No I am not talking about Teriakyi, BBQ, Parmesian, Hot, and Mild

I am trying to peg the spirit for each of these combos

These are overly-simple descriptions.... to get started

5w4 or 4w5 => Creative Types
4w3 or 3w4 => Haughty Types (sorry in advance for negative stereotypes)
3w2 or 2w3 => Host-like and Charming Types
2w1 or 1w2 => Concerned Citizen Types (not positive on this)
1w9 or 9w1 => Idealist Types
8w9 or 9w8 => Earthy Strong Types
7w8 or 8w7 => Daredevil Badass Types
6w7 or 7w6 => ? (not sure)
5w6 or 6w5 => ? (not sure)

I am sure about the 5w4/4w5 and 8w9/9w8 ... but the others are sort of shaky; some more than others

post your take!