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Thread: Gul's Gul and Isha's typing thread

  1. #81
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    I'm back to SEI for Gul, probably Si subtype.

  2. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    I'm back to SEI for Gul, probably Si subtype.
    Oh? Why Si over Fe? And why have you gone back on Fe HA? *curious*

  3. #83
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    Well I don't see you as being as precise or measured in your use of Fe as someone like, say, Kam or Bee; they tend to make these sort of tactical strikes, whereas you sort of bob around on your whims, poking around here or there and making cute little self-insertions; you're basically a hyper, less grounded, more kid-like version of Bionicgoat, only so/sx instead of sp/so and with a 1 wing vs his 8.

    Although it could be that Bee and Kam are 4s, and you're a 9...I haven't ruled out Fe subtype totally, because it could account for some of your apparent "extroversion," but I am tentatively going with Si subtype based on some concrete similarities to BG, vague impressionistic overlaps with Winterpark, and your overall behavioral emphases.

  4. #84
    Creepy-Pied Piper


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  5. #85


    Yeah, Si subtype seems to work. For what it's worth, I can relate more to BG than Bee, even though I get identical vibes for sure from the latter. In Bee's case, most of where I'd be "I'm not like that" is in social terms, since I'm more obviously shy (even though I can become very gregarious and animated) and more rely on people taking me out and giving me a chance to drift along in the social wake (which is perfectly fine, and doesn't contradict my idea of a good time).

    I think I glossed over the Si subtype M&O description because of the elements it had of describing such a subtype as being artistic, which I'm not so much, mostly because of not really being able to do things with my hands very well.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    Because they are not Alpha and not Fe, this is the reason you genius. Your conclusion is based on a baseless assertion, now you see the chain reaction mistyping.
    Oh shut the fuck up. You should know by now that I don't give two Hershey squirts what your take is.

  7. #87
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    For the record, I am still in the Gul=IEE camp. If only because I totally supervise you, Gul.
    Quaero Veritas.

  8. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by Krig the Viking View Post
    For the record, I am still in the Gul=IEE camp. If only because I totally supervise you, Gul.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    When interacting with you, I feel like I have to hold back on my Ti-based criticism of your ideas, or risk a deterioration of relations. I feel no similar threat from you.

    Of course, I was just being silly by proffering that as evidence. My real reasons more to do with your lack of Si "groundedness" in your videos, and your Ne ability to imagine yourself as any type, among other things.

    Mind you, my certainty level here is only around 80% -- fairly sure, but not absolutely positive. I haven't really re-investigated your type since you switched your self-typing to SEI.
    Quaero Veritas.

  11. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by Krig the Viking View Post
    When interacting with you, I feel like I have to hold back on my Ti-based criticism of your ideas, or risk a deterioration of relations. I feel no similar threat from you.
    Socionics does not describe what sentiments one holds before interacting. If, during a discussion, you criticised my ideas and I felt picked apart or under scrutiny in an uncomfortable way, then that would be an instance of Supervision (or an IJ attacking an EP's PoLR).

    Quote Originally Posted by Krig the Viking View Post
    Of course, I was just being silly by proffering that as evidence. My real reasons more to do with your lack of Si "groundedness" in your videos, and your Ne ability to imagine yourself as any type, among other things.
    What does Si "groundedness" look like? Why is "imagining myself as any type" Ne? Do I actually do that, or is that merely an assumption of yours about the way I think? For that last point, I would argue that that's what has happened. My flurry of typings happens because I get an idea, or something prompts me to doubt my self-type, so this prompts me to go check my sources and resources, and then I get stuck because I have no real way of evaluating which idea I have is the right one.

    That just points to weak Logic, not strong Intuition.

    Quote Originally Posted by Krig the Viking View Post
    Mind you, my certainty level here is only around 80% -- fairly sure, but not absolutely positive. I haven't really re-investigated your type since you switched your self-typing to SEI.
    Hoho! Well, tell me what you think once you do re-investigate my type. And what does "re-investigating" involve?

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    Well dude, it's easy to deny the reality saying it's "my take". It's no fucking "my take" but what it is, I just brought it to your attention.

    You're becoming a small dictator, what you don't understand/can't handle/doesn't match with your goals is the fault who reports it. You remind me of the communist days when there was "no problem" but all the shit was piled up behind the red curtains. Even the inspectors knew that that's bullshit, but that's what they wanted to hear, who would report would be sent miles away (basically that was considered an admission of incompetence).

    You remind me of a joke with a drake which had to "lay eggs" because that's what the general wanted to hear (he though it's a duck).
    blah blah blah...whatever helps you sleep, Pinnochio.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Krig the Viking View Post
    When interacting with you, I feel like I have to hold back on my Ti-based criticism of your ideas, or risk a deterioration of relations. I feel no similar threat from you.

    Of course, I was just being silly by proffering that as evidence. My real reasons more to do with your lack of Si "groundedness" in your videos, and your Ne ability to imagine yourself as any type, among other things.

    Mind you, my certainty level here is only around 80% -- fairly sure, but not absolutely positive. I haven't really re-investigated your type since you switched your self-typing to SEI.
    Supervisor relations, in the flesh.

  14. #94


    Quote Originally Posted by glamourama View Post
    yeah i still think delta NF for Gul... Fi and Ne everywhere.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    I know you have your convoluted little rationale points, but really, I think you just think that being "ENFP" works. I don't think you really see Fi in yourself; you seem in no way to have expectations as to how people should behave, or any kind of agenda as to how things should or could be; if I asked you how you would run the forum if you were me, you probably wouldn't even have thought about it much except for a few things you don't like that I do. You certainly don't seem like you separate people here on the forum into distinct groupings naturally, or at least observe them actively; you don't belong to any "grouping" that I can see, either explicitly or just sort of do your own thing, and take other people along for the ride when it works for you. The only "grouping" I can place you in is the sort of naturally developing loose collectivity of Alphas who, incidentally, also generally enjoy this place as somewhere to socialize and occasionally discuss Socionics. IMO you fit right in with Kam, Bee, Archon, and dolphin as people who appreciate socionics periferally and the context it provides the forum, but aren't bent on doing anything with it and generally just want to relax and talk about stuff, with Socionics more as a medium of engagement rather than a tool that is being developed for a broader agenda.

    Deltas would be the most inclined to stick to their own threads or smaller groupings, as is evidenced by Delta being the second most posted-in Quadra despite having the second fewest number of members; just barely ahead of Gammas, who post in their own quadra hardly at all (Alpha defies this rule by having an epic number of both threads and posts, but remember that Alphas vastly outnumber every other quadra on the forum combined, and have the most active members).

    You do, on the other hand, kind of float around being lighthearted and looking to have fun in random, sometimes inappropriate places, and tend to get chewed out by people who feel like you disrupt either distinct groupings/specific dynamics between people, or focused conversation that is aimed at a tug-of-war between conflicting points of view. Look at OBVIOUS IEEs like Nicky/SlackerMom/whatever she has changed her user name to: she enters into conversations sometimes that aren't in Delta or where she might not have initially had a place, but she either takes or develops a new "side" to the argument, calmly stating her perspective and replying accordingly and constently. You just try to make mayhem and "fun" wherever you go, and pretty much disregard the obvious groupings or distinct positionings of people on the forum in your attempts to get some form of entertainment. You have no aristocratic agenda whatsoever; you easily attach yourself to individuals like Isha without involving yourself in her other relationships or feeling like it is necessary to get a sense of the "groups" she is sort of implicitly involved in: the workshop group, the old forum member group, etc. Your first priorities are obviously Fe and Si; you don't seem to care about anything else.
    Glam, since you think I'm Fi, what is your response to the post by Gilly I quoted?

    I won't deny that it comes through in my speech a lot, though. I had Isha pick out which elements I use in speech based on the Semantics of the IMs page, and she chose Fe, Fi, and Si. I would make a similar selection.

  15. #95
    Creepy-Pied Piper


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  16. #96


    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    and Fe > Fi.
    Why Fe > Fi in particular?

  17. #97
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  18. #98


    I've often had the impression that Gul's Ne was 'forced', like, "ooh I just talked about something which is random, therefore i'm Ne", so I still go for SEI, because I think he values the Ne, but, in my interactions with SEI's IRL, they often behave in a way which seems to me to be 'scatty' for want of a word, and it reminds me of Gul.

    Quote Originally Posted by krig the viking
    When interacting with you, I feel like I have to hold back on my Ti-based criticism of your ideas, or risk a deterioration of relations. I feel no similar threat from you.
    Could be that as you're dominant T (Ti), that it can touch more on the activators PoLR than the creative version does, and could be that Si in the case of Gul, doesn't transfer as well over internet as other functions can, although I think Gul tends to back off before he'd use his dominant S (with Se thrown in) as he seems to not want to fight too much on the forums.

    Of course, there's some speculation there, but I thought it may be interesting nonetheless.

  19. #99
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  20. #100
    Contrarian Traditionalist Krig the Viking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    Socionics does not describe what sentiments one holds before interacting. If, during a discussion, you criticised my ideas and I felt picked apart or under scrutiny in an uncomfortable way, then that would be an instance of Supervision (or an IJ attacking an EP's PoLR).
    Actually, this post is an example of exactly what I was talking about. I tried to state my disagreement with your self-typing as politely and neutrally as possible, and (from my perspective anyway) you seem to have become all defensive about it.

    If I'm coming across as rude or condescending here, I apologize; that is very much not my intent.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    What does Si "groundedness" look like?
    As I understand it, Si types give an impression of being "present", "in the here and now," etc., while Ne types give an impression of being "distant", "head in the clouds," etc. My impression from your videos was of the latter.

    However, I see that Cyclops has proposed that this may have been an attempt to "force" Ne. Has your behaviour changed since you retyped yourself as SEI? Do you have any videos since that time? I'm curious.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    Why is "imagining myself as any type" Ne? Do I actually do that, or is that merely an assumption of yours about the way I think? For that last point, I would argue that that's what has happened. My flurry of typings happens because I get an idea, or something prompts me to doubt my self-type, so this prompts me to go check my sources and resources, and then I get stuck because I have no real way of evaluating which idea I have is the right one.

    That just points to weak Logic, not strong Intuition.
    You may have a point here. I'll have to think about it some more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    Hoho! Well, tell me what you think once you do re-investigate my type. And what does "re-investigating" involve?
    It involves poring over old posts and videos and not having a social life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    I've often had the impression that Gul's Ne was 'forced', like, "ooh I just talked about something which is random, therefore i'm Ne", so I still go for SEI, because I think he values the Ne, but, in my interactions with SEI's IRL, they often behave in a way which seems to me to be 'scatty' for want of a word, and it reminds me of Gul.
    I can see where you're coming from here. Hmmm.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    Could be that as you're dominant T (Ti), that it can touch more on the activators PoLR than the creative version does, and could be that Si in the case of Gul, doesn't transfer as well over internet as other functions can, although I think Gul tends to back off before he'd use his dominant S (with Se thrown in) as he seems to not want to fight too much on the forums.

    Of course, there's some speculation there, but I thought it may be interesting nonetheless.
    That's a possibility I suppose. I'm reasonably sure I'm Creative subtype, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    Gul, let's not overlook that this guy began a silent quest of contesting the types of those who he doesn't see as Alpha, just check his late activity. It seems about you he has a strange theory with "Fe normalizing" or something which would make you appear ESE while you're not. At the same time he negated that his system contradicts Model A, but it's compatible 100%. Here's when he said it: So basically his system is only "refining" the types, but on the other hand he assumes that some subtypes borrow attributes of subdued functions, which contradicts Model A.
    Hahaha, "a silent quest of contesting the types of those who he doesn't see as Alpha"? That's hilarious. My only quest is for the Truth. I am just as happy to discover proof that I am wrong as I am to discover proof that I am right; knowing the truth is all that matters to me. I really don't care who is and isn't Alpha -- I just want to have everything correctly categorized in my brain.

    And once again, DCNH subtypes do not "make you appear ESE when you're not". At most, it might make you appear more like ESE than others of your type. An SLI who expresses more emotion than other SLIs does resemble ESE more than they do. He would not, however, ever be likely to be mistaken for ESE. As I said, DCNH simply tries to further divide people who have already been confirmed to be a certain type. The methods by which one arrives at the base type are the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    It's all bullshit, he's too vague and avoids responsibility of a clear opinion and that's why I think it isn't worth.
    On the other hand, from my perspective, you come to conclusions too quickly and defend them too rigidly, without properly considering the possibility that they might be wrong. This, in my opinion, is the source of your many incorrect conclusions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    Edit: Btw, I have some reasons to think he's Ni Base, IEI or ILI, I have to check about it. He doesn't seem a Ti type and never takes full decisions, he's better at criticising methods but when it comes to have an opinion (to offer an actual and clear result) he says only "it seems", "interestingly" and finding different POVs of situations. This is a great contrast with Ti types which look to clarify things out. I'm going to search his posts and come back with updates.
    I was wondering how long it would take for you to start to try to retype me.

    For the record, I use terms like "it seems" and "interestingly" deliberately, to acknowledge the possibility of other viewpoints and to try to avoid coming off like a condescending jackass. I'm not always right about everything -- but then I guess that's not something you ever have to worry about, eh Pinocchio?
    Last edited by Krig the Viking; 02-18-2010 at 11:30 PM.
    Quaero Veritas.

  21. #101
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  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    I won't deny that it comes through in my speech a lot, though. I had Isha pick out which elements I use in speech based on the Semantics of the IMs page, and she chose Fe, Fi, and Si. I would make a similar selection.
    That's an SEI group of elements...

    There are only SF elements there, so you're probably SF. Both Feeling elements are there, but not both Sensing elements, so you're probably Emotivist (the Reinin dichotomy) rather than Tactical (another Reinin dichotomy), because the 8th and 3rd functions are more active than the 7th and 4th functions, respectively. Si is there but not Se, so you're probably either Introverted or not an -valuer. Either way, that singles out SEI - dependent of course on Isha's accuracy in selecting those as your most active elements.


    "Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million typewriters, and the Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare!"
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  23. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by Krig the Viking View Post
    Actually, this post is an example of exactly what I was talking about. I tried to state my disagreement with your self-typing as politely and neutrally as possible, and (from my perspective anyway) you seem to have become all defensive about it.

    If I'm coming across as rude or condescending here, I apologize; that is very much not my intent.
    That's an interesting way of looking at things. See, from my end, you state your reasoning, I call you on what I believe is wrong intending to have a discussion and then you think "Oh crap, he's on the defensive".

    At this point, yes, I am on the defensive. I'm rather offended that you don't want to have an intelligent discussion with me. If I'm wrong, tell me; if I'm making sense, consider it. I spend a lot of time talking to LIIs (yes, plural. One of my good friends from school was LII, and he certainly wasn't shy about calling me out on "That doesn't make sense. Listen..."), and if you guys actually offended me*, I think I'd know it by now. Think about it

    *Isha can be quite a bit sharper than "That doesn't make sense", btw

    I'll respond to the rest of your post later. Gotta dash now.

  24. #104
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    I've been on a short break from posting here, in order to cool my head and try to approach things more dispassionately. But now I'm back!

    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    That's an interesting way of looking at things. See, from my end, you state your reasoning, I call you on what I believe is wrong intending to have a discussion and then you think "Oh crap, he's on the defensive".

    At this point, yes, I am on the defensive. I'm rather offended that you don't want to have an intelligent discussion with me. If I'm wrong, tell me; if I'm making sense, consider it. I spend a lot of time talking to LIIs (yes, plural. One of my good friends from school was LII, and he certainly wasn't shy about calling me out on "That doesn't make sense. Listen..."), and if you guys actually offended me*, I think I'd know it by now. Think about it

    *Isha can be quite a bit sharper than "That doesn't make sense", btw

    I'll respond to the rest of your post later. Gotta dash now.
    If I misinterpreted the attitude behind your post, then I'm glad. I much prefer discussions to arguments.

    FWIW, Isha's selection of Fe, Fi, and Si from the IE Semantics page is the strongest evidence I've seen thus far of you being Alpha SF. Obviously, she knows you much better than I do. My confidence levels in the IEE typing have declined to the point that I think I should probably let the issue drop until I properly re-evaluate the evidence.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    Yes, and the fact that you can't comprehend our values makes you tend to type anyone differently. You don't even take into consideration that maybe you might not be a Fe valuer.
    I disagree, I believe I have an excellent comprehension of Alpha values. Furthermore, I have in fact very carefully considered the possibility that I might not be an Fe valuer, and concluded that I do indeed value Fe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    Ok, then what are your "properly considered" conclusions? You're just throwing in insinuations that others are wrong with different bullshit. What was your contribution, on what base your conclusions to contradict others are built?
    I'm not entirely sure of what you're asking here, but the base upon which I build my conclusions is one of careful study and an attempt to be unbiased and skeptical of my own conclusions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    One difference between me and you is that I don't think that the "truth" you talk about depends on viewpoint.
    Another difference is that I don't give a shit if I come off as a jack-ass. Would this affect my understanding or the ability to convince others? [understanding/convincing/none/both]
    You misunderstand me. I don't believe that truth depends on one's viewpoint. What is true is true for everyone. What we need to be cautious of is the fact that not everyone perceives the truth correctly. We can't just assume that everything we believe is true; it must be constantly examined for internal logical consistency and correlation with the external evidence.

    Coming off as a condescending jackass affects your ability to convince others. If people don't like you, they are much less willing to listen to what you have to say. It shouldn't matter, but it does.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    But you contradict yourself. Of course, I have found an older post of yours, but I wanted to let you pour your crap, first.

    But the greatest issue is, while your official (theoretical) position is always that the subtypes don't surpass the limits of types, when you type you do the other way around. One of the most important examples is when you explained the fact that Gul was typed as ESE as a result of being an "Fe subtype" of IEE - which contradicts with your position that the subtypes don't interfere.

    More than that, you don't understand Model A, the subdued functions are the contrast, what you are not, your confusion is based on the false assumption that functions have "degrees of value", or something.

    Oh, one post in question:

    Quote Originally Posted by Krig the Viking View Post
    From my somewhat DCNH-obsessed perspective, my first guess would be that you are an Fe-Dominant subtype, and Isha is Ti-Normalizing, which would (according to my own extrapolations from the theory) make you superficially resemble ESE and LII, respectively. Which does seem to be the case, and could explain your past mis-typing as ESE. However, those are both Producing subtypes in Irrationals, which contradicts your own theory.
    You seem to not understand that an IEE can't get through as an ESE, any resemblance would be rather superficial: a bad observation or energy level, etc.
    Note that in my post, I explicitly said that being Fe-Dominant IEE could make Gul superficially resemble ESE. As you yourself said, "any resemblance would be rather superficial: a bad observation or energy level, etc." Unlike SLI and ESE, IEE and ESE are often initially confused for one another (due to both having 4-dimensional Fe). An IEE who habitually expressed more Fe than other IEEs would naturally fall victim to that misidentification more often than other IEEs. However, normal non-DCNH-related methods of typing should be sufficient to distinguish the two -- the resemblence is only superficial.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    I searched your posts and the explanation seems to be different: it seems that your understanding of Fe is different than his (and mine) and you have a long history in trying to forcibly retype him as a Fi type - and I have the impression you're neither in the same boat with other LIIs.
    Your side with Khola against the values of some people typed as Alpha seems rather suspect.
    When I first typed Gul as IEE, that was his own self-typing, so it was not a "retyping", and certainly not a "forcible retyping". He changed his opinion on his type, and I didn't, that's all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    What concerns me is: what's your opinion on Rubicon? At least by comparison with Khola, which one strikes you as SEI and about which do you have doubts?
    I don't know Rubicon or Khola well enough to have a strong opinion on their types.
    Quaero Veritas.

  25. #105
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    I haven't read this whole thread. But you seem ILE to me. I would say Alpha > Delta anyway. no idea re Isha's type. Introvered, thinker, and that's all I've got.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  26. #106


    Exchange I just had with Isha.

    Gul: "Palpitations is a very lumpy sounding word [starts grasping at something large and lumpy; I was imagining a giant potato], so I thought the fluttering might be that."
    Isha: "That's a very SEI thing to do, guessing a word's definition by how it sounds."
    Gul: "No, by how it feels."

    Was Isha correct? You decide.

    --posted from MacDonald's.

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
    Exchange I just had with Isha.

    Gul: "Palpitations is a very lumpy sounding word [starts grasping at something large and lumpy; I was imagining a giant potato], so I thought the fluttering might be that."
    Isha: "That's a very SEI thing to do, guessing a word's definition by how it sounds."
    Gul: "No, by how it feels."

    Was Isha correct? You decide.

    --posted from MacDonald's.
    it's a creative way of deducing the meaning of a word, but i don't think that is particular to SEIs. good use of lateral thinking i'd say. i have basically always seen you as intuitive and a Fe/Ti person. that leaves ENTp for me.
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    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    it's a creative way of deducing the meaning of a word, but i don't think that is particular to SEIs. good use of lateral thinking i'd say. i have basically always seen you as intuitive and a Fe/Ti person. that leaves ENTp for me.
    I agree w/ Ne dominant. i don't see the Si type at all. IEE or ILE, without a doubt. Isha always struck me as much earthier(a quality of Si types in general), and should could be SLI or SEI.

  29. #109


    Here's a question.

    Intuition does not imply intelligence, but can intelligence mimic being Intuitive?

  30. #110


    I'd like to repeat a question originally posited by labcoat: any chance I'm an Alpha NT?

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  32. #112
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    I'd like to repeat a question originally posited by labcoat: any chance I'm an Alpha NT?
    It's been a very long time since I've suggested anything of that kind. The recent comment was about you being ENxp. I don't estimate the chance of your being ENTp particularly likely at this point and you are definitely not an INTj. At the same time you seem less inhibitted than the average person I type as ISFp, more chaotic than the average person I type as ESFj and more light-hearted/fun/easy-going than the average person I type as ENFp (let's not forget it is a full blown Fi type), so I'll just join you and the rest of the forum in being completely clueless as to what type you are.

  33. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
    I'd like to repeat a question originally posited by labcoat: any chance I'm an Alpha NT?
    If the only case for you being Ne dominant is that you spew lots of "random crazy ideas," then those people don't have a clue what being Ne dominant means and are typing you on the basis of something very tenuous and tangential to the definition of the IM element.

    I would *seriously* recommend reading what Rick has to say about . It's easy to read and most of it is completely true for me. And none of it mentions crazy ideas anywhere.

  34. #114


    Quote Originally Posted by labcoat View Post
    It's been a very long time since I've suggested anything of that kind. The recent comment was about you being ENxp. I don't estimate the chance of your being ENTp particularly likely at this point and you are definitely not an INTj. At the same time you seem less inhibitted than the average person I type as ISFp, more chaotic than the average person I type as ESFj and more light-hearted/fun/easy-going than the average person I type as ENFp (let's not forget it is a full blown Fi type), so I'll just join you and the rest of the forum in being completely clueless as to what type you are.
    Do you subscribe to the DCNH subtype system?

  35. #115


    Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
    Do you subscribe to the DCNH subtype system?
    I was asking, because being Creative subtype, from my understanding, would make me appear to manifest a truly horrendous mix of types on a surface level. Day to day, if Isha is to be believed, I think I'm quite clearly IP: I'm incredibly inert. Case study: spent a day at Isha's place doing nothing but napping on her couch and watching her middle brother play Forza Motorsport. The rest of the time, I tend to spend my hours drifting off or doing nothing much in particular. This doesn't sound very EP, does it?

    As well, I'm very passive. I'm quite happy to tag along as people shuffle me around.

    Anyway, mere food for thought; I'm not particularly trying to persuade anyone of my typing, as I'm quite happy with it. It's just interesting to try and get to the bottom of why I'm so seemingly untypable.

    What I'd actually like to talk about is Isha's typing. Or rather, I'd like to forward one and see what you all think.


  36. #116
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    why is she supposedly rational?

  37. #117
    Creepy-Pied Piper


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  38. #118


    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    Well said. That doesn't mean nothing, you're staying with people.

    Does this characterizes you - to stay all the day with people doing nothing, or it just happened? What happens when you're home alone, or rather: can you stay alone?

    Does Isha ever feel suffocated by you? Do people feel suffocated by you?

    Optionally, if yes, how the hell can you think you're SEI?
    I think, in general, I'd spend most of my time sitting around or talking. This is what happens if I spend any length of time with a given person. Another example, spent Easter Monday moving from site to site around the city with Isha, again just chatting... though in that case, it was suddenly eight hours later. Similarly with one of my friends at school (an LII), we'd just spend hours doing nothing but talking. Conversations can get cut short if the other person wanders off.

    So yeah, I think it's pretty characteristic.

    As for when I'm home alone, I tend to play WoW, sleep, talk to people on MSN, fairly inactive things. If I'm studying, I'll be out in my flat's common area and talk with people as they move around.

    I was originally going to say "Yes, I can stay alone", but realistically, I almost always wind up talking to people either in my guilds on WoW, or friends on MSN. Sometimes I need to withdraw, and I'm also not really very good with groups; in groups I'll tend to stay on the sidelines and just spectate.

    Isha's answer is that no, she doesn't find me suffocating. I haven't ever had anyone else tell me that I'm suffocating, and I think this is probably because I have a natural ability to just merge with the furniture. I'm rather unobtrusive like that.

    Does that all answer your questions?

  39. #119
    Creepy-Pied Piper


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  40. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu View Post
    why is she supposedly rational?
    As a side-effect of being IJ temperament. If I understood correctly. (Probably didn't.)

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