Quote Originally Posted by Transigent
But for some dude to appear randomly and question SG's type is kinda silly. Especially silly is to type yourself based of off correspondances in posts like this.

WTF do I know though...
Actually, he mentioned that he debated on SG's forum so his doubt is not unjustified and "random." Also, he is not definitively disputing SG's type; all he is saying that he is fairly certain that he and SG cannot be of the same type. I don't know anything about SG so I am not really defending Phaedrus's position. I just wanted to clarify his position because the excerpt is taken out of context.

However, I do somewhat question SG's type because his comment about Ti/Te, energy, and poor eyesight is one of the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Maybe INTjs really can say such scientifically unjustified/nonsensical and idiotic things, oh well.

All functions have their own sector within the brain. Use of any function would require brain power. But I recon Ti and Te would normaly take more power. People with developed thinking tend to have weak eyesight. This is because when brain needs more energy, it takes it from the energy allocated for the body needs. Eyesight is easiest to suffer. You don't have to be Tj person or Tp to have developed Ti or Te.