs's Avatar
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    The main motivation of a 1 is to control themselves and behave correctly. They usually extend this into other areas which includes expecting the same of others and neatness of surroundings, but not necessarily so.

    I agree Sp-1 would most likely focus on being neat, while other 1s not necessary so.

  4. #4
    constant change electric sheep's Avatar
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    Yea I think the self pres 1s would show this more than other 1s, but that's no guarantee other 1s wont do that too.

    Think Martha Stewart.
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    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    No, that will depend on the instinct.
    Any place I can read up on these instinct things? I was aware of wings which are supposedly similar to subtypes in socionics, but instincts are new to me.

    I identify with 1s in certain regards, but am definitely not of the neat and tidy variety. I would say I seek perfection in a small number of areas of competence, for which things outside this area tend to get sacrificed. I am not perfectionistic in a balanced, across-the-board way, but in a focussed, selective way.

    How would the enneagram classify me?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by labcoat View Post
    I would say I seek perfection in a small number of areas of competence, for which things outside this area tend to get sacrificed.
    E5, I think. Bolded bit. I'll let someone else expand on that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by labcoat View Post
    Any place I can read up on these instinct things? I was aware of wings which are supposedly similar to subtypes in socionics, but instincts are new to me.
    the enneagram from the underground

    I identify with 1s in certain regards, but am definitely not of the neat and tidy variety. I would say I seek perfection in a small number of areas of competence, for which things outside this area tend to get sacrificed. I am not perfectionistic in a balanced, across-the-board way, but in a focussed, selective way.

    How would the enneagram classify me? has a lot of people that are very well informed on the enneagram. I don't know a lot about 1s except that in general they seek relief through control of themselves. They must be perfect examples of their idealism.

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    constant change electric sheep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by labcoat View Post
    I would say I seek perfection in a small number of areas of competence, for which things outside this area tend to get sacrificed. I am not perfectionistic in a balanced, across-the-board way, but in a focussed, selective way.

    How would the enneagram classify me?
    types 1-3-5 all seek competence in some way. I think 5 is the most likely to find something narrow to master while letting everything else fall into disarray.
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    Being tidy is not a necessary requirement for 1. E1 is mostly about repressing anger, and holding high moral standards for one's self (as well as others). it is a super-ego type, and 1s with a 2 wing may be more outspoken about their values, and if being a neatfreak goes into this for some reason, it could be a thing. Fearing of going against the core values that they hold. 1s especially 1w9s are more or less stoic and restrained, it depends on the values of the individual if tidiness goes into this.

    SP 1s are the ones who are most likely to be neat freaks. This is the most paranoid of the subtypes.
    xII se PoLR, 9w1-5w4-2w3 sp/so

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    OP, some descriptions I like are Tom Condon's. Search "fine distinctions tom condon" with the type, and there'll be some. I've always found the source site to be unnecessarily hard to find, but there are usually reposts on forums.

    I don't have much to add that hasn't been already said, but I can tell you how some SP 1's I know are like in regard to being neat and tidy:
    -ILI 1w2 sp/so (my dad) likes things to be neat and nidy. in the words of my ESI mom, he is very "anal". he's not really obsessively neat, but still wants his physical environment to be in order.
    -SLI 1w9 sp/so (my english teacher) always follows a very clear and organized methodology. for physical things, wants things to be very organized. always wants the desks to be perfectly lined up. he will typically take up the first few minutes of class making sure that everything is all organized and ready to go for class to commence.

    Being "neat or organized" is only an outward manifestation of something on the inside, and depending on the flavor of the 1, it may or not be true for the individual. Besides instincts, I think socionics type also is a factor (sensing or intuition).

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