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Thread: Love, Alpha Style

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    Blaze's Avatar
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    Default Love, Alpha Style

    what do you think, alpha?


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

  2. #2
    constant change electric sheep's Avatar
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    I like this one
    The saddest ESFj


  3. #3
    Contrarian Traditionalist Krig the Viking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze View Post
    what do you think, alpha?

    YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
    Yeah, I would agree. A good example of what Alpha is like when it's being serious.
    Quaero Veritas.

  4. #4
    Logos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze View Post
    what do you think, alpha?

    YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
    This video reminds me of When Harry Met Sally. But yes, I do think that this is a good representation of serious Alpha love.
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  5. #5
    <something> Wynch's Avatar
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    Well it seems only appropriate that a Canadian musician be the best person to express Alpha love

    And I love that song by Leonard Cohen <3
    7w8 so/sp

    Very busy with work. Only kind of around.

  6. #6
    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    I don't need viagra; I have RUSH.
    The end is nigh

  7. #7


    idk, this video made me feel embarassed. Oh, my love for you is so passionate I'm going to juxtapose a burning violin in here. Here's the lace blowing wistfully in the wind, here are the touching sepia portraits...and I happen to be pouring water over my wife's head now as a symbol of everlasting love. D'oh! I could hardly get over it. Wouldn't she be annoyed or something? Like GTFO dude, I already spend as much time with you as it is, don't follow me into the bathtub or I'll kick your ass.

    To me the imagery is far too corny. I can't relate to this red velvet age of Steve's imaginary steak bar. This isn't "timeless" material; not everyone has the ballroom and the padded walls that look like a mattress (??), and my life is curiously absent of the certain brand of middle aged men that happen to enjoy going around singing in tuxes. Perhaps Leonard Cohen can send me one of them through the post.

    My Delta parents would love it, they have music like this on the radio playing in the background all the time. They'd probably mourn the "good old days" aristocratically and Dad would comment on some interesting obscure fact about how Canadian culture is morally superior.

    Anyway, I don't even know what I'm saying. Betas get rape and BDSM while Deltas bake cookies and dance around in feathered fields while a faucet drip drip drips in unsurpassed clarity. Hoodrat and his dual probably get off submission porn while driving a trolley off the edge of a skyscraper. Apparently when Alphas are serious in love they dance around while sheer linen waves in the background.

    But that's boring. Can you jump on the padded mattresses/walls? I kind of want to pull one of the buttons off like Corduroy pulled the button off that white mattress in the empty department store at night before the security guard found him, wreathed Corduroy's head in the golden glow of his flashlight, and took him home.

    To me "love styles" are about people, and the spidery veined solemness of the couples in the video was overshadowed by the unrealistic, overly sentimental atmosphere. I for one would like to see settings and material from a more accessible vantage of life to be incorporated into such videos. imo love makes the ordinary special, can burn into our brain images of otherwise inconsequential details, because they're associated with the person we care about. You don't need ballrooms and sparkly dresses to have romance, and the creepy sliding of the hand across the skin in slow motion thing is overdoing it; when you're in love, someone whapping you accidentally with their elbow into your stomach can seem romantic.

    I'd rather eat string cheese at the bottom of a cold damp stairwell and talk earnestly about life. But maybe they can't make a video like that.

  8. #8
    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    lol yeah it was a little corny.

    I think Rush fits better.

    6w5 so/sx Alpha NT:

    When the dragons grow too mighty
    To slay with pen or sword
    I grow weary of the battle
    And the storm I walk toward
    When all around is madness
    And there's no safe port in view
    I long to turn my path homeward
    To stop a while with you

    When life becomes as barren
    And as cold as winter skies
    There's a beacon in the darkness
    In a distant pair of eyes
    In vain to search for honor
    In vain to search for truth
    But these things can still be given
    Your love has shown me proof
    The end is nigh

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    Quote Originally Posted by dolphin View Post
    idk, this video made me feel embarassed. Oh, my love for you is so passionate I'm going to juxtapose a burning violin in here. Here's the lace blowing wistfully in the wind, here are the touching sepia portraits...and I happen to be pouring water over my wife's head now as a symbol of everlasting love. D'oh! I could hardly get over it. Wouldn't she be annoyed or something? Like GTFO dude, I already spend as much time with you as it is, don't follow me into the bathtub or I'll kick your ass.

    To me the imagery is far too corny. I can't relate to this red velvet age of Steve's imaginary steak bar. This isn't "timeless" material; not everyone has the ballroom and the padded walls that look like a mattress (??), and my life is curiously absent of the certain brand of middle aged men that happen to enjoy going around singing in tuxes. Perhaps Leonard Cohen can send me one of them through the post.
    otherwise inconsequential details, because they're associated with the person we care about. You don't need ballrooms and sparkly dresses to have romance, and the creepy sliding of the hand across the skin in slow motion thing is overdoing it; when you're in love, someone whapping you accidentally with their elbow into your stomach can seem romantic.
    "Although structured as a love song, the song was in fact inspired by the Holocaust. In an interview, Cohen said of the song:
    'Dance Me to the End Of Love' ... it's curious how songs begin because the origin of the song, every song, has a kind of grain or seed that somebody hands you or the world hands you and that's why the process is so mysterious about writing a song. But that came from just hearing or reading or knowing that in the death camps, beside the crematoria, in certain of the death camps, a string quartet was pressed into performance while this horror was going on, those were the people whose fate was this horror also. And they would be playing classical music while their fellow prisoners were being killed and burnt. So, that music, "Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin," meaning the beauty there of being the consummation of life, the end of this existence and of the passionate element in that consummation. But, it is the same language that we use for surrender to the beloved, so that the song -- it's not important that anybody knows the genesis of it, because if the language comes from that passionate resource, it will be able to embrace all passionate activity."

    ETA: Rush makes me want to punch kittens while running barefoot across broken glass and having vultures gouge my eyes out.
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    It was really bland and commercial for my taste, except for the French Gypsy themed music, which was good, but I would have liked it more if every cafe in my town didn't have a Gypsy orchestra.

    It's probably Alpha. Incidentally, my best friend in HS, this guy, Adam Sandler and Bob Dylan all look alike. They might all be ISFp or it might be a Jewish thing.

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    Video of ESFJ acting manipulative

    Last edited by xerx; 12-14-2009 at 04:12 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jxrtes View Post
    Video of ESFJ acting manipulative

    YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
    I just looked at what you posted. While I saw the picture of the woman, and I assumed it was a crappy pop music video, but when I saw that the title was J. Strauss - Die Fledermaus, I just knew that it had to be the "Laughing Song" that you posted. Such a good song and a fun opera. The overture is one of my all time favorites.
    "Alpha Quadra subforum. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ~Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Johari Box

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