What type is xkcd creator Randall Munroe?

Firstly, i think it's definitely out of the NT's...although i did read a thread on another site where several ppl suggested ISTp

judging by the content of his comics, i'd say he's Ti valuing, a large portion of his comics revealing some unconscious underlying structure of areas of the geek world.

he also seems to like algorithms, which i've read is a TeNi thing...

although he knew that he probably would have sold more books through a mainstream publisher distributing through bookstores, he chose to sell his book over the internet. so he wasn't interested in making as much money or selling as many books as possible, which seems Te-devaluing (???)

looking at video footage of him, he appears to be more of a judging type. he's calm and collected, effortlessly self deprecating, modest, manages to relate to questioners very easily, is private about his personal life, seems to be excited by unknown possibilities (Ne as an ego function?), cares a lot about whether his audience likes his work...

all in all, i'd say he's either INTj or some hybrid IENTj