Quote Originally Posted by JWC3 View Post
Right lol That's why I deleted my post :S

In any case why is FDR SEE > SLE?
This is a good question... To me, it's a matter of evidenced Fi>Ti (which I'll explain) and inter-type relations.

For Fi: FDR is said to have had tremendous emotional intelligence. He had an ability to empathize with the lowest in society, despite coming from one of the country's most aristocratic families. He used this empathy to legislate social justice (via 'The New Deal,' which provided for the poor, the disabled, etc.) In terms of the Socionics Reinen dichotomies, (some of which are very minor; some of which aren't,) FDR's is a clear case of democratic values [alpha/gamma]>aristocratic values [beta/delta.] His speeches, and 'fireside chats' on radio were infused with dramatic rhetoric, which sometimes bordered on pep talks.

Against Ti: FDR ran a completely chaotic Oval Office, with people coming and going constantly... There was no need/desire for any sort of structure... His personal and management style was the antithesis of systematic and regimented.

The love of FDR's life is said not to have been Eleanor Roosevelt, but ILI Lucy Mercer... He consorted mostly with Gammas--Truman and FDR's previous VP, Henry Wallace, were both Gamma NTs.