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Thread: Quadra Dynamics

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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Default Quadra Dynamics

    I think this is the key concept that helps both define Socionics objectively and bring it into perspective subjectively, so I'm making this thread to remind myself to write about it when I'm not eating pasta and fiending for nicotine.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  2. #2
    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    Have you read Gulenkos stuff on the quadra cycle?

    If not:

    Ãóëåíêî Â.Â. Êâàäðàëüíàÿ ýñòàôåòà.

    I find it pretty accurate. Gulenko seems to be hit and miss, but he has some interesting material.
    The end is nigh

  3. #3
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Gulenko say:
    Квадра в силу её особого исторического происхождения волновала меня давно. Квадральная динамика была моей первой самостоятельной темой в соционике. Эти вопросы я много обсуждал с Аушрой. Главный вывод, который я сделал в ту пору, – это эффективность поквадровой развертки социона для моделирования процессов, протекающих на довольно больших отрезках времени [4,5]. Так как квадра давала хорошее приближение к особенностям психологии завершенных исторических эпох, то я и привлёк её для моделирования макроэволюции в обществе.
    It all makes sense now!
    Moonlight will fall
    Winter will end
    Harvest will come
    Your heart will mend

  4. #4
    redbaron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    It all makes sense now!
    IEI-Fe 4w3

  5. #5
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Delta - The Arrival

    Some people might disagree with my interpretation here, because I choose to begin the analysis of quadra progression from the perspective of Delta. Personally I see Delta as, in a way, the beginning and the end; that which must be departed from, but ultimately that which is striven for. In neurology, Delta waves are the indicators of the deepest state of sleep, the most inactive state a human being can be in, the state of greatest rest. Interestingly enough, these waves are the most dominant pattern in newborns; we start life as close to death as we can get. My argument for beginning, and ending, with Delta is that they are the quadra where, quite literally, the least activity occurs in terms of active societal or group progression. In as simple of terms as possible, I want to begin at zero.

    Delta is an Aristocratic quadra, and as such it attempts to find self-sufficiency within an implicitly acknowledged grouping. Delta has everything it needs: active implementation of necessary processes and methods, a self-contained sense of affirmation, enough activity and creativity to keep stagnation at bay, and the comfort of a certain stability and predictability of every-day life. I call Delta the quadra of "arrival" because there is, in a sense, nothing else necessary; ideally Delta represents a microcosm of perfection.

    Functional Analysis

    Fi/Te: Emphasis on a communitarian worldview, purporting implicit standards of interest and priority. Emphasizes moral standards and taking proper action to serve the needs of the whole.

    Si/Ne: Belief in a need for sustainability and a certain rhythm of life; broader aspects include culture and broad-spectrum cooperation. Disinclination to dogma or rigidity; beliefs and standards adapt with the flow of time, adjusting to prevailing trends.


    Se/Ni: Regards the past with suspicion; seeks desperately to break from old patterns and not repeat the same mistakes. Regards extremism with suspicion; emphasizes standards for proper actions and acceptable means to ends.

    Fe/Ti: Uninterested in dogma or preaching; feel little need for intensity or reorganization. Dislike when their broadest priorities and assumptions are questioned.

    Delta to Alpha - The Departure

    By the same means that it is self-sufficient and ideal, Delta is also the most stagnant quadra, the least interested in radical change, and potentially the most self-satisfied. Delta is a self-perpetuating mechanism, an instrument wound such that it can rewind itself; unfortunately it seems to take all the energy it has simply to self-perpetuate. Delta needs Alpha to come in and shake things up, insist on new priorities, and bring a fresh set of legs to the race.

    Alpha - Deconstruction

    Alpha is the beginning. It is the first "change" quadra: the originators, developers, generators, trailblazers, seekers, and discoverers. It's no coincidence that Alphas are the quadra, especially the NTs, most easily attracted to scientific research disciplines, as they like to be at the forefront, pushing the limits and discovering new things about the world, people, and everything around us. They are perhaps the best quadra at publicizing and promoting their own interests in a very general public manner; they know how to appeal to people, to pique their curiosity. They love above all to be agents of change in their own lives and those of other people. They are understanding to a fault, and can find a reason for any kind of behavior; this usually manifests somewhere between natural good will and naivete.

    Alpha's place in the progression of quadras comes after Delta. Alpha breaks things up, causes deviation, and encourages change. Alpha's place is to rouse from the "slumber" of Delta, to reassess priorities and set new things into motion. Alpha is fresh, hungry for new territory, eager to move on to the next new thing. However, they have many ties, and usually have some investment in a certain rhythm and standard of living, and, as such, are not always willing to take the steps necessary to act fully upon their capacities, to do everything that is necessary to fully realize what they know is possible.

    Function Analysis

    Ne/Si Axis: Retains emphasis on comfort and, to some extent, stability that is present in Delta. General disinclination towards dogma, willingness to happily consider alternatives.

    Fe/Ti Axis: Encouraging change, a sense that there is still something to be sought out and discovered. Systematization, ideology, fervor, passion for a subject, profession, trade or that promises a brighter future.


    Se/Ni Axis: Can be sensitive to overt materialism or attitudes they see as "callous." Hesitance to discuss their limits or penultimate priorities; dislike having their integrity or moral boundaries tested and prefer to stay within their "comfort zone."

    Fi/Te: Uninterested in matters of moral judgment. Tendency to emphasize freedom, free will, free spiritedness, and the importance of conscious choice.

    Alpha to Beta - The Loss of Innocence

    As Alpha transitions to Beta, two main differences are noticeable. The most prominent is an emphasis on groups, beginning from a broader, loose collectivity on the Alpha end, and solidifying into a tight-knit group in Beta. With this solidification comes the confidence to move forward, to take more risks, and to make bigger sacrifices to attain goals. Betas take the ideas that have been cultivated and engendered by Alphas, and begin to realize them as fully as possible.

    Function Analysis

    Beta - Upheaval

    Beta is, above all, a quadra of results. Betas are concerned with ends and means; mostly ends, but they tend to find both justification and humor in a dark or detached attitude towards the necessary means. Beta is the quadra that is willing to push both their own limits and those of others in order to obtain an end result. An emphasis on spirituality and personal vision is introduced in contrast to the stark deconstructive attitude of Alpha. This manifests in something of a cathexis/catharsis duality, approaching religious or cult-like attitudes; the first half of the quadra is concerned with prioritizing, organization, and appropriation of support, while the latter is more bent on making a "final push," a sort of discharge or apotheosis to acheive the final goal. Beta is capable of sitting in potent repose, building a tight, coherent system to serve as the jumping block when the time to strike arrives. Their systems are fixed and their boundaries firm; everyone must perform their part in perfect synchronicity if results are to be obtained. The purpose of this quadra is, quite simply, to do whatever is necessary to impliment change.

    Beta, coming after Alpha, is capable of taking results out of the lab and putting them to the test, to see if they can be used to obtain a result. They are willing to take risks, to be certain when surrounded by doubt; they see all of their resources, acknowledge what they are capable of, and seek to make full use of it, to push themselves to the limit. This attitude, while in full acknowledgment of the consequences of their actions, can lend itself to disregard, for both self and others, and lends itself to destructive behavior, sometimes even beyond what is necessary to acheive a result.

    Function Analysis

    Fe/Ti: Emphasis on solidification of concrete goals and unification of group spirit. Belief that all "members" should hold themselves to similar standards and have similar goals, beliefs, and basic outlook on life. Targeted, "search and destroy" prioritization.

    Ni/Se: Spiritual bent, willingness to take beliefs for their pure value. Appreciation for energy and the ability to break stagnation. Future emphasis; willingness to make justified sacrifices to meet goals.


    Fi/Te: Tendency towards irreverence; belief that ends justify the means, that actions should be unrestricted and ungoverned by stringent moral standards. Interested in meeting one standard, achieving one goal, rather than being burdened a multitude of open-ended responsibilities.

    Si/Ne: Tendency to associate stagnation with depression, openness with whimsicality. Inconstancy of action is viewed with suspicion. Uninterested in preservation, upkeep, or predictability, except insofar as they pertain to reliability for performing a specific task.

    Beta to Gamma - Reconstruction

    The transition from Beta to Gamma is one of picking up the pieces. Beta's high levels of activity have shaken things up, destroyed some things, and left the world incoherent and disparate. Gamma is here to stop the bleeding and begin reaching out and grabbing the pieces, to introduce order where there was once chaos.

    Function Analysis

    Gamma - Reformation

    Gamma is the quadra of stability in the face of turbulence, productivity, materialism, and endurance. They are down-to-earth, clear-headed, and know what they must do to meet their goals and standards. Gammas are interested in influence, security, and structure; while they believe their actions should be unrestricted, they also feel the need to maintain a working standard for what they are willing to do in order to obtain a result. They place great emphasis on personal ambition and the power of the human mind to find a reasonable solution to all of his problems. Gammas are solid rocks in times of trouble; they know how to keep their heads down and survive, and know how to wait until the storm has passed, to act at the optimal moment to acheive the optimal output for their input.

    Gamma's place is to take over after the collapse or dissolution of Beta's directed action; the redirect attention to broader priorities. They are interested in reforming and rebuilding, learning mistakes of the past and building atop the rubble. They have the determination, commitment, and solidity to wrestle Beta's charging bull to the ground and put it to work on the plow. However, they require the temperance and perspective of Deltas to bring things to their proper order and set a sustainable, functional environment into movement.

    Function Analysis

    Se/Ni - Invested in endurance and security. Search for stable investments for their time and resources. Willingness to wait for the proper moment to obtain maximum output. Desirous of influence and power; tendency towards avarice.

    Te/Fi - Functionality valued above all. Common sense morality; emphasis on personal values and insist upon alignment of morals and goals to make solid connections. Belief in self-reliance and the power of the human mind. Materialistic in the philosophical sense.


    Fe/Ti - Suspicious of passion and dogma in all forms; they disdain anyone they perceive as being a blind follower or dependent of an entity larger than themselves. Dislike their actions being limited by standardization of methods or processes; do not want their wings clipped.

    Si/Ne - Easily disregard their own health or life rhythm in pursuit of goals. Sometimes guilty of passing up opportunities that do not meet their rigid expectations and ultimate need for security and confidence; prefer reliable to interesting, promising, or novel.

    Gamma to Delta - Preservation

    While Gammas are competent, stark, and willing to do what is necessary to reintroduce a semblance of order and caution, they are, in some sense, too high powered, and sometimes have trouble living up to their own expectations; they tend towards burn-outs and overextension. Gamma needs Delta to come in and impliment sustainability, to find a proper rhythm conducive to long-term stability, and solidify the standards set by pioneers and reformers into tradition and culture.

    Function Analysis
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  6. #6
    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    It makes sense with the seasonal and diurnal analogy as well: Winter and night are the end and the beginning, as with Delta.
    The end is nigh

  7. #7
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huginn View Post
    This is an interesting perspective, and possibly better than the traditional way of considering Alpha first. It also makes sense from a kind of "evolutionary" perspective, if you consider Alpha the quadra of memetic mutations. You need a baseline level of stable survival (Delta, maybe) in order for new ideas to flourish (Alpha, maybe), which is why religion and philosophy in Egypt was so far ahead of its neighbours, living on the banks of the Nile mostly ensured the success of agriculture and the Egyptians had a lot of time on their hands to think about other things.

    I might have more to say later.
    Bolded is essentially identical to my thoughts on the matter.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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