Forget the tally chart for now. What you want to do is read up on the dichotomies, and look for some you are very sure about. Don't just assume you're sure about all of them, but chose the few that really stick out.

Two that really stick out for me (upon reading the descriptions at wikisocion) are "carefree" and "result." So I know, there is a pretty good chance versus all the other possibilities, that I am a carefree and a result type.

There are only 3 carefree and result types. SLI, IEE, and ESI. Now what you have here is a decent basis for analysis. I can look more in depth at these 3 types. I can also assume that all of the other dichotomies may or may not work, but I know that I have covered the main two that I am sure about, so there should be much less of a problem along the way. This is called prioritizing.

So I look through the other dichotomies, and a lot of them don't stick out too strongly. I couldn't say with absolute certainty I'm more of this than that. However I do think of myself as more of a logical type, at the same time I can see myself valuing Si, and PoLR Fe is a theme I can relate to, versus something like PoLR Ne. So I can probably rule out ESI with more confidence.

Now we do something more like the tally chart. There are only two types left, (and let's say most of the tallies are under SLI, if I only have the time to speculate.) So there you have a more than decent proposal using Reinin Dichotomies (if say you want to use the system in the first place.) This is a better method than the tally system in my opinion, because you're not forced to decide. You can weigh your priorities.

One last thing I can do is go back and read all the reinin dichotomies for SLI and see how many disagreements I come to. Because I prioritized my answers, this reading should have the least amount of disagreements than if I chose a different, more symmetrically assuming approach, which does not always work. It turns out that I did not come to any stark disagreements upon reading, but I, personally, am still speculating. However if I were to force myself to chose for every dichotomy ahead of time, there is a good chance that the tallies would not have come up with SLI. But instead, SLI might be somewhere in the middle rank, as well as IEE. Two dichotomies I am quite sure about would only get 13% of the say.

Anyway, I think this method is fairly obvious to a lot of people. There are a certain few who could be a bit more lenient and weigh their options more personally. Lastly, I'm not necessarily saying Reinin dichotomies will effectively give you your type result, but a lot of people seem to trust them, and I might come to see that they're much more useful than they currently seem. It is, after all, just another theory, and another assumption to how Socionics is organized, and I can't effectively read Reinin's mind to understand what he thoroughly intended. I can only assume.