Denizens of the forum, I summon you here today to do me a great service:

Long has it been debated how I VI, and long has there been conflict and bloodshed for many years now, with no end in sight. Eyes have been dissected, expressions isolated, and vibes fought over, yea, with sword and tool and nail. Many have suffered, many have lost, and more will suffer and lose, lest there be an end in sight.

I beseech ye masses, that ye wouldst go forth and find celebrities or other easily typed persons that look like me, that this senseless violence might be ended on all our behalf. Be warned that this be no simple task, and though there be a multitudinous cacophony of blue-eyed brown-haired pretty boys easily likened unto me for their dashing looks and princely manners, nary a one has yet stood the scrutiny of those who look upon it with a critical eye.

Now, go forth, and do your forum proud!